49 min read


Source Books: Clanbook - Gangrel, Revised Edition; Vampire The Masquerade, 20th Edition


Traditional Gangrel are the typical bestial vampires that stereotypically come to mind. In centuries past, they lived in the forests, mountains and swamps usually occupied by werewolves and other denizens of mankind's midnight horrors. While there are those Traditional Gangrel who still frequent such places and make their havens, they can also be found skulking around the edges of small towns or large cities, preying on the weak, foolish or unfortunate. Of all the Gangrel, Traditional Gangrel are more likely to be visibly animalistic than their City brothers and sisters. 

The Old Ways Are Best Ways
Traditional Gangrel are savage, vicious hunters, more comfortable in the wilds between cities than the confines of concrete jungles. The Camarilla has seen an influx of Gangrel converts, and these Hunters easily lose themselves in stalking and killing. The Country Gangrel serve the Camarilla as scouts and trackers, using their command of animals to gather intelligence on the comings and goings of other Kindred on the outskirts of cities and towns. 

Travel between cities was never exactly safe, as Lupines seem to prowl any patch of land large enough to grow a few trees (or so Camarilla elders have always told their childer), but with the Garou prowling about looking for wayward neonates or itinerant vampires, Kindred face even more dire threats. This might sound like Camarilla propaganda, but the Traditional Gangrel do all they can to make it true. Free from the constraints of having to look human, these creatures relish the chance to hunt as wolves hunt – savagely and in packs. If they have a regret, it is that their prey cannot usually run fast enough to make the hunt last. 

For more information, click here to visit the Gangrel Clan Overview page.

Traditional Gangrel

Nickname: Outlanders, Beasts

Sect: Many consider the Traditional Gangrel to be crude, uncouth, dirty, pungent and lacking culture. For the most part, this is fairly accurate if painting all Gangrel with the same broad strokes of a brush. Whether Traditional or City Gangrel, both consider violence to be fun, and rebelling against authority is nothing short of a good way to spend a Saturday night's entertainment. The Brujah’s tendency to frenzy unnerves most other Vampire clans and Traditional Gangrel are the poster childe for it.

Appearance: The Gangrel clan’s greatest strength is also its greatest weakness. The Gangrel are tied to the Beast Within in ways that no other vampire could understand. Their greatest gifts come from that primal connection, but with every slip of control into frenzy, the Beast leaves its mark. The mark is usually a visible feature, a physical change to the Gangrel’s body. More rarely the mark is on the vampire’s soul, affecting his behavior or his very identity.

Most of the features caused by the Beast are visible and clearly animal or even insectoid in origin: growing fur, feathers or scales; changes to the structure of facial features, hands or feet; sprouting additional appendages like a tail or antennae; or developing truly odd features like nictating membranes, a marsupial pouch or a working musk gland. Dramatic and/or permanent changes are unlikely to occur, although some particularly unlucky or rabid Gangrel may find themselves with some of the drastic modifications listed below.

Haven: Traditional Gangrel prefer den-like Havens; smaller confined spaces that are hidden from the sun and easy to protect and defend. Those in close proximity to ready food sources are favored. Examples of this would be an abandoned hunting cabin, a cave in the forest, the basement of a condemned building, a bunker near a park or wooded area on the outskirts of town.



Protean allows the Kindred the mystical ability to manipulate his physical form. Some vampires believe the power stems from a heightened connection to the natural world, while others consider it to be a magnification of the mark of Caine. Whatever its basis may be, those that develop this Discipline can grow bestial claws, take on the forms of bats, cats and wolves, turn themselves into mist, and even meld into the very earth itself. 

Transformed Kindred can generally use other Disciplines — vampires in wolf form can still read auras and communicate with other animals, for example. However, the Storyteller may rule that certain Disciplines may not be used in specific situations. The Kindred’s clothes and personal possessions also change when he transforms (presumably absorbed within his very substance), although armor or weapons and the like do not provide any benefit while transformed.

Vampires cannot change or transform large objects or other beings; Protean is a personal expression of power. A Kindred who has been staked or torpored (thereby trapping his soul within his body) cannot transform. Some vampires believe that those who have mastered the highest levels of Protean can deny this limitation, however. The Gangrel Clan is well known for their mastery of Protean, although other Kindred have learned some of this Discipline’s secrets from these bestial Cainites.

◎◎◎◎◎◎◎: Protean 1 - Eyes of the Beast (Buff)

Base Roll: 11
Energy/Blood Cost: 2
Damage: 0
Mods: None
Duration: One Scene, but one turn to complete.
Permanent Affects: None

The vampire sees perfectly well in pitch darkness, not requiring a light source to notice details in even the darkest basement or cave. The Vampire’s Beast is evident in his red glowing eyes, a sight sure to disturb most mortals.

The Player declares he will attempt to use this ability in Local Chat, spends 2 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. Only a botched roll (natural 1-10) prevents the Player's Character from using this skill and it requires a full turn to complete. 

While manifesting the Eyes, the character suffers a -10 difficulty to all interactions with mortals unless he takes steps to shield his eyes (sunglasses are the simplest solution). 

◎◎◎◎◎◎: Protean 2 - Feral Claws (Buff)

Base Roll: 50
Energy/Blood Cost: 3
Damage: 0
Mods: Physical Skill
Duration: One Scene, but one turn to complete.
Permanent Affects: 

  • + 5 Physical Attack

Temporary Affects:

  • +10 to all rolls associated with climbing, or clinging to walls, cliffs or trees
  • +10 Physical Attack

The vampire’s nails transform into long, bestial claws. These talons are wickedly sharp, able to rend flesh with ease and even carve stone and metal with little trouble. The Beast is prominent in the claws as well, making them fearsome weapons against other immortals. It’s rumored that some Gangrel have modified this power to change their vampiric fangs into vicious tusks. 

The Player spends 3 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. The Vampire's claws grow automatically in response to the character’s desire, and can grow them from both hands and feet. Takes a single turn to complete and the effect lasts for the duration of the scene. 

