58 min read

Source Material: Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary, Onyx Publishing

Ahroun: the Full Moon represents the war aspect of Luna (the Moon) and these Garou are the most fierce or Gaia's Warriors. They usually step into leadership during wartime.

The Garou’s connection to the moon is much more extensive than human legends state. Every phase has its secret, but human myth comes close to understanding the truth in one aspect: the full moon floods the Warrior with Rage. 

The Ahroun is the living weapon of Gaia, the lord of bloodshed. He/she/they is the warrior among a race of warriors, the champion of a martial people. He is ever ready to kill, and to die if need be. 

The Ahroun are respected, but also treated with some level of dread. Their killing instinct is inborn; even a Full Moon just past his First Change is more lethal than many veterans of other auspices. Their elders are few — it’s a rare Ahroun that survives the countless battles that are his birthright — but all the more terrifying for their experience. Like the Galliard, the Ahroun is an inspiring leader in time of war, but he leads with deeds and action. He is first into battle and last to retreat — if he ever retreats at all. In times of peace, he relinquishes command to others, but remains ever vigilant, knowing his talent for war will be needed again all too soon.

The Garou’s connection to the moon is much more extensive than human legends state. Every phase has its secret, but human myth comes close to understanding the truth in one aspect: the full moon floods the Warrior with Rage. The Ahroun is the living weapon of Gaia, the lord of bloodshed. He is the warrior among a race of warriors, the champion of a martial people. He is ever ready to kill, and to die if need be.

Beginning Gifts 

  • Falling Touch
  • Inspiration
  • Pack Tactics
  • Razor Claws
  • Stinger Claws


The Ahroun is the archetype of the werewolf as murderous beast, though they range from unapologetic berserkers to hardened veterans tempering their Rage with discipline. Every Ahroun isa dangerous individual to be around, but when the forces of the Wyrm attack, their packmates are glad to have aFull Moon warrior at the front of the charge.

Accelerated Rage

The Full Moon’s blessing is a hair trigger for all Ahroun, bestowing 2 Points of Rage per each of the three days the Moon is Full (as opposed to the 1 Point of rage that all the other Auspices receive.) In Dominions of Darkness, the Moon is Full the First, Second and Third day of every month.


◎◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 AHROUN - Stinger Claws (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 1
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult
  • Duration: See System
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects:
    • +5 Physical Attack
    • +5 Physical Skill

Like the bee who stings an enemy and lodges the stinger into their enemy's bodies, so too can a Garou sacrifice a part of themselves in order to hurt an enemy. While a bee will die from this effort, the regeneration abilities of a Garou prevent that from happening. Instead, the Ahroun turns their claws into stingers that detach from their hands/claws and stick into their opponents, injecting a mild poison until they are pulled out. If used in Human form, the claws will grow out of the fingers.

The Player announces in Local Chat their intention to use Stinger Claws on their turn. The Player then spends 1 Point of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. This takes a full turn to complete. The claws will remain until a successful hit is made on an enemy using Claws as an attack, or until the end of the scene.

Upon a successful hit, Stinger claws will do standard Claw damage, plus they will be ripped out of the Garou's fingers and stick into the victim, causing an extra 5 HP of damage. A full turn is required to remove them. While they are still in the victim's body, they are subjected to a -5 Att/Def/Int.


  • It takes a full turn for the Garou to regenerate their claws. Consequently, the Garou can only use this Gift every other turn.
  • Not stackable with any other Claw Attacks.
  • Cooldown: Every other turn.

◎◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 AHROUN - Empathy of Hatred (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 1
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Passive
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects:
    • +5 Mental Attack

An Ahroun using this Gift can sense how strongly any being is ruled by anger, both at the moment and over the course of their life. This skill is passive and allows the player to learn the permanent and temporary Rage that an individual currently possesses. An Epiphlin of Rage teaches this gift.

Once purchased, this gift is always active and requires no roll or use of Gnosis.

NOTE: The Shadow Lord Gift Aura of Confidence completely blocks Empathy of Hatred.

◎◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 AHROUN - Pack Tactics (Physical Attack)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 1
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Persuasion, 
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects:
    • +2 Physical Defense

An Ahroun acting as the leader in a battle uses his/her/their leadership skills to coordinate the efforts of the entire pack and inspire all Garou allies. A Wolf Spirit teaches this Gift.

