14 min read

Reference: Werewolf the Apocalypse, 20th Anniversary Edition, pages 221-227

Note: Stats and some abilities have been added, deleted or changed to work within the Dominions of Darkness combined system.

Gaia’s Chosen may use the Rite of the Fetish to bind spirits into appropriately crafted and consecrated vessels. Such wondrous items are known as fetishes. The owner of a fetish can call upon the spirit within to perform specific tasks, depending on the nature of the vessel and the spirit. Given the multitude of spirits within the Tellurian and the ingenuity of the Garou, fetishes of almost any type imaginable may be created.

Werewolves hold great reverence toward fetishes, treating them as honored allies rather than mere tools. Such is the nature of the pact that binds spirits into fetishes; they are obligated to serve the Garou only as longas they are respected in return. It is possible to bind a spirit against its will, but these fetishes tend to be rebellious, and most Garou consider them cursed.

 Of course, the servants of the Wyrm bind Banes into horrifying fetishes of their own…

The majority of fetishes are crafted from natural materials (wood, hide, bone, clay), although this is more a preference of most spirits than a hard rule — Glass Walkers, in particular, tend to bind spirits that prefer more modern, technological housing. Few fetishes are nondescript; Garou adorn them with carved river stones, feathers, beads, and other markings to honor and appease the spirit within.

To use a fetish, the Garou must first attune herself to it by making a Gnosis roll. The difficulty for this roll is the fetish’s Gnosis rating. Attunement establishes as piritual bond between fetish and user, enabling the Garou to take the fetish anywhere in the Tellurian and providing instinctive understanding of the fetish’s powers. Only a single success is required to attune to the fetish; failure indicates that the fetish has rejected the character. Another roll may not be attempted until the werewolf has somehow reached accord with the resident spirit. Attunement also effectively “dedicates” a fetish to its wielder, as though the Rite of Talisman Dedication had been performed on it. Since fetishes have their own Gnosis, an attuned fetish doesn’t count against the maximum number of objects a werewolf can have dedicated to him.

Each time the wielder wishes to use one of the fetish’s powers, the player must make a Gnosis roll (difficulty equal to the fetish’s Gnosis rating) to “activate” the power. Alternatively, she may simply spend a Gnosis point to activate the power automatically. Rage may not be spent during the same turn in which a fetish is activated. 


Apeskin Level One, Gnosis 6

This somewhat gruesome fetish is nonetheless highly useful for metis and lupus Garou who need to hide their true nature. When activated, the fetish —which takes the form of a scrap of ape or human skin tattooed with a glyph — makes the werewolf suffer no special damage from silver in Homid form, and also renders the Garou unable to regenerate in that form — just as though they were born homid. One activation lasts for a full day.To create an apeskin, a homid ancestor-spirit mustbe bound into the skin.

Harmony Flute Level One, Gnosis 5

Carved from hickory, this small flute has many small songbird feathers decorating it. When activated and played (which requires a Performance roll), the flute emits an enchanting melody, reawakening ancient memories of peace from ages past, when the world was whole. When an aggressive creature hears the song, it must make a successful Rage roll or cease its struggles. Creatures without Rage may not resist the flute’s music. Any being listening to the sound may still defend itself if attacked. One activation lasts for as long as the werewolf continues to play. To create a harmony flute, one must bind a bird-spirit or a spirit of peace, calm, or water into the flute.

Magpie’s Swag Level One, Gnosis 5

The magpie’s swag can be pretty much any simple closable bag, satchel, sack, or similar container, which can hold thrice the amount of a regular bag the same size. If dedicated, it counts as a single item, even if filled with other fetishes or even non-dedicated items, and it is represented by a stripe of fur in Crinos, Hispo, and Lupus forms. Unfortunately, it cannot contain complex Weaver objects such as guns or laptops, unless these items are broken and useless, or have been independently dedicated. Variations of this fetish include the corporate brief case of the Glass Walkers, the gym bag of the Bone Gnawers and the medicine bag of the Uktena. Also, a level two variation exists — the spider’s satchel — which is capable of carrying Weaver objects. To create a magpie’s swag, one must bind a magpie or marsupial spirit into the container.