◎◎◎◎◎: Protean 3 - Earth Meld (Defense)

Base Roll: 60
Energy/Blood Cost: 8
Damage: 0
Mods: Mental Skill
Duration: One Scene, but two turns to complete.
Affects: None

One of the most prized powers within Protean, Earth Meld enables the vampire to become one with the earth. The immortal literally sinks into the bare ground, transmuting his substance to bond with the earth. 

Though a vampire can immerse himself fully into the ground, he cannot move around within it. Further, it is impossible to meld into earth through another substance. Wood slats, blacktop, even artificial turf blocks Earth Meld’s effectiveness — then again, it’s a relatively simple matter for a vampire at this level of power to grow claws and rip apart enough of the flooring to expose the raw soil beneath.

By interring himself in the ground, the vampire gains full protection from daylight when outdoors. It is also the method of choice for those Kindred who wish to sleep away the centuries; these vampires lock themselves in the earth’s embrace, gaining strength and power as they rest. Superstitious and paranoid Kindred whisper that thousands of Ancients sleep within the ground and will awaken when Gehenna arrives. 

While so interred, the vampire is in a transitional state between flesh and earth. His physical presence exists between the physical world and the astral plane. As such, the vampire is difficult to sense, even through supernatural means. However, a disruption to the soil that the immortal occupies, or to his presence on the astral realm, returns him immediately to the physical world (and to full wakefulness), showering dirt outward as his body displaces the soil.

The Player spends 8 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. A Botch (rolling a natural 1-10) prevents the Vampire from attempting to use this skill again for the duration of the scene. The Player declares in local chat, (or to the Storyteller in an Instant Message) how long he will be in this state. Sinking into the earth is automatic and takes two turns to complete. The character falls into a state one step above torpor during this time, sensing his surroundings only distantly. 

  • The player must make a Willpower roll, Dif 60, for the character to rouse himself in response to danger prior to his desired time of emergence.

  • Since the character is in an in-between state, any attempts to locate him (catching his scent, scanning for his aura, traveling astrally, and so on) are made at -20 difficulty.

  • Astral individuals cannot affect the vampire directly, instead meeting with a kind of spongy resistance as their hands pass through him. Similarly, digging in the material world encounters incredibly hardpacked earth, virtually as dense as stone.

  • Attempts at violence upon the submerged vampire from either side return him to his physical nature, expelling the soil with which he bonded in a blinding spray (all Perception-based rolls are at -20 difficulty for the turn). The Vampire using this ability suffers -20  from his initiative for the first turn after his restoration, due to momentary disorientation. Once expelled from the earth, the vampire may act normally.

◎◎◎◎: Protean 4 - Shape of Beast (Mental Skill)

Base Roll: 80
Energy/Blood Cost: 9
Damage: 0
Mods: Mental Skill, Physical Skill
Duration: One Scene, but two turns to complete.
Permanent Affects: 

  • +5 Physical Defense
  • +5 Athletics/Reflex

Temp Affects:

  • Bat:
    • Fly at speeds of up to 20 mph
    • Navigate using sonar in dark (no penalties for moving in absolute darkness)
    • +20 Initiative
    • +15 Physical Defense
    • +10 Athletics/Reflex
  • Wolf:
    • +20 Initiative
    • +15 Physical Attack
    • +10 Athletics/Reflex
    • Exceptional hearing

This endows the vampire with the legendary ability to transform into a wolf ( or other similar canid), or large bat (flying fox or Hammer-Headed Bat). A Kindred changed in this way is a particularly-imposing representative of the animal kingdom. Indeed, he is far superior to normal animals, even ones possessed by Subsume the Spirit. The Character retains his own psyche and temperament, but can still call upon the abilities of the beast form.

Gangrel are reputed to change to other animal forms better suited to their environment — jackals in Africa, dhole in Asia, and even enormous rats in urban environments— a feat that other Clans learning Protean cannot seem to duplicate.

The character spends 8 Energy/Blood points and makes a successful roll. The transformation requires two full turns to complete.

The vampire remains in his beast form for the duration of the scene or until dawn, unless the Character wishes to change back sooner. While in the animal’s shape, the vampire can use any Discipline he possesses except Necromancy, Serpentis, Thaumaturgy, or Vicissitude. 

◎◎◎: Protean 5 - Mist Form (Mental Skill)

Base Roll: 0
Energy/Blood Cost: 15
Damage: 0
Mods: n/a
Duration: One Scene, but two turns to complete.
Temporary Affects: 

  • +20 Physical Defense
  • Immune to fire
  • 1/2 Damage from Sunlight

This truly unsettling power enables the vampire to turn into a vaporish mist. His physical shape disperses into a hazy cloud, but one still subject entirely to the immortal’s will. He floats at a brisk pace and may slip under doors, through screens, down pipes, and through other tiny openings. 

Although strong winds can blow the vampire from his chosen course, even hurricane-force winds cannot disperse his mist shape. Some Kindred feel that this power is an expression of the vampire’s ultimate control over the material world, while others believe that it is the immortal’s soul made manifest (damned though it may be).

No roll is required, although the Player will need to spend 15 Energy/Blood points to initiate the transformation, which takes two turns to complete. Strong winds may buffet the character, making it more challenging for the Vampire to move in a particular direction but his misty form will not disperse. Disciplines such as Potence maybe used to resist them. 

Vampires in Mist Form can perceive their surroundings normally, although they cannot use powers that require eye contact. The vampire is immune to all mundane physical attacks while in mist form. Although supernatural attacks affect him normally, the Vampire is very difficult to hit and receives a temporary +20 Physical Defense while fully transformed into mist. Also, the vampire is immune to fire and only suffers 1/4 damage from sunlight while in this form. 

The Vampire may not attack others physically while in this state — this includes encountering another vampire in mist form. However, the Vampire can use any of his Mental Disciplines that do not require a physical form to execute.

