119 min read

They came out of the East in search of wisdom, but found only strife. Now they have discovered that their homeland is no longer the refuge it once was, and that they have lost too much and gained too little. The wisest and most mystical of Garou tribes must now struggle to find its center and reclaim its heritage, before it falls apart. Is it already too late? The Stargazers may have left the Garou Nation, but their lore hasn't been lost yet? - Tribebook: Stargazers (Revised)


Few fully understand the Stargazers. They are the smallest tribe in the Garou Nation, in large part because they follow a creed that seems to fly in the face of what it means to be Garou. They pursue meditation, philosophy, lucid dreaming — all manner of ways to master their inner selves, to master their Rage. Caught between wolf and human, Rage and Gnosis, material and spirit, the Stargazers seek the very key to Garou existence: balance.

Balance, or the Middle Way, is essential to the tribal creed. Many of the Stargazers’ practices have their roots in human philosophy, but the tribe deliberately works to align these with mystic states of mind learned from their wolf souls. Their ultimate goal is an understanding that surpasses Rage — enlightenment that speaks to the heart of the homid, the lupus and the Metis with equal strength.


The Stargazers spread into Asia following the end of the Impergium, and although they have never had the numbers to be truly strong in any given place, the lands surrounding the Himalayas have always been their spiritual heart. They have made less of a name for themselves as warriors over the millennia, largely because their perpetual search for a better way than Rage has kept them from participating in many of the territorial struggles common to the other tribes. Some actively (and incorrectly) disdain them as navel-gazers and pacifists. But the Stargazers still fight against the Wyrm, on the physical plane as well as within.

Internally, the Stargazers look for their leaders to be wise first and foremost. Challenges for Rank often involve complicated riddles, tests of patience, and peculiar vision quests. There is frequently no right answer to be found in these questions: it’s the act of contemplation that’s important, and the realization that one will always be presented with questions that have no proper answer. When commanded by Garou of other tribes, the Stargazers are more prone to obey than to challenge, even if the decisions are poor. But their obedience may take unexpected forms. The sagacious Stargazer is one who flows like water around a broken chain of command and shapes it to fit the greater need.

When the Stargazers go to war, they focus again on the adaptability, serenity, and crushing force of water. Yet these lofty ideals cannot always be met. The Stargazers strive to behave as enlightened beings, but they are still Garou. They emulate water, but the unquenchable fire of Rage smolders in their hearts, much like a seething volcano on the ocean's floor. More than one Stargazer has snapped under the impossible pressure of life as a werewolf — even a slender reed can be bent so far that it will break.

As the End Times loom heavily, the Stargazers are a diminished tribe. The constant war against the Wyrm has taken its toll in attrition, and they have been slow to build their numbers by breeding. There are fewer wolf packs to breed with, and if fewer Metis are born to the tribe that shuns desire, so too are fewer homids. The world constantly shifts into a more dangerous maze of illusion than it has ever been. They must go to war before they have achieved perfection, before they are ready. 

But the Stargazers have always known that one will never be ready. The war is now. So they lift their voices to the four winds, and they move as a river.


Stargazers traditionally come from the territories surrounding the Himalayas and Asia, though in this century they can be of any nationality. Stargazers with strong Pure Breed run toward leaner, lighter builds in their wolf forms. Their coats come in a variety of grays and a few blacks, with a faint striping or brindling in some individuals.


The Stargazers originally hailed from India and the Himalayas, but only a few of their secretive holdings there have avoided discovery and ruin. They are the tribe most distanced from their own Kin, in part due to their avoidance of strong emotional attachment — or even the material pleasures of casual dalliances. The tribe encourages the selection of wolf mates, in order to keep the lupine side of their nature in balance.

Because of this, their Apex Kinfolk, known as Wanderers, are very few and far between. Wanderers tend to have more value to humanity than they do to their Garou cousins. Patient, caring and introspective, they are seekers of harmony and balance in all things. They are often found as teachers, community leaders, mystics, gurus, swamis, prophets, visionaries and masters of enlightenment.


◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 STARGAZERS - Sense the Demonic (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult, Alertness
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Skill

The difference between a servitor of the Wyrm and a demon-possessed mortal can be a subtle one. While most demons emanate perceptible Wyrm-taint, strangely some seem able to mask themselves and escape such notice. Plus, Sense Wyrm doesn’t identify the nature of the taint, so the nature of the creature (that it’s a demon) goes unknown until it’s potentially too late. This Gift helps circumvent that problem. It doesn’t provide a literal sense so much as a spiritual one – the eye in the Demon Eater’s mind registers the disruption in the fabric of reality, and senses the demonic source. This Gift is taught by a chimerling.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Character can then sensing a single demon within the immediate 20 meter radius of the Character.

◎◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 STARGAZERS - Falcon's Grasp (Debuff)

  • Base Roll: 50
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult, Primal Urge
  • Duration: Scene or until ended
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None

A leader must keep a tight grip on his power, and this Gift allows the Garou to do so...literally. The Garou’s hands or jaws tighten in a mighty death-grip, making it nearly impossible to escape. A falcon-spirit teaches this Gift.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. For the remainder of the scene, the Garou’s grip with either hands or jaws. In game terms, the Garou’s Strength is considered the Vampire Skill Potence 3 for purposes of grappling or maneuvers such as the jaw lock. The Garou may not use this extra Strength to inflict damage. Any rolls to break free of the Garou's grasp must me rolled with a -15 Mod.

