Source Book: Libellus Sanguinis II, by White Wolf
In the early nights of Clan Tremere, before the diablerie of Saulot, a small band of Warlocks made its way into Lithuania. Clan records state that the original goal of this journey was to expand the Clan’s influence into these lands, or to find allies. Some elder Tremere, though, claim that these pilgrims took the journey to escape from the clutches of their Clan once and for all.
Whatever the original motive behind the exodus, when the Tremere arrived, they fell in with the pagan peoples of Lithuania and learned of Telyavel, the protector of the dead, and were taught the skills of ancient Rune Crafting. The local people saw the vampires— nocturnal, bloodthirsty, and obviously magical —as incarnations or avatars of their death-gods, and the Tremere grew to believe them. They cast off the name “Tremere,” and simply became the “Telyavs.” While they had some infrequent contact with chantries outside of Lithuania, for the most part they remained patrons and predators to the villagers.
Modern Times - Dominions of Darkness
As times changed, so did the Telyavelic. Perhaps not so much in their founding beliefs, but more so in recognition of the shifting world around them. In the late 1700s, more than half of the Telyavelic migrated with the pagan peoples of Lithuania to the New World. Protected by these humans, they took root in the new land and through a series of conferences, reconnected with their Tremere brothers and sisters.
The Tremere of the New World eagerly welcomed them back into the fold and the clan was significantly strengthened by their discoveries of merging blood magic with the natural world. Initially the Telyavelic attempted to teach their Tremere kin the arts of Rune Crafting and the powers they could wield using this most ancient of all magics. Unfortunately, the Tremere proved to be either incapable of learning or refusing to learn due to the very primitive nature of the art. Some of the Tremere, specifically the Elites, felt that Rune Crafting was taking the clan backwards instead of forwards, much like returning to fingerpainting when one has already studied at the feet of the Masters.
Unlike other clans that reject change and concepts that do not mirror the foundation of a thousand years before, the Tremere are strengthened by discovery and absorb new knowledge that, as a whole, continually add to their power and influence. And they have become stronger still by embracing both the old and the new.
This enlightenment, while ignited in the New World, eventually found its way back to Eastern Europe. While the Telyavelic there have deeper roots, even they could not argue that they are all still Tremere and the power of Seilianic Thaumaturgy is an innovation best shared as a pillar of The Pyramid.
Change has always been the greatest challenge, and greatest weakness, for most vampire clans. But the Tremere have turned it into their greatest strength, recognizing that knowledge, and the search for it, must ever move forward and the only constant in this world is change.
Quote: We reached too high. Power and enlightenment aren’t only found in formulae. They are also found in dirt, stone, wood, and blood.
Nickname: Telyavs, Shepherds, Druids
Disciplines: Auspex, Presence, Seilianic Thaumaturgy
Weakness: The Telyavs bound their fates so tightly to their pagan herds that they took on some of the same fears and enemies. They are weak against Christian symbols and faith. Difficulties to resist frenzy are -10 Mod higher than normal when confronted by such enemies. They recoil from the sight of the cross or other symbols of the Christian faith.
Strength: The core of their research is to some day find the means of reversing the catastrophic change they had under gone from human to vampire. In the wilds of Lithuania, these Tremere are revered among the pagan population, who saw them as incarnations of Telyavel (or Kaleval) and welcomed the newcomers into their midst as priests and shamans. The New World pagans continue this belief and have bound themselves willingly to their Earthly gods for the benefit of both.
Seilanic Thaumaturgy: The Telyavs sensed a mystical emanation from the land, one which permeated the soil, forests and animals. They learned from their pagan followers that this “emanation” came from the Siela, the part of the spirit that remains bound to the world after death and also inhabits animals, plants and even stones.
Excited by this discovery, the Telyavs soon developed a Thaumaturgical Path based on combining their vitae with soil, the sap of trees or the blood of animals, producing a variety of effects. In addition, their deliberate closeness to the vis-rich soil itself enables them to draw upon the metamorphic aspects of their Tremere blood.
Unlike their colleagues elsewhere in Europe, who prefer to distance themselves from mortals and conduct their business in secret, Telyavs operate openly among the pagan population of Lithuania. Their nocturnal habits and sanguinary tastes seem utterly appropriate for their roles as avatars of the protector of the dead.
While they do insist on keeping their chantry locations secret, they move about in human society with relative freedom. Though the Telyavelic Tremere are no closer to restoring their original humanity than they were when they first separated themselves from their parent clan, they have managed to attain a compensatory sense of connection with the living world. By assuming the duties of priests and shamans, they have also carved out for themselves a place in pagan society as a bridge between the living and the dead.
Appearance: Dressing in the somber clothing of their more scholarly parent clan, the Telyavs dress to fit in with the local population, adopting either the dress of the common folk or the robes and symbols of their newly adopted patron deity. While easily adapting to modern times, there are situations that harken them back in appearance to their more druidic choices of clothing. This is certainly an individual choice, though most Telyavs feel the wearing of their pagan robes during certain ceremonies and when embracing childer honors their history.
Haven: Historical locations of chantries have typically been sacred woodland sites, such as the chantry near Riga situated in a copse of trees atop a sacred hill. The more traditional Telyavelic will seek the refuge of more pastoral havens, but even they acknowledge that one's connection with the Mother Goddess is not so much about the location, as it is about the vampire's ability to commune with her wherever he is.
In more modern times, the Telyavelic Tremere have slowly moved into towns and cities, though living on the outskirts if possible. The concept that Nature can only exist in secluded forests has been abandoned in recognition of the undeniable fact that Nature is tenacious, and she is powerful. Anyone who has ever had to fight the growth of weeds or keep squirrels out of their birdfeeders can attest to this. Consider the delicate flower that blooms in the cracks of an urban sidewalk, or the vines that flourish in lush green leafy cascades on the stone walls of massive human structures. Nature is everywhere, if only you open your eyes and look for her.
Telyavelic chantries in modern times can be found along golf courses, around city parks, by rivers and creeks, or if such locations are unavailable, in planted lush gardens that take over their fenced yards. Occasionally, a lone Telyav dwells among her pagan followers, protected by ghouls. In addition to their chantries, Telyavelic Tremere often have secondary homes, which also serve as shrines for pagan worship and the recruitment of those dedicated to serve the Telyav as the sacred Mother or Father.
Embrace: Unlike most Tremere, the Telyavelic actively embraced women, seeing them as embodiments of the dark mother-goddess figures of local paganism. Although the majority of this group is still male, nearly a third is female, and many of these were created during the middle age.
Candidates for the Embrace must come from the ranks of pagans. Many of them are priests and priestesses of the old religion, though this is changing in the modern world. Younger generations are selecting childer who are chosen out of companionship or what passes for love among vampires, as fleeting as those attractions may be for many vampires. But more than that, the newly embrace represent the embodiment of either Nature Goddess or Forest Father.
