Source Books: Clanbook - Gangrel, Revised Edition; Vampire The Masquerade, 20th Edition
The City Gangrel are a bloodline of the Gangrel that has adapted well to urban environments. In the Dark Ages, the bloodline was known as the Greek Gangrel, as they were thought to have originated in Greece. In the modern nights, the City Gangrel remind some Kindred of coyotes (hence their nickname) — they are creatures well-suited for wilderness life, but they adapt to an urban existence quite smoothly.
Traveling in pairs or packs like the coyotes they are, City Gangrel roam the streets, back alleys, abandoned buildings and city outskirts much like human street gangs. The high preponderance of prey in the cities, coupled with the Gangrel's inherent mutability of blood, has allowed the line to flourish. Like the coyotes they're associated with, why hunt for scarce prey in forests when it's so abundant and easy in the dark streets of the city?
Their relatively fresh association with the Camarilla has led to a negotiation that allow them a higher level of leniency than other clans to embrace more prolifically, but also that their unlife expectancy is short.
Most City Gangrel go on to lead short, productive and brutal unlives. The bloodline suffers the same clan weakness as the rest of the Gangrel. They tend to favor Physical Attributes, however Talents and Skills are equally valued.
For more information, click here to visit the Gangrel Clan Overview page.
Nickname: Outlanders, Coyotes
Sect: City Gangrel have made a place for themselves apart from their “Country” brothers. Naturally more City Gangrel claim membership in the Camarilla than their Country brothers and sisters. The bloodline has proliferated with astonishing speed, undoubtedly aided by the protection afforded them by their Camarilla associations — most City Gangrel are 10th generation or higher.
The City Gangrel are urban killers without peer in the cities they choose to inhabit, using a combination of city-wide knowledge, street smarts, martial prowess and their unique set of Disciplines to strike hard, fast and without warning. They are equally at home in the bright lights and glitz of nightlife in downtowns as they are in the poorly lit, trash-strewn slums.
Appearance: Unlike Country Gangrel, who can afford to let their animalistic ways take over and their appearances grow truly bestial, the Coyotes must either adopt a more Nosferatu-like approach to unlife or take measures to blend in with their prey.
To outward appearance, then, these latter Kindred seem human, dress as appropriate to their area and the social class they mimic. But City Gangrel are still Gangrel vampires, and that means they are predators. Any disguise they adopt is strictly that, camouflage to allow them to get close enough to bite.
Most of the features caused by the Beast are visible and clearly animal or even insectoid in origin: growing fur, feathers or scales; changes to the structure of facial features, hands or feet; sprouting additional appendages like a tail or antennae; or developing truly odd features like nictating membranes, a marsupial pouch or a working musk gland. Dramatic and/or permanent changes are unlikely to occur, although some particularly unlucky or rabid Gangrel may find themselves with some of the drastic modifications.
Haven: City Gangral are adept at surviving anywhere they find themselves. While they are at ease in the forests holing up in the darkest recesses of caves, they honestly prefer the relatively easier life of what cities have to offer. This can range from posh apartments with blackout windows (if the Gangral has the means for such) down to alcoves in subway tunnels and sewer systems. Most have multiple havens that allow them to hunt the city and sleep the day away in whichever part of the city they happen to find themselves just before dawn. Wherever the humans are, City Gangral are there to pluck them from the outskirts of the herd and sate their blood lust before slipping back into the neon shadows.
Protean is the mystical ability to manipulate the Vampire's physical form. Some vampires believe the power stems from a heightened connection to the natural world, while others consider it to be a magnification of the mark of Caine.
Whatever its basis may be, those that develop this Discipline can grow bestial claws, take on the forms of bats, cats and wolves, turn themselves into mist, and even meld into the very earth itself. Transformed Kindred can generally use other Disciplines — vampires in wolf form can still read auras and communicate with other animals, for example. However, the Storyteller may rule that certain Disciplines may not be used in specific situations.
The Kindred’s clothes and personal possessions also change when he transforms (presumably absorbed within his very substance). Armor or weapons and the like do not provide any benefit while transformed.