◎◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 STARGAZERS - Falling Touch (Physical Attack)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 5
  • Mods: Athletics/Reflexes, PA
  • Duration: One Action
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Physical Attack

This Gift allows the Garou to send a foe sprawling with but a touch. Any aerial spirit can teach this Gift.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. If the Target fails to resist, the Target is thrown to the ground in a prone position and must take an action during their own turn to again stand. Using this gift counts as an action; activating this Gift to send a Foe sprawling to the ground and then striking a him are two separate actions.

◎◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 STARGAZERS - Imbalance (Debuff)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 5
  • Mods: Athletics/Reflexes, Physical Attack
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Physical Attack
  • Temporary Affects:
    • Target suffers the following Debuffs for the duration of the scene:
    • -5 Mod Physical Attack
    • -5 Mod Physical Defense
    • -5 Athletics/Reflexes

A Stargazer possessing this Gift causes considerable problems to those he/she/they wish to put at a significant disadvantage once combat has even begun.  Those attacking find themselves clumsier and less nimble with every successful strike. An Earth elemental teaches this Gift.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Character must be within arm's reach of the Target. While it can be used to Initiate Combat, it cannot be used once Combat has started. If the Target fails to resist, then he/she/they suffer -5 to their Physical Attack, Physical Defense  and Athletics/Reflexes modifiers for the duration of the scene.

◎◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 STARGAZERS - Inner Strength (Mental Defense)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult, Mental Skill
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Defense
  • Temporary Affects:
    • +10 Willpower for duration of the scene

After brief meditation, the Garou may convert her/his/their inner anger into iron resolve. Stargazer ancestor-spirits teach this Gift.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. For the duration of the scene, the Player's Character temporarily increases his/her/their Willpower by +10 Mod.

◎◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 STARGAZERS - Muladhara - Fire Gift 1 (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult, Primal Urge
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Skill
  • Temporary Affects:
    • +10 Mod on any rolls involving meditation or resisting frenzy


NOTE: This is the first of the "Awakening the Serpent Fire Gifts" and they must be learned/acquired in order, from 1-5. Meaning that you cannot learn the 2nd Gift without learning the first, nor the 4th gift if gifts 1-3 have not been learned earlier.

The base chakra is awakened and the energy stirs. The Stargazer can call on this energy to help root or center energies before meditation, or to summon energy to stave off fatigue. This also includes the Svadhisthana or sacral chakra, governing the sex organs.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. This reduces the difficulty of any roll involving meditation or resisting frenzy by +10. The character must perform no other action that turn.

◎◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 STARGAZERS - Seed of Speech (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 0
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 0
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Passive
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None

The spoken mantra for this Gift is Aum-Vak-Bija. It represents the primal nature of speech and gives the Stargazer using this Gift a preternatural understanding of the underlying force behind all words and names. Merely by intoning the mantra and activating this Gift, the Garou is capable of harmonizing with the very fundamental nature of spoken sound and the knowledge that comes with it. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Cuckoo.

This is a Passive Gift and does not require the use of Energy/Gnosis or a successful roll to use. The Stargazer speaks the mantra several times during the course of a single turn to activate. For the duration of the scene, the werewolf gains the ability to understand the basic subject/verb structure of all sentences spoken to him/her/them, regardless of the language used. 

For Example: “What is your name?” would translate (to the Stargazer) as “You name?”; or “Put down that idol,” may translate to “You drop.” This Gift only captures the most basic essence of a sentence spoken (the “seed”), but when being spoken to in a completely foreign tongue, this can make all the difference.

NOTE: This Gift does not allow the the Stargazer to speak the language, but only comprehend a language at its most basic interpretation.

◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 STARGAZERS - Balance (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 0
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 0
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Passive
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Athletics/Reflexes
    • See System

The Stargazer is able to walk across any ledge, rope, etc., no matter how thin or slippery. Wind-spirits teach this Gift.

This is a Passive Gift and does not require the use of Energy/Gnosis or a successful roll to use. However, it must be activated in local chat that you are using this Gift, and then added manually to your HUD's Temp Modifiers when making specific rolls related to balance, agility or climbing.

◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 STARGAZERS - Inner Light (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 0
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 0
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Passive
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • Always be able to Step Sideways

The Stargazer can always step sideways into the Umbra using only his/her/their own inner light with no need of a reflection or bright light as a guide. This Gift is taught by an Epiphling of Truth.

This is a Passive Gift and does not require the use of Energy/Gnosis or a successful roll to use. The character is always considered to be using a mirror when attempting to step sideways, regardless of the presence of any reflective surface. The Stargazer may also lead packmates into the Umbra as per the usual rules.