Because of their ancient Lithuanian heritage and the remembrance of the time when it was a battleground between the pagan tribes and the Christian Order of the Sword, there are those who strengthen their bloodlines with warrior stock as well. These guardians of the Mother and Father are champions of Nature, as well as protectors of his/her/their more priestly brothers and sisters.
These private "Embracing Ceremonies" ideally take place in sacred woodland sites under a full moon. There the exchange of blood is an event blessed by Siela, filled with reverence for the miraculous transformation that is taking place. An embrace, clad in flowing green druidic robes, may take from sundown till just before sunrise as the Vampire slowly drains the human's life away and replaces it with his own.
Character Creation: Telyavelic Tremere generally have shamanic or druidic concepts. As in their parent clan, Mental Skills assume primary importance in most cases, although a warrior may emphasize Physical Attributes and Talents. Unlike the rest of the Tremere Clan, Occult is a very important skill, adding higher chances of success when using Seilanic Thaumaturgy abilities.
Background: Telyavelic Tremere usually reflect the Telyavs’ pagan outlook and they value the allegiance of their their mortal pagan followers. They tend to have a closer bond to their Sire's generation than other Tremere.
Each generation drinks twice of the blood of the previous generation, thus bringing them to the verge of forming a Blood Oath with their sires’ generation. Typically, a number of Telyavs gather together to oversee the Embrace of a new member, thus ensuring a sufficient supply of elder blood to establish the hierarchical bond between generations.
While their years in the 16th century nearly destroyed them, enough were able to hide away for centuries, selecting their childer and growing their number with great discretion, until reemerging in the New World. Through those centuries it was enough simply to survive, and it hardened their resolve to protect the secrets they learned of Seilanic Thaumaturgy so they could rejoin their Tremere brothers and sister and strengthen the Great Pyramid.
Of all the Vampires, only the Telyavelic Tremere are capable of working with Runes. While the other Tremere look down upon this type of primitive magic, it may be in part that they simply do not have the type of connection with the Earth that is the hallmark of the Telyavelic. Their Pagan roots dig deep into the past and connect with this world's first and original magic.
Each level of Runecraft must be purchased with Experience Points (XP), which not only increases the vampire's chances of successfully creating runes, but adds to their overall Physical and Mental Skills.
RUNECRAFT: Mods Earned Per Skill Point Purchased | |
1. ◉ | +5 Physical Skill |
2. ◉◉ | +5 Mental Skill |
3. ◉◉◉ | +5 Physical Skill |
4. ◉◉◉◉ | +5 Mental Skill |
5. ◉◉◉◉◉ | +5 Mental Skill & +10 Physical Skill |
About Elder Runes
The word “Rune” means secret, or whisper, and those who learn the power of the Runes and how to use them, keep the secrets they’ve learned to themselves, only passing down their knowledge to their apprentices. Their powers need to be learned, not given. Anyone breaking this code can expect retribution from other practitioners of Rune knowledge.
Elder Runes are the oldest form of the runic alphabets and, when done correctly by a Master Runecrafter, have great potential to influence spiritual and physical power over the corporeal world. Each Rune has three distinct characteristics that Runecrafters need to understand in order to use them correctly, and to create even more powerful Bind Runes.
Auspex gives the vampire uncanny sensory abilities. Vampires with Auspex start with the capacity to heighten their natural senses significantly, but as they grow in power they can perceive psychic auras and read the thoughts of another being.
Auspex can also pierce through mental illusions such as those created by Obfuscate. However, vampires with Auspex need to be careful. Their increased sensory sensitivity can cause them to be drawn in by beautiful things or stunned by loud noises and pungent smells. Sudden or dynamic events can disorient an Auspex-using character unless the Player makes a Willpower roll to block them out (difficulty of at least 60 and dependent on the Storyteller's call,) although the more potent the source of distraction, the higher the difficulty.
Failure overwhelms the character’s senses, making the Auspex-using vampire oblivious to their surroundings for a turn or two. While the Malkavians and Toreador are more prone to these kinds of distractions, the Tremere and Tzimisce aren’t immune. Dots in Perception are very useful for using Auspex powers, as more points purchased in this ability will help the character gain more sensory information.
Base Roll: N/A
Mod: N/A
Energy/Blood Cost: 1 pt.
Damage: 0
Duration: 2 Turns
This power increases the acuity of all of the vampire’s senses, effectively doubling the clarity and range of sight, hearing, smell and perception. While the vampire's senses of taste, touch and observation extend no farther than normal, they likewise become far more distinct. For example, the vampire could taste and identify the hint of liquor in a victim’s blood or feel the give of the board concealing a hollow space in the floor. When speaking with someone, they will sense if they are being lied to or someone is attempting to deceive them.
The Kindred may magnify his/her/their senses at will, sustaining this heightened focus for as long as the vampire desires. At the Storyteller’s option, this may make hunting easier. Occasionally, this talent provides extrasensory or even precognitive insights. These brief, unfocused glimpses may be odd premonitions, flashes of empathy, or eerie feelings of foreboding. The vampire has no control over these perceptions, but with practice can learn to interpret them with a fair degree of accuracy. Expanded senses come at a price, however. Bright lights, loud noises and strong smells present a hazard while the vampire uses this power. In addition to the possibility for distraction, an especially sudden or potent stimulus (like the glare of a spotlight or a clap of thunder) can blind or deafen the Kindred for an hour or more.
It takes a reflexive action and the expenditure of Blood/Energy points to activate this ability, but no roll is required. In certain circumstances, a Storyteller may request a dice roll associated with using the character’s sense (Mod Auspex level, Willpower and Mental Skill). The Storyteller may also use this power to see if the character perceives a threat. In this case, the Storyteller privately rolls the character’s unmodified Auspex rating, applying whatever difficulty he feels best suits the circumstances. For example, sensing that a pistol is pointed at the back of the character’s head may require a roll of difficulty 50, while the sudden realization that a rival for Primogen is planning her assassination may require a 90.
Note that even this “precognition” comes only as a result of interpreting details the Kindred is able to notice "while actively using Auspex." It’s not an all-purpose insight or miraculous revelation. At the character’s discretion, he/she/they may selectively heighten one specific sense, rather than turning them up. In these cases, the difficulty to perceive stimuli using that sense drops by -10, but the difficulty to avoid distraction or temporary bedazzlement via the enhanced sense increases by +20.
This power does not let characters see in pitch darkness, but it does reduce difficulty penalties to act in such darkness by -10, and the character may make ranged attacks in pitch darkness if the vampire using Auspex can hear, smell, or otherwise detect her foe via the senses.
Base Roll: 60
Mod: Willpower, Mental Skill
Energy/Blood Cost: 3 pts.
Damage: 0
Duration: 1 Turn
Using this power, the vampire can perceive the psychic “auras” that radiates about mortals and supernatural beings alike. These halos comprise a shifting, swirling series of colors that take practice to discern with any level of clarity. Even the simplest individual can have many shifting hues within his aura; strong emotions predominate, while momentary impressions or deep secrets flash through in streaks and swirls.
The colors change in response to the subject’s emotional state, blending into new tones in a constantly dancing pattern of emotions and impulses. The stronger the emotions involved, the more intense the hues become.