MirrorshadesLevel One, Gnosis 7

When activated, this pair of mirrored sunglasses produce a mirrored surface on the inside of the glasses, allowing the wearer to step sideways with ease. The Gauntlet is considered 2 lower than it would otherwise be when doing so. To create mirrors hades, one must bind a glass elemental into the shades.

Nyx’s BangleLevel One, Gnosis 6

A favorite of Ragabash, this fetish resembles a silver bracelet with Runes honoring Luna carved into it. When activated, it allows the wearer to blend with shadows and move around unseen at night. Only the eyes betray the werewolf, shining like twin full moons in the darkness. Unlike the talen: Nightshade (seep. 229), the wearer of Nyx’s bangle doesn’t turn into shadow, but merely has her presence masked. She gains four extra dice to Stealth pools at night when the fetish is activated.To create Nyx’s bangle, one must bind a spirit of night or darkness into the bangle.

Truth EarringLevel One, Gnosis 6

This small golden earring acts as a fairly reliable lie detector when activated. Should the wearer be lied to, the earring vibrates softly. All rolls made to try and deceive the werewolf through speech or sound are made at +3 difficulty. The earring doesn’t warn against visual deception. To create a truth earring, one must bind a servant ofFalcon into the golden earring.Cup of the AlicornLevel Two, Gnosis 6The oldest of these carved and covered cups, handeddown in old European septs, are said to be made of unicornhorn, though the truth of this is unknown. Anyharmful substance is neutralized when poured into thiscup. With a Gnosis roll against the Intelligence + Scienceof the poisoner, the holder of the cup can evenrecognize the type of poison by the changes in the cup’sshimmer or color. To create a cup of the alicorn, one must bind a spiritof healing, or a snake- or bear-spirit into the cup.

