Roleplay Is The Name Of The Game!

Getting Started image
You do not need Admin approval to being roleplay. Filling out a Character Sheet via the HUD is all that is required to begin roleplay. Simply pick up a free HUD on the Landing Platform of any Dominions of Darkness Second Life Sim and "wear" it. 

Dominions of Darkness™ is designed to get you into roleplay as quickly as possible. Even if you've never roleplayed before, choosing a character and exploring Dominions of Darkness is easy. While there are a great many stats and mods that determine success or failure on skills and abilities, do not let that intimidate you since you don't have to memorize anything. The HUD (Heads Up Display) does all the hard work for you so the only thing you need to do is log into Second Life, head to a Dominions of Darkness City Sim and pick up a HUD from the kiosk at the Welcome Center.

Character creation is done completely in the HUD you "wear" in Second Life. Your first HUD is Free. If you wish to play additional characters, you may purchase additional HUDs from the kiosk in any DOD City landing platform/Welcome Center. Players may only play one of each character type. For example, if your first character is a human, you cannot play another human-type character (human/gifted/hunter). But you may also play a Garou, Vampire and Apex Kinfolk.

This Website contains all the reference information you will need to know. It too is designed to answer your questions so that you can create the character you've always wanted to play. While some reading is necessary, you only have to read the pages pertaining to your specific character type, and the Rules. We promise to make it as quick and as easy as possible.

NOTE: Keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the Player to select a character type that will fit in with the roleplay and City they wish to play in. While you are welcome to create any kind of character of any gender/orientation you wish to play, the Admins expect you to actually play that character within the personality parameters set for that character type. For example, you wouldn't select a Toreador that behaves like a Gangral or Brujah. Or an Uktena Garou who specializes in computers like a Glass Walker. You may be asked to reroll characters that are destructive to the storyline, or designed to create drama. The goal of RP is to play together.

Step One: Choose Your Character
  • Read about the available character types and select the one you wish to play.
  • If you have not already done so, CLICK HERE.
Step Two: Attributes, Skills, and Abilities/Disciplines
  • All Characters may choose from the many Attributes, Skills & Abilities categories. 
  • Most Character Classes (with the exception of Humans) also have unique special Abilities that are related to their specific species/tribe/clan from which they may also choose.
  • You will want to become familiar with the skills available to your character so that you can make informed choices when you start your Character Sheet.
  • Definitions: (For more information on this, visit the FAQ tab)
    • Attributes: a Character's natural potential that can be improved with practice.
    • Skills: What a Character can learn or be taught through education and instruction. This includes Combat Skills.
    • Abilities/Disciplines: These are supernatural talents that are species specific. While they can be learned and taught like a skill, the student must first have the supernatural capability first. A bird can teach a turtle the techniques of flying, but that doesn't give it wings.
NOTE: Many Abilities and Skills provide additional Modifiers (both Permanent and Temporary) when you purchase them. Permanent Modifiers are automatically added to your HUD and included when you make rolls where those Modifiers come into play. Temporary Modifiers must be added manually and only last for the duration of the scene.

Step Three: Get the Players' HUD & Build Your Character
  • Log into Second Life, head to "Miami Dominions of Darkness" or other DOD City Sim and pick up a free HUD from the Landing Platform.
  •  Once you wear the HUD, it will lead you through the Character Generation process with minimal effort.
Step Four: Choose Your Skills Wisely
Beginning Players receive a set number of Experience Points which they use to "purchase" their desired skills, abilities and special abilities. This is done by clicking the "dots" in front of a desired skill on the Character Sheet when your avatar wears the DOD HUD. Your available starter points will automatically adjust based on your choices.

You may play around with different choices to see how they effect your stats/mods, but your choices will not be finalized until you click the SUBMIT button on the Character Sheet. To begin with, you are limited to a maximum of three dots purchased in any particular skill or ability. You will notice that the Modifier Boxes on the Character Sheet will go up or down, based on your choices. Modifiers increase your chance of success when using a Skill, Ability or Special Ability. As long as you do not hit Submit, you can play around with combining different Skills and Abilities to get the best starting Modifiers.

Step Five: Click Submit
  • When you click Submit, you will be asked if you really wish to submit your Character Sheet. Click YES and your character is ready to play. Click NO and you can go back to make changes, or even hit the BACK button to select a different Character Race and start over with a blank Character Sheet.

If you have any questions related to this Website, the rules, or how to create and submit a character sheet, you can:
  • Click the E-Mail button on this website and we will respond as quickly as we can.
  • For faster response, log into Second Life, teleport to Miami Dominions of Darkness or another DOD City and ask any available Admin or Moderator.
Character Sheet Overview

Character sheets for you to create your new character are located in your Dominions of Darkness HUD in Second Life. To see a sample Character Sheet, CLICK HERE.

1 min read
DOD Players' HUD

The innovative new Players' HUD is unique to Dominions of Darkness, allowing roleplayers to focus on enjoying the game instead of keeping track of XP, Levels, Skills and calculating Buffs.

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Garou Rage and the Rage Meter

Unlike other Character Classes, Garou (Werewolves) are oftentimes overtaken with uncontrollable rage. Rage occurs during certain circumstances in Roleplay. This meter will help you keep track of your Rage Points.

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