A skilled vampire can learn much from her subject by reading the nuances of color and brilliance in the aura’s flow. Aside from perceiving emotional states, vampires use Aura Perception to detect supernatural beings. The colors in Kindred auras, while intense, are quite pale, while mage halos often flare and crackle with arcane power.
The race of shapeshifters has strikingly bright, almost frantic auras, and ghosts have weak auras that flicker fitfully like a dying flame. While a faerie creature's aura is vivid and radiant, streaked with capricious rainbow hues.
After the character stares at the subject for at least a few seconds and makes a successful roll, use the chart below to determine how much of the subject’s aura the Player's character sees and understands (see the table below).
A failure indicates that the play of colors and patterns yields no prevailing impression. A botch indicates a false or erroneous interpretation. The Storyteller may wish to make this roll, thus keeping the player in the dark as to the veracity of the character’s interpretation.
Roll Chart:
1-10: BOTCH! You may unknowingly perceive a false impression of the Aura. Exactly if or what that error in perception is will be determined by the Storyteller. Whether you are told fact, fiction or a mixture of the two will be unknown to you.
11-30: The play of colors and patterns yields no prevailing impression to you at this time.
31-50: You can distinguish only the intensity of the aura (pale or bright), but not its color. This gives you information on how strongly the subject feels at the time, but not what they are feeling.
51-60: You can distinguish the main color of the aura and the intensity.
61-70: You can recognize the main color and the secondary color patterns in the aura, including the intensity of in both.
71-90: You can detect the main and secondary color patterns in the aura, the intensity of those two patterns, plus any subtle shifts between the them that might indicate duplicity or one pattern threatening to overcome the other. For example, reading the aura of someone who's girlfriend is breaking up with them might show the blue colors of love shifting to the silver hues of sadness, then blazing into the red of anger. If you watch long enough, perhaps it will shift again to the gray of depression or a confused mottle hue of shifting colors.
91-100+: You can detect the main and secondary color patterns in the aura, the intensity of those two patterns, plus any subtle shifts between the them that might indicate duplicity or one pattern threatening to overcome the other. (See example in 71-90).
In addition to knowing all the emotions depicted in the aura, their exact mix within it and their intensity, you also get a strong sense of the person's intent in regards to these emotions. As in the example above, the jilted boyfriend with an intense shade of angry red and shifts of silver sadness might also display vibrant flashes of aggressive purple. This would indicate that the man "intends" to direct these intense emotions against his girlfriend's new boyfriend, or her sister if he believes his girlfriend has been influenced her against him. This aggression could be physical and murderous, or sneaky and vengeful (slash the tires of her car or attempt to get her fired from work).
Orange | Afraid | Sky Blue | Lovestruck | |
Purple | Aggressive | Neon Green | Obsessed | |
Red | Angry | Silver | Sad | |
Brown | Bitter | Gold | Spiritual | |
Light Blue | Calm | Dark Blue | Suspicious | |
Pink | Compassionate | Color or White Static | Anxious | |
Lavender | Conservative | Mottled Shifting Colors | Confused | |
Gray | Depressed | Thick Black Veins in Aura | Diablerist | |
Maroon | Desirous or Lustful | Sharp Flashing Colors | Day/Dreaming | |
Light Green | Distrustful | Fast Rippling Colors | Frenzied | |
Dark Green | Envious | Hypnotic Swirling Colors | Psychotic | |
Violet | Excited | Sky Blue with Gold Waves | True Love | |
Rose | Generous | Aura with Pale Blotches | Ghoul | |
Red-Orange | Happy | Sparkles in Aura | Magic Use | |
Black | Hateful | Bright Intense Aura | Werebeast | |
Yellow | Idealistic/Optimistic | Weak Intermittent Aura | Ghost or Spirit | |
White | Innocent/Guiltless/Naive | Rainbow Spikes in Aura | Faerie | |
Turquois | Deceptive | Pale Aura Colors | Vampire |
Base Roll: 20
Mod: Willpower, Mental Skill
Energy/Blood Cost: 5 pts.
Damage: 0
Duration: Takes One Full Turn
When someone handles an object for any length of time, that person leaves a psychic impression on the item. A vampire with this level of Auspex can “read” these sensations, learning who handled the object, when he last held it, and what was done with it recently. (For these purposes, a corpse counts as an “object” and can be read accordingly since it is merely a body without life.) These visions are seldom clear and detailed, registering more like a kind of “psychic snapshot.” Still, the Kindred can learn much even from such a glimpse. Although most visions concern the last person to handle the item, a long-time owner leaves a stronger impression than someone who held the object briefly in comparison.
Gleaning information from the spiritual residue requires the vampire to hold the object and enter a shallow trance. She is only marginally aware of her surroundings while using The Spirit’s Touch, but a loud noise or jarring physical sensation breaks the trance instantly.
The player makes a successful roll, modified by their Willpower and Mental Skill. The Storyteller will provide a bonus of 0%-50% on the roll, depending on how strong (or weak) the psychic impression is imbedded on the item. The Player can add this percentage manually into their HUD before they roll.
The difficulty for any object is determined by:
1) The age of the impressions,
2) The intensity of the events the object was involved in,
3) The mental and/or spiritual strength of the person who possessed it.
Sensing information from a pistol used for a murder hours ago may provide a 40% bonus, while learning who first owned a bloodstained puppet fashioned a century ago might only give a 5% bonus. However, the same puppet might provide a 50% bonus regarding the blood on the puppet if the event was intense or led to the loss of life.
The greater the individual’s emotional connection to the object, the stronger the impression he leaves on it — and the more information the Kindred can glean from it. However, a very old gold necklace that was worn for many decades by a long deceased woman could easily carry her imprint for a hundred years after her death, even if the item had experienced no intense negative/positive connection. This might make it more difficult to read through the years of following contact clutter to find out more recent events involving the necklace or who most recently owned it.
Events involving strong emotions (a wedding/birthday gift, a torture, a long family history, murder of passion) likewise leave stronger impressions than short or casual contact do. (See the Roll Chart below.)
Roll Chart:
1-10: BOTCH! The character is overwhelmed by psychic impressions for the next 3 turns and is unable to act.
11-19: No information of any real value can be gleaned from the object. If the price tag is still on it, you will know how much it cost.
20-29: Very basic information, such as the last owner’s gender or hair color, for instance.
30-49: The information above, plus a second piece of basic information, such as if the owner wore glasses or a hat, a scent or a taste, etc.
50-69: All the information above, plus more useful information about the last owner, such as age and state of mind the last time he/she/they had the object physically in their possession, the intensity of that emotion, the time of day they last had it, etc.
70-89: You get all the previous information, plus the owner's name who possessed the object the longest, as well as what happened to the object immediately after it was passed to another. This would include all the events and information regarding when it exchanged hands. While the names of the successive owners may be missing or rather vague, the Player's Character can give an excellent and detailed physical description of all the owners
.90+: The Player's Character receives a wealth of information, nearly anything they want to know about the person’s relationship with that object is available, including a complete history of the item, who owned it, their names, and for how long. You can see flashes of events in which the object was present, as if you were the object. These flashes can include scents, visuals and sounds like snippets of a movie.