The Player spends 1 Point of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. For the duration of the scene, the Garou's pack and allies gain a +5 to both Initiative and Physical Attack. 

This Gift can only be executed by one Ahroun in a group. The bonus only applies to the Ahroun's allies. The Ahroun using this Gift does not benefit from this bonus. 

◎◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 AHROUN - Spiritual Wrath (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 1
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Physical Skill
  • Duration: one full turn
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects:
    • +2 Physical Attack

The Ahroun manifests his spiritual nature more strongly than his physical nature for one turn. This allows his claws to cut through the defenses of beings who are entirely of one world, such as humans, Banes, Vampires, Ghosts, Animals, etc. This DOES NOT work on beings who are of two worlds (physical and spiritual) like Garou, Changelings, Fae, other shapeshifters, etc. This Gift is taught by a Jaguar Spirit.

The Player spends one point of Energy/Gnosis and announces the use of Spiritual Wrath before their roll to attack. For one full turn, including all defensive moves that occur before the Garou's next attack, the Garou does double damage when attacking with fangs and claws. This ability has a one turn cool down, meaning it can only be used every other turn.

◎◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 AHROUN - Purity of Spirit (Heal)

  • Base Roll: n/a
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 1
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Physical Skill
  • Duration: See System
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects:
    • +3 Physical Defense

The Garou can briefly shield himself against the damages of silver by using his own spiritual energies.

While there is no roll to activate this skill, it does require the expenditure of one Gnosis point for every turn it is in effect. 

For example: a Garou is struck by a silver bullet. The Garou can instantly mitigate the effects of the extra damage done by Silver by using a point of Energy/Gnosis. (This is instant and does not require any time at all to activate, but it does require the Character to activate it for it to be effective.) The Garou will need to continue using one point of Gnosis per turn to suck up the damaging effects of silver until the bullet is removed. Being struck by a silver dagger would only require one point as long as the silver dagger is not still in the body.

◎◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 AHROUN - Dodge & Strike (Physical Skill)

  • Base Roll: n/a
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 1
  • Damage: 5
  • Mods: Passive
  • Duration: See System
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects:
    • +3 Physical Defense

Due to his supernatural constitution, combat skills and survival instincts, the perceptive Ahroun can deliver damage with this defensive tactic if he has successfully managed to dodge the attack. A Scorpion Spirit teaches this Gift.

Before the Player rolls to defend in response to an attacked, the Player can spend one point of Energy/Gnosis and declare in Local Chat that he is responding with the Dodge & Strike move. IF the player makes his defense roll and the attack misses, he delivers 5 HP of damage to his attacker as he dodges the blow and parry's with a powerful strike of his own. 

NOTE: This gift has a two-turn cool down period, meaning it can only be used once every 3rd+ turn.

◎◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 AHROUN - Inspiration (Buff)

  • Base Roll: n/a
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 1
  • Damage: 5
  • Mods: Passive
  • Duration: Scene, See System
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects:
    • +3 Mental Skill

Other Garou look to the Ahroun for leadership in battle. Similar to the Shadowlord Gift "Grim Resolve," this Gift lends new resolve and righteous anger to the Ahroun's allies and brethren. Either a lion or wolf spirit teaches this Gift.

The player spends one Gnosis point to activate. All comrades (but not the Ahroun using the Gift) receive one automatic reroll or their choice on any Willpower roll made during the scene. Other Players may choose to reroll a Willpower roll to make up for a botch, for a failed roll, or for a chance to improve a successful roll for a better result. This can only be used once per Player, per scene.

◎◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 AHROUN - Falling Touch (Physical Attack)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 1
  • Damage: 5
  • Mods: Athletics/Reflexes, Physical Attack
  • Duration: Scene, See System
  • Resist: Athletics/Reflexes
  • Permanent Affects:
    • +2 Physical Attack

This Gift allows the Garou to send her foe sprawling to the ground in a prone position with but a touch. Any aerial spirit can teach this Gift.

The Player spends 1 point of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. If the Target fails their resist roll, the victim is thrown to the ground and must take a full turn to again stand. Using this gift counts as an action; activating this Gift and striking a foe with intent to harm are two separate actions.