◎◎: Protean 6 - Shape Mastery (Attack)

Base Roll: 75
Energy/Blood Cost: 15
Resist: Willpower, Mental Defense
Damage: 15
Mods: Mental Skill, Willpower
Duration: n/a
Permanent Affects: 

  • +20 Physical Defense
  • Immune to fire
  • 1/2 Damage from Sunlight

Vampires who have mastered this level of shapeshifting may use the power of their blood to force other shape changers to resume their normal forms. For the power to function, the Vampire must have some portion of her blood in contact with the target, whether unwillingly or willingly.  This is an instant and forceful sudden reversion back to the Target's natural physical form causing pain and damage. It is not uncommon for Targets of this ability to have bones broken, severe lacerations or other physical trauma.

The Player's Character must first roleplay in some way that their blood is in physical contact with that of their Target's. The Player then spends 15 Energy/Blood points and makes a successful roll. If the Target fails their Resist Roll, the Target instantly reverts to his/her/their natural physical shape and incurs 15 points of Damage. 

If the target has successfully attacked the Gangrel with natural weapons, or with a short weapon like a knife or small dagger, this requirement is fulfilled. Otherwise, the Vampire must smear at least one blood point worth of the Vampire's own vitae on the target by making a successful attack or sprinkle it surreptitiously on an unsuspecting target. 

This may be done in advance, but the blood must still be wet for the power to work. The power persists for a full scene, or until the target removes the Vampire's vitae from his body, whichever is sooner. (The amount of time necessary to clean up the blood is subject to the Storyteller’s discretion, taking into account the quantity of blood and the availability of cleaning supplies. The process should take at least one full turn of action even with large quantities of water available.) 

If the target has actually consumed the Gangrel’s blood, tough luck — the power will persist for the duration of the scene scene. Once all the blood has been removed from the Target, the target must reactivate his shape shifting ability when and if he chooses to resume his adapted form, re-incurring any associated costs. 

This power is effective on all shapeshifted forms. This includes any abilities that allow the subject to shape shift, as well as all were beasts.  

◎: Protean 7 - Flesh of Marble (Attack)

Base Roll: 90
Energy/Blood Cost: 12
Damage: 0
Mods: Mental Skill, Physical Skill
Duration: Scene
Permanent Affects: 

  • +5 Physical Defense
  • +5 Mental Defense
  • +5 Athletics/Reflex

Temporary Affects: 

  • +15 Physical Defense
  • +10 Physical Attack (when using un-armed attacks)

Tales have long spoken of the combat prowess of Gangrel elders and of their inhuman resilience. Poorly informed individuals believe the stories of swords shattering and bullets flattening against immortal skin to be exaggerated reports of the effects of Fortitude. Those with more reliable information know that such tales result from encounters with vampires who have developed Flesh of Marble. 

The skin of an elder with Flesh of Marble becomes in essence a sort of flexible stone, although it appears (and feels) no different than normal skin and muscle. However, its ability to mimic the hardness of marble also adds an extra hard punch to those using Flesh of Marble while fighting hand-to-hand. While nearly impenetrable, is offers no defensive benefits to fire or sunlight.

The Player spends 12 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. The effects are instantaneous and last for the remainder of the scene. While the power is functioning, the Vampire receives extra +15 Physical Defense. All physical attacks made against the Vampire are affected, including assaults made with fists, claws, swords, firearms, and explosions, but not fire, sunlight, or supernatural powers. Additionally, while this power is in effect, a character can attempt to parry melee attacks with his bare hands as if he were holding some form of weapon.

Due to the Character's hardened flesh, he can add a temp +10 Physical Attack to all hand-to-hand and Street Fighter Martial Arts attacks from the bludgeoning damage his marble fists inflict on opponents. Think of this like a boxer might stick several rolls of quarters or a lead bar into his gloves for added impact damage.

: Protean 8 - Shape of the Monster (Attack)

Base Roll: 110
Energy/Blood Cost: 18
Damage: 5
Mods: Mental Skill, Physical Skill, Willpower
Duration: Scene (three turns to complete the transformation)
Permanent Affects: 

  • +5 Physical Attack
  • +5 Physical Defense
  • +5 Mental Defense
  • +5 Athletics/Reflex

Temporary Affects: 

  • +15 Physical Defense
  • +10 Physical Attack 
  • -15 against Frenzy rolls
  • Doubles running speed
  • Auspex power Heightened Senses
  • Protean power Eyes of the Beast
  • Unable to communicate in human speech

Users of this power are often mistaken for Tzimisce employing the Vicissitude power Horrid Form. A vampire employing this power shifts into a huge, monstrous form, gaining half her height again and tripling her weight. Her overall shape flows into an unholy amalgamation of her own form and that of the animal she feels the closest kinship to (wolves, rats, and great cats are the most common manifestations, though bulls, ravens, serpents, bats, and stranger beasts have been reported).

The vampire’s new shape does bear some vague resemblance to the war-forms of the were creatures, but the difference quickly becomes apparent.

The Player spends 18 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll to trigger the change. The character’s transformation takes three turns to complete. Once transformed, the character remains in this form until sunrise, the duration of the scene (whichever comes first) or until she shifts back voluntarily. 

The precise Traits of this form are determined when the character first learns this power, as is the animal whose appearance the character takes on.  For example, shifting in the form of a giant monstrous bat would allow the Character the ability of flight, though it would be a rather slow and lumbering one due to the transformed Vampire's weight. A wolf form would give the same advantages of fangs and claws, where a bull's form would give the character horns for ramming into targets. 

 Finally, the character’s perceptions are also heightened. She is assumed to have both the Auspex power Heightened Senses and the Protean power Eyes of the Beast after transformation, with all of the benefits and drawbacks of each.

This form does carry two additional drawbacks. The first is a lack of communication ability. Human speech is impossible in this form. The second disadvantage is that a character in this form encounters is the suddenly heightened power of her Beast, which makes her more vulnerable to Frenzy.


The Beast resides within all creatures, from scuttling cockroaches to scabrous rats up through untamed wolves and even powerful Kindred elders. Animalism allows the vampire to amplify his intensely primordial nature. He can not only communicate with animals, but can also force his will upon them, directing such beasts to do as he commands. 