Base Roll: 30
Mod: Mental Skill and Mental Attack
Def: Mental Defense
Energy/Blood Cost: 8 pts.
Damage: 0
Duration: Takes One Full Turn
The vampire can project a portion of her consciousness into a nearby mortal’s mind, creating a mental link through which she can:
1) Communicate wordlessly or even read the target’s deepest thoughts, OR
2) Project a thought into the target mortal's mind.
When reading thoughts, the Kindred “hears” in her own mind the thoughts plucked from a subject as if they were spoken to her. When attempting to place a thought into the target mortal's mind, it is perceived as if it were the target's own thought. In either case, the mortal is none the wiser.
This is one of the most potent vampiric abilities since, given time, a Kindred can learn virtually anything from a subject without the person ever knowing. Or place a thought into the mind of a mortal. The Tremere and Tzimisce in particular find this power especially useful in gleaning secrets from others, or for directing their mortal followers with silent precision.
Projecting or reading thoughts are separate rolls. They are the same skill, but much like you cannot breath in and breath out at the same time, telepathically reading or placing thoughts requires separate actions. The vampire must declare which they will attempt to perform before they make their roll. The Player makes a successful roll, modified by their Mental Skill and Mental Attack. The target may choose to defend by rolling against the vampire Player's roll, modified by the target's own Mental Defense.
If the mortal target makes their roll and successfully defends against this mental attack, the vampire fails to read the person's mind and the target is none the wiser. If the vampire is attempting to place a thought into the mind of the mortal, the target will recognize that the aberrant thought is not their own, but the target does not know from whence it came.
The mortal may be puzzled or confused by the thought, then simply dismisses it as an odd experience. They might consider it as the results of too much wine, drugs or lack of sleep and think on it no more
.If the mortal target fails their defense roll, the vampire will be able to read the thought(s), or the vampire will successfully project a thought(s) into his/her/their mind. If the target is a Player Character, they will privately send the thought(s) in an IM to the vampire character's Player.
Reading minds or placing thoughts into the the minds of mortals can be a convoluted journey and must be accomplished in layers, like peeling an onion. For the most part, the human mind is a messy landfill of urges, impulses, emotions, song lyrics and trivia. The stronger your roll, the more you will be able to cut through the chatter and read/communicate meaningful thoughts.
Roll Chart:
1-10: BOTCH! Not only are you unable to read or place a thought into the mortal's mind, you will be able to attempt any kind of telepathy for the rest of the scene. And now you have a brutal headache.
11-29: You can read the target's thoughts, but cannot choose the subject of that thought. It will be whatever is at the top of the person's mind, whatever they are thinking of at the moment. If attempting to place a thought in the mind of the target, you are only able to communicate a vague underlying emotion or condition, such as hunger/thirst, anger, curiosity, boredom, interest, suspicion, etc. The emotion/condition is not strong enough for the target to instantly act on it and they may choose to ignore it if they so wish.
30-59: You are successful in placing or reading a single directed thought. If reading a thought, it will be one related to what you are specifically looking for, such as "Where are the car keys?" "Who do you love?", "Who killed Bob?", "What is your bank PIN?" These thoughts cannot be longer than five words. If placing a thought, it too can only be a maximum of five words.
60-79: You successfully place/read a single thought comprised of no more than two full sentences. If placing these thoughts, the target will treat them as if they are their own thoughts and act on them unless if violates their own self preservation. For example, you can't place a thought of suicide in the mind of a person, or make them jump of a building. However, the vampire can instill a sense that the target is getting cheated in a deal they are in the process of negotiating, or that the guy sitting next to them is hitting on their wife/girlfriend. The target will feel this thought came from their own mind and react appropriately. If attempting to read the target's mind on a single subject, the target will IM the character's Player and communicate their honest, unfiltered thoughts on the subject in two full and complete sentences.
80-99: If reading the person's mind, the target will tell you exactly what they know and think about the particular subject in as many words as it takes, but a minimum of five sentences. Even if it is a deep secret or something they would never tell another soul, they will confess everything to themselves in the perceived safety of their own mind...and the vampire.
If placing a thought in the target's mind, the vampire can use as many sentences as they wish to get their point across, motivate the target to an action, or make it irresistible to ignore. The target will understand the thoughts perfectly, but hear the words in their own voice.
100+: You get all the information from above, but when reading minds you get the full 3D experience as if you were there.
For example, if you want to know everything the target knows about the death of Bob, he will not just tell you what happened, he will share the full memory of how it happened as if it were your own memory. This will include what was said, who pulled the trigger, what happened to the body, the smell of blood in the room, the sound the hacksaw made when it cut Bob apart, where they hid the body and any other evidence, etc.
Even if the target wasn't the one who killed Bob or was present at the murder, he will share the memory of how and when he learned of Bob's death, what he knows of the murder and every little detail.
If placing a thought in the mind of the target, the thought will become an actual memory. For example, if the vampire places the thought "Your wife is cheating on you with the guy who just walked into the bar. Remember that phone call and the photos that were mailed to you? That's the guy!" the target will visualize a memory of seeing the man and his wife together in a photo. The full memory will be up to the target to fill in the details per their own imagination.
Base Roll: 80
Mod: Willpower & Mental Skill
Def: n/a
Energy/Blood Cost: 8 pts.
Damage: 0
Duration: Takes One Full Turn
Vampires with this awesome ability project their senses out of their physical shell, and stepping away from their bodies as entities of pure thought. The vampire’s astral form is immune to physical damage or fatigue, and can “fly” with blinding speed anywhere across the earth — or even underground — so long as they remain below the moon’s orbit.
There is a danger in psychic projection. The Kindreds' material forms lie in a torpid state while their astral selves are active, and the vampires are not aware of anything that befalls their bodies until they return to it. This leaves them vulnerable and open to attacks.
An ephemeral silver cord connects the Kindred’s psyche to his/her/their bodies. If this cord is severed, their consciousness becomes stranded in the astral plane (the realm of ghosts, spirits, and shades). Attempting to return to the vampire’s physical shell is a long and terrifying ordeal, especially since there is no guarantee that the Kindred will accomplish the journey successfully. This significant danger keeps many Kindred from leaving their bodies for long, but those who dare can learn much.
The vampire finds a safe place for their body and makes a successful roll. If the roll is not successful, they may continue to try again in two turns. Unfortunately, a botch can have catastrophic consequences. If the roll is successful, exactly how high the roll is determines where and how far they are able to travel. (See Roll Chart below.)