For Example: A Garou attempting to execute this move takes one of his actions to use this Gift, spends 1 Point of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll of a modified 92. The Target rolls to defend but fails with a modified 77 and is thrown to the ground on his back. 

IF the attacking Garou has a second action in his turn, he/she/they can use that action to attack the prone Target, who now has all his defense/attack rolls halved as a penalty for being in a prone position (this is an across the board penalty for anyone attempting to attack or defend from a prone position).

◎◎◎: RANK 2 AHROUN - Shield of Rage (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 1
  • Damage: 5
  • Mods: Occult, Persuasion 
  • Duration: Scene 
  • Resist: Athletics/Reflexes
  • Permanent Affects: None
  • Temporary Affects:
    • +5 Mental Defense
    • +5 Physical Attack
    • +5 Physical Defense

Such is the rage of an Ahroun that all others tremble before it. A Wolverine Spirit teaches this gift.

The Player spends 1 point of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. When invoked, the Garou can then use one Rage Point each to gain a temporary: +5 Mental Defense; +5 Physical Attack; and +5 Physical Defense until the end of the scene.

◎◎◎: RANK 2 AHROUN - Razor Claws (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 1
  • Damage: 5
  • Mods: Physical Skill
  • Duration: Three Turns 
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None
  • Temporary Affects:
    • +5 Physical Attack
    • Double Damage using Claws

By raking his claws over stone, steel or other hard surface, the Ahroun hones them to razor sharp weapons. This takes a full turn to do, during which the Garou cannot attack, but may make a normal defense roll. The Ahroun may also be moving at a normal walking pace while sharpening his claws over stones or a hard surface. A Bear or Cat spirit teaches this Gift. If used in human form, the Garou will grow large claws from his fingers.

The Player spends one point of Gnosis and makes a successful roll. For one full turn, the Garou sharpens his claws to a razor's edge. This can be done any time during the scene before a battle actually starts. The claws remain razor sharp for three turns and do double damage on any successful hit during that time.

NOTE: Not stackable with any other Claw Attacks.

◎◎◎: RANK 2 AHROUN - Sense Silver (Buff)

  • Base Roll: n/a
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 1
  • Damage: 5
  • Mods: Passive
  • Duration: Three Turns 
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: Affects of this Gift are permanent and always active.

The Garou is capable of sensing silver, whether as a melee weapon, jewelry, etc. It does not matter if it is hidden beneath clothing or within another object. If there is silver, the Garou who possesses this Gift is aware of it within a 10 foot radius. This gift is taught by an Earth Spirit.

When this gift is purchased, it is always active and does not require a roll or any Energy/Gnosis to be spent.

◎◎◎: RANK 2 AHROUN - True Fear (Mental Attack)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 1
  • Damage: 5
  • Mods: Occult, Mental Skill
  • Duration: Three Turns 
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: None

When focused on a single foe, the Garou can project a terrifying presence that instills such intense fear that the target cannot approach, attack or even speak to the Garou. This lasts for as long as the subject fails their defense roll. 

The Player spends 1 Point of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The target of this skill must roll vs Willpower to beat the roll of the Garou player or be terrified to engage the Garou. While the target can defend himself, he can neither muster the courage to attack nor even approach the Garou. Each turn the target may make another roll to resist the effects of this Gift. If he makes his roll, he regains control over his fear and may continue unaffected. If not, the subject will remain fearful of the Garou until he makes a successful roll to resist this effect.

◎◎◎: RANK 2 AHROUN - Lightning Strike (Mental Attack)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 1
  • Damage: 5
  • Mods: Occult, Mental Skill
  • Duration: Three Turns 
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Initiative

This Gift gives the Ahroun lightning speed, giving him the edge to strike first in any battle. This Gift is taught by a Cat Spirit.

Once this Gift is learned, it's effects are permanent. The Ahroun adds +5 Mod to all future Initiative rolls. 

◎◎◎: RANK 3 AHROUN - Silver Claws (Mental Attack)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 1
  • Damage: 5
  • Mods: Occult, Mental Skill
  • Duration: Three Turns 
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: None
  • Temporary Affects:
    • +2HP Damage when using claws
    • -5 Mental Skill Mod on all rolls while claws are active.