◎◎◎: RANK 2 STARGAZERS - Paper Butterfly (DEBUFF)

  • Base Roll: 50
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Skill

Ancient court magicians of the Chinese emperor were able to conjure a cloud of paper butterflies out of thin air. Stargazers who have mastered this trick use it to create a mood of tranquility, or can use them to distract an opponent. This Gift is taught, appropriately enough, by a butterfly or moth-spirit.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. A flock of fluttering butterflies (about two dozen) made of varying colors of paper appears in the air around the Stargazer’s head for the duration of the scene. The butterflies may be instructed to head in any direction. If the Stargazer is using this Gift as a distraction to an opponent, the butterflies take one turn to reach the opponent. The opponent must roll vs Willpower or suffer a -5 on all Mental rolls due to the distraction.

◎◎◎: RANK 2 STARGAZERS - Manipura - Fire Gift 2 (Physical Skill)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult, Physical Skill
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Physical Skill
  • Temporary Affects:
    • See System


NOTE: This is the 2nd of the "Awakening the Serpent Fire Gift." The Serpent Fire gifts must be learned in order, from 1-5.

The solar plexus chakra stirs, allowing the character access to powerful energy and strength.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. For the duration of the scene, the Character receives a +10 Mod on all rolls related to:

  • Strength
  • Initiating a Grapple
  • Resisting Grapples
  • Initiating and keeping Holds

◎◎◎: RANK 2 STARGAZERS - Resist Temptation (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult, Primal Urge
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Skill
  • Temporary Affects:
    • See System

Using gestures to the Garou's chakras, as Klaital did, the Stargazer can resist worldly, mental and spiritual temptations, including corruption. This Gift is taught by an earth-spirit.

The Player spends 2 Points of Gnosis and makes a successful roll. For the duration of one scene, any non magical/supernatural form of coercion automatically fails when used against the Garou who successfully uses this Gift. Thus, mundane con artists and temptresses have no power over the Stargazer.

For any kind of magical or supernatural coercion, the Player gains a +5 Mod Willpower for resisting. For instance, a vampire trying to Dominate the Garou would find it harder to succeed. This also includes all levels of Presence and Dominate.

◎◎◎: RANK 2 STARGAZERS - Reverie of the Kol-kin (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult, Mental Skill
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Skill
  • Temporary Affects:
    • See System

Demons are malicious tricksters bent on chaos. Their souls have been corrupted by the Wyrm so badly, there’s little real humanity left inside, regardless of how they appear on the outside. They can’t be trusted. They can’t be left alone. This Gift helps to trap them and keep them still for a time. 

The Stargazer’s eyes become pale mirrors, glowing faintly even in daylight. Any demon looking into the Stargazer’s eyes is held transfixed, unable to move or speak as they are enthralled by their own reflection. It’s said that this ability was passed down from the group’s progenitor, Zhong Kui, who used it to hold one demon at bay while his pack eased in for the kill. This Gift is taught by a Lune.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. If the Target fails to resist, the Stargazer’s eyes become reflective, and any demon (or demon-possessed individual) looking into the Stargazer’s eyes are held in a kind of trance. (Note that the subject cannot be Bane-possessed; only demons and their vessels are affected by this power.) 

The demon is transfixed by the Garou's gaze and unable to resist the allure of the reflective nature of the werewolf’s eyes. This Gift is active as long as the Stargazer holds the gaze (blinking doesn’t disrupt it) or until the demon is attacked or touched in any physical way. This Gift only works on one demon or demon-possessed individual at a time.

During this time, the Demon is so mesmerized, that he/she/they can do nothing more than stare at their own reflection in the werewolf's mirror-like eyes. If asked questions, the demon is capable of responding. While the Demon may be more likely to answer questions more truthfully while transfixed by the Garou's gaze, there is no guarantee that they will or that they will respond at all. The Demon is under no onus to obey commands, they are simply transfixed and unable to see or notice anything else around them until attacked or released.

◎◎◎: RANK 2 STARGAZERS - Sense Balance (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult, Intuition
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Skill

This Gift allows the user to detect an overabundance of any of the prime forces of the universe, whether Wyrm, Wyld or Weaver. It can point out a Bane manifestation at an industrial plant or mental instability in a packmate. A cat-spirit teaches a friendly Garou this Gift in exchange for a warm fire, a full meal and the promise not to ever chase or harm her kin. Breaking this promise will cause the Garou to lose this Gift.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Garou can then feel the balance, or lack thereof, within an area, person or inanimate object. Wyrm manifestation feels dense and oily, Weaver presence feels cold and unyielding and Wyld energies feel warm and trembling. Such manifestations are more subtle than ones detectable through Gifts such as Sense Wyrm.

NOTE: This Gift cannot be used during battle or near a battle. Total focus is required.

◎◎◎: RANK 2 STARGAZERS - Sound of Suffering (Mental Attack)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult, Persuasion 
  • Duration: See System
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Mental Attack

The spoken mantra for this Gift is Aum-Kama-Rudra. Life is suffering. Among the Stargazers this is not a philosophy, this is fact. Once someone realizes that suffering is the dominating force within the universe, he can move past it onto a fuller, richer life – or so the theory goes. With this Gift, a Stargazer can inflict a temporary “realization of suffering” onto a single individual. The individual affected by this Gift is beset by a swell of sadness, and they can’t help but break down into hitching, wracking sobs. For the duration of this power, the target is left feeling both empty of substance and overwhelmed by the world’s pain. This Gift is taught by both pain- and rain-spirits.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. If the Target fails to resist, he/she/they is incapacitated for two full turns by inconsolable sorrow and sobbing. If the roll to resist is a Botch (a natural 1-10) then they are incapacitated for 5 full turns. The subject may defend if attacked but cannot attack while under this influence.