As the vampire grows in power, he can even control the Beast within mortals and other supernaturals. Beasts grow distinctly agitated in the presence of a vampire who lacks this Discipline or the Skill of Animal Ken, often to the point of attacking or running from the vampire. 

In contrast, vampires possessing Animalism exude a dominant vibe to lower creatures, which attracts them. Animalism is commonly found with vampires of the Gangrel and Nosferatu Clans. Persuasion  and Mental Skill are important for the use of Animalism powers; the stronger the vampire’s personality, the more influence he has over the animals he seeks to command.

◎◎◎◎◎◎◎: Animalism 1 - Feral Speech (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 40
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 5
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Mental Skill, Persuasion
  • Resist: None
  • Permanent Affects:
    • +5 Mental Skill
  • Temporary Affects:
    • +10 Persuasion 

This power is the basis from which all other Animalism abilities grow. The vampire creates an empathic connection with a beast, thereby allowing him to communicate or issue simple commands. The Kindred locks eyes with the animal, transmitting his desires through sheer force of will. Although it isn’t necessary to actually “speak” in chirps, hisses, or barks, some vampires find that doing so helps strengthen the connection with the animal. 

Eye contact must be maintained the entire time; if it’s broken, the Kindred must re-establish contact to continue communication. The simpler the creature, the more difficult it becomes to connect with the animal’s Beast. 

Mammals, predatory birds, and larger reptiles are relatively easy to communicate with. Insects, invertebrates, and most fish are just too simple to connect with on a significant level. Feral Speech provides no guarantees that an animal will want to deal with the vampire, nor does it ensure that the animal will pursue any requests the vampire makes of it. Still, it does at least make the creature better disposed toward the Kindred. 

The manner in which the vampire presents his desires to the animal often depends on the type of creature. A Kindred can often bully smaller beasts into heeding commands, but he’s better off couching orders for large predators as requests. If the vampire successfully uses the power, the animal performs the command to the best of its ability and intellect. Only the very brightest creatures understand truly complex directives (orders dealing with conditional situations or requiring abstract logic). Commands that the animal does understand remain deeply implanted, however, and guide its behavior for sometime.

No roll is necessary to talk with an animal, but the character must establish direct eye contact first. Issuing commands requires a Persuasion + Mental Skill roll. The difficulty depends on the creature: 

  • 60 for Predatory mammals (wolves, cats, vampire bats) 
  • 70 for other mammals and predatory birds (rats, owls) are difficulty 70, and 
  • 80 for other birds and reptiles (pigeons, snakes) are difficulty 80. 

NOTE: All communication between characters and animals must be roleplayed.

Issuing Commands
While it does not require a roll for the Vampire to communicate with an animal, the Vampire must roll higher than the Animal's unmodified resist roll in order to command it. To command any Animal:

  •  The Animal will roll an unmodified roll to Resist.
  • The Vampire will then make his Roll, modified by his Persuasion and Mental Skill.
  • The higher the Vampire's roll over the Animal's Resist Roll effects his level of Influence over that Animal: 
    • LEVEL 1 INFLUENCE: 5 pts. above = the animal will obey simple single-word verbal commands, which the Vampire assists them in understanding by placing a mental image of the task in their minds. They can help the Vampire by fetching an object, gnawing through your binding rope, or locating a person by scent if the scent is provided to them. They are also capable of using their natural abilities on behalf of the Vampire, but cannot be forced to defend or attack or put itself at any risk. For example, a Vampire who successfully rolls influence over a skunk can tell it to spray it's scent in the direction of an enemy. At this level you can't tell it where to go to spray, but you can imply a direction.

    • LEVEL 2 INFLUENCE: 10 pts. above =  in order to command the Animal to accomplish more complicated one-sentence commands on the Vampire's behalf. For example, "Take this key and fly inside that open window." Or, "Follow Bob's scent and gnaw through the ropes on his hands." The Animal will not attack or defend the Vampire, nor will it put itself at any risk. Regarding the skunk scenario above, at this level, the Vampire can use the natural abilities of the Animal to command it to walk over to his enemies and spray them.

    • LEVEL 3 INFLUENCE: 15 pts. above = the connection is much stronger. The Vampire can communicate one-sentence commands and the Animal will obey. For example, "Guard my lair and attack all who try to get past you." Or, Fly to Bob and deliver this message." "Follow this woman and report back to me on where she went."

    • LEVEL 4 INFLUENCE: 20 pts above = the connection is at its strongest. The animal will obey multi-sentence commands and will willingly obey and fight for you in combat as an ally for the duration of the scene. Such a command might be to tell a dog to, "Find Bob and bring him to me by biting at his clothes and pulling him." Or, "Fly through that open window, locate a key ring handing by the door and bring it to me." "Follow this woman, then return to report her activities and take me to the same place she went." And of course, "Protect and defend me in this fight and kill any I instruct you to attack." (This effect can last for several months.)

For Example, Rolling for Influence Level: a Bear rolls an unmodified 65 to resist. The Vampire must roll a minimum of a modified 70 in order to exert enough influence to issue Level 1 Commands; 80 to issue Level 2 Commands; 85 to issue Level 3 commands; and 85+ to issue Level 4 Commands. 


  1. For Level 1-3 Commands, the effect lasts for the duration of the scene or until a specific command has been fulfilled, or the Vampire releases the animal. 
  2. There is no limit to how many Animals a Vampire may influence or command at any one time during a scene.
  3. If an Animal Rolls to Resist your Influence and rolls a botch (1-10), that animal voluntarily becomes your permanent companion at a Level 4 Influence until you chose to release it UNLESS, you also roll a Botch in response (you must still roll even if the animal rolls a botch). Then, the Animal simply goes its own way and leaves the area.
  4. If the Player's Character uses Beckoning to call a certain animal type to him, those Animals are able to be commanded with FERAL SPEECH at a lower Influence roll by -5 points. 

The nature of the Player's Character is a great influence in how he approaches these conversations. The character might try intimidating, teasing, cajoling, tempting or rationalizing. The Player should understand that he does not simply play his character in these situations, but the Beast Within as well. 