Chameleon Skin Level Two, Gnosis 7

Garou needing to keep a low profile and stay out of sight commonly use this fetish. Generally a belt or headband,it allows the Garou’s fur to blend in with her surroundings.Chameleon’s skin is most efficient in the wild andother densely overgrown areas, but some Glass Walkershave fetishes that easily harmonize with their urban surroundingsof glass, steel and concrete. When activated,this fetish acts as the Wendigo Gift: Camouflage, savethat the power may function in whatever environmentthe fetish is attuned to.A chameleon-spirit, naturally, must be bound intothis fetish in order to create it. Chances are that thechameleon-spirit will be easier to sway if the skins arethose of a lizard other than chameleons or, indeed, fromanother type of animal altogether.Dagger of RetributionLevel Two, Gnosis 5This particular fetish, an ugly iron dagger, was devisedas a means of tracking down stolen possessions and thethieves responsible. The werewolf concentrates on the lostitem while holding the dagger; the weapon gently tugsin the direction of the item until the Garou reclaims it.If the fetish’s owner knows the face or name of the thief,he may use the dagger to locate the thief as well. Thefetish is treated as a knife in combat (Strength damage,difficulty 4); the damage may be lethal or aggravated atthe Garou’s discretion.To create a dagger of retribution, a werewolf mustbind a vengeance-spirit into the dagger.Dream StealerLevel Two, Gnosis 5A Dream Stealer, or Chimera Gem, is a multi-coloredgemstone that can extract and project another’s dream.The gem is placed near the target when asleep, and whenactivated it will allow the user to view the target’s dreams,replayed in the depths of the stone.To create a Chimera Gem, one must bind a spirit ofdream or one of Cuckoo’s brood into the stone.Spirit TracerLevel Two, Gnosis 5This fetish is a human hair suspended in an iron ingot.When the wielder activates the fetish and concentratesupon a specific spirit, the ingot pulls in that direction.This fetish only works for tracking spirits.To create a spirit tracer, one must bind a predator spiritor a spirit that has the Charm: Tracking into the ingot.BaneskinLevel Three, Gnosis 7This tiny piece of a Bane is wrapped carefully incloth and worn as an amulet. When activated, it causesall malevolent spirits to react to the wearer as if she werea kindred soul — a wolf in Bane’s clothing, as it were. Ifthe wearer takes any action against her “fellow” Banes,the guise is broken immediately. These fetishes cannotfool Incarnae or mightier spirits.To create a Baneskin, one must bind a parrot- ormockingbird-spirit into the skin.Beast MaskLevel Three, Gnosis 8This fetish takes the form of a carved mask depictingan animal. When donned and activated, the werewolfassumes the form of the animal the mask represents.The character gains all the characteristics of the animal(flight, gills, heightened senses, etc.) but cannot use herregenerative powers nor change into other forms untilshe removes the mask.To create a beast mask, one must bind an appropriateanimal spirit into the mask.D’siahLevel Three, Gnosis 6The d’siah, a knife with a flint blade curved like acrescent moon, is the signature weapon of the SilentStriders. Its sharpened outer edge is used for slashing attacks,while the trailing point can be used to thrust andtear on the return stroke. Because this knife takes skill andtraining to use properly, the difficulty to attack with it is7. It inflicts Strength damage. The war spirit bound intothe blade, usually one of Cobra’s brood, is somewhat morediscerning than spirits usually bound to klaives — a d’siahdoes aggravated damage only to Wyrm-tainted creatures(use the same guidelines as the Gift: Sense Wyrm) andany type of spirit.In addition, after a successful strike, the Strider canactivate the d’siah to drain a point of Gnosis from heropponent (or a point of Essence from spirits). Becausethis requires a Gnosis roll, the werewolf cannot use thisability of the knife on the same turn she spends Rage forextra actions.The greatest strength of the d’siah is directed againstthe Striders’ greatest foes: Egypt’s vampires and theirsnake-like minions. The cobra-spirit in the blade lashesout violently against its tainted reflections, inflictingStrength +3 aggravated damage.224 WEREWOLF THE APOCALYPSE 20TH ANNIVERSARY EDITIONFang DaggerLevel Three, Gnosis 6These daggers are always carved from the tooth or tuskof a great beast. After striking an opponent, the werewolfcan activate the weapon, causing it to “bite” deeper intothe wound. This doubles the number of successes on thedamage roll, before soak. The damage is aggravated.To create a fang dagger, one must bind a snake-spiritor a spirit of war, pain, or