◎◎◎: RANK 2 STARGAZERS - Surface Attunement (Physical Skill)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Athletics/Reflexes, Physical Skill
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Physical Skill Mental Attack

The Stargazer may attune herself to the surrounding environment, thereby gaining the ability to walk at a normal speed across such surfaces as mud, water, snow and quicksand without falling through or leaving tracks. The spirits of small animals that are often overlooked by other tribes (such as rabbits, sparrows and mice) teach this Gift.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. For the duration of the scene, the Character may walk across mud, snow, water and even quicksand without falling or leaving any type of tracks. 

◎◎◎: RANK 2 STARGAZERS - Teacher's Ease (Physical Skill)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Persuasion, Occult
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Skill

The Stargazers are natural teachers. They hold a great love of sharing information and enlightening others to knowledge, and those with this Gift may find their students a little more “enlightened” than others. With it, a Stargazer may actually open a student’s mind a little further than it already was, allowing the learner to absorb more information, more quickly. This Gift is taught by a Stargazer ancestor-spirit.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy and make a successful roll. The student MUST make a roll to resist, modified by their Willpower. If the Student fails to resist, the Stargazer may begin to teach him/her/them the Gift, Attribute or Skill in which they have either already earned four points, or in the case of a Gift, have purchased at least 4 Gifts in the same level of the Gift the Stargazer wishes to teach.

If the Student succeeds in resisting, then the Stargazer and his/her/their student may try again the next day (24 hours). 

  • Teaching requires at minimum of 1 hour of roleplay where the Stargazer instructs the student, and the student practices learning the new Gift/Ability/Skill.
  • The Student must spend 10 points of Energy to learn the lesson.
  • Garou Gifts may only be taught to other Garou, but once taught, are available for the student to use immediately without using XP to purchase it. 
  • Abilities and Skills: these can be taught to anyone, with the Student gaining the first point without requiring XP to purchase. This must be a new Ability or Skill and cannot be used to gain second, third, fourth, etc. points in an already learned Ability or Skill
  • There is a one week cool-down on this Gift. Stargazers may only have one student in any 7-day period.
  • The Teacher's Ease only applies to Gifts/Abilities/Skills and does not apply to Attributes. For more information on what constitutes Abilities, Skills or Attributes, see the FAQ on this subject. CLICK HERE.

NOTE: The Stargazer must notecard the roleplay and contact an Admin to have the Gift opened on the Student's HUD, or the first point added to the Ability or Skill. The Student may then purchase the subsequent points using XP without further tutoring or lessons.

◎◎◎: RANK 2 STARGAZERS - Word-To-Weapon (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Modifiers: Occult, Mental Skill
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Skill

The Stargazer is able to focus in on the mystic power underlying each and every word. Even the youngest of the Stargazers finding themselves in a battle without a weapon may conjure one using nothing more than the sound of his own voice. This Gift is taught by a wind-spirit.

The Stargazer invokes a prayer (taking a full turn to do so). The Player then spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The weapon lasts until the end of the scene and then it disappears into a cloud of dust. Depending how high your roll is determines the manifestation of the weapon conjured (see Roll Chart).


  • 1-10: Botch! No weapon manifests and you are unable to attack or defend yourself for the next 2 turns. You are also unable to use this Gift again for the duration of the scene.
  • 11-59: No effect, but you can try again.
  • 60-69: You manifest a ghostly, translucent scimitar out of thin air. 
  • 70-79: You manifest a ghostly, translucent scimitar out of thin air. 
  • 80-89: You manifest an opaque scimitar out of thin air. 
  • 90-99: You manifest a glowing silver scimitar out of thin air. 100+: You manifest a glowing silver scimitar out of thin air. The moon-curved blade does 3 HP of damage with a difficulty of 50 to hit.

◎◎: RANK 3 STARGAZERS - Wuxing (Physical Skill)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Modifiers: Occult, Physical Skill
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Physical Skill

There is a mystical resonance — wuxing — that exists between the elements of water, fire, earth, metal and wood. These elements are the basic forces underlying everything in the world, and the resonance between them is something that a Stargazer with this Gift can hear and tap into. The Stargazer can take the reverberation between elements and tweak it temporarily; the result is, for a short time, that one element can be changed into the other. This Gift may only be taught by an avatar of Chimera.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. Fire may become wood, water may become earth, and so on. The dimension of the element doesn’t change – a fire in the fireplace still retains its “shape,” but may now be made of wood, earth, or even water (water doesn’t change the shape either; it actually retains the same shape, but is simply liquid held fast to a specific contour). The effect lasts for one scene. 

NOTE: Rolling 100+ makes the effect permanent. The Stargazer may make one attempt to use this skill again to change it back to its original form if desired. If the attempt fails, the effect is permanent and cannot be changed back.

◎◎: RANK 3 STARGAZERS - Anahata - Fire Gift 3 (Physical Skill)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Modifiers: Occult, Alertness
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Physical Skill


NOTE: This is the third gift of the "Awakening the Serpent Fire Gift." The Serpent Fire gifts must be learned in order, from 1-5.