At levels 1-3, using this power cannot force an animal to do something against its nature, or to force a creature to risk its life. While the a bear or panther would stand guard to the vampire’s haven and even fight for it, it would not do so against obviously superior numbers or something overwhelmingly supernatural. A predatory bird might be convinced to harry a target, but would definitely not hold ground. A docile dog or skittish cat would have no problem with reporting something it had seen, but it wouldn’t enter combat unless given no other option — though it would likely agree to stand and fight and then flee at the first opportunity. (Storyteller's discretion.)

◎◎◎◎◎◎: Animalism 2 - Beckoning (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 6
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Physical Skill
  • Resist: None
  • Permanent Affects:  
    • +5 Mental Skill
  • Temporary Affects:
    • +10 Mental Defense

The vampire’s connection to the Beast grows strong enough that he may call out in the voice of a specific type of animal — howling like a wolf, shrilling like a raven, growing like a panther, etc. This call mystically summons creatures of the chosen type. Since each type of animal has a different call, Beckoning works for only a single species at a time. 

All such animals within earshot are summoned, and some percentage of them will heed the Beckoning if it is successful. While the vampire has no further control over the beasts who answer, the animals who do are favorably disposed toward him and are at least willing to listen to the Kindred’s concerns. (The vampire can then use Feral Speech on individual animals to command them, which is then performed at a reduced roll rate.

The Player spends 6 Points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll to determine the response to the character’s call; consult the Roll Chart below. Only animals that can hear the cry will respond. If the Storyteller decides no animals of that type are within earshot (40 meters), the summons goes unanswered.

The call can be as specific as the player desires. A character could call for all bats in the area, for only the male bats nearby, or for only the albino bat with the notched ear he saw the other night. 

Roll Chart:

  • 1-10: Botch! Not only do no animals respond to your obviously fake call, the sound you make alerts everyone within earshot of your exact location and chases all animals from the area for the duration of the scene.
  • 11-59: No Response, but you can try a different animal type on your next turn.
  • 60-69: A single animal of the type you called responds.
  • 70-79: Three animals of the type you called respond.
  • 80-89: Seven animals of the type you called respond.
  • 90-99: Ten animals of the type you called respond.
  • 100+: All animals of the type you called respond. (Storyteller's discretion, but a minimum of 11 animals.)

◎◎◎◎◎: Animalism 3 - Song of Serenity (Debuff)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 8
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Physical Skill, Persuasion 
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects:  None
  • Temporary Affects:
    • +10 Persuasion
    • +5 Physical Skill

By singing, humming, playing an instrument or even making a low crooning sound, the Vampire using this ability can soothe an angry or agitated beast, even those that are supernatural (including Garou). This ability makes beasts docile and can even prevent them from attacking or being aggressive. In addition, it can bring a Vampire back from Frenzy. 

The Player spends 8 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. The Character makes a soothing sound or sings a soft song. The sound must be low and soothing, almost like a lullaby. If the Target fails his Resist roll, then he cannot attack for three full turns, becomes docile and any anger or aggression is wiped from his mind. If the Target is a Vampire or Garou in the state of Frenzy, he will immediately come out of Frenzy, become docile and be unable to attack for 3 full turns. A Garou coming out of Frenzy will have his Rage Meter dropped to zero.

◎◎◎◎: Animalism 4 - Subsume the Spirit (Mental Attack)

  • Base Roll: 85
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 12
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Mental Skill, Persuasion 
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Duration: Scene
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Physical Attack
    • +5 Physical Defense
  • Temporary Affects: 
    • +10 Mental Defense
    • +10 Mental Skill

By locking his gaze with that of an animal, the vampire may mentally possess the creature. Some elders believe that since animals don’t have souls but spirits, the vampire can move his own soul into the animal’s body. Many younger vampires think it a matter of transferring one’s consciousness into the animal’s mind. 

In either case, it’s agreed that the beast’s weaker spirit (or mind) is pushed aside by the Kindred’s own consciousness. The vampire’s body falls into a motionless state akin to torpor while his mind takes control of the animal’s actions, remaining this way until the Kindred’s consciousness returns. Some haughty Tzimisce eschew this power, considering it debasing to enter the body of a lesser creature. When they do stoop to using it, they possess only predators. Conversely, Gangrel revel in connecting to the natural world in this way. They delight in sampling different animals’ natures.

The Player spends 12 Points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. If the Animal fails to resist, then for the duration of the scene the Player's Character pushes his/her/their consciousness into that of the Animal, taking over its mind and body. The Player's Character falls into a torpor-like state and cannot be roused until the Vampire wills his consciousness back into his body, allowing the Animal to return.

While in the Animal's body, the Vampire can use any of his mental skills and abilities, as long as he does not need to speak or use any physical motions. He also retains his own Mental Attacks and Defenses, but all of his Physical Skills/Attacks/Defenses are that of the Animal he is possessing.

This power entwines the character’s consciousness closely with the animal’s spirit, so much so that the character may continue to think and feel like that animal even after breaking the connection. This effect continues until the character spends a total of seven nights to resist and finally overcome the animal nature. 

Any damage the Animal takes is also felt and taken by the Vampire. And any pleasure or pain is also experience by the Vampire. If the animal dies while the Vampire possesses it, the Vampire's soul instantaneously shoots back into his body and he falls into Torpor. If the character leaves the animal’s body (by choice, if his body falls asleep, or after sustaining significant injury), the vampire’s consciousness returns to his physical form instantaneously. Although the vampire has no conscious link to his body while possessing the animal, he does form a sympathetic bond. Anything the animal feels, the vampire also experiences, from pleasure to pain.

NOTE: This skill can only be used on natural creatures and has no effect on supernatural or spirit creatures.

◎◎◎: Animalism 5 - Draw the Beast Out (Debuff)

  • Base Roll: 100
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 13
  • Damage: 5
  • Mods: Mental Skill, Persuasion 
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Mental Attack
    • +5 Mental Skill

At this level of Animalism, the Kindred has a keen understanding of the Beast Within, and is able to release his feral urges upon another mortal, supernatural creature or vampire. The recipient of the vampire’s Beast is instantly overcome by frenzy. 

