29 min read

Source Material: Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition

Your mother was human, Kin or not, or a homid Garou. You grew up among humans and learned how to live in their society. Yet something always set you apart. Other kids reacted unconsciously to the predator within you, and to the vicious temper that you couldn’t always keep under control. 

Strange dreams marked your childhood, and as you grew you remembered more and more of them — dreams of the moon, of the taste of blood, of the smell of war. Maybe they found you before your Change, maybe after, but now there’s no going back. You are what you are — you’re as much wolf as human now.

Human  characters have no limits on what Abilities they may purchase during character creation. They have plenty of experience with the abstract thought that’s newer to their lupus cousins, and they usually grow up surrounded by human technology. No werewolf is better able to deal with the many peculiarities of human society. 

In their breed form, homids can also handle silver with no adverse effects. The human-born advantages at navigating human society are balanced against weaker connections with the wolf and spirit portions of their nature. Homids are generally less intuitive and perceptive than Lupus or Metis. They’re likely to rely on what they see and hear, rather than what they feel. Moreover, their innate spiritual connections are weaker, as represented by their low starting Gnosis. Humanity has simply grown apart from the spirit world.


  • The Human "breed" is what a Garou was born as. Not to be confused with the "Homid" form, which all Garou (no matter their breed) can take the shape of.
  • Any and all abilities that grant Temporary Bonuses last for the duration of the scene, unless otherwise noted. Temporary Bonuses must be added manually by the Player for rolls made during the scene in which they were granted.
  • Permanent Bonuses are automatically added into your Mods on your Character Sheet, effective immediately upon purchase, and do not require manual adjustment. 

Nicknames: Apes, Two-Legs, Monkeys

Beginning Free Gifts
These are the "free gifts" that all characters born of wolves and who began life in wolf form automatically receive at startup at no additional XP cost. 

  • Apecraft’s Blessings
  • Traverse the City
  • Firemaster 1
  • Persuasion
  • Scent of Man


◎◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 HUMAN - Apecraft's Blessing (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 5
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Physical Skill, Craft
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects:
    • +5 Physical Skill

Though many of Gaia’s children use tools, none have mastered them so thoroughly as humanity. The Garou focuses this mastery into the tools she uses, causing their spirits to awaken and lend her aid. Whether or not the Garou has ever used the tool before or has any previous skill does not matter. An ancestor-spirit or spirit of a man-made object teaches this Gift. This Gift is free for all Human Breed Garou.

The Player spends 5 points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The werewolf can use whatever tool it is attempting without previous training or advanced knowledge. The purpose of the tool is irrelevant—this Gift is equally effective for attempts to repair an engine, drive a car or fire a gun.

◎◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 HUMAN - Traverse the City (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 5
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Physical Skill, 
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects:
    • +5 Physical Skill
  • Temporary Bonus:
    • +10 Athletics/Reflexes

Humans are the creators of cities, and as such the Homid Garou can easily scale buildings and navigate the tangled roads and alleys. Also disparagingly called Climb Like An Ape by non human Garou, this skill comes naturally to the Human-born werewolf. Selecting this ability allows you to climb buildings and find your way through streets, alleys and rooftops while in Homid form for the duration of the scene. This skill is taught by an ancestor spirt or an urban city spirit.

The player spends a point of Rage. For the rest of the scene, the character may climb urban features at her full movement speed, and the difficulty of all Athletics/Reflexes rolls to navigate through cities (running down cluttered alleys, climbing the side of buildings, leaping from rooftop to rooftop) is reduced by two.

◎◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 HUMAN - Firemaster 1 (Heal)

    • Base Roll: 70
    • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 5
    • Damage: 0
    • Mods: Medical, Occult
    • Duration: Scene
    • Resist: n/a
    • Permanent Affects: None
    • Temporary Bonus: When dealing with any type of natural animal.
      • +5 Physical Defense
      • +5 Physical Attack
      • +5 Persuasion

Once humans tamed fire to keep them warm and to drive off the wild beasts, they were humanity’s ancient pact with the spirits of fire. The spirits of flame agree to withdraw their bite when the werewolf touches wounds made by them. While in their human breed form, the Garou can use his/her/their Gnosis to physically heal themselves or any other living being suffering from wounds caused by fire. An ancestor spirit or a fire-spirit grants this Gift.