By transforming his claws into silver, the Garou establishes his supremacy in battle. An Earth Spirit teaches this gift.

The Player spends 1 point of Energy/Gnosis to activate this Gift and makes a successful roll. The Garou's claws transform into solid silver that are as sharp as razors and add an additional 2HP of damage when the claws are used to attack. 

Silver claws are incredibly painful, adding 3 points of Rage to the Garou's Rage Meter. If Rage points exceed the character's max amount, the Garou will Frenzy. Because the pain is a distraction, the Ahroun suffers -5 for any Mental Skill roll. The transformation lasts for the length of one scene or until the Garou ends the Gift.

NOTE: Not stackable with any other Claw Attacks.

◎◎◎: RANK 3 AHROUN - Savage Spirit (Physical Attack)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 1
  • Damage: 5
  • Mods: Occult, Mental Skill
  • Duration: Three Turns 
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +3 Mental Attack

When faced with a hostile spirit, this Gift allows the Ahroun to brutally savage a spirit with a bite. This impedes the spirit's ability to attack or defend itself. Sprits naturally find this Gift quite horrifying, and any Ahroun that uses this gift unjustly (such as against a benign or Gaian spirit) will not be given aid by other spirits. This gift is taught by a Wolverine Spirit.

The Garou must declare that they are using the gift Savage Spirit, expend one point of Energy/Gnosis and make a successful attack roll to bite the spirit. If they successfully make their roll and the spirit fails to resist, the spirit suffers 5 Points of Damage. 

◎◎◎: RANK 3 AHROUN - Wind Claws (Buff)

  • Base Roll: n/a
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 5
  • Damage: Double Damage
  • Mods: PASSIVE
  • Duration: One Turn 
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: None

When invoked, the claws and fangs of the Ahroun pass through any armor or shield, and do double damage, as if they were made of air. An Air Elemental teaches this Gift.

The Player must post in Local Chat they are using Wind Claws BEFORE they roll to attack and spend 5 Points of Energy/Gnosis to activate. This Gift lasts for one turn, but also has a one turn cool-down. Meaning, you can only use it every other turn to attack, and it must be re-invoked each turn you wish to use it by expending another point of Gnosis.

NOTE: Not stackable with any other Claw Attacks.

◎◎◎: RANK 3 AHROUN - Heart of Fury (Buff)

  • Base Roll: n/a
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 5
  • Damage: Double Damage
  • Mods: PASSIVE
  • Duration: See System.
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +3 Mental Defense

Using this Gift, the Garou can suppress his Rage by creating a mental barrier against an explosive frenzy. A Boar Spirit teaches this Gift. 

The Player spends 5 Points of Energy/Gnosis to activate. This ability lasts a scene, but at the end of the scene the Garou will no longer be able to suppress the frenzy reaction. If a Frenzy roll is required, the Garou's Player rolls with a +10 Mod.

If the Garou's Rage Meter has reached or exceeded 10 points, the Player may use this ability to reduce the Garou's Rage Meter to 9 Points of Rage, temporarily avoiding the Frenzy.

NOTE: This Gift can only be used once per scene.

◎◎◎: RANK 3 AHROUN - Wild Punch (Physical Attack)

  • Base Roll: 90
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 5
  • Damage: See System
  • Mods: Primal Urge, Physical Skill
  • Duration: One Turn 
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +3 Physical Defense

The Garou can make a wild punch that shatters bone, putting all their strength and focus into connecting as fast and as hard with the target as possible. 

The Player spends 5 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. If the Target fails to defend, the Garou must roll the dice again (no mods) to determine which body part the Garou connects with and how much damage was done. (All rolls do a minimum of 5HP of damage if the Wild Punch connects and the target fails their defense roll.)

Roll Chart for Damage
1-20: You connected, but only did 2 HP of damage. No bone crushing.

21-30: Skull, target is unconscious for 2 turns, plus 2 HP damage.

31-50: Arm, target's arm is broken and cannot use it to attack, plus 2 HP damage.

51-70: Leg, target's leg is broken and cannot run or attack with the limb, plus 5 HP damage.

71-90: Ribs, target's ribs are broken. Target must roll a non-mod dice of 50+ or collapse with a punctured lung until healed, plus 5 HP damage.