This is an unnatural frenzy, however, as the victim is channeling the Kindred’s own fury. As such, the vampire’s own behavior, expressions, and even speech patterns are evident in the subject’s savage actions. Gangrel and Tzimisce are especially fond of unleashing their Beasts onto others. Gangrel do so to stir their ghouls into inspired heights of savagery during combat. Tzimisce care less about who receives their Beast than retaining their own composure.

The Player spends 13 Energy/Blood points, announces in local chat that he is using Drawing Out the Beast, who the Target is, and then makes a successful roll.  (The Target must be someone within the Vampire's immediate line of sight.)

If the Target fails his Resist Roll, then based on your Attack Roll use the Roll Chart below to determine the level of the Beast inflicted upon him.

If the Target Botches his Resist Roll, he immediately goes into Frenzy, and accidently steals the Vampire's Beast permanently. Botching this roll is even more catastrophic, causing heightened frenzy that grows so extreme that no intervention can curb its duration or effects. The character is a hapless victim to the terrible fury of his Beast, and may well hurl herself into a savage, flesh-rending rampage that leaves the Masquerade (and unfortunate nearby onlookers) in tatters.

While the Vampire is no longer vulnerable to frenzy, the Character can no longer use or regain Willpower and becomes increasingly lethargic. To recover the Beast, the unfortunate Vampire must find the person who now possesses it (who likely isn’t enjoying herself very much) and coax the Beast into its proper vessel. The most effective way to do so is to behave in ways that will make the Beast want to return — however, this isn’t a guarantee that it will wish to do so. Alternatively, the character can simply kill the host (thus causing the Beast to return to the vampire immediately).

Roll Chart:

  • 1-10: Botch! You immediately go into Frenzy instead of your intended Target.
  • 11-79: Nothing happens and the Vampire fails to transfer his Beast.
  • 80-89: The Vampire transfers the Beast, but unleashes it upon a random individual instead of the Target. (Storyteller's discretion.)
  • 90-95: The Vampire transfers his Beast to the intended Target, but it temporarily stuns the Target. The Target is stunned during their next turn and cannot attack, but can defend. The Target will Frenzy at the beginning of his second turn.
  • 96+: The character transfers the Beast successfully to the intended Target. In this case, the frenzy lasts twice as long as normal and is twice as difficult to shrug off; its severity also increases exponentially. 

◎◎: Animalism 6 - Tier of Souls (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 90
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 10
  • Damage: 2
  • Mods: Physical Attack, Physical Skill
  • Resist: None
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Physical Skill
    • +10 Athletics/Reflexes
    • +10 Initiative
  • Temporary Affects:
    • +10 Physical Defense
    • +10 Physical Attack

A Vampire with this power gains so much more than mere sustenance from the blood she drinks. The blood also transmits insights and even abilities as well. Moreover, if the Kindred from which the vampire drinks has recently fed, she may gain similar awareness of that creature if its blood was recently consumed within the last 24 hours. It is much like an ecstasy within the blood where the Vampire walks through the garden of his Victims, consuming their talents as one might eat the ripest of fruit picked from a tree.

The Player's Character must first drink the blood of his Vampire prey. The Player then declares he will use Tier of Souls in Open Chat, then spends 10 Energy/Blood points and makes a successful roll. What Ability/Attribute/Skill/Gift he gains is determined by how high the Player rolls. This must be done in the presence of a Storyteller, Mod or Sim Admin. In the event your roll is 106+, you must have a Storyteller/Mod/Sim Admin submit your notecard to gain the desired skills.

Roll Chart

  • 1-10: Botch! For the duration of the scene, your victim gains access to your highest level of abilities. For example, if Fortitude is your highest level of purchased points, your Victim receives every bonus you have currently earned, as well as every skill you've purchased in that ability. If Protean is your highest level, they will gain access to every purchased skill or spell as if it were their own for the duration of that scene.
  • 11-80: You enjoy the taste of the blood and the warmth of it as it slips across your tongue. But nothing more.
  • 90-95: You gain access to a specific memory of your choice from your Victim, or your Victim's last Victim.
  • 95-99: You gain access for the duration of the scene to your choice of any one of your Victim's (or Victim's Victim's) abilities. For example, your Victim is a Toreador (or fed on one within the last 24 hours) and you select her skill in Majesty.
  • 100-105: You gain access for the duration of the scene to any entire skill level of your Victim, or your Victim's Victim. For example, instead of simply taking on a Toreador's ability in Majesty, your take on every ability she knows in Presence.
  • 106+: You permanently gain your choice of your Victim's or your Victim's Victim's first three abilities/Gifts in any level they have. For example, your Victim or your Victim's Victim was a master of Auspex. You can permanently gain access to Auspex 1 (Heightened Senses), Auspex 2 (Aura Perception), and Auspex 3 (Spirits Touch). If these skills are those you already possess beyond the first three levels, there is nothing more you can learn and receive nothing.

NOTE: This skill has a 48 hour (real time) cool down.

For Example: 

Scenario 1: Vampire A consumes the blood of Vampire X, then successfully rolls 102 to activate Tier of Souls. Vampire A now has full awareness to any special skills of Vampire X, or her previous prey in the last real-time 24 hours. Vampire A discovers that Vampire X has not fed in the last 24 hours, and is an Old Clan Tzimisce with 4 Levels of Animalism, 3 Levels of Auspex and 7 Levels of Dominate. Vampire A already has more levels of Animalism, so there is nothing to gain from that. But, Vampire A doesn't have Dominate or Auspex. Vampire A decides to access all 7 Levels of Vampire X's Dominate ability for the duration of the scene. (Same Energy/Blood points and rolls as required to use those abilities.) This also adds any Permanent/Temp buffs as Temp buffs for the duration of the scene.