An astral form may travel at great speeds (the Storyteller can use roughly 1000 miles per hour or 1500 kilometers per hour as a general guide) and carries no clothing or material objects of any kind. Some artifacts are said to exist in the spirit world, and the character can try to use one of these tools if the vampire finds one. The character cannot bring such relics to the physical world upon returning, however. Interaction with the physical world is impossible while using Psychic Projection. At best, the character may spend 3 Blood/Energy points to manifest as a ghostlike shape. This apparition lasts one turn before fading away; while she can’t manipulate anything physically during this time, the character can speak in hushed whispers while in the ghostlike shape.
Despite lacking physical substance, an astral character can use Auspex and mental skills normally. At the Storyteller’s discretion, such a character may employ some or all Animalism, Dementation, Dominate, Necromancy, Obtenebration, Presence, Thaumaturgy, and similar non-corporeal mental powers the vampire has acquired.
Astral Shapes Meeting Each Other
If two astral shapes encounter one another, they can interact as if they were solid. They may talk, touch, and even fight as if both were in the material world. Since they have no physical bodies, astral characters seeking to interact “physically” substitute Physical Abilities for Mental Abilities. This means mental skills, attack and defense numbers replace physical Attacks, Skills and Defense. Willpower is the modifier on all rolls.
Due to the lack of a material form, the only real way to damage another psychic entity is to cut its silver cord connecting the spirit to the physical body. When fighting this way, consider Willpower points x10 to be health points; when combatants lose all their Willpower Points, the cord is severed. Although an astrally-projected character remains in the reflection of the mortal world, she may venture further into the spirit realms, especially if she becomes lost. Other beings with particular sensitivity to psychic activity, such as ghosts, werewolves, and even some magi, travel the astral plane as well, and can interact with a vampire’s psychic presence normally (although the astrally projected character is not considered a “ghost” for powers such as Necromancy).
The world beyond is a vivid and fantastic place, where the true nature of things is stronger and often strikingly different from their earthly appearances.
Roll Chart:
1-10: BOTCH! Your body is flung to a random, unknown destination anywhere in the world. If that place is in the sunlight, you will need to roll for frenzy...even though the sunlight will not harm your spirit self. After two turns, you will need to refocus your efforts, spend another 8 points of Blood/Energy and make an unmodified roll of 80 to return. The return trip will not be pleasant. Re-entering your body will cause all bodily functions to spontaneously erupt as every muscle will convulse. IF you botch a second time, the vampire's psychic cord connecting their spirit to their body snaps, stranding the character’s psychic form in the mysterious astral plane.
11-79: Whatever the reason, you were not able to achieve Psychic Projection. You will need to expend 8 more Blood/Energy points and wait another two turns to clear your mind, focus and try again.
80-85: You can project to any place that is line of sight.
86-89: You can project to a familiar location within your city, or anyplace in your country.
90-95: You can travel to an unfamiliar place within your city, or a familiar place anyplace in the world.
96+: You can travel to anyplace on earth or above it, as long as you remain beneath the orbit of the moon. Travel beyond the moon is not possible using Psychic Projection.
Base Roll: 60
Mod: Mental Skill
Def: n/a
Energy/Blood Cost: 6 pts.
Damage: 0
Duration: Two Turns
Affects: Adds permanent bonuses -
By using Eagles Sight, the vampire can mentally fly like a bird and visually see the land and all beneath them with complete clarity. This is different than Psychic Projection since the vampire's spirit never leaves his/her/their body completely and they can "snap out of it" at any time without injury or disorientation. Like the eagle, the vampire using this skill has a 340-degree field of vision that allows for both excellent peripheral and binocular vision. For example, an eagle is capable of sighting a rabbit two miles away (or 3.2 kilometers) while in flight the vampire can travel between 20-40 miles per hour (32-64 km) in normal flight at altitudes of 10,000 feet or more.
The vampire takes one full turn to focus their energy, spends 6 pts. of Blood/Energy and makes a successful roll. The effect lasts for another two full turns of scanning the area as they mentally fly above the area, or until they end the ability. If the vampire is attacked by surprise while in this state, they suffer a -5% defense penalty on the first attack and all initiative.
The vampire still has access to his own hearing and other senses (not including sight). Think of it like wearing VR goggles playing a video game. You can't see what's going on around you, but you can still hear, touch and smell.
Base Roll: 70
Mod: Mental Attack & Mental Skill
Def: Willpower & Mental Defense
Energy/Blood Cost: 14 pts.
Damage: 42
Duration: Takes One Full Turn
Psychic Assault is nothing less than a direct mind-to-mind attack which uses the sheer force of an elder’s will to overpower his target. Victims of Psychic Assault show little outward sign of the attack, save for nosebleeds and expressions of intense agony; all injuries by means of this psychic pressure inflicted are internal. A medical examination of a mortal victim of a Psychic Assault invariably shows the cause of death to be a heart attack, stroke or aneurysm, while vampires killed with this power decay to dust instantly, regardless of age.
The character must touch or make eye direct contact with his target. The player spends 14 Energy/Blood points and makes a successful roll, modified by Mental Attack and Mental Skill. The target rolls to defend against the attack. If they fail their roll, the target takes 42 points of damage.
Base Roll: 90
Mod: Willpower, Mental Attack & Mental Skill
Def: None
Energy/Blood Cost: 8 pts.
Damage: n/a
Duration: Lasts for the length of the scene
Permanent Buffs:
This powerful ability allows higher-level vampires to mentally link their minds to the minds of any other being or creature. When used on sentient beings, the vampire can mentally link and communicate via hold an ongoing dialogue with any number of people at the same time. Everyone the vampire has selected to link to can hear him in their minds, and also hear the minds of all others in the linked conversation. Distance is not a factor. When used on animal minds, the communication is very limited. The vampire can speak to animals and it will respond as if it physically heard the words, but the animal can only provide an emotional response, such as happy, sad, frightened, angry, confused, anticipation, etc.
An Unexpected Side Effect
For the purpose of conducting group meetings with her clan members across the globe, this skill was developed by an elder Toreador Primogen many hundreds of years ago before modern mass communication. However, she did not anticipate the side effect this type of mental link would have on her.
While it worked perfectly in linking multiple minds through her own for an open dialogue, the skill itself effected her own mind in a way she could not control. In essence, she could never fully turn off the skill. Such a thing could easily have caused a vampire to go insane. Fortunately for her, it had a powerful and unforeseen effect that forced her to continually reach out and touch the minds of all those around her, giving her a split second impression of impulses and basic non-verbal thought.
The ability was reflexive, weak and easily unnoticeable in her normal activities. However, when she was in combat situations she found this constant stream of information allowed her to anticipate the defenses and attacks of her opponents without effort. With practice she honed the skill and became a Master of combat, often seen by the Prince's side to defend him against attacks and settle disagreements on his behalf with the sword.
The Vampire expends 8 points of Blood/Energy points and makes a successful roll. He can then IM or set up a Group IM Chat IN CHARACTER with as many "Characters" (Player-Characters or NPCs) as he wishes. The vampires mind serves as a hub from which all participants can communicate freely. His communication must be notecarded. And the IM/Group Chat communication must include the Storyteller, even though they are not an active part of the In-Character conversation. However, if the vampire is attacked or he somehow loses focus, the communication is instantly severed. Length of the "call" is the duration of a scene, unless ended by the Vampire. The combat bonuses/buffs for those purchasing this skill are permanent and always active.