Vampires cannot change or transform large objects or other beings; Protean is a personal expression of power. A Kindred who has been staked or torpored (thereby trapping his soul within his body) cannot transform. Some vampires believe that those who have mastered the highest levels of Protean can deny this limitation, however. The Gangrel Clan is well known for their mastery of Protean, although other Kindred have learned some of this Discipline’s secrets from these bestial Cainites.
The vampire sees perfectly well in pitch darkness, not requiring a light source to notice details in even the darkest basement or cave. The Vampire’s Beast is evident in his red glowing eyes, a sight sure to disturb most mortals.
The Player declares he will attempt to use this ability in Local Chat, spends 2 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. While manifesting the Eyes of the Beast, the character suffers a -10 difficulty to all interactions with mortals unless he takes steps to shield his eyes (sunglasses are the simplest solution).
The vampire’s nails transform into long, bestial claws. These talons are wickedly sharp, able to rend flesh with ease and even carve stone and metal with little trouble. The Beast is prominent in the claws as well, making them fearsome weapons against other immortals.
The Player spends 3 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. The Vampire's fingernails grow automatically in response to the character’s desire, and can grow them from both hands and feet. Takes a single turn to complete and the effect lasts for the duration of the scene.
One of the most prized powers within Protean, Earth Meld enables the vampire to become one with the Earth. The immortal literally sinks into the bare ground, transmuting his substance to bond with the earth. Though a vampire can immerse himself fully into the ground, he cannot move around within it. Further, it is impossible to meld into the Earth through another substance. Wood slats, blacktop, even artificial turf blocks Earth Meld’s effectiveness — then again, it’s a relatively simple matter for a vampire at this level of power to grow claws and rip apart enough of the flooring to expose the raw soil beneath.
By interring himself in the ground, the vampire gains full protection from daylight when outdoors. It is also the method of choice for those Kindred who wish to sleep away the centuries; these vampires lock themselves in the earth’s embrace, gaining strength and power as they rest. Superstitious and paranoid Kindred whisper that thousands of Ancients sleep within the ground and will awaken when Gehenna arrives.
While so interred, the vampire is in a transitional state between flesh and earth. His physical presence exists between the physical world and the astral plane. As such, the vampire is difficult to sense, even through supernatural means. However, a disruption to the soil that the immortal occupies, or to his presence on the astral realm, returns him immediately to the physical world (and to full wakefulness), showering dirt outward as his body displaces the soil.
The Player spends 8 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. A Botch (rolling a natural 1-10) prevents the Vampire from attempting to use this skill again for the duration of the scene. The Player declares in local chat, (or to the Storyteller in an Instant Message) how long he will be in this state. Sinking into the earth is automatic and takes two turns to complete. The character falls into a state one step above torpor during this time, sensing his surroundings only distantly.
This endows the vampire with the legendary ability to transform into a wolf ( or other similar canid), or large vampire bat. A Kindred changed in this way is a particularly-imposing representative of the animal kingdom. Indeed, he is far superior to normal animals, even ones possessed by Subsume the Spirit. The Character retains his own psyche and temperament, but can still call upon the abilities of the beast form.
NOTE: Gangrel can change to other animal forms better suited to their environments — jackals in Africa, dhole in Asia, and even enormous rats in urban environments — a feat that other Clans learning Protean cannot seem to duplicate.
The Player spends 9 Energy/Blood points and makes a successful roll. The transformation requires two full turns to complete. The vampire remains in his beast form for the duration of the scene or until dawn, unless the Character wishes to change back sooner. While in the animal’s shape, the vampire can use any Discipline he possesses except Necromancy, Serpentis, Thaumaturgy, or Vicissitude.
This truly unsettling power enables the vampire to turn into a vaporish mist. His physical shape disperses into a hazy cloud, but one still subject entirely to the immortal’s will. He floats at a brisk pace and may slip under doors, through screens, down pipes, and through other tiny openings.
Although strong winds can blow the vampire from his chosen course, even hurricane-force winds cannot disperse his mist shape. Some Kindred feel that this power is an expression of the vampire’s ultimate control over the material world, while others believe that it is the immortal’s soul made manifest (damned though it may be).