death into the blade.Partridge WingLevel Three, Gnosis 7This fetish is made from the wing of a partridge bird,its feathers all completely unbroken and white as snow.The joint of the wing has a golden ring fastened throughit, and hangs from a long golden chain. To activate thefetish, a werewolf must concentrate upon a memory thatshe wishes to remove from her mind, and then swing thepartridge wing around herself counter-clockwise threetimes, letting the tips of the feathers brush in a circlearound her on the ground. Memories of another humanor Garou can also be swept away in a similar fashion, bydragging the feathers by the chain in a circle around them.This fetish is rarely used on Garou and should never beused without permission, but has come in very handy forrestoring Delirious humans to their calmer states.To create a partridge wing, one must bind a spirit ofwater or forgetfulness into the wing.Phoebe’s VeilLevel Three, Gnosis 7This fetish is a small, golden pendant in the shape ofa half moon. These fetishes are usually worn around theneck, held by a strong leather thong. At night, when thependant is activated, the wearer vanishes completely forone minute per success. Neither mundane creatures norspirits nor technology may sense her in any way excepttouch. The veil remains drawn until the time expires orthe pendant is removed.To create this fetish, one must bind a Lune, a chameleon-spirit, a spirit of illusion, or a spirit of shadow intothe pendant.Sanctuary ChimesLevel Three, Gnosis 6When activated, this miniature tubular bell emitschimes into the wind. No spirit may materialize within100 feet unless invited to do so. This fetish usually protectscaerns or the homes of pregnant Kinfolk. One activationlasts for a full day.To create sanctuary chimes, one must bind a spirit ofprotection or a turtle-spirit into the tubular bell.Sun WhipLevel Three, Gnosis 7This exotic fetish takes the form of a bullwhip with smallnuggets of gold bound into the coil, weighted with a largenugget in the tip. The creator’s tribal glyph (or occasionallyfamily crest) is carved upon the base of the handle. Whenactivated, the weapon glows slightly and erupts into eithersunlight or flame upon making contact with a vampire. Thewhip does Strength + 4 aggravated damage against vampires,and Strength + 1 lethal damage against everything else. Thedifficulty to strike with it is 7, regardless.To create a sun whip, a spirit of flame or sunlight mustbe bound into the whip.Wind WhistleLevel Three, Gnosis 5A single, long blow on this whistle will summon afreezing cold wind, laced with snow. It will cover thetracks of the werewolf using the whistle, and his packif appropriate, while chilling the bones of any pursuers,costing them one die from every roll while they continueto pursue the owner of the wind whistle. The effects ofthe whistle last for one hour.To create a wind whistle, a wind elemental must bebound into a whistle carved from the bone of an animalthat died of the cold during the winter months.Feathered CloakLevel Four, Gnosis 8A highly difficult fetish to make, requiring thousandsof differently colored feathers, a feathered cloak can takeyears to create, but the end results are spectacular not onlyin function but in form. Properly made, the cloak showsa dazzling array of different colors and patterns, and it issaid that gazing on one for three days without waveringin one’s attention makes it possible to see the road of lifeitself in the pattern of feathers. This may or may not betrue, but what is certain is the spectacular effect the fetishprovides: The wearer can fly.When activated, the wearer can rise above the groundand travel horizontally at speeds equivalent to her runningspeed indefinitely. The flight is not perfect, however. Thewearer cannot travel both horizontally and vertically atthe same time, and vertical travel is considerably slower,progressing at walking speed. Finally, the entire experiencecauses a great deal of stress upon the body. For every tenminutes of flight, the player must roll Stamina + Athletics(difficulty 5). If the roll fails, then the pain from the stress hasbecome too intense and the wearer needs to land and rest.The feathered cloak is a full-length cloak that remainswrapped around the body, even during flight, and is boundwith a bird-spirit.CHAPTER FOUR: GIFTS, RITES AND FETISHES 225IronhammerLevel Four, Gnosis 5Lesser versions of the mighty Jarlhammers, these onehandedhammers are potent war fetishes in their own right,and the signature weapons of the Get of Fenris. Forgedof silver-laced iron, an ironhammer inflicts Strength +2aggravated damage; Garou can soak these wounds, as thesilver content is overwhelmed by the iron. A werewolfmay hurl an Ironhammer up to 10 yardsfor every point of