The Player spends 5 points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. Targeting themselves or another Player, the Garou can heal 5 HP of damage caused by fire. This can include smoke inhalation or burns.

◎◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 HUMAN - Scent of Man (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 5
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Physical Skill 
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None
  • Temporary Bonus: When dealing with any type of natural animal.
    • +5 Physical Defense
    • +5 Physical Attack
    • +5 Persuasion

While in their homid form, the Garou can focus their human presence and hide their Garou scent so they only smell of human. This will cause domesticated animals to feel more at ease with the Garou and not view them as a predator. It will also cause wild animals to flee their presence. This gives the Garou the advantage, with a +5 Defense/Attack when dealing with a both wild or domesticated animals. Lasts one scene before the Garou reverts to his natural scent.

The Player spends 5 points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Character now smells like any other human. Any rolls related to dealing with any type of natural animal receives the above Temporary bonuses. This does not include spirit animals or supernatural animals. This lasts for the duration of the scene.

◎◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 HUMAN - Stench of the City (Debuff)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Primal Urge
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: No Resist
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Subterfuge
    • +5 Mental Skill
  • Temporary Bonus: 
    • +15 Persuasion

Many city Garou use this Gift when facing off against just about anything with a particularly sensitive nose: this can include other Garou, Black Spiral Dancers, and a host of normal animals or Wyrm-creatures. The Gift incapacitates its target by overwhelming its sense of smell with the stink of the city: sweat, blood, human waste, rot, smoke, car exhaust, and industrial fumes. Garou have been known to use this Gift to pull one of their own out of the thrall of frenzy, or to incapacitate a crazed wolf without permanent injury. The Black Spiral Dancers are said to be quite familiar with Stench and the City as well, and are perfectly willing to use it on Gaian Garou.

The Player identifies the Target of this Gift, spends 2 points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Target suffers the following penalties for the duration of the scene:

  • -5 Physical Attack
  • -5 Physical Defense
  • -5 Initiative

NOTE: Rolling a natural 80+ will break a Target's Frenzy if they are currently experiencing one.

◎◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 HUMAN - Persuasion (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 75
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Persuasion, Mental Skill
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: Intuition, Primal Urge
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Subterfuge
    • +5 Mental Skill
  • Temporary Bonus: 
    • +15 Persuasion

The Player spends 2 points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. This Gift allows a Garou in Homid form to become more persuasive when dealing with others, in such a way that his statements and arguments are imbued with added meaning or credibility. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.

The Player spends 5 points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. For the duration of the scene, the Character receives a Temp bonus of +15 Persuasion. If successful, the Storyteller may also reduce the difficulties of all Social rolls as well. With this Gift activated, a werewolf could win arguments with hard line opponents, or cause a cold-hearted psychopath to relent (at least for a little while). 

◎◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 HUMAN - Man of War (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 1
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Willpower
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Physical Attack
    • +5 Physical Skill
  • Temporary Bonus: 
    • +5 Physical Attack when using melee or ranged weapons

Of all creatures, Mankind has perfected the art of crafting and using the tools of war. It would seem their dexterous hands and intellect have predisposed them for it. This skill is further enhanced by the Garou's wolf nature as spirits associated with the Garou focus this talent. An Ape Spirit teaches this gift.

The Player spends 1 point of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Garou Character then gains a +5 Mod on all attacks that use either a ranged or melee weapon. This lasts for a full scene. 

◎◎◎◎: RANK 2 HUMAN - Divide (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 3
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Persuasion
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Physical Attack
    • +5 Physical Skill
  • Temporary Bonus: When dealing with any type of natural animal.
    • +5 Physical Attack when using melee or ranged weapons

Raising hatred and suspicion, Homid Garou can use their knowledge of human emotions and language to make small differences in a group of two or more people  and "nudge" them into massive divides. This can be based on racism, sexism, homophobia, elitism, etc. This gift cannot create anger,  it can only make it bigger — much like throwing gas on a flame. The flame must first be there for it to be fueled by the Garou Homid. This is taught by a Dog Spirit.

The Player spends 3 points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. Depending on how high the Player rolls will determine how strongly this ability effects the targeted group

For Example: Using this skill on group of "theoretically" perfect people would fail. This skill is more likely to have an effect on a group of people who have already expressed differences of opinions. This skill cannot be used in combat, but can be used to fuel a potential fight before it happens.