Presence is the Discipline of emotional manipulation. Vampires with this power can inspire passionate fervor or unreasoning terror in mortals and Kindred alike. In addition, unlike most Disciplines, some of Presence’s powers can be used on entire crowds at onetime. Presence can transcend race, religion, gender, class, and (most importantly) supernatural nature. As such, this subtle power is one of the most useful Disciplines a vampire can possess.
Anyone can attempt to resist the affects of Presence with a roll modified by their own Willpower, but affected individuals will succumb to the Vampire's charms until they are no longer in the presence of the vampire (or, in the case of Summon, until the effect wears off). The major drawback of Presence is that it typically controls only the emotions. It causes others to feel a certain way toward the vampire, but does not give her outright control over them.
While people weigh strongly the orders that the vampire declares, their minds are still their own. Though Presence can be resisted through force of will, most do not realize when it is being used upon them. Suicidal or ridiculous directives don’t sound any more sensible just because the person giving them is unusually fascinating. Still, inspired eloquence or significant wealth used in combination with this Discipline can enable the vampire to urge others along a desired course.
Followers of Set, Toreador, and the Ventrue clans are all adept in this subtle Discipline. The Ventrue are arguably the most skilled with its application, however this is mostly due to their ability to use a combination of both Presence and Dominate.
Base Roll: 50
Mod: Willpower
Energy/Blood Cost: 1 pts.
Damage: 0
Those near the vampire suddenly desire to be closer to her and become receptive to her point of view. Awe is extremely useful for mass communication. It matters little what is said — the hearts of those affected lean toward the vampire’s opinion. The weak want to agree with her; even if the strong-willed resist, they soon find themselves outnumbered. Awe can turn a chancy deliberation into a certain resolution in the vampire’s favor almost before her opponents know that the tide has turned. Despite the intensity of this attraction, those so smitten do not lose their sense of self-preservation. Danger breaks the spell of fascination, as does leaving the area. Those subject to Awe will remember how they felt in the vampire’s presence, however. This will influence their reactions should they ever encounter her again.
The Player spends one Energy/Blood point and makes a successful roll, modified by Willpower. The higher the Player rolls, the greater number of people within a 10 meter radius will be affected (see Roll Chart below).If there are more people present than the character can influence, Awe affects those with lower Willpower ratings first. The power stays in effect for the remainder of the scene or until the character chooses to drop it.
Roll Chart:
1-10: Botch! Awe turns to distaste and avoidance of the Vampire for the duration of the scene.
11-49: No effect.
50-59: One person.
60-69: Two People
70-79: Six people
80-89: 20 people
90-100+: Everyone within a 20 meter radius (chat range)
Affects of Awe
Those affected can roll to beat the Player's roll, modified by their own Willpower to overcome the influence of Awe. A successful roll will free them from the influence, but otherwise will not make them aware of the use of the influence itself. They may, however, be puzzled why others are so enthralled.
They remain unaffected by an individual Vampire for the rest of the scene, even if the Vampire uses Awe again (for example, new people enter the scene and the Vampire wishes to subject them to Awe as well.)Those who fail their roll will be under the influence of Awe for the duration of the scene, or for as long as they remain in the same area as the vampire.
Base Roll: 55 (does 12 points of damage at 70+)
Mod: Mental Attack
Energy/Blood Cost: 4 pts.
Damage: 15
Resist: Mental Defense
While all Kindred can frighten others by physically revealing their true vampiric natures (baring claws and fangs, glaring with malevolence, hissing loudly with malice) this power focuses these elements to insanely-terrifying levels. Dread Gaze engenders unbearable terror in its victim, stupefying him into madness, immobility, or reckless flight. Even the most stalwart individual will fall back from the vampire’s horrific visage.
The Player spends 4 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. If the Target fails his defense roll, he responds according to the intensity of the Vampire's fierceness (determined by the roll chart below):
Roll Chart:
1-10: Botch! You might as well be wearing plastic Halloween fangs. The subject is not impressed and reacts either with amusement or cynical disgust. The Target is also now immune to your further attempts for the duration of the scene.
11-54: No effect, though the Target may be startled by your attempt but certainly not frightened.
55-69: The victim is cowed and intimidated by you. If you are attempting to persuade them to a particular action, they will obey if it is not a complex or difficult task. Though as soon as they are out of your sight, they may choose to ignore your requests.
70-85: The victim suffers 12 points of damage and runs away in abject fear. Targets who have no place to run will claw at the walls in a futile attempt to escape. He is so shaken and terrified that he curls up on the ground and weeps.
96+: The victim will be so terrified they will pass out. Upon awakening, they will have no memory of having seen the Vampire. The mind, in self-preservation, will have wiped the entire scene from recent events.
NOTE: The Player's Character may attempt Dread Gaze once per turn against a single Target, unless any of their attempts at using this skill against an individual is a Botch.
Base Roll: 65
Mod: Mental Attack
Energy/Blood Cost: 4 pts.
Damage: 10
Resist: Mental Defense
This power bends the emotions of others, making them the vampire’s willing servants. Due to what these individuals see as true and enduring devotion, they heed the vampire’s every desire. Since this is done willingly, instead of having their wills sapped, these servants retain their creativity and individuality.While these obedient minions are more personable and spirited than the mind-slaves created by Dominate, they’re also somewhat unpredictable.
Further, since Entrancement is of a temporary duration, dealing with a lapsed servant can be troublesome. A wise Kindred either disposes of those she Entrances after they serve their usefulness, or binds them more securely by a blood bond (made much easier by the minion’s willingness to serve).
The Player identifies the intended Target, spends 4 Energy/Blood points and makes a successful roll. If the Target fails to defend, he/she/they will suffer 10 pts of damage attempting to resist the Vampire and succumb to the Entrancement. A failed resist also incurs 5 points of damage to the Target. How long the subject is Entranced is determined by the Player's roll, (See Roll Chart Below).
The vampire may try to keep the subject under her thrall, but can do so only after the initial Entrancement wears off. Attempting this power a second time while Entrancement is already in operation has no further effect.
Roll Chart:
1-10: Botch! The Target cannot be entranced for the duration of the scene.
11-64: No effect.
65-70: The Target is Entranced for one hour.
71-80: The Target is Entranced for one full scene.
81-90: The Target is Entranced for one Day
91-99: The Target is Entranced for one Week
100+: The Target is Entranced for one Month
Base Roll: 70
Mod: Mental Attack
Energy/Blood Cost: 6 pts.
Damage: 10 pts.
Resist: Willpower, Mental Defense
This impressive power enables the vampire to forcefully call to herself any person whom she has ever met. This call can go to anyone, mortal or supernatural, across any distance within the physical world. The subject of the Summons comes as fast as he is able, possibly without even knowing why. He knows intuitively how to find his Summoner — even if the vampire moves to a new location, the subject redirects his own course as soon as he can. After all, he’s coming to the vampire herself, not to some predetermined site.