No roll is required, although transformation takes two turns to complete. Strong winds may buffet the character, making it more challenging for the Vampire to move in a particular direction but his misty form will not disperse. Disciplines such as Potence may be used to resist them.
Vampires in Mist Form can perceive their surroundings normally, although they cannot use powers that require eye contact. The vampire is immune to all mundane physical attacks while in mist form. Although supernatural attacks affect him normally, the Vampire is very difficult to hit and receives a temporary +20 Physical Defense while fully transformed into mist.
Also, the vampire is immune to fire and only suffers 1/4 damage from sunlight while in this form. The Vampire may not attack others physically while in this state — this includes encountering another vampire in mist form. However, the Vampire can use any of his Mental Disciplines that do not require a physical form or eye contact to execute.
Vampires who have mastered this level of shapeshifting may use the power of their blood to force other shape changers to resume their normal forms. For the power to function, the Vampire must have some portion of her blood in physical contact with the Target, whether unwillingly or willingly.
This is an instant and forceful sudden reversion back to the Target's natural physical form causing pain and damage. It is not uncommon for Targets of this ability to have bones broken, severe lacerations or other physical trauma.
The Player's Character must first roleplay in some way that their blood is in physical contact with that of their Target's. The Player then spends 15 Energy/Blood points and makes a successful roll. If the Target fails their Resist Roll, the Target instantly reverts to his/her/their natural physical shape and incurs 15 Health Points of Damage.
If the Target has successfully attacked the Gangrel with natural weapons, or with a short weapon like a knife or small dagger, this requirement of blood contact is fulfilled. Otherwise, the Vampire must smear at least one blood point worth of the Vampire's own vitae on the Target by making a successful attack or sprinkle it surreptitiously on an unsuspecting target.
This may be done in advance, but the blood must still be wet for the power to work. The power persists for a full scene, or until the Target removes the Vampire's vitae from his body, whichever is sooner. (The amount of time necessary to clean up the blood is subject to the Storyteller’s discretion, taking into account the quantity of blood and the availability of cleaning supplies. The process should take at least one full turn of action even with large quantities of water available.)
If the target has actually consumed the Gangrel’s blood, (such as a Garou biting the vampire and drawing blood) tough luck — the power will persist for the duration of the scene.
Once all the blood has been removed from the Target, the Target must reactivate his shape shifting ability when and if he chooses to resume his adapted form, re-incurring any associated costs. But until then, the Target will not be able to shift from his/her/their natural form.
This power is effective on all shapeshifted forms. This includes any abilities that allow the subject to shape shift, as well as all were beasts.
Tales have long spoken of the combat prowess of Gangrel elders and of their inhuman resilience. Poorly informed individuals believe the stories of swords shattering and bullets flattening against immortal skin to be exaggerated reports of the effects of Fortitude. Those with more reliable information know that such tales result from encounters with vampires who have developed Flesh of Marble.
The skin of an elder with Flesh of Marble becomes in essence a sort of flexible stone, although it appears (and feels) no different than normal skin and muscle. However, its ability to mimic the hardness of marble also adds an extra hard punch to those using Flesh of Marble while fighting hand-to-hand. While nearly impenetrable, is offers no defensive benefits to fire or sunlight.
The Player spends 12 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. The effects are instantaneous and last for the remainder of the scene. While the power is functioning, the Vampire receives an extra Temp Mod of +15 Physical Defense.
All physical attacks made against the Vampire are affected, including assaults made with fists, claws, swords, firearms, and explosions, but not fire, sunlight, or supernatural powers. Additionally, while this power is in effect, a character can attempt to parry melee attacks with his bare hands as if he were holding some form of weapon or shield.
Due to the Character's hardened flesh, he also adds a Temp Mod of +10 Physical Attack to all hand-to-hand and Street Fighter Martial Arts attacks from the bludgeoning damage his marble fists inflict on opponents. Think of this like a boxer might stick several rolls of quarters or a lead bar into his gloves for added impact damage.
Users of this power are often mistaken for Tzimisce employing the Vicissitude power Horrid Form. A vampire employing this power shifts into a huge, monstrous form, gaining half her height again and tripling her weight.