Strength; the hammerreturns to its rightful owner after each toss.To create an ironhammer, a spirit ofwar must be bound into a mighty hammerforged of silver-laced iron.KlaiveLevel Four, Gnosis 6The signature weapon of theGarou Nation, klaives are fetishdaggers of a singular design, made to beused in Homid, Glabro, or Crinos formwith equal ease. Klaives are rare weaponsmade from the purest silver, treasured andpassed down from hero to hero. A werewolfwho carries a klaive loses one point fromhis effective Gnosis rating, thanks to thesilver. A war-spirit is usually bound intothe klaive, allowing it to inflict aggravateddamage even to non-Garou foes.Pulling a klaive on another werewolf isconsidered a grave action, for a klaive duelis almost always to the death. Nonetheless,such duels have always been dangerouslycommon, and this practice shows nosign of abating even in the FinalDays. Elders complain that toomany of these sacred artifactsare in the ranks of recklessyouths quick to use themfor mundane tasks or to spillkin-blood; young werewolvesargue that too manyklaives are kept hidden awayfor rituals and great quests,when they could be better putto use against Black Spiral Dancersand other foes.The difficulty to attack with a klaive is 6, and it inflictsStrength + 2 aggravated damage. This damage is silver,and therefore unsoakable to werewolves and most Fera.Labrys of IsthmeneLevel Four, Gnosis 7A labrys of Isthmene is a massive, double-headed waraxededicated to Isthmene, the Gorgon of battle. A signatureweapon of the Black Furies, the weapon is designed tobe wielded two-handed, but may be effectively used withone hand by any being with Strength 6 or higher. Attacksmade with the labrys are difficulty 7, and do Strength +4 aggravated damage. Activating the fetish grantsaccess to the Gift: Spirit of the Fray for the restof the scene. The fetish will not function for amale Garou of any tribe.To create a labrys of Isthmene,one must bind a spirit of warinto the labrys.Monkey PuzzleLevel Four, Gnosis 6This amber talisman containsa single human hair. When activated,it causes all humans viewing thewerewolf to believe her to be a normalhuman… regardless of the form shewears. However, the fetish doesn’tmask her actions — tearing outsomeone’s throat simply becomesthe act of a cannibalistic lunaticrather than a werewolf. This fetish’seffects last for a day.To create a monkey puzzle,one must bind a ghost, a spirit ofillusion, or a trickster-spirit intothe talisman.Spirit WhistleLevel Four, Gnosis 8When activated andblown, this ivory whistle emitsa wailing scream that causesgreat pain to all spirits withinthe werewolf’s line of sight. Anyspirits present must roll Gnosisand beat the fetish’s activationroll, or be compelled to flee fromthe scream. The power of thisfetish is directional; spirits behindthe werewolf don’t have to roll Gnosis.To create a spirit whistle, one must bind a screechowlspirit, a spirit of madness, or a spirit of discord intothe ivory whistle.226 WEREWOLF THE APOCALYPSE 20TH ANNIVERSARY EDITIONPersonal Umbral Digital ApplicationLevel Four, Gnosis 8The Glass Walkers have, on occasion, a compulsionto create devices that could best be described as “cute,”and most would argue the PUDA more or less fits thatcategory. This is because most people have not beensubject to the devastating array of forces that the PUDAcan bring to bear.Effectively, the PUDA is a digital platform witha bee-spirit bound into it. In the past, this fetish tookthe form of palmtop digital assistants or powerbooks;modern iterations of the fetish are generally cell phonesor digital tablets. This bee spirit creates a hive filestructure in an Umbral space around the device, whichcan store and organize various rites before completionand then “execute” the rite at a later time. The GlassWalker simply has to use the PUDA to “record” therite in some fashion, such as with a camera application.When finished, the rite does not have any effect, but (ifsuccessful) is then stored in the PUDA and can have itseffect come to pass with the click of a touch-sensitivepad any time thereafter. Each activation can executeone rite, but if the roll fails, the rite is lost. If the rollfor the rite depends upon outside factors, then all rollsare made when the rite is executed rather than when itis first performed to be stored.The following rites work with a PUDA: Rite ofCleansing, Rite of Contrition, Rite of Binding, Rite ofthe Questing Stone, Rite of Talisman Dedication, Riteof Becoming, Rite of Spirit Awakening, Rite of Summoning,Voice of the Jackal, and Rending of the Veil.At the Storyteller’s option, other more obscure rites maybe compatible as well.Each rite stored on the PUDA requires some spiritualenergy to be preserved, which is taken from the