The heart center stirs, opening the Garou up to normally unseen perceptions concerning others. She/he/they can sense what a Target is feeling and know the best way to make them listen to the Garou using this Gift (although they cannot be coerced into acting against their wills).

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. For the rest of the scene, unless the Target actively resists and choses to roll to avoid her/his/their emotions becoming known, the Stargazer can sense the surface emotions (anger, frustration, joy, etc.) of those with whom they directly interact. 

The Stargazer also gains a +10 Modifier for any rolls in which they attempt to sway the target. The Stargazer will be especially influential in making the target(s) susceptible to the Stargazer's suggestions or advice. The Stargazer can also attempt to avert any angry action against herself in such ways.

◎◎: RANK 3 STARGAZERS - Bird Bones (Physical Skill)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Modifiers: Athletics/Reflexes, Physical Skill
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Athletics/Reflexes

Using this gift makes the Stargazer's body very light. Their bodies, little more than bones and tightly-corded muscle, can move fast and flexible partly due to their legendary “hollow” bones. It allows them to run quickly over almost any surface.

The Stargazer is able to run upon almost any surface without penalty. The difficulty is variable depending on the danger, complexity, or frailty of the surface. (See Roll Chart.) This Gift lasts for one scene.

Roll Chart:

  • 1-10: Botch! For the length of the scene, the Stargazer cannot run or walk at all without tripping.
  • 11-49: No Effect
  • 50-59: Run on Water                   
  • 60-69: AND, run on Snow                      
  • 70-79: AND, run on Lava                      
  • 80-89: AND run on Razors/Sharp Objects
  • 90-99: AND run on vertical Walls
  • 100+: AND run on Ceilings  

◎◎: RANK 3 STARGAZERS - Burning Fire Mind (Physical Attack)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 20 HP
  • Modifiers: Occult, Primal Urge
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: Primal Urge, Mental Skill
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Physical Attack

The spoken mantra for this Gift is Aum-Hana-Daha. It signifies the burning, fiery nature of anger and wrath, and relates directly to a werewolf’s use of Rage. 

Rage, like fire, is an uncontrollable, all-consuming entity. It cannot be leashed or tamed, and can leave much damage in its wake. The Stargazers, as a rule, are not opposed to using Rage, but they understand that it can run rampant – and unmitigated Rage is a terrible weapon to behold. 

This Gift allows a Stargazer to punish other Garou for attempting to access this unmanageable source of power needlessly. Any opponent of the Stargazer feels the anger literally sear their flesh. This Gift is taught by a fire-spirit.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. Any Garou within 20 Meters of the Stargazer who spends Rage Points (and fails to resist) takes an automatic 20 HP burning damage, down to 1 HP. This Gift alone cannot kill or take a target down to below 1HP. 

NOTE: If the roll to use this Gift botches, the Stargazer loses all of her/his/their Rage points for the duration of the scene.

◎◎: RANK 3 STARGAZERS - Clarity (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: See System
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0 HP
  • Modifiers: Occult, Alertness
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: Primal Urge, Mental Skill
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Skill

This Gift grants the ability to see through fog, pitch darkness and even recognize illusions or invisibility. A wind-spirit teaches this Gift.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. If the Stargazer attempts to see through someone else’s illusion, then the Player's roll must beat the illusionist's roll for creating it.

◎◎: RANK 3 STARGAZERS - Conundrum (Mental Attack)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0 HP
  • Modifiers: Occult, Alertness
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: Willpower, Mental Skill
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Attack

A Stargazer with this Gift can introduce an unsolvable problem into a victim’s mind. Depending on the effectiveness, the Target could be completely immobilized by their new, fascinating train of thought. The effect varies with every individual, but it usually derives from the Target’s personality: A computer-hacking Glass Walker might try to discover the last digit of pi, while a Bone Gnawer might try to reason why, indeed, did the chicken cross the road. An avatar of the Chimera teaches this Gift, but the Garou must first solve her instructor’s puzzle.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll.  If the Target fails their Resist roll, they are mentally consumed for 2 turns, leaving them incapable of any action other than to be forced to figure out the puzzle.

◎◎: RANK 3 STARGAZERS - Wind's Returning Favor (Physical Defense)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0 HP
  • Modifiers: Athletics/Reflexes, Physical Defense
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Physical Defense

A Garou may use melee weapons, but most need none. During a defensive move, this Gift allows a Garou to take an opponent’s weapon when their foe attacks. This Gift is taught by a wind-spirit.

During a combat sequence, this Gift is used as a Defensive Move when physically attacked by a Foe using a melee weapon. Before the Player rolls to Defend, he/she/they must declare in local chat that they are using this defensive Gift in response to a successful melee attack.

The Player then spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll as their defensive move. If successfully executed, the Garou not only avoids any damage (if any), he/she/they manage to grab the opponent's melee weapon and yank it out of their hands. The Garou may use it on the following turn (if the Garou is skilled in wielding that type of weapon).

This Gift will disarm the Foe, and put the Foe's melee weapon into the hands of the Garou using this Gift. There is no resist roll for the Foe attacking a Garou using this Gift.