Her overall shape flows into an unholy amalgamation of her own form and that of the animal she feels the closest kinship to (wolves, rats, and great cats are the most common manifestations, though bulls, ravens, serpents, bats, and stranger beasts have been reported).
The vampire’s new shape does bear some vague resemblance to the war-forms of the were creatures, but the difference quickly becomes apparent.
For an example of what this form might look like, CLICK HERE.
The Player spends 18 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll to trigger the change. The character’s transformation takes three turns to complete. Once transformed, the character remains in this form until sunrise, the duration of the scene (whichever comes first) or until she shifts back voluntarily.
For Example: shifting in the form of a giant monstrous bat would allow the Character the ability of flight, though it would be a rather slow and lumbering one due to the transformed Vampire's weight. A wolf form would give the same advantages of fangs and claws, where a bull's form would give the character horns for ramming into your enemies.
The precise Traits of this form are determined when the character first learns this power, as is the animal whose appearance the character takes on.
Finally, the character’s perceptions are also heightened. The transformed Vampire is assumed to have both the Auspex power Heightened Senses and the Protean power Eyes of the Beast after transformation, with all of the benefits and drawbacks of each.
When needed, some vampires can move fast — really fast. Celerity allows Assamites, Brujah, and Toreadors to move with astonishing swiftness, becoming nothing more than a blur of motion. The Assamites use their speed in conjunction with stealth to strike quickly and viciously from the shadows before they are noticed. Brujah, on the other hand, simply like the edge that the power gives them against overwhelming odds. The Toreador are more inclined to use Celerity to provide an air of unnatural grace to live performances or for an extra push to complete a masterpiece on time, but they can be as quick to draw blood as any assassin or punk when angered.
Each point purchased in Celerity grants permanent, stackable mods to the player's character. For example: A character that has purchased three points in Celerity receives a cumulative +15 point mod in Athletics/Reflexes, 20+ mod in Initiative, and +5 mod in Physical Skill. For more information on the additional modifiers earned with each purchase point in Celerity, read the descriptions below.
NOTE: Using Celerity 4-8 in public breaks the Masquerade.
Permanent Affects:
Base Roll: 0
Mod: n/a
Energy/Blood Cost: 3 pts.
Damage: 0
The Vampire can instantly move with preternatural speed within 20 meters without using an action.
The Player spends 3 points of Energy/Blood, but does not need to roll for success nor does it require you to use an action. This is a free move, but it can only be used at the beginning of your turn.
Base Roll: 80
Mod: Physical Attack
Energy/Blood Cost: 4 pts.
Damage: Does 5HP of damage, in addition to the weapon's damage
Permanent Affects:
The vampire can prevent a target with no or lower celerity than their own from dodging or defending against the vampire's melee attacks. (This skill does not work when used against Celerity 8 -Flawless Parry)
The Player spends 4 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. There is no defense or resist for the Target. The Player's Character will auto hit when using a Melee weapon, such as a sword, staff, dagger, etc.
Base Roll: 85
Mod: Physical Defense, Athletics/Reflexes
Energy/Blood Cost: 5 pts.
Damage: 0
Permanent Affects:
The vampire can supersede the Storyteller's narration and perform an action that only requires a few seconds like get through a door before it closes, roll out of the way of an explosion etc. This does not use one of the Player's actions.
The Player declares in Local Chat that they are attempting to use "Split Second" to make an instantaneous action during a Storyteller's scene. The Player then spends 5 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. If successful, the Player's Character receives one free action where they can slip through a closing door, roll out of the way of a moving car, etc.
Base Roll: 40
Mod: No Mods
Energy/Blood Cost: 6 pts.
Damage: 0
Duration: 1 Turn
Permanent Affects:
Use your Celerity to gain two attacks for one turn. Must declare in chat before you roll.
The Player declares in local chat at the beginning of their turn that they wish to make this roll. Using Flower of Death does not take up the Player's action. The Player then spends 6 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. The Player's Character then receives two attacks during this turn. If unsuccessful, the Player's Character will attack as normal.
Flower of Death does not add onto a Character's normal number of attacks. Meaning, if a Character normally receives two attacks, they cannot use Flower of Death to add on another attack, for a total of three.
Base Roll: 0
Mod: n/a
Energy/Blood Cost: 10 pts.