Roll Chart:

1-10: Botch! The Target group calms down considerably. If this is a group verging on rioting or coming to blows, then the group begins to disperse and participants begin to leave.

11-59: No effect

60-79: The group cannot seem to resolve their issues or see eye to eye. There are definitely hard feelings on both sides.

80-85: The group begins to break into name calling and verbal assaults. 

86+: The group breaks into a violent fight. If there are Garou in the group, each Garou will add +2 to their Rage Meter.

◎◎◎◎: RANK 2 HUMAN - Firemaster 2 (Area of Effect)

    • Base Roll: 80
    • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 5
    • Damage: 0
    • Mods: Primal Urge, Occult 
    • Duration: n/a
    • Resist: n/a
    • Permanent Affects:
      • +10 to resist Frenzy/Fear of Fire
      •  Physical Skill
    • Temporary Bonus:
      • +10 Athletics/Reflexes

Though humans have used the warmth and power of fire for millennia, they have never truly mastered the spirits that dance within the glowing flames. A Homid Garou can tap into the spirit world and call upon the fire spirits in a way a normal human cannot. This Gift has both Active and Passive capabilities. A Fire Spirit teaches this gift.

The Player spends 5 points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Character can now tame the fire spirits, igniting fires spontaneously, or quenching them with a single touch. How big of a fire depends on the Garou's roll. Higher rolls allow you to select any level beneath that roll. 

For Example: If you roll a 97, you can select to light or extinguish an entire building, or simply light your cigarette with a touch of your finger. Or extinguish a candle or cigarette with a touch.

Roll Chart:

1-10: BOTCH!: (rolling a natural 1-10) The fire you are trying to extinguish doubles in size.

11-49: No effect.

50-60: You can extinguish or light a fire the size of a candle or match

61-70: You can extinguish or light a fire the size of a campfire.

71-80: You can light or extinguish a fire the size of a 10x10 room.

81-90: You can light or extinguish a fire the size of a 1200 sq. ft home.

91-95: You can light or extinguish an entire building on fire.

96-100: You can light or extinguish an entire building, plus any buildings or structures that are directly next to the building

◎◎◎◎: RANK 2 HUMAN - More Than Human (Mental Skill)

    • Base Roll: 0
    • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 0
    • Damage: 0
    • Mods: Passive
    • Duration: n/a
    • Resist: n/a
    • Permanent Affects:
      • +10 Athletics/Reflexes
    • Temporary Bonus: n/a

The Homid Garou taps into their Garou nature, allowing them to channel that strength and agility while still in Homid form. This gifts is taught by an Ape Spirit.

This is a Passive Gift that grants a permanent +10 Bonus to Athletics/Reflexes once purchased. No roll or Energy/Gnosis required.

◎◎: RANK 3 HUMAN - Intimidation (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 85
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 5
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Primal Urge, Persuasion, Mental Skill
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: Intuition, Primal Urge
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Mental Skill
  • Temporary Bonus: None

This Gift allows a human Garou to become more physically intimidating when dealing with others in such a way that his statements and arguments instill an unexplainable element of intimidation and fear in the Targets. While the Garou's words, actions and demeanor may not necessarily contain any indication of aggression, this Gift adds a very intimidating and underlying message that the Target(s) should comply with any requests or suffer the consequences. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.

The Player spends 5 points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. All those within a 10 meters radius of the Garou in Human form who fail their roll to resist will suffer -10 Willpower Rolls for the duration of the scene. They will also feel an intense sense of intimidation and underlying threat for as long as they are within the specified 10 meter range of the Garou. 

◎◎: RANK 3 HUMAN - Soothe the Savage Beast (Area of Effect)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 5
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult, Mental Skill
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: Intuition, Primal Urge
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Mental Skill
  • Temporary Bonus: None

By being the catalyst for any sort of soothing music (singing, playing an instrument, turning on a radio, playing a CD, etc.) the Garou makes it more difficult to Rage. When Garou must fight one another, the Children of Gaia sometimes use this to their advantage, as many are more experienced at holding back their Rage. A nightingale-spirit teaches this Gift.

The Player spends 5 points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The effect depends on the number (plus mods) that was rolled. The effect applies to all those within earshot (Chat range).