◎◎: RANK 3 STARGAZERS - Cunning Koan (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0 HP
  • Modifiers: Subterfuge, Intuition
  • Duration: 3 Turns
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None

The character can cut through any falsity, illusion or bullshit with a few choice words. The words cannot be profane and must come in the form of a short haiku poem or koan. This Gift is taught by a crow-spirit or a Chimerling.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. Any illusion designed to fool others is revealed as such — even Bastet Den-Realms can be discovered with this Gift. In addition, anyone attempting to propagate an untruth or deception is instantly revealed as a liar — his words instead speak his true intent. This effect lasts for 3 Turns.

◎◎: RANK 4 STARGAZERS - Iron Resolve (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 0
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 0
  • Damage: n/a
  • Modifiers: Passive
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None

Through the blessings of the spirits, the Stargazer’s resolve is tempered like steel, allowing great feats through application of sheer primal urge and willpower. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.

This is a Passive Gift and does not require the expenditure of Energy/Gnosis or a successful roll. Once per every 24 hours, the Stargazer may choose to gain one automatic successes on an action, attack or defense. 

For Example: A Garou attempting a very difficult physical maneuver (dif 90) or with a handicap Modifier (-5 or more) can use this gift to automatically succeed without rolling. This also applies to any attack or defense roll.

◎◎: RANK 4 STARGAZERS - Merciful Blow (Physical Attack)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: n/a
  • Modifiers: Occult, Medical
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: Occult, Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Physical Attack

Through a solid knowledge of anatomy and avoiding areas that can inflict serious damage, a Garou can subdue a foe in combat without harming him. A mongoose-spirit teaches this Gift.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Garou mentally attunes himself to the body of his Foe. This is not considered an action, so can be done and attack at the same time, or during any other action. If the Garou's next blow (hand or weapon) is a successful strike, it does no damage but causes the opponent to fall helpless to their knees for two turns. This Gift inflicts no actual health points of damage.

NOTE: If the Player rolls 90+ when activating this Gift, the opponent is allowed two rolls to resist. If both rolls fail, OR if any resist roll is a botch (natural 1-10), then the Target is on their knees unable to move for the entire scene. If one roll succeeds, then the target falls over helpless for 1 turn.

◎◎: RANK 4 STARGAZERS - Seven Mile Leap (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 0
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 0
  • Damage: n/a
  • Modifiers: Passive
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +2 Physical Defense
    • +2 Physical Attack
    • +2 Initiative

The name of this Gift is a bit of a misnomer, since it doesn’t technically allow a Stargazer to leap seven miles up into the air. What it does do, however, is effectively increase the tautness and tension of her/his/their muscles, making the Garou a light and powerful adversary. The Stargazer can move quickly, jump to obscene heights, and land safely. This Gift is taught by any bird-spirit.

This is a Passive Gift and is always active. Seven Mile Leap allows the Stargazer to triple the distances he/she/they can jump, vertically or horizontally. Basically, you can now jump up to 10 stories high, or 30 meters horizontal. However, keep in mind that doing so violates the veil and WILL identify you as having supernatural powers.

NOTE: This gift is always active and does not require the use of Gnosis or a roll to activate.

◎◎: RANK 4 STARGAZERS - Walk the Web (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 0
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 0
  • Damage: n/a
  • Modifiers: Passive
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +2 Physical Defense
    • +2 Physical Attack
    • +2 Initiative

The Stargazer can walk through Weaver realms without attracting attention. Pattern Spiders will ignore the Garou and go about their business. The Character must chant a mantra through sub-vocalization (mouthing it silently). This Gift is taught by various Enigmatics. However, if the Stargazer takes direct action against any Weaver minions, the effect of the Gift is canceled for the duration of the scene and the spiders will see the Garou as a direct threat.

This is a Passive skill and is always active. No roll or use of Gnosis is required.

◎◎: RANK 4 SILENT STRIDERS - Mindblock (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 0
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 0
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Passive
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Willpower

Upon learning this Gift, the Garou’s mental defenses are strengthened to the utmost. A falcon-spirit teaches this Gift.

This is a Passive Gift and is always active without using Gnosis or a successful roll. This Gift strengthens the Garou's mind against any direct mental attacks or attempts to control the Garou’s mind, as well as more insidious psychic assaults (mind-reading, mentally implanting illusions/memories or possession). The effects of this Gift are permanent, but they do not apply to powers that sway emotion.

◎◎: RANK 5 SILENT STRIDERS - Strike the Air (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Primal Urge, Occult
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Physical Defense

The Garou becomes the ultimate example of passive resistance. She/he/they is unable to attack an opponent, but the Garou is also unable to be hit, allowing the opponent to exhaust himself in the attempt. A mongoose-spirit teaches this Gift.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. For the next 3 turns, the opponent cannot strike the Garou, no matter how many successes he achieves on the roll. This Gift is canceled immediately if the werewolf attacks his/her/their opponent or if anyone else attacks on the Garou’s behalf. The Garou can make any other type of action, attack other opponents, or use other Gifts so long as these do not constitute a direct attack on this specific Foe. 

This Gift can be used on multiple opponents during the scene, but the Player must spend another 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis for each opponent and make a new successful roll for each additional Target.

NOTE: A direct attack is any attack that is aimed specifically at a foe to cause damage or to physically or mentally affect him/her/them. 