91-99: Spinal injury. Target is paralyzed from the waist down until healed, plus 10 HP damage.

100+: The target is immediately unconscious and near death. Their HP is brought down to 1 Point and they are suffering from internal bleeding. If they are not given immediate triage/healing withing 4 turns they will die. (See Death in Dominions of Darkness.)

NOTE: This Gift has a two turn cool down before it can be used again.

◎◎◎: RANK 3 AHROUN - Home Turf (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 5
  • Damage: None
  • Mods: Willpower, Occult
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: None

An Ahroun can claim an area for his Pack, daring others to invade them at their peril. In this place, the Ahroun and his packmates fear no outside dangers. A Wolf Spirit teaches this Gift.

The Player spends 1 Point of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. To claim Home Turf, the Ahroun and all his pack mates howl to claim of the area as theirs, with a radius of 20 meters. Once Home Turf is established, the Ahroun and all those in his Pack get a +10 Attack and +10 Defense when fighting on their Home Turf. This effect only works when two or more of the Ahroun's packmates are occupying the Home turf.

NOTE: The Ahroun must first be part of a Pack that has three or more members before a Home Turf can be claimed and marked. Only one Home Turf can be marked at a time. To dissolve a Home Turf, all members of the Ahroun's Pack must join together and howl to unmark the Territory before a new Home Turf can be established. 

◎◎: RANK 4 AHROUN - Clenched Jaw (Buff)

  • Base Roll: n/a
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 5
  • Damage: n/a
  • Mods: Passive
  • Duration: See System
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +2 Physical Skill
  • Temporary Affects:
    • -10 Physical Defense

The Ahroun with this Gift may bite down with such raw power that his grip will not loosen until he choses to do so. Even if the Ahroun should die or be rendered unconscious, his jaws will not unlock.

The Player declares in open chat that he is using Clenched Jaw, spends 5 Points of Energy/Gnosis and make a successful bite attack. If the Target fails to defend, the Garou's bite delivers standard bite damage, plus the Garou can continue to maintain the Clenched Jaw for as long as he wishes, though he must roll each turn to continue holding on with his jaws and expend another 5 Points of Energy/Gnosis of Gnosis.

  • While the Garou's Jaw is clenched onto the Target, the Garou may still continue to attack with his/her/their claws or melee weapon. 
  • The Target suffers a -10 to all attack and defense rolls while he has a Garou's teeth sunk into his body. 
  • The Garou suffers -10 Physical Defense.
  • The target may attempt to get free every turn by rolling to defend. If the target successfully defends against the bite (-10 Physical Defense), the Target takes an additional 5HP of damage due to tearing free.
  • The Garou may choose to let go at any time. 
  • Clenched Jaw can be used on foes, or inanimate objects as a death hold.

◎◎: RANK 4 AHROUN - Black Mamba Strike (Buff)

  • Base Roll: n/a
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 5
  • Damage: n/a
  • Mods: Passive
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Initiative
  • Temporary Affects:
    • +10 Physical Attack
    • +10 Physical Defense

With deadly speed and accuracy, the Garou is coiled and ready to strike with fangs and claws. Between one blink and the next, the Ahroun is there to bury his claws in his unsuspecting prey. He can dash across the battlefield with astonishing speed when he’s ready to strike. A snake-spirit teaches this Gift.

The player spends 5 Energy/Gnosis points to activate this for the rest of the scene, the Garou can move up to her normal running speed before making an attack on the same turn. This ability gives a permanent +5 to all Initiative rolls, and temp bonus of +10 to both Physical Attack and Physical Defense.

◎◎: RANK 4 AHROUN - Touch of Rage (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 5
  • Damage: n/a
  • Mods: Primal Urge
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None

An Ahroun using this gift can channel a portion of his Temp Rage to another, whether Garou, supernatural, human or animal. A Fury Spirit teaches this gift.

The Ahroun spends 5 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Ahroun can give the recipient 1-5 of his own Temporary Rage Points. Rage points may go above the targets normal maximum. But once they are spent, they are gone forever unless they are the recipient of a second use of this Gift. 

The Ahroun cannot give more Temporary Points than they have. Once given, the points leave the players possession and he will need to re-earn them in order to bestow more Temporary Rage points on another recipient. 