This power forces the Target to drop what they are doing and come to the Vampire. The Target will incur damage/injury as they continually fight this urge but are unable to do so.
Although this power allows the vampire to call someone across a staggering distance, it is most useful when used locally. Even if the desired person books the next available flight, getting to Kyoto from Milwaukee can still take far longer than the vampire needs. Obviously, the individual’s financial resources are a factor; if he doesn’t have the money to travel quickly, it will take him a far greater time to get there.
The subject thinks mainly of reaching the vampire, but does not neglect his own well-being. This is less of a consideration if he only has to cross a room, unless he must get through a gang of gun-wielding punks to do so. The individual retains his survival instincts, and while he won’t shirk physical violence to reach the vampire’s side, he won’t subject himself to suicidal situations.
The Summoning dissipates at dawn. Still, as long as the Target is physically capable he/she/they will do everything within their power to arrive at the Vampire's side — as long as nothing happens to him along the way, of course.
The Player spends 6 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. If the Target fails their roll, they suffer 10 points of damage to do whatever it takes (within reason) to go to wherever the Vampire is. The higher the vampire's Player's roll, the faster the subject will travel.
Roll Chart:
1-10: Botch! The Target cannot be summed by the Vampire for a full OOC week.
11-69: Failure - the Target for some reason cannot be summoned by the Vampire for the duration of the scene.70-79: The Target reluctantly is summoned and is easily detained by obstacles.
80-89: The Target immediately makes his way to the Vampire and makes an effort to overcome obstacles.
90-99: The Target is summoned and makes great haste. He will also make every conceivable effort to overcome obstacles.
100+: The subject rushes to be at the vampire's side and will do anything and everything to get there; even risking his own life to do so.
Base Roll: 70
Mod: Mental Attack
Energy/Blood Cost: 10 pts.
Damage: 0
Resist: Willpower
AOE: 10 Meters
Duration: One Scene
At this stage, the vampire can augment her supernatural mien a thousandfold. The attractive become paralyzingly beautiful; the homely become hideously twisted. Majesty inspires universal respect, devotion, fear — or all those emotions at once — in those around the vampire. The weak scramble to obey her every whim, and even the most dauntless find it almost impossible to deny her.People affected find the vampire so formidable that they dare not risk her displeasure. Raising their voices to her is difficult; raising a hand against her is unthinkable. Those few who shake off the vampire’s potent mystique enough to oppose her are shouted down by the many under her thrall, before the immortal need even respond.Under Majesty’s influence, hearts break, power trembles, and the bold shake. Wise Kindred use this power with caution against mortal and immortal alike. While Majesty can cow influential politicians and venerable Primogen, the vampire must be careful that doing so doesn’t come back to haunt her. After all, a dignitary brought low before others loses his usefulness quickly, while a humiliated Kindred has centuries to plan revenge.
The Player spends 10 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. If the targets within a 10 meter radius choose to do so, they may roll to defend. If they make their defense roll, the Target may act normally for the moment, although he may feel a sense of discomfort though he cannot identify its source.
A Target who fails their defense roll (and those who chose not to defend) goes to absurd lengths to humble himself before the vampire, no matter who else is watching. The effects of Majesty last for one scene.
Base Roll: 100
Mod: Mental Attack, Mental Skill, Willpower
Energy/Blood Cost: 12 pts.
Damage: 10
Resist: Willpower
AOE: 20 Meters (Chat Range)
Duration: Those effected will feel the effects for the duration of the scene.
Permanent Affects:
A vampire possessing this power can shorten tempers and bring old grudges or arguments to the surface with a minimum of effort. Spark of Rage causes heated disagreements and fights to erupt, and can even send other Vampires or Garou into frenzy.
Creatively used, this skill can turn dinner parties into bar brawls and have trained soldiers in combat devolve into fist fights among comrades and allies.
The Player spends 12 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. All Players (PC and NPC) must make a roll to resist the effects. Those who successfully roll to resist will be completely unaffected and none the wiser that such influences on them were attempted.
Those who fail their roll to resist will suffer 10 points of damage, plus:
NOTE: A Botch by the vampire using Spark of Rage sends the invoking character into immediate frenzy.
Any characters who fail their rolls and the 10 points of damage completely depletes their Health will fall unconscious and retain 1 HP.
Base Roll: 90
Mod: Mental Skill, Physical Attack
Energy/Blood Cost: 12 pts.
Damage: 10
Resist: Willpower
AOE: 10 Meters (only affects the vampire and the Vampire's group/allies)
Duration: Scene.
Permanent Affects:
When used before or during combat, this skill allows your very presence to whip your allies into a raging horde of Berserkers that jump into battle and are oblivious to their own wounds.
For the duration of the scene, everyone in the Vampire's group (except the Vampire using this skill) gains the following temporary Buffs for the duration of the scene:
Base Roll: 100
Mod: Mental Skill, Mental Attack, Willpower
Energy/Blood Cost: 16 pts.
Damage: 0
Resist: n/a
AOE: one selected person
Duration: Scene.
Permanent Affects:
This skill takes the form of either a Gift, or a Curse; the intent of which is determined by the Vampire using it, as well as how the Target is attempting to portray himself. Whether gift or curse, the powerful vampire using this skill has the ability to make or break another simply by wishing it so.
The vampire can cast an aura about another person that radiates out from him and effects everyone within a 20 meter radius, and those who see or hear him over electronic media. Affected individuals around the target will treat him as though he is a celebrity and be in awe of him. Or, find everything the Target says or does so hilarious they can barely stop laughing long enough to breathe.
The Player identifies the Target, and the intent of the skill (Awe or Comedy) in Group Chat, then spends 16 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. While there is no Resist for the Target to avoid exuding the effects of Starmaker, on his next turn everyone (except the Vampire using this skill) within a 20 meter visual radius must make a roll modified by their Mental Defense (Dif 70) or be under the following influences for the duration of the scene:
NOTE: The effects of Starmaker translate across visual electronic media during live performances only. As long as the viewer can hear or see the Target, they will need to roll to resist or also feel the effects.
This unique power allows the Vampire to become part of the natural world that surrounds her/him/them, partaking of the abilities inherent in the earth, trees, rocks and life forms of any ground to which she has attuned herself.
While most practitioners of this skill use it within their “home” territories, a simple ritual (see at bottom of the page) enables the character to attune herself to any plot of ground provided she has sufficient time in which to do so.
This skill set occasionally requires Telyavelic Vampires to ingest some rather foul concoctions of their own blood mixed with animal blood, soil, even leaves and grass. It remains a continual mystery (particularly to those outside the Telyavelic circles) how the practitioners of this Path can drink these mixtures without promptly heaving them.
Some Telyavs claim that study of the Seilanic way prepares one for such necessities, while others posit that a form of transubstantiation, such as that which is said to change the bread and wine during Christian Mass, is at work. Whatever the reason, the Telyavs continue to swallow and work their magic without difficulty.