GlassWalker using it in the form of a single temporary point ofGnosis. This Gnosis does not restore in the usual manner,but is returned the moment that a rite is successfully executed.If the execution fails and the rite is lost, the Gnosisgoes with it, but may be regained in the usual fashion.On top of all this, the PUDA also works as a normaldigital device.Unbroken CordLevel Four, Gnosis 6This appears to be a length of hemp cord knotted andbraided into elaborate patterns. Lengths vary, but therewill usually be enough to make necklaces, belts, etc., foran entire pack.When the pack leader wishes, she may spend oneGnosis point and share one of her abilities, such as a Giftor skill, with any pack member. She can only share withas many pack members as she has current Gnosis. Oneuse for this is to share skills or abilities; another is to aidpack members by giving them the leader’s Rage or Gnosis.The effects last for one scene.To create an unbroken cord, one must bind a unityspirit(such as the spirit of a flock of birds) into the cord.Grand KlaiveLevel Five, Gnosis 7These mighty blades are the klaives of the mostlegendary heroes. Carrying one of these immense silverswords costs a Garou two points from his effective Gnosisrating. A war-spirit is usually bound into the grand klaive,allowing it to inflict aggravated damage to non-Garou.Grand klaives are very rare and usually tied to specificGarou lineages, especially among the Silver Fangs,Fianna, and Shadow Lords. Besides the usual war-spirit,a second spirit — such as a fire-spirit that might addextra soak dice against fire when the klaive is activatedor an ancestor-spirit that might provide extra dots inan Ability such as Occult or Survival — is usually alsobound into the grand klaive. The secondary spirit rarelyminds sharing the fetish with another, as grand klaivesrepresent the pinnacle of honor in the eyes of Gaia’swarriors.The difficulty to attack with a grand klaive is 7, andit inflicts Strength +5 damage. Werewolves soak thisdamage as silver (typically, not at all).Werewolves, especially young ones, who possess agrand klaive attract the attention of the mighty. Eldersoften question the audacity of a youth who dares to carrysuch a sacred weapon, while his peers may covet the powerand attention.JarlhammerLevel Five, Gnosis 6These mighty two-handed hammers are the pinnacleof Get craftsmanship. Like the lesser Ironhammers, theyare forged from silver-laced iron and cooled in the bloodof freshly slain enemies; however, the Get bind spiritsof war and silver alike within. Each hammer is attackdifficulty 7 and inflicts Strength +6 aggravated damage;the damage counts as silver damage, and is thus unsoakableto Garou. Only a werewolf can throw such a weaponaccurately, and only to a distance of 5 yards for everydot of Strength. Whenever a blow from a Jarlhammerslays its target, the hammer resounds with a powerfulthunderclap, announcing to friend and foe alike thatanother enemy of the Get of Fenris has fallen.There are seven of these hammers; some are wieldedby powerful Jarls, while at least one has been lost. Eachone has its own name and secondary power:227• Forge-Crusher blazes with fire when activated, andinflicts an additional health level of fire damagewith each blow.• Grinding-Tooth can smash any stone into powder,obliterating a cubic foot of rock or concrete withevery strike.• Spear-Chaser flies three times as far as its siblingswhen thrown, and the thrower never suffers anypenalties for range.• Troll-Eater pulverizes bone and smashes armor;opponents lose one die from all soak pools toresist its damage.• Bright-Arm shines with the light of sun and moonalike; opponents who rely on sight to target opponentslose two dice from their dice pools whenattacking its wielder.• Hag-Talon is fortified against the magic ofenemies, granting its wielder three additionaldice to any Willpower roll made to resist mindmanipulatingpowers.• Pain-Eagle leaves wounds that throb with agony;those wounded by the hammer suffer double theusual dice pool penalties for their wounds.RunestonesLevel Five, Gnosis 7Soothsay Runes, Tarot cards, crystal balls, divinationbones — this fetish has almost as many names asforms. When activated, the runes show the caster avision of what is to come. The number of successes onthe roll should determine the degree of truth in thevision, and the Storyteller, based on how complex thereading is, should set the difficulty. Visions touchingon the Apocalypse tend to be extremely complex anddifficult to interpret.To create any divinatory fetish one must bind a spiritof time, dream, enigmas, or wisdom into the tools.TalensTalens are simpler versions of fetishes, created withthe Rite of Binding, which are easier to create but morelimited in effect. Like