The Gift cannot grant Rage to mages, ghosts or other kinds of supernatural beings that do not already possess Rage. The Gift CAN be used on other Garou, Humans, Vampires, and Spirits.

  • Garou receiving Temp Rage can use these points as they would their own Temp Rage Points.
  • Humans will become a berserker, attacking the first friend, foe or innocent bystander he/she/they comes across.
  • Vampires or Ghosts will immediately Fox Frenzy.

◎◎: RANK 4 AHROUN - Combat Healing (Heal)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 5
  • Damage: n/a
  • Mods: Occult, Medical
  • Duration: Instant
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None

Heal yourself while you fight! Healing takes place instantaneously on your next turn using this Gift, so you can heal before or after your next attack. 

The Player spends 5 Points of Energy/Gnosis, one Temp Rage Point, and makes a successful roll. The Garou heals  5 Health Points. This Gift can only works on the Garou using this Gift, and can only be applied every other turn for as long as the player has Temp Rage and Energy/Gnosis points to expend.

◎◎: RANK 4 AHROUN - Body Shift (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 5
  • Damage: n/a
  • Mods: Occult, Physical Skill
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None

Garou raised in the shifting maze of human society are well-prepared for the endless adaptations Gaia demands of her protectors. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.

The Player spends 5 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Garou can temporarily use her shapeshifting to alter her physical Attributes, shifting strengths in one physical skill to another. 

For example, 5 dots in Brawl can be temporarily shifted to make 5 (or more) dots in Athletics/Reflexes (or vise versa). If you have 5 dots in Stealth, you can transfer your Three dots in Primal Urge and increase Stealth to 8 points. But this also means you have 0 dots in Primal Urge for the duration of the scene.

This will last for a full scene. Points can go over and above the number of normal points.

◎◎: RANK 4 AHROUN - Full Moon's Light (Physical Skill)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 5
  • Damage: n/a
  • Mods: Occult, Mental Skill
  • Duration: Three Turns
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None

This gift uses the light of the full moon to identify all those who seek to work against or harm the Garou's Sept, Tribe or Pack. While all foes who harbor a desire to hurt the Ahroun, their Sept, Tribe or Pack will be identified with a spotlight of silvery moon light, only the Ahroun will be able to see it. An avatar of Luna teaches this gift.

When invoked, all those within 20 meters who actively mean harm to the Ahroun or his Sept, Tribe or Pack will emit a soft silvery glow that reaches upward to the sky as though illuminated by a powerful beam of moonlight for three full turns. This glow will appear even if the foe is invisible. The glow will also penetrate buildings for those seeking to hide or use stealth.

There does not need to be a full moon to use this Gift. However, if it is used on a Full Moon, (the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd day of any month) it becomes a Passive skill and requires no roll or expenditure of Energy/Gnosis to activate.

: RANK 5 AHROUN - Kiss of Helios (Buff)

  • Base Roll: n/a
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 5
  • Damage: n/a
  • Mods: PASSIVE
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None

By invoking the power of the Sun, the Ahroun becomes completely immune to the damaging effects of fire. This also allows the Ahroun to ignite any portion of his body and keep it burning for extended periods. Commonly, a Garou will light his mane during rituals, but he can also ignite his claws or mouth without ill effect. A Fire elemental or a Sun spirit teaches this Gift.

The Player spends 5 Points of Energy/Gnosis to activate. For the rest of the scene he cannot be harmed by any "natural" forms of fire — up to and including molten lava. Artificial or chemical fires (such as gas fires, napalm, etc.) do half damage. When a Garou attacks with blazing fists, claws or fangs, they do an extra 2HP of damage.

: RANK 5 AHROUN - Aegis (Buff)

  • Base Roll: n/a
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 5
  • Damage: n/a
  • Mods: PASSIVE
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +15 Physical Defense

This Gift grants the Garou a mystical Aegis that protects him from attacks. While not a literal shield, this Gift protects the Garou by preventing attacks from hitting vital areas. For example, bullets deflect from off a belt buckle or other circumstances where "luck" seemed to have played a part in keeping the Garou from danger. A Wind Spirit teaches this Gift.

The Player gains a permanent +15 Physical Defense.