Roll Chart:

  • 1-10: Botch! (Rolling a natural 1-10) Everyone in earshot instantly gains 2 points of Rage. Well that didn't go as planned. Plus, you are unable to use this Gift again for the duration of the scene.
  • 11-69: Whatever it is, that song isn't working. Sometimes Barry Manilow just doesn't resonate with the Garou. Maybe you should change the channel and try again.
  • 70-79: -1 Rage Points 
  • 80-89: -2 Rage Points
  • 90-99: -3 Rage Points
  • 100+:  -4 Rage Points

◎◎◎: RANK 3 HUMAN - Hispo's Guidance (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 0
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 5
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Passive
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: Intuition, Primal Urge
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Physical Attack
    • +5 Physical Defense
    • +5 Physical Skill
    • +5 Athletics/Reflexes
    • +1 Point in Stealth Skill (This can go above and beyond normal purchased points.)
  • Temporary Bonus: None

This Gift permits the Garou to gain the benefits of their Hispo form while remaining in Homid form. This Gift is taught by an Ancestor Spirit. 

This Passive Gift bestows the above permanent bonuses, which will be populated into your Character Sheet upon purchase with Experience Points (XP). No roll or Energy/Gnosis required.

◎◎: RANK 4 HUMAN - Clear Thoughts (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: Intuition, Primal Urge
  • Permanent Affects: None
  • Temporary Bonus: 
    • +15 Willpower

The Homid Garou is able to maintain their calm even in dire situations. A Fox Spirit teaches this gift.

The Player spends 2 points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Player's Character gains a +15 Mod Bonus to all Willpower rolls for the duration of the scene.

NOTE: BOTCH! (Rolling a natural 1-10) The Character suffers a -10 on all Willpower rolls for the duration of the scene.

◎◎: RANK 4 HUMAN - Tongues (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None
  • Temporary Bonus: 
    • +15 Willpower

This allows the homid Garou to temporarily speak, read and understand any language. This is a very basic language skill. The Garou's pronunciation may have an odd accent or they may not use quite the right word (or understand a word completely), such as calling a bracelet a ring, or a necklace a collar. This skill lasts for a single scene. 

The Player spends 2 points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. For the duration of the scene, the Player's Character can speak, read and comprehend any language.

BOTCH!: (Rolling a natural 1-10) Botching this roll means the language becomes jumbled and sounds/reads like a poorly translated Chinese instruction manual. 

For example, "First, put Tab A into Slot B using a Philips head screwdriver," turns into "Using Philip's head, take A Tab can and put it into Bee's slot first." HUH?


  • Base Roll: 0
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 0
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: n/a
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +2 Points to Persuasion (This can go above and beyond the limit for purchased points.)
  • Temporary Bonus
    • +15 Willpower

Garou in their human form naturally emit an aura of unease in other humans, making them someone to be feared and avoid. Acquiring this passive skill warps the external impression of a human Garou from a supernatural creature that exudes a natural fear and unease, to one that radiates an aura of admiration, beauty, strength and intelligence in the Garou. Even if they don't actually have all these qualities. 

Humans now do not feel any natural fear or try to avoid the Garou. Instead, they look to them as someone they admire, like and perhaps even gravitate toward. "There's just something about you, I can't really put my finger on it, but you're so cool!" Once learned, this skill is always active when in human form. 

This skill can also be used for the opposite effect for increasing intimidation, much like a peacock spreads it's wings to appear much bigger and impressive. A Peacock Spirit teaches this gift.

This is a Passive Gift that is always active once purchased with XP. In addition to making others at ease in your presence, you also receive a permanent +10 to Persuasion or Intimidation rolls.

: RANK 5 HUMAN - Firemaster 3 (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 95
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 5
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Willpower, Occult
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None

At this level, the Garou can take full control of fire, bending it to his will. Fire can can take whatever form the Garou desires, from illustrating a story around a campfire as the flames turn into running dear or a famous Garou battle. Flames will follow whatever direction the Garou desires, including surrounding the Garou in a circle of fire or taking any other form he desires, as long as there is a fire already lit for him to command.

The Player spends 5 points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. If there is any type of fire burning, the Garou Character can now command it. The flame can diminish or grow, rise in the air or crawl across a surface, or take any form the Garou desires. While it cannot be used to attack an opponent as a weapon, it will catch anything flammable it touches on fire if the Character wishes it to catch fire.