fetishes, talens are objects thatcontain spirits. They require a Gnosis roll to activate,but not to attune. However, talens can be used only once.After fulfilling the terms of its binding pact, the talen’sspirit departs and the item loses its potency.Where forceful binding into a fetish is a slap in theface of the entire spirit world, werewolves consider ag228gressive binding into a talen acceptable, as the bindingis only temporary.A talen’s Gnosis rating is equal to the bound spirit’sGnosis. One extra talen of the same type can be madefor each additional success on the Rite of Binding roll.For example, three successes create three Bane arrows.Gafflings are commonly bound to make talens; morepowerful spirits make the creation of multiple talenseasier, adding two or three extra talens to the totalnumber generated. Talens last until used.A list of sample talens follows:Bane ArrowsGnosis 4These obsidian-headed arrows unerringly seek Banes,whether or not they are visible. They hit Banes automaticallyand inflict three dice of aggravated damage. Thebite of a Bane arrow is so painful that no Bane can resisthowling in agony. Wyrm-spirits can sometimes sense thepresence of these talens, and may not wait for the archerto fire before acting.To create a Bane arrow, one must bind a spirit of war,air, or pain into the arrow.Chiropteran SpiesGnosis 6These Shadow Lord talens look like wooden batfigurines, which come to life when activated. The ChiropteranSpies can serve as scouts, spies or diversions forup to 12 hours. When their tasks are completed, theyturn to sawdust.Similar talens exist among other tribes: The SilentStriders have clay scarabs, the Children of Gaia use porcelaindoves, and the Glass Walkers have small metal insects.To create a chiropteran spy, a bat-spirit must be boundto the carving.Death DustGnosis 6When broken open, activated and sprinkled over thedead body of a recently (within a day) deceased creature,this small jar of dust allows the Garou to communicatewith the corpse’s spirit.To create death dust, one must bind a spirit of death,communication or divination into the jar.CHAPTER FOUR: GIFTS, RITES AND FETISHES 229Gaia’s BreathGnosis 5When this small, dried gourd is crushed and the dustsprinkled over an open wound, the talen heals up to fourhealth levels of damage (even aggravated damage).To create Gaia’s breath, one must bind a spirit ofhealing into a glyph-decorated gourd.Moon GlowGnosis 8This talen is a single moonbeam caught within a smallcrystal. Upon embarking on a journey into the Umbra,the wielder may activate this blessing from Luna. Aslong as it is carried continually, the journey should bea safe one. The crystal shatters once the Garou reacheshis destination. This talen keeps away only incidentaldanger — it has no power to ward off enemies activelyseeking the Garou, ambushes, or the repercussions offoolhardy actions such as insulting powerful spirits intheir homes.Only a Lune can empower a moon glow talen.Moon SignGnosis 5This small wax seal bears the sign of the full moon.When activated and thrown down before any werewolf,the werewolf’s player must succeed on a Willpower roll(difficulty 7), or the character changes immediately intoLupus form. This talen works on Black Spiral Dancersand other Fera as well, making them shift to theiranimal form.To create a moon sign, one must bind a Lune, Wyldspirit,or wolf-spirit into the seal.NightshadeGnosis 5This talen is distilled from the very essence of night.When quaffed, one fluid ounce of this liquid turns the imbiber’sbody into shadow, rendering her virtually invisiblein darkness. Only a watcher searching actively for the usercan make a roll to spot her. This effect lasts only an hour.To create a nightshade, a spirit of night or darknessmust be bound into a vial.Wind SnorkelGnosis 3If a Garou needs to swim underwater, burrow throughthe earth, or venture anywhere that she ordinarily cannotbreathe, she can use this peculiar talen. Fitting the end ofthe tube into her mouth or muzzle, the werewolf can suckenough air through it to keep herself alive and movingonward on her journey, for as long as necessary. The tubeneed not protrude into air to function. The spirit departswhen the Garou removes the tube from her mouth.To create a wind snorkel, an air elemental must bebound into a flexible, hollow reed or bone antler.Wyrm ScaleGnosis 8This sigil possesses some protection against the powerof the Wyrm. Servants of the Wyrm revert to their trueforms if the sigil activates in their presence. Some believethat this action alerts the Wyrm to the existence of thesigil, but in any event, the sigil combusts in a greenishfire immediately after use, and is incinerated completely.To create a Wyrm scale, a Wyrm-spirit must be boundinto the sigil.