: RANK 5 AHROUN - Strength of Will (Buff)

  • Base Roll: n/a
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 5
  • Damage: n/a
  • Mods: PASSIVE
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None
  • Temporary Affects: +10 Willpower

The Ahroun using this Gift to inspire and motivate his Pack could lead them to the gates of Hell and back if that's what he asked of them. A Wolf Spirit teaches this Gift.

The Garou spends 5 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Garou and his allies in a fight gain +10 Willpower for the rest of the scene. This Gift can even raise an ally's Willpower above it's maximum. This Gift may only be used one per scene when the Ahroun is accompanied by at least one other ally. The Ahroun cannot use this on himself when he is alone.

: RANK 6 AHROUN - Unstoppable Warrior (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 5
  • Damage: n/a
  • Mods: Primal Urge, Mental Skill
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None
  • Temporary Affects: +10 Willpower

Healing your own damage during a battle? Hell Yes! The Garou can transform his rage into healing, allowing him to battle on in the War to protect Gaia.

The Player spends 5 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Garou then spends one point of Temp Rage and gains 20 HP of healing. This does not impede combat or defense. Healing is immediate and takes one action to complete. There is no limit on how many times you can use this Gift during a scene, as long as you are conscious, have at least 1HP left, and have Energy/Gnosis and Temp Rage points to spend.

: RANK 6 AHROUN - One On One (Physical Attack)

  • Base Roll: 90
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 20
  • Damage: n/a
  • Mods: Primal Urge, Willpower
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: None
  • Temporary Affects: +10 Willpower

This powerful gift allows the Garou to offer prayers to Luna and other spirits of blood, terror and battle in the Garou pantheon. If his prayers are answered (making your roll) then the Garou is transported instantly to a single destination of his choice to engage in one-to-one combat to the death under Luna's own aegis. The opponent is also transported to the same 20x20 location on the physical plane and cannot flee or receive aid from outsiders. Of course the Garou using this gift is bound by the same restrictions. Luna herself teaches this gift.

The Player spends 20 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. If the Target fails to resist, he/she/they are transported to the same 20x20 area as the Garou using this Gift. Neither the Garou nor the opponent may leave this 20x20 area until one of them is dead. (See Death in Dominions of Darkness.)

This Gift is not impeded by any supernatural forms of warding, concealment, contingency spells or similar precautions without any roll. Gifts, spells or other abilities that effect the mind (all Mental Abilities), teleportation, or turning incorporeal will not work. 

For the remainder of the scene, both affected parties can receive no aid from other sources, and can only use powers that are directly physical in nature. A vampire’s unearthly strength and speed or a faerie’s ability to strike at enemies with the spirit of holly would remain potent, but a member of either race would be stripped of their supernatural mind-clouding and unearthly presence or dominate skills. Nor can they teleport away or turn themselves incorporeal to avoid the Garou's strikes.

The Storyteller will make judgement calls on the Gift’s effects, keeping it within its intended spirit of providing a fair and open physical fight. A Garou asking a vampire in torpor to be transported to the fight arena, for example, might find the Leech awake and ready to fight.  Once the fight is done, normal rules of reality reassert themselves.


  • The Garou using this Gift must have physically met the enemy at least once before.
  • If the Garou dies, his Foe is held blameless for his death and no other Garou will seek revenge or justice.
  • The 20x20 location must be on the physical plane and cannot be held in the Umbra or other spiritual plane.

: RANK 6 AHROUN - Double Strike (Buff)

  • Base Roll: n/a
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 20
  • Damage: n/a
  • Mods: PASSIVE
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: N/A
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • Two Strikes Per Action

The Ahroun at this level has honed their physical attack and defense skills to perfection and is gifted two actions for every action in a turn. A two-headed Cobra Spirit teaches this gift.

Once purchased, this Gift is always active. The Ahroun may make two attacks per action in a turn, close the distance with a foe and attack, or attempt a counter attack with every successful defensive move. 

Attacks must be successfully rolled given normal attack and mods in order to succeed. This Gift only provides double the opportunities to strike. 

For example: An Ahroun who has activated this gift decides to use a point of Rage to gain two actions per turn. This Gift grants two attacks per action, allowing the Ahroun four attacks in a single turn.

NOTE: This skill may be combined with other attack skills. Double strike works with melee weapons, but not with firearms.