Scenario 2: Same scenario as example #1, except Vampire X recently bit and consumed the blood of a Werewolf within the last real-time 24 hours. Because the prey was a Garou and not another Vampire, Vampire A only has access to the Garou's Tribal Gifts, not any Gifts related to his form or auspice, or any of his Skills or Attributes. In this example Vampire X drank from a Get of Fenris Garou, allowing Vampire A to choose any one Gift that Garou has on his Character Sheet to use as his own for the duration of the scene. This includes adding any temp or permanent buffs to his own mods for the duration of the scene. Permanent Mods are treated as Temp Mods.

For the purpose of this example, Vampire A chooses to gain access to the Get of Fenris' Rank 3 Gift "Combat Expertise." For the duration of the scene, Vampire A gains a Temp +2 Physical Attack Mod, plus can reroll any botched roll once during the scene.

If Vampire X had bitten a Human, then Vampire A would have access to that Human's Skills and Attributes only.

NOTE: For more information on what is an Attribute, Skill or Ability, visit the FAQ titled: What is the difference between an Attribute, Skill and an Ability/Discipline.

: Animalism 7 - Taunt the Beast (Mental Attack)

  • Base Roll: 110
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 22
  • Damage: 8
  • Mods: Mental Attack, Persuasion 
  • Resist: See System
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Mental Attack
    • +10 Mental Defense
    • +5 Mental Skill
    • +5 Initiative

Some Kindred are so attuned to the Beast that they can unleash it on another individual at will. Vampires who have developed this power are able to send adversaries into frenzy with a finger’s touch and the resultant momentary contact with the victim’s Beast.

The physical contact allows the vampire’s own Beast to reach out and awaken that of the victim, enraging it by threatening its territory. Be forewarned. Releasing another's Beast is unpredictable at best and can result in that person attacking the Vampire who unleashed it.

The Player spends 22 Energy/Blood points and makes a successful roll. The Player's Character then touches the Target. 

Resist: The Target makes an unmodified Self-Control/Instinct roll (difficulty 50); failure results in an immediate frenzy and 8 HP of damage. 

If the Player rolls a Botch (rolling a natural 1-10) it causes their character to unleash his/her/their own Beast and frenzy instead. 

This power may be used on those individuals who are normally incapable of frenzy, sending ordinary humans and normally docile animals into murderous rages worthy of the most bloodthirsty Brujah berserker.

: Animalism 8 - Master the Beast (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 15
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Mental Attack, Mental Skill
  • Resist: None
  • Duration: One Scene
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • Can Frenzy or end a Frenzy at Will 
    • +10 Mental Defense
    • +10 Physical Attack
    • +10 Initiative
  • Temporary Affects:
    • +10 Willpower
    • +15 Athletics/Reflexes
    • +10 Intuition
    • +5 Alertness

Unlike any other Kindred, Vampires who have learned Master the Beast have become so familiar with their own Beast that they are intimately aware of all its basest needs, desires and motivations. So much so that it no longer has any control over them — they control it. This allows the Vampire to Frenzy at will, and (with rare exception) end the Frenzy at any time he wishes. He may slip in and out of the Beast as easily as slipping a cloak from his shoulders and letting it pool to the floor at his feet.

Because of this complete knowledge of the Beast's nature, he can temporarily access a small amount of his own Beast without succumbing to a full Frenzy. And, he can shred it into any number of pieces and place it into other creatures, mortals or supernatural beings. Because it is only a small piece of the Vampire's mastered Beast, the Vampire selects only the favorable qualities it bestows, temporarily gifting those he deems worthy with his fierce gifts. Typically this is done before battles to fortify allies.

The Player declares in Open Chat that he will attempt to use Master the Beast, and names any others in his group besides himself who will receive his Beast's Gifts. He then spends 15 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. The Vampire will always be the first to receive the Temp buffs, but how many in his party will also receive it depends on his roll (see Roll Chart below). Temp buffs are active for the duration of the scene. 

NOTE: If the Vampire using this ability dies, or is rendered unconscious or torpored during the scene, all allies instantly lose the Temp buffs.

Roll Chart:

  • 1-10: Botch! The Vampire temporarily loses all control of his own beast and immediately Frenzies. It will take him three full turns to end the Frenzy, but during this time he will attack and attempt to kill those physically closest to him. This is the rare exception where the Vampire cannot immediately end his own Frenzy.
  • 11-79: Nothing happens. Apparently, the Beast is taking a nap and doesn't wish to be disturbed. Well that's embarrassing. 
  • 80-85: Only the Vampire receives the Temp buffs.
  • 86-89: The Vampire and the named ally closest to him receives the Temp Buffs.
  • 90-95: The Vampire and two other named allies closest to him receive the Temp Buffs
  • 96-99: The Vampire and three other named allies closest to him receive the Temp Buffs
  • 100+:  The Vampire and all allies named receive the Temp Buffs.


Although all vampires have an unnatural constitution that make them much sturdier than mortals, Fortitude bestows a resilience that would make an action movie hero envious. Vampires with this Discipline can shrug off agonizing trauma and make the most bone-shattering impact look like a flesh wound. The power even offers protection against the traditional banes of vampires, such as sunlight and fire, and the Gangrel, Ravnos, and Ventrue all find that edge incredibly useful.

A character’s rating in Fortitude adds to his Physical Defense. This helps in avoiding taking damage during combat, as well as other damage associated with falling or other physical trauma. The first four levels in Fortitude add +5 to the Character's Physical Defense ratings, making it more difficult to land a blow that does any damage.