For Example: a direct attack would be to bite, claw, kick or use a melee weapon. Or, using a Gift that directly causes damage, such as the Anahata - Fire Gift level 3 which causes 20 HP of damage. Or the Level 3 Gift Conundrum, which mentally attacks a foe and causes the Target to be mentally incapacitated.

An Indirect Attack is allowable, such as using a physical attack on a tree so that it falls on the Foe. Or using a mental attack on another Foe so that they attack Target. This is an excellent Gift in which to use your imagination.

◎◎: RANK 5 SILENT STRIDERS - Silken Cloth (Physical Skill)

  • Base Roll: 0
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 0
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Passive
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None

This Gift takes its name from an ancient Stargazer tradition. It’s believed that those who are not shape changers cannot enter the Mirror Lands of the Umbra because they are impure. They do not have a kernel of the celestial substance of cosmos within them, as the Garou and the other Fera do. But many Stargazers still wished to show mortals (or others unable to access the Umbra) the hidden truths and puzzles found only in the Mirror Lands. Once, Stargazers could purify others with a silken cloth, rubbing them with it, so that they may enter the Umbra together. Now, that ability is only available to those who have learned this Gift, which allows a Stargazer to bring one human (or otherwise Umbra-banned individual) with her/him/them when the Stargazer Steps Sideways. This Gift is taught by an Engling.

This is a Passive Gift and is always active without the need to expend Gnosis or make a successful roll. The Stargazer can only bring one guest into the Umbra, Preumbra or Mirror Lands. However, if the guest is unwilling, the guest must make a roll to resist or be forced into the Umbra. 

  • Resist:
    • DIF: 70
    • MOD: Willpower

IF the guest botches the roll to resist (a natural 1-10), the poor soul is sucked into the Umbra and lost – even someplace as horrible as the Abyss or the Atrocity Realm until rescued.

◎◎: RANK 5 SILENT STRIDERS - Visuddah - Fire Gift 4 (Mental Attack)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 0
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Persuasion, Occult
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: Willpower, Mental Defense
  • Permanent Affects: None


NOTE: This is the fourth of the "Awakening the Serpent Fire Gifts." These gifts must be learned in order, from 1-5.

The throat chakra stirs, allowing the Stargazer immense control over hi/her/their voice and breath. The Stargazer can halt others with a bellow or command them to heed his words.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. If the Targets (must be within a 20 meter radius) fail to resist, then for the next scene anything the Stargazer says has a commanding quality to it. The higher the Stargazer's roll, the more difficult it is for those who hear the Garou to resist. This does not mean that the Target agrees or becomes willingly compliant. The Targets are aware they are being manipulated against their will. (See Roll Chart) 

This applies even to commands that require the Targets to act in ways contrary to their nature (although not acts which will directly harm them). This lasts for the length of the scene. In addition, the Stargazer may issue a resounding Ki-ai at any time, a bellow meant to scare opponents and give the Stargazer the initiative in combat. 

This Gift can be used to command a Target not to attack or to attack another, but it cannot be used to keep the Target from defending. It also cannot be used to prevent a Target's passive skills.

The higher the Stargazer has rolled, the lower an opponent’s initiative (see Roll Chart). The ki’ai does not require a separate action and can be used in the same turn in which they attack. A Ki-ai may be effective against a single opponent only, once per scene.

Roll Chart:

  • 1-10: Botch! The Stargazer suffers a -5 on all rolls for the duration of the scene, and cannot use this Gift again for one OOC day.
  • 11-69: No effect.
  • 70-79: Targets suffer -5 to resist, AND -5 Initiative if the Ki-ai bellow is also used. 
  • 80-89: Targets suffer -10 to resist AND, -5 Initiative if the Ki-ai bellow is also used. 
  • 90-99: Targets suffer -15 to resist AND, -10 Initiative if the Ki-ai bellow is also used. 
  • 100+: Targets suffer -20 to resist AND, -20 Initiative if the Ki-ai bellow is also used. 

NOTE: If the Target(s) are attacked by the Stargazer or another opponent, they are released from the affects of this Gift.

: RANK 5 STARGAZERS - Avoid Fate (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 0
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 0
  • Damage: 10 HP
  • Mods: Passive
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None

With this Gift, the Stargazer can momentarily dodge the wheels of fate. Through a preternatural connection between the Garou and the universe, the Stargazer avoids certain disaster. A cat-spirit teaches the Garou this Gift.

This is a Passive Gift and does not require the use of Gnosis or a successful roll, Once per scene, the Player can use a point of Temporary Rage to reroll any roll, as long as it is not a botch (natural 1-10).

: RANK 5 STARGAZERS - Circular Attack (Physical Defense)

  • Base Roll: 0
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 0
  • Damage: 10 HP
  • Mods: Passive
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Athletics/Reflexes
  • Temporary Affects:
    • +10 Physical Defense for all defensive moves taken until the Garou's next turn.

The greatest of the Garou have no fear of fighting even a horde of opponents. They are able to not only avoid their foes’ attacks, but they can actually channel or deflect those attacks onto other enemies. A wind-spirit teaches this Gift.