The Vampire “sees” everything that goes on within 10 miles of the Vampire's haven (or shrine) by utilizing the spirits of the grass and other plants, trees, rocks and animals in the vicinity. Thus, a Telyavelic Tremere dwelling within her chantry may know instantly of the approach of worshippers, strangers, or enemies.
In addition, the Vampire can also view events transpiring within the range of visual attunement. Such visions do not come with handy explanations, though. No sound comes through, and unless the Telyavelic can read lips, she cannot know anything that is being said in a spied-upon location.
Further, if the sorcerer wishes to keep track of a particular person as he travels, and if she views him for longer than one night, she must locate him once again after each broken contact (to sleep or perform other actions, for example).
The Vampire ingests an infusion of her own vitae mixed with soil, grass shoots, leaves, animal fur and bird feathers (or blood from these creatures).
The Player then spends 2 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. The higher the number rolled, the longer the Vampire can observe from afar.
Roll Chart
1-10: Botch! (Rolling a natural 1-10) The creation of the vitae mixture has somehow gone wrong and causes the Vampire to projectile vomit. The Vampire is also unable to attempt this ability again for the duration of the scene.
11-49: For some reason, nothing happens. However, the Vampire can attempt this again next turn.
50-79: The vision lasts for 1 turn.
80-89: The vision lasts for 3 turns
90-95: The vision lasts for the duration of the scene.
96-100: The vision lasts for one real-time week
100+: The vision lasts for one real-time month
The Vampire can view the ghosts of the dead that inhabit the area upon which he/she/they focuses their attention. In addition, the Vampire can determine the general attitude of these wraiths. Relatives of a person who has recently died often seek out the local shaman to ask whether the soul of the departed seems content or if it needs propitiating in some fashion.
The Player spends one point of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. The Vampire must then concentrate on a specific area for one turn. The Vampire can now detect the presence of any wraiths (or specters) in the vicinity of concentration. The Vampire can also determine details about the ghost’s attitude, whether they are at peace, fearful, unfinished business, etc. (As determined by the Storyteller.)
This ability enables the Sielanic practitioner to draw upon the power latent in the Earth itself to enhance their own physical abilities — so long as the Vampire remains in contact within the vicinity of the soil or rocks in the Earth.
The Player spends 2 points of Energy/Blood and the Player's Character cuts the soles of his/her/their feet, letting the vampiric blood soak into the naked earth. The Player then makes a successful roll. The higher the number, the more temp points added to the Player's Physical Skill, Physical Attack and Physical Defense.
The temp points earned may exceed the normal maximum number of allowed points for the duration of the scene.
Roll Chart
The duration of this effect is one scene. Because the effect is directly related to the 50-foot-area of land around the Vampire’s original position (i.e., where the Cainite’s blood first touched the soil), all Temp Bonuses achieved by using this ability are also dependent specifically on that patch of ground.
Should the Vampire leave the area of effect, the bonus points disappear and cannot be reclaimed without again using this ability and making a successful roll.
The Vampire can command any ghost to obey commands that she/he/they can see. With this power, the practitioner may receive answers to questions within the ghost’s realm of awareness or require the soul to deliver a message to someone else.
Additional simple tasks fall within the parameters of this power, although the vampire cannot compel the ghost to do anything that requires a material form to accomplish, such as picking up physical objects.
To use this skill requires the following steps:
The Vampire uses this ability to seek refuge within the living wood of a tree. Thus, he is able to encase his body within any tree. In this fashion, he may conceal his presence from enemies and sleep peacefully in total darkness during the day.
In addition, the character may use any Disciplines and abilities not dependent on physical gestures that he possesses while encased in the tree. While the vampire can “see” his surroundings, he cannot make eye contact with specific creatures, so any power which requires meeting the victim’s gaze does not function.
Should the vampire enter a tree to avoid the coming dawn, he is fully protected from the sun, so long as he stays within the tree.
Vampire must first drink a mixture of blood and tree sap. The Player then spends 3 Energy/Blood points and makes a successful roll.
The Vampire may remain within the tree for up to 24 hours, or until they wish to reemerge earlier. However, come sun down when the sun completely vanishes from the horizon, the Vampire is automatically expelled from the tree and must use this ability a second time to again return to the safety of the tree.
This power gives Sielanic practitioners the power to assume the shape of any animal that exists within their domain and, in some cases, to change from one animal form to another without returning to their human form.
The vampire gains all the physical attributes and skills of the chosen creature, although the Vampire retains his/her/their undead nature in all forms. This includes bursting into flames with the sun.
While transformed, the vampire may use any mental Disciplines he/she/they possesses, as well as other powers the Storyteller considers reasonable within the limitations of that form.
The Player states in local chat which animal the Vampire will change into first. The Vampire must then mix his/her/their own blood with that of any animal's, and then drink the concoction. After which, the Player expends 2 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. The number of animal forms the Vampire can achieve is related to how high the roll was (see Roll Chart).
Roll Chart:
For Example: a roll of 98 enables the vampire to assume the shape of a deer for swift travel, then transform into a fish to conceal herself and move about easily underwater, and finally, take on the form of a bird to fly to safety.
The vampire uses this power to transform into stone. This can take the form of a marble statue, a tombstone, or other stone structure, such as a megalithic dolmen.
As such, the vampire can withstand the rigors of daylight and is immune to flame. In addition, the Vampire can even move about in a very limited fashion. The legends of stones that walk and move about during the night come from the practice of this potent art.
The Vampire spills their blood on the type of stone he/she/they wishes to emulate. For example, if he wishes to look like marble, he spills his blood on the sample of marble, or a granite tombstone if he wishes to appear as granite. The spilling of blood only identifies the type of stone he/she/they wishes to appear as. The Vampire can take any form of that stone desired.
The Player then spends 2 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. For example: The Vampire allows his blood to drain onto a boulder, at which point he assumes the boulder’s rough shape and appearance. Or, the Vampire spills blood on a marble tombstone, then appears as a perfectly-sculpted angel statue of the exact same marble.
The form he takes in his new stone visage is completely up to him. Using this ability, the Vampire may appear to be a replica of his own body done in stone, or simply a rough chunk of slate in a river.
While in this form, the Vampire's eyes, ears, mouth and appendages all function normally, except that the difficulty for all physical actions must be done at one-fourth normal rate.
A Vampire can maintain this form for up to an OOC week, or end it sooner if desired. After this time, the Vampire will return to his former self and will require him to repeat this ability to again take the stone form.
The Sielanic practitioner uses this power to raise a spectral troop to act as defenders or to deliver warnings to enemies. These ghosts appear as ethereal images of warriors long dead. Although the tattered images cannot materialize completely in the physical world, they can use their own powers to move physical objects, hurl items or frighten away attackers.
The Player spends 2 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. The higher of a number rolled determines how many ghosts (mindless shells of the dead, called Drones) the Cainite can summon. The ghosts return to their rest at the end of the night upon which they were summoned. Or if released earlier by the Vampire who summoned it.
Roll Chart:
Ghosts summoned have the following stats: