Source Books: Clanbook - Assamite, Revised Edition; Vampire The Masquerade, 20th Edition
Assamite Warriors are what the majority of kindred think of when referring to the Assamite Clan. Their obsessive dedication to executing the perfect assassination defines their existence — that and their insatiable thirst for vitae (the blood of other vampires). While other clans refer to them as Assamites, they refer to themselves as the Banu Haqim.
Assamites have a very strict code when it comes to their profession, more so than any other kindred clan. Some have even likened this to a cult or religion. Figuratively speaking, anyone can kill and many do. But Assamites take this to the level of a virtuoso artform, skillfully crafting assassinations in the guise of natural deaths, unfortunate accidents or suicide. However, when the situation warrants it, it is not beyond their purview to make an example of a victim as a warning to others. That, of course, costs extra.
Naturally, the Assamite Warriors focus their training on skills that will help them hone this ability to surgical precision. It is not unheard of for an Assamite Warrior to spend years hunting and learning a single Target, passing up numerous opportunities to kill the mark while waiting for the perfect location and moment to execute a flawless assassination. When you're immortal, there's plenty of time.
Assamites have a very strict set of rules, procedures and protocols when accepting an assassination mark, conducting a hunt and making a kill. It is important that this methodology is followed to gain status and maintain the Masquerade.
Nickname: Assassins, Killers
Appearance: Warriors usually dress in simple yet elegant attire in which they can either blend in to their surroundings or fight as needed. Among the wealthier and more modern members, fine fabrics have become more common. Most warriors are physically fit. An overweight or elderly warrior is either deceptively dangerous or proficient at some noncombat occupation that the caste found indispensable at the time of his Embrace.
Haven: Regardless of wealth or clan standing, most Warriors keep simple yet strategic havens. These locations tend to be isolated and easily defensible. In years past, security measures ranged from German shepherds to German machine guns. In today's world, it is more common to see high tech security systems used, in addition to all the tried-and-true methods of yesteryear. When traveling, Warriors tend to arrange temporary havens near major transportation channels, the better to make a quick exit.
Background: Traditionally, many warriors were males of African or Middle Eastern descent, though this is more of an outdated stereotype than a rule and should not be taken to imply that all warriors fit that profile in today's world. Most come from some mortal profession dealing with the application of force or personal violence in one form or another: terrorists, assassins, soldiers, police, military specialists and hit men are all likely prospects. However, the caste also Embraces professionals in related or generally useful fields: Photographic intelligence interpreters, smugglers, metal smiths and strategists are all respected noncombatant members of the warriors. Even more so than any other caste is their reputation for being hyper selective in who they Embrace, seeking those with intelligence, patience, exceptional judgement and raw talent.
The Warrior sub-clan's leader is known as the Caliph. He/she/they, in theory, is the greatest combatant among the Children of Haqim, though few Caliphs have been masters of every form of combat. The Caliph’s primary duties are to advise the Assamite Primogen (if the Primogen is one of the other sub-clans) on matters that pertain to the defense of the Children as a whole and to guide the Warriors in its defense of the clan, its holdings and its mortal subjects (in the rare occasions where Assamites have mortal subjects, at any rate).
Additionally, should a trial by single combat arise whose outcome affects the entire clan, the Caliph is the Cainite who fights on the Children’s behalf. No records of such an event exist, though the fact that this is the duty of the Caliph suggests that such circumstances arose at least once before.
In the abstract, these duties make the Caliph the leader of the largest organized body of immortal soldiers and assassins in the world. In reality, the Caliph is simply the individual holding the leash of a clan of predators who may or may not obey any particular suggestion he gives them. Wise Caliphs choose to guide rather than command, lest those predators turn on the leash-holder.
According to Warrior tradition, any Warrior who feels the current Caliph is failing to discharge his duties as the foremost defender of the Children of Haqim, may challenge the Caliph to a duel for leadership. However, the Caliph has the right to choose whether the challenge will be one of unarmed combat, armed combat, tactical leadership or even strategic military command. Some mortal Hunter analysts believe that the tank battles of the 1972 Arab-Israeli War had some role in the last challenge to the Caliphate, though this theory is unproven.
If the current Caliph is defeated, he is expected to submit to ritual diablerie at the fangs of his challenger. Some newly-minted Caliphs have allowed their predecessors the option of suicide by facing the rising sun from the side of the mountain that houses Alamut.
Challengers who meet defeat have always been consumed by the Caliph, and each of their childer and descendants is given the choice of destruction or exile. This ensures that challenges do not come frivolously, as the childer of a challenger have been known to pull him down themselves rather than risk the consequences of a failed challenge.
Pronounced “kwi-EET-us” or “kwee-AY-toos,” not “QUIET-us.”
The Discipline of silent death, Quietus is practiced by those of Clan Assamite. Based on elements of blood, poison, vitae control, and pestilence, Quietus focuses on the destruction of a target through a variety of means. This Discipline doesn’t always cause a quick death, but the Assamites rely on its lethality to hide their involvement in the demise of their victims.
This ability makes the area around you completely silent, up to a 20 meter radius. No sound occurs inside this zone, though sounds originating outside the area of effect may be heard by anyone in it. While this is the distance of chat range in Second Life, this ONLY effects line of sight. Meaning the targets must be within sight. It does NOT effect characters that are in buildings, behind walls, or hidden from the Assamite's immediate sight range, within a max of 20 meters (4 meters per character's level). It DOES effect those within line of sight who are invisible.
The Player spends 3 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. This power has a max of 20-metera (4 meters per level) radius of utter stillness around the Kindred for three full turns.
Create a contact poison that when applied to an edged weapon, greatly debilitates a victim physically. Stacks with Baal’s Caress.By changing the properties of her blood, a vampire may create powerful venom that reduces the target's Physical Defense.
The Player spends 2 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. This roll MUST be notecarded if being done in advance of use. If successful, the Assamite then applies the blood to their edged weapon. The poison remains potent for a total of three strikes of that blade at any time in the future.
The Vampire must successfully hit the Target with that edged weapon to cause the Target to lose -5 points to their Physical Defense for the duration of the scene. The hit must be successful, though it is not required that the hit actually does any damage for the target's Physical Defense to go down. These hits are not cumulative, but they do stack with Baal's Caress. Vampires attempting to drink the blood of anyone suffering with Scorpion’s Touch are automatically considered to be “successfully hit” and lose 5 pts to their Physical Defense. If the Assamite misses, it does not count against his three successful strikes.
This terrible power allows a vampire to drown the target in his own blood. By concentrating, the Kindred bursts the target’s blood vessels and fills his lungs with vitae that strangles him from within. The blood actually constricts the target’s body from the inside as it floods through his system; thus, it works even on unbreathing Kindred. Until the target collapses in agony or death throes, this power has no visible effect, and many Kindred like it because it leaves no trace of their presence. Must show RP proof of contact.
The Player's Character must touch the target, skin-to-skin. (Must have RP evidence of this occurring.) The Player then spends 3 Points of Blood/Energy and makes a successful roll. Within an hour of touching the Target, the Player may decide to implement Dagon's Touch by spending 3 points of Energy/Blood and making a successful roll. The Vampire need not be in the presence or even in the line of sight of the Target. If used while touching your target, there is no resist. If activated remotely, resist is Willpower vs. the target's Willpower (separate roll).
The greatest use of blood as a weapon (short of diablerie itself), Baal’s Caress allows the Assamite to transmute their blood into a virulent ichor that corrupts any living or undead flesh it touches. Victims will become ill and their flesh will begin to decay where the touch occurred.
In nights of yore, when Assamites led the charges of Saracen legions, the Assassins were often seen licking their blades, slicing open their tongues and lubricating their weapons with this foul secretion. Baal’s Caress may be used to augment any bladed weapon; everything from poisoned knives and swords to tainted fingernails and claws has been reported.
Baal's Caress is a pre-combat ability. This must be applied to an edged weapon prior to combat, and the resulting chat notecarded if not done openly immediately before the battle. If the Assamite misses, it does not count against his three successful strikes.
A refinement of Baal’s Caress, Taste of Death allows the Cainite to spit caustic blood at a target. The blood coughed forth with this power burns flesh and corrodes bone; some ancient vampires have been reported to vomit voluminous streams of vitae that reduce their targets to heaps of sludge.
The Player spends 7 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. The vampire may spit up to 10 feet (3 meters). The Target of this attack must roll with a Mod of their Athletics/Reflexes to successfully dodge.
Although Silence of Death is an effective tool for the battlefield and the court alike, it is indiscriminate in its effects. The assassin who uses it in preparation for firing a shotgun also silences the radio over which her comrades might warn her of an oncoming guard. The courtier who suppresses a room full of dissenting voices is likewise unable to speak her own mind. Selective Silence allows the skilled Cainite to overcome these limitations by silencing only those individuals or objects that she wants to silence. When using this power, most individuals exhale a thin mist of blood that clings to the selected subjects, gradually evaporating as Selective Silence’s effects fade. Some vampires also use a similar technique when invoking Silence of Death, in which case the mist surrounds them and moves with them.
The Player spends 7 Points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. Each subject must be within 20 yards or meters of the character using this ability. Objects/Targets larger than a man count as more than one target. A heavy machine gun counts as two, a car is three, and a small aircraft as 5. Objects larger than a small aircraft or an elephant cannot be silenced through the use of this power.
Each subject is completely silenced for three full turns, no resist, unless the Assamite successfully uses this ability again on a separate turn. Nothing it does generates sound, though the secondary effects of its actions will do so normally. For example, a gun silenced with this power will not produce an audible explosion when fired, but its bullets still make noise as they break the sound barrier, hit a wall or shatter a window. A silenced victim can scream all he likes and not make a sound, but may be able to summon help by smashing a window.
This ability is one of the most powerful attacks in the Assamite repertoire, allowing the attacker to physically draw the target's blood through their skin. This ability is an ideal attack when Assamites find themselves surrounded by enemies and are low on blood. No longer required to actually bite a victim to drink their blood, it is pulled directly from the body and the blood flows into the mouth of the Assamite. This increases the Assamite character's Energy/Blood Meter by five (5) points per victim. This technique leaves no telling marks whatsoever on the victim. It will appear that their blood simply evaporated.
The Player spends 14 Points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. All Targets within the area of effect of 5 meters must roll to resist. This takes one full turn to complete. This negates all other actions during the Player's turn. Those who fail their resist roll suffer 31 HP of damage each. The Assamite's Energy/Blood Meter goes up 5 points per person drained. While it is an obvious violation of the Masquerade, there is no limit as to how many victims the Assamite can draw from at a time as long as they are all within the 5 meter radius. If the Assamite's Energy/Blood bar is full (or becomes full), then the extra blood will fall on the ground in a pool at the Assamite's feet.
NOTE: This special skill can only be used after successfully using Taste of Death on the same target.
After using Taste of Death on a Target, and spending ten more Energy/Blood Points, the Player's Character can immediately reduce the Target's Health Points by 40.
The Player, after successfully using "Taste of Death" on the same Target, spends 10 Points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. The target must be within visual sight in order to execute this move and the Assamite must have used Taste of Death on the target within the same scene prior to using Erosion. This ability requires one full turn to execute, and there is a two turn cool-down before it can be used again on the same target.
NOTE: This has a 3-Turn Cooldown.
When needed, some vampires can move fast — really fast. Celerity allows Assamites, Brujah, and Toreadors to move with astonishing swiftness, becoming nothing more than a blur of motion. The Assamites use their speed in conjunction with stealth to strike quickly and viciously from the shadows before they are noticed. Brujah, on the other hand, simply like the edge that the power gives them against overwhelming odds. The Toreador are more inclined to use Celerity to provide an air of unnatural grace to live performances or for an extra push to complete a masterpiece on time, but they can be as quick to draw blood as any assassin or punk when angered.
Each point purchased in Celerity grants permanent, stackable mods to the player's character. For example: A character that has purchased three points in Celerity receives a cumulative +15 point mod in Athletics/Reflexes, 20+ mod in Initiative, and +5 mod in Physical Skill.
The vampire can supersede the Storyteller's narration and perform an action that only requires a few seconds like get through a door before it closes, roll out of the way of an explosion, etc. This does not use one of the Player's actions.
Make flawless defensive motions at the expense of taking no other actions. This allows the kindred a level of speed, fluidity of motion and poise that makes them a little harder to hit. While they may not be able to dodge a bullet 100% of the time, attackers will find their blows frustratingly difficult to land.
This level of reaction and speed also allows the vampire to use a short burst of added velocity to gain traction up a vertical wall or surface of around 6 foot or so before they will need to push back off. Think of it as something of an acrobatic skill and the vampire in question will be more athletic and graceful.
Obfuscate is the uncanny ability for Kindred to conceal themselves from sight, sometimes even in full view of a crowd. An Obfuscated vampire doesn’t actually become invisible, however — rather, he is able to delude observers with this mind trick into believing that he has vanished.
Obfuscate also allows Kindred to change their features and conceal other people or objects. Typically vampires using Obfuscate must be within a short range of their witnesses (approximately five meters) for their power to be fully effective.
Unless the Kindred chooses to make herself seen, she can remain obscured for as long as she wills it. At higher levels, the vampire can actually fade from sight so subtly that those nearby can’t actually recall the moment at which she left. Usually, very few mortals or supernaturals (even those trained in Awareness) can pierce through the fog of Obfuscate. Animals, who rely more on their instincts than their normal senses, can sometime perceive (and be frightened by) the vampire’s presence. Children and those to whom deception is foreign may also be able to pierce the illusion, at the Storyteller’s discretion.
Finally, the Auspex Discipline enables Kindred to see through Obfuscate if their Auspex is equal to or higher in level than the other vampire's Obfuscate level. Video and photo cameras, for example, capture the vampire’s image accurately. Even so, the person using her cell phone to record an Obfuscated vampire will still have her mind impacted by the power, and she won’t see the Kindred’s image until she views the video at a later date (if even then).
Most Obfuscate powers last for a scene, or until the vampire ceases maintaining them. Once invoked, they require very little mental effort to keep in place.
At this level, the Vampire must rely on nearby shadows and cover to assist in hiding his/her/their presence. The Vampire steps into an out-of-the-way, shadowed place and eases from normal sight. The Vampire remains unnoticed as long as he/she/they stays silent, still, under some degree of cover (such as a curtain, bush, door frame, lamp post, or alley), and out of direct lighting. The immortal’s concealment will fail if the Vampire moves, attacks, or falls under direct light. Furthermore, the vampire’s deception cannot stand up to concentrated observation without fading.
No roll is required as long as the character fulfills the criteria described above. So long as the Vampire remains quiet and motionless, virtually no one will see him. However, another Kindred using Auspex can see through Obfuscate IF their Auspex is equal to or higher than the Vampire's Obfuscate level.
With experience, the Vampire can move around without being seen. Shadows shift to cover him, and people automatically avert their gazes as he passes by them. Others move unconsciously to avoid contact with the cloaked creature; those with weak wills may even scurry away from the area in unacknowledged fear. The vampire remains ignored indefinitely unless someone deliberately seeks him out or he inadvertently reveals himself.
Since the vampire fully retains his physical substance, he must be careful to avoid contact with anything that may disclose his presence (knocking over a vase, bumping into someone). Even a whispered word or the scuffing of a shoe against the floor can be enough to disrupt the power.
No roll is necessary to use this power as long as the Player's Character does not speak, attack, or otherwise use actions that draw attention to himself. The vampire, all his clothing, and any objects that can fit into his pockets are concealed. (Hand-held items will still be seen. The Storyteller should call for Stealth roll under any outside circumstances that might cause the character to reveal himself.)
The Player ONLY needs to roll for success IF he wishes to remain concealed while speaking, attacking or making movements that would draw attention to himself.
The vampire can influence the perception of others, causing them to see a face different from his. Although the Kindred’s physical form does not change, any observer who cannot sense the truth sees whomever the vampire wishes her to see.
The vampire must have a firm idea of the visage he wishes to project. The primary decision is whether to create an imaginary face or to superimpose the features of another person. Manufactured features are often more difficult to compose in believable proportions, but such a disguise is easier to maintain than having to impersonate someone else. Of course, things get simpler if the Kindred borrows the face but doesn’t bother with the personality.
Actually posing as someone else carries its own problems. The character should know at least basic information about the individual; especially difficult deceptions (fooling a lover or close friend) require at least some familiarity with the target in order to succeed.
This ability, like all Obfuscate abilities, will not deceive a camera or any other recording device and the Vampire's likeness will be recorded accurately.
The Player spends 3 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. If the character tries to physically impersonate an actual person, he must get a good look at the subject before putting on the "mask." Or, it must be someone with whom they are already familiar. The Storyteller may raise the difficulty of the roll if the character catches only a glimpse.
This potent expression of Obfuscate enables the vampire to disappear from plain view. So profound is this vanishing that the immortal can fade away even if he stands directly in front of someone.
While the disappearance itself is quietly subtle, its impact on those who see it is anything but. Those who see this risk running in fear to flee in the aftermath. Although vampires are not shaken so easily, even Kindred may be momentarily surprised by a sudden vanishing.
The Player spends 4 Points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. While there is no limit to how many people the Kindred can fool using Vanish, everyone who witnesses the disappearance can roll to resist, Modified by Alertness. When fully invisible, the vampire is handled as described under Unseen Presence.
NOTE: If the Vampire botches his roll (a natural 1-10) then he/she/they will fully believe they have succeeded and act as though they have successfully vanished. However, everyone will completely see them.
At this degree of power, the Vampire may extend his/her/their concealing abilities to cover an area and those within that area, if desired. This works with any of the previous concealing Obfuscate abilities. Any protected person who compromises the cloak exposes only himself to view. Further, if the one who invokes this power gives himself away or discontinues it, the cloak falls from everyone. This power is particularly useful if the vampire needs to bring his retinue through a secure location without drawing the notice of others.
The character may conceal up to 8 additional individuals, plus himself. He may bestow any one additional Obfuscate power at a given time to the group. While the power applies to everyone under the character’s cloak, the Character's Player need only make a single roll to succeed.
Each individual must follow the requirements described under the relevant Obfuscate power to remain under its effect; any person who fails to do so loses the cloak’s protection, but doesn’t expose the others. Only if the vampire himself errs or ends the ability does the power drop for everyone.
While much like Mask of a Thousand Faces, it both allows the Vampire to exchange their face and appearance with that of another person within 20 meters of them. Mask of Janus allows the character to assume the physical appearance of another individual, however, the Target's appearance also changes - to match that of the Vampire character invoking the power. Unlike Mask of a Thousand Faces, Mask of Janus can only be used to exactly duplicate another person. It cannot be used to create a new or unique image, nor can it be used to only assume select attributes.
The Player spends 10 Energy/Blood points and makes a successful roll. The Target must be visible to the character, within 20 meters. The victim can resist, Mod Willpower, with a higher roll. This power lasts until the next sunrise, or until the Vampire discontinues it's effects, whichever comes sooner.
NOTE: Those with Auspex must have a reason to suspect something isn't right in order to use their ability to see through this.
This disorienting ability robs the target of all sense of direction, making them feel lost even in the most familiar of settings. Consequently, this ability forces the Target to move in circles and binds him to an area of the vampire’s choosing. While the target may feel they are making progress in finding their way out, they always end up where they started from. By using this power, a vampire can literally trap a person in his own home. To the victim’s point of view, the house folds back on itself, and all the exits lead back inside.
This ability affects one person per use. To initiate, the Player spends 7 Energy/Blood Points and makes a successful roll. If the Target fails to resist, he/she/they cannot escape, wandering around in a maze that always leads back to where they started.
Repeatedly using this ability, the Player can affect another person each time. The effects last a full scene. Normally, the power is used in a multi-room structure such as a house, or an outside area about the same size. But it can be used on a much larger area (anything from an office tower to a neighborhood). It cannot be used to contain a victim to a single room.
This powerful ability enables the vampire to project his appearance (or that of another person) onto everyone nearby (or just a single/several people of their choosing), making these other people take on the physical appearance, clothing and voice of the Vampire using this skill (or a person nearby he has selected as a template. This "template" must be a person in the same room). Want to confuse a bunch of Hunters or local police out for your blood? This would be the fun way to do it.
Much like Mask of a Thousand Faces, those affected by Manifold Guise do not feel different, nor do they feel their physical looks have changed in any way. Still, by outward appearance, they look identical to whomever the Vampire chooses as a template.
This mask cannot be wiped or cleaned away unless the Vampire who initiated the power leaves the area or chooses to stop using his ability for the effect to fade. Additionally, Manifold Guise also projects the same clothing and voice upon each person, so when they talk, they all sound like the person the Vampire wishes them to emulate. Unlike other Obfuscate powers, this one can fool electronic devices and cameras.
The Player spends 12 Points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. The Player's Character can either choose to cast his own appearance upon everyone within the immediate area, or choose someone he's looking at during that moment (that person must be in the same room.)
That means anyone caught within the 20 meter area, be they two or a dozen, are all equally affected. The Vampire need not see all the "cloned" victims, just as long as he can see one target and the person whose appearance he is borrowing (unless he's using his own face). The effect is always centered around the Vampire. If the Cainite employs this ability and moves about, he alters anyone new within the Discipline's influence. Anyone who moves out automatically reverts back to normal.
NOTE: The only way for a person to find the original amongst all the copies is if they notice movements, actions or other idiosyncrasies known to be displayed by that person (such as a nervous tick, coughing, allergic reactions, special talents, etc.).
To make this observation, the person looking for the Vampire must know something of that Vampire which would identify them by their actions, AND requires a resist roll higher than the Vampire's Roll, with a Mod Alertness and Investigation. Auspex does not work.