: Fortitude 1 - Glancing Blow (Buff)

  • Permanent Affects: 
    • Stackable +5 Physical Defense

: Fortitude 2 - Toughness (Buff)

  • Permanent Affects: 
    • Stackable +5 Physical Defense

: Fortitude 3 - Fortify (Buff)

  • Permanent Affects: 
    • Stackable +5 Physical Defense
    • Stackable +5 Physical Skill
    • Stackable +5 Athletics/Reflexes
    • Immunity to damage from Rank 1 & 2 Firearms

: Fortitude 4 - Resilience (Buff)

  • Permanent Affects: 
    • Stackable +5 Physical Defense
    • Stackable +5 Athletics/Reflexes
    • Stackable +10 Initiative
    • Immunity to damage from Rank 1-3 Firearms

: Fortitude 5 - Personal Armor (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 0
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 0
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Passive
  • Resist: None
  • Duration: Always Active
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • Non-Magical Weapons that hit you have a 30% chance of breaking. (Natural 1-30)
    • Hand-to-hand blows that hit you have a 30% chance of delivering damage to your attacker. (3 HP of Damage)
    • Bullets that hit you have a 30% chance to ricochet and hit the person closest to you. opponent. (Natural 1-30)
    • Stackable +10 Physical Defense
    • Stackable +5 Initiative

Nobody likes to get hit, not even Cainites. The easiest way to ensure that one is not hit (or shot, or stabbed) repeatedly is to take the weapon with which one is assaulted away from one’s attacker and break it. That’s where Personal Armor comes in. This application of Fortitude, derived from one popular in the 12th century, causes anything that strikes a Kindred who has the ability of Personal Armor to shatter on impact.

This passive ability is always active and does not require a roll or the expenditure of Energy/Blood points. Every time you fail to defend and take damage from a non-magical melee weapon (bullets and other projectiles are excluded), the weapon has a 30% chance of breaking. The vampire still takes normal damage if the attack is successful, even if the weapon shatters in the process. 

A hand-to-hand attack causes the attacker to suffer 3 HP of damage.

Melee Weapons:

  • The Vampire takes the normal damage
  • The Attacking Player makes a second roll to determine if his/her/their weapon was broken
  • Unmodified rolls of 1-30 means the weapon was broken.

Hand-to-Hand Combat:

  • The Vampire takes the normal damage
  • The Attacking Player makes a second roll to determine if he/she/they has taken physical damage from the blow.
  • Unmodified rolls of 1-30 means the attacker takes 3 HP of automatic physical damage from hitting the Vampire's rock-hard flesh.


  • The Vampire takes the normal damage from bullets
  • The Defending Vampire Player makes a second roll to determine if the bullet has ricocheted off your metal-like body and hit the person closest to you.
  • Unmodified rolls of 1-30  means the person closest to you (not including your attacker) takes 3 HP of automatic physical damage from ricocheting off your rock-hard flesh. Rolling a unmodified 96+ means the bullet ricochets off you and hits your Attacker for 3 HP of damage.

: Fortitude 6 - Shared Strength (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 90
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 12
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Mental Attack, Mental Skill, Willpower
  • Resist: None
  • Duration: Variable - See Roll Chart
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Physical Defense
  • Temporary Affects:
    • One person of the Player's choosing shares +20 Physical Defense (see roll chart)

It’s one thing to laugh off bullets, rather another to watch the ricochets mow down everyone around you. Many Kindred have wished, at one time or another, that they could lend their monstrous vitality during combat to those around them. Those few vampires who have mastered Shared Strength can lend their supernatural fortitude to another — if only for brief periods of time.

The Player spends 12 pts. of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. The Player's Character selects one Target person of their choosing (who does not have Fortitude) by pressing a drop of their blood to the recipient's forehead, transferring a portion of his/her/their Fortitude. 

This person gains +20 Physical Defense for the duration of the scene. There is no limit to how many people the Vampire can use this ability on, but this ability must be used individually on each person, requiring a successful roll and the expenditure of 12 Energy/Blood points.

Furthermore, the Vampire must mark his target by pressing a drop of his blood onto the target’s forehead. This stain remains visible as long as the power is in effect. This can be done in advance of a battle since the effect comes into play during combat, but only last the number of turns based on the Player's initial roll to activate this ability.

Roll Chart:

  • 1-10: Botch! The Vampire is incapable of attempting this ability again on any other person for the duration of the scene.
  • 11-89: You place a drop of your blood on the forehead of the Target. It smears across his skin and leaves a sticky red stain. But that's about it.
  • 90-95: The Target receives a +20 Physical Defense boost for two combat turns
  • 96-100: The Target receives a +20 Physical Defense boost for three turns.
  • 101-105: The Target receives a +20 Physical Defense boost for four turns.
  • 105+: The Target receives a +20 Physical Defense boost for the duration of the scene.

: Fortitude 7 Sensory Shield (Mental Defense)

  • Base Roll: 100
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 14
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Mental Skill, Willpower
  • Resist: None
  • Duration: 2 Turns
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Physical Defense
    • +15 Mental Defense
    • +5 Mental Skill
  • Temporary Affects:
    • The Player's Character or one person of the Player's choosing is immune to mental attacks for two turns.

A Vampire of this level has learned to fortify his mind, if only temporarily, as he fortifies his body. If the Vampire so chooses, he/she/they can project this mental fortification to any other of his choosing.

The Player spends 14 pts. of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. The Player can select his/her/their own Character to receive this ability, or the Vampire Character select another to receive the benefits. For two full turns, the recipient is immune to all forms of mental attack.

: Fortitude 8 Curse The Laurel (Defense)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 10
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: None
  • Resist: None
  • Permanent Affects: None

Staking a vampire in the heart instantly causes the kindred to fall into a death-like state called torpor. A Vampire who is a Master of Fortitude has the amazing ability to slowly move stakes from his heart even while torpored. 

Curse The Laurel gives Vampires the ability to push the stake from their bodies and release themselves from Torpor over time. While an amazing ability, it is still rather difficult to accomplish.

If a Player's Character has been staked in the heart, that Character will fall into Torpor. While the Character of this level is in a torpored state, he/she/they cannot move, speak, or use any other ability except for Curse The Laurel

Each turn, the Player may make an unmodified roll to dislodge the stake in the Character's heart.

The Player spends 14 Energy/Blood points and makes a successful roll. The stake then begins to push out of the Vampire's body over the course of three turns. At the end of the third turn, the Player's Character will regain consciousness, fully heal, and act as normal.

If the Player does not make a successful roll, then the Character will remain torpored until a successful roll is made, or another character pulls the stake from the Character's heart.