Damage: 0
Duration: 1 Defensive move in response to an attack
Permanent Affects:
Make a flawless defensive motion that prevents an enemy's attack from successfully landing. This allows the kindred a level of speed, fluidity of motion and poise that makes them impossible to hit when using this ability. Think of it as something of an acrobatic skill and the vampire in question will be supernaturally more athletic and graceful.
This ability can only be used as a defensive move in response to another Character's attack. When it's the Player's Character's turn to defend an attack, he spends 10 points of Energy/Blood and automatically dodges that one attack. The Player can only use this one move in defense. If the Player's Character naturally receives two actions during a defense, using Flawless Parry prevents the Player from using a second defensive or attacking action.
Streetwise is a new skill that was developed and mastered by the City Gangrels over the past two centuries. As adept as their Traditional Gangral brothers and sisters are to navigating the wilderness, so too have the City Gangrels learned to master the intricacies of modern cities. Stealthfully moving amongst the throngs of human blood bags like a wolf in sheep's clothing, the City Gangrel can hunt, stalk and track his/her/their prey, hiding their existence while at the same time feeding off the weak, frail, and unlucky.
Every city has a heartbeat, an ebb and flow that whispers its secrets to those who can understand its language. While anyone can simply download a map on a smart phone these days, such information only scratches the surface. Knowing which streets are dead ends, which are shortcuts, and the telltale signs that at what point your target prey picked up an Uber and which direction they were driving. Part of it is observation and instinct, but a larger part is the ability to tap into the lifeforce of the city and let it sing its most intimate mysteries to you.
This is a Passive ability and does not require the use of Energy/Blood points or a successful roll. The Player with this ability adds a +10 Modifier to any and all rolls made regarding tracking prey, navigating the streets of any city, knowing where the best hiding places are, or avoiding being tracked within a city.
NOTE: This ability only applies to rolls made within cities or city parks, and does not apply to forests or other natural wilderness settings.
Like the coyotes for which they are nicknamed, City Gangrels fight better when they work cooperatively in packs of two or more.
This is a Passive ability, does not require the use of Energy/Blood Points and is always active when the situation presents itself. Whenever a City Gangrel fights alongside at least one other Gangrel (City or Traditional) he/she/they automatically do an additional 5HP of damage to their enemies upon a successful attack.
The type of attack or weapon used does not matter. Attacks will do the standard damage for the attack/weapon used, plus an additional 5 HP of damage. This will need to be added manually since the HUD cannot tell if you are attacking with other Gangrel.
So adept at living in cities, the City Gangrel Vampire is capable of skillfully using shadows, shade, cover and maneuvering to avoid the direct rays of the sun for a short period of time. When shadows are insufficient, the Vampire can create his/her/their own by dressing head to toe in dark leather, wearing large-brimmed hats, sunglasses and umbrellas to avoid being burned by sunlight. However, rainy overcast days might only require the use of an umbrella or simply draping a newspaper over his/her/their head.
The Player spends 2 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. The Vampire has 4 full turns of walking in the daylight if properly attired, using shade and shadows of buildings and avoiding exposing his/her/their skin to the direct rays of the sun.
If the sun is blocked by clouds and the Vampire is under some kind of roof structure like a pavilion or in a car with dark windows, then their exposure time is doubled to 8 turns.
The Vampire may use this ability multiple times to extend the time limit and avoid taking damage from sunlight. But once the time period is up, the Vampire will take normal damage from the sun.
For one example of this, CLICK HERE.
A Vampire who truly embraces his beast is an extremely dangerous foe. Such Vampires can inflict great damage by using their superior strength and ferocity to both drain their opponent of blood and energy, and at the same time restore their own health and energy points.
The Player spends 5 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll for his/her/their Character to physically attack a Target. If the Target fails to resist, then the City Gangrel successfully grapples the Target and begins to drain the Target of his/her/their blood by sinking their teeth into the foe's throat.
Like the Coyote he is called, the City Gangrel can easily communicate complex thoughts and information to his fellow City Gangrels through the use of yips, barks and howls as if using words. All others only hear the bestial sounds emitted.
This is a Passive ability, does not require the use of Energy/Blood Points and is always active. All City Gangrels within a 20 meter radius of the one using this ability (chat range) will hear the message as if the Vampire were using clear speech. Anyone who is not a City Gangrel will only hear the strange coyote-like sounds.
If a City Gangrel has successfully used Savagery I on the same Target during his last attack, he/she/they can continue to drain the life from the foe as long as their Grapple hold has not been broken.
The Player spends 15 Energy/Blood points and makes a successful roll. If the Target fails to resist, the Vampire continues to hold the Target in a tight Grapple, draining the Target of 20 HP of damage.
The Vampire gains:
NOTE: If the Vampire is successfully attacked by another Foe before his next turn (but after he successfully attacked and grappled a foe using Savagery I), and has failed to defend that attack, then their Savagery 1 grapple hold is considered broken and he/she/they cannot use Savagery 2.
For Example: City Gangrel 1 attacks Hunter A using Savagery 1. Hunter A fails to defend, is held in a strong Grapple Hold by Gangrel 1, and suffers 10 HP of damage due to blood loss.
Hunter B sees that Hunter A is being drained of blood and attacks Gangrel 1, who still has an iron hold on Hunter A and his fangs buried into Hunter A's throat. On his turn, Hunter B attacks Gangrel 1 with a dagger. Gangrel 1 fails to defend and takes the damage. However, this also causes Gangrel 1 to lose his Grapple Hold on Hunter A, preventing him from using Savagery 2 on his next turn to inflict even more damage on Hunter A.
IF Gangrel 1 had successfully defended Hunter B's attack, his Grapple Hold on Hunter A would still be in effect and he could attempt to use Savagery 2 to do even more damage to his foe, while at the same time gaining 20 Points of Blood/Energy and 20 Health Points of healing.
ALSO, on Hunter A's next turn (if he is still being held in Gangrel 1's Grapple Hold) Hunter A must roll again in an attempt to break free of Gangrel 1's Grapple Hold. Until Hunter A is free of the Grapple, he cannot attack and can only defend.
This horrific ability allows the City Gangrel to drop his/her/their mask and show unfortunate victims the truly terrifying face of their beast within.
The Player spends 1 Point of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. If the Target fails to resist, then he/she/they will run in abject terror for as many turns as it takes for the Target to make a successful resist roll.
Once the Target has regained their composure, they may return to once again face the City Gangrel at a -5 Willpower Mod for the duration of the scene.
NOTE: This ability can only be used once per scene, per Target. It only affects one Target at a time. No one else except the Target will see the vampire's beast face, preserving the Masquerade.
City Gangrel are as wily, resourceful and as highly intelligent as their coyote brothers. Their very survival depends on how fast they can learn a city's layout, who to avoid, who to hunt, where the best hiding places are, and how to get the upper hand in any fight.
This handy ability allows the City Gangrel to mimic and use any Foe's Ability or Gift as if it were their own for the duration of the scene, if it was first successfully used on the City Gangrel during that Scene. It does not matter if the City Gangrel was able to resist the effects of the Ability/Discipline or Gift, just that it was successfully used by the Foe on the City Gangrel. (This does not include Skills or Attributes.)
On the Character's next turn after being attacked by a Foe's special Ability or Gift, the Player spends 18 Points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. This takes one action to complete. On the Character's next action (or turn if the Character only has one action per turn), the Character can use that special ability or Gift as many times as he/she/they wish for the duration of the scene. Once the scene is over, the Ability/Gift is lost.
The Player must expend the same number of Energy Points and make the same roll for success as the Foe would need to use his/her/their Ability/Gift. There is no limit on the level or power of the Ability/Gift. The City Gangrel may use it as his/her/their own as if they had earned it for the duration of the scene.
For Example: A Tzimisce New Blood uses Breath of the Dragon attack on the City Gangrel. While the City Gangrel successfully avoided the damaging flames, on his next turn he uses an action to initiate Trickster's Revenge by making a successful roll and mimicking the affects of Breath of the Dragon.
On the City Gangrel's next action/turn, he uses the Tzimisce New Blood's own Ability on her, exhaling a deadly stream of flame that does 5 HP of to all in the area of effect who fail their defense roll.