The Character must be fighting off 2 or more Foes at the same time. When one of the Foes attacks, the Player MUST DECLARE in local chat they are using Circular Attack as their defense move BEFORE he/she/they makes their defensive roll, and select this Gift in their HUD to activate it. This will add a +10 stackable Physical Defense Mod to all their Physical Defensive actions until the Garou's next turn. Once it is the Garou's next turn, their Defensive Mods return to normal. This Gift does not count as an action since it is Passive and automatic. How To Use as a Defensive Move/Attack:

  1. When you are attacked, but before you make your roll to defend, declare you are using Circular Attack in local chat.
  2. Select this Gift in your HUD. It will add a temporary and stackable +10 Physical Defense bonus modifier to your Physical Defense mods.
  3. Select one of the attacking foes to receive your redirected damage.
  4. Roll to Defend as normal.
  5. If your roll to defend was successful, any and all damage (including any special affects attached to the attack such as poison, paralysis, falling prone, etc.,) will be redirected to the designated foe.
  6. Continue to receive the +10 Physical Defense Bonus for all following attacks directed at you. This bonus ends when it is your turn to attack.

NOTE: This Gift can only be used once per scene.

: RANK 5 STARGAZERS - Imaginal Mantra (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: Willpower, Mental Skill (affected Player Characters only)
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Skill

The Stargazer can chant a mantra to banish Banality from the area and awaken Glamour. During the chanting, he must imagine the area as being inherently magical, seeing the rocks, stones and buildings as living things — he must pretend to dream while awake. This Gift is taught by a Chimerling.

The Player spends one point of Gnosis and makes a successful roll. If successful, any Banality is banished for one scene. In addition, any fae are revealed in their true forms and any enchantment is revealed or dissolved. (Player Characters are allowed to resist. NPCs are not.)

: RANK 5 STARGAZERS - Preternatural Awareness (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult, Intuition
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: Willpower, Mental Skill (affected Player Characters only)
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Skill
  • Temporary Affects:
    • +10 Physical Defense

The Stargazer attunes all her/his/their senses to the surroundings, thereby becoming preternaturally aware of their opponent’s immediate actions and giving the Stargazer an enhanced opportunity to anticipate a Target's next move. A wind-spirit teaches this Gift.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Stargazer gains a +10 to Physical Defense for the duration of the scene. 

: RANK 5 STARGAZERS - Seeking the Void (Physical Skill)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult, Primal Urge
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: Willpower, Mental Skill (affected Player Characters only)
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Physical Skill

The spoken mantra for this Gift is Aum-Ha-Sa-Kha-Prem. The Umbra, also called the Mirror Lands, is a void empty of true matter and built of little more than the ephemeral whorls of spirit substance. Many Garou are reliant upon hard travel within the Umbra. They must find their destination and get to it via moon paths or sniffing out spirit tracks. Stargazers using this Gift have a somewhat easier time getting somewhere in the Mirror Lands – provided that another Garou or spirit is already there. 

Using this Gift takes the werewolf directly to the location of the chosen individual, no matter where they are at that moment. The Stargazer must be in the Umbra to use this Gift. It is taught by a shadow-spirit.

The Stargazer utilizing this Gift must speak the mantra while actually in the Umbra. The Player then spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. 

The Stargazer must have some piece of (or something belonging to) the individual that he/she/they wishes to locate and travel to, usually a part of the target's body (a tuft of hair, a tooth, a claw) or one of the target's possessions (a weapon, an article of clothing, necklace, etc.). 

NOTE: In the case of traveling to a specific spirit, the Stargazer can only travel to spirits with which she/he/they has battled, has met personally, or who taught them a Gift. (Though “battled” can be a battle of wits and intelligence, and doesn’t necessarily need to be a combative conflict.)

: RANK 5 STARGAZERS - Summon the Chu-Mong (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult, Persuasion
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: Willpower, Mental Skill (affected Player Characters only)
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Skill

A long time ago, the Stargazers of Tibet made a pact with an ancient tribe of mountain spirits called the Chu-Mong (aka snow goblins). The pact was one of mutual protection, and a Stargazer using this Gift can reawaken the usefulness of the pact, at least temporarily. It summons the spirit of a Chu-Mong to help protect the Stargazer who calls upon the snow goblins. Only a Chu-Mong can teach this Gift.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The difficulty in summoning a Snow Demon is actually reliant upon the current temperature. The warmer the temperature, the harder it is to summon a Chu-Mong. (See Roll Chart)

Roll Chart: 

  • 1-10: Botch! Botching the roll summons a snow goblin that is hostile toward the Stargazer using the Gift and will attack the Garou and his/her/their allies.
  • 11-39: No effect.
  • 40-49: Two Chu-Mongs if temps are below 32 degrees F
  • 50-59: One Chu-Mong if temps are below 45 degrees F    
  • 60-69: One Chu-Mong if temps are below 65 degrees F        
  • 70-79: One Chu-Mong if temps are below 70 degrees F                     
  • 80-89: One Chu-Mong if temps are below 75 degrees F             
  • 90-99: One Chu-Mong if temps are below 90 degrees F
  • 100+: Two Chu-Mong if temps are up to 95 degrees F

NOTE: For more information on Chu-Mong and their stats, visit the Bestiary under Faeries & Supernatural Creatures. CLICK HERE.

: RANK 5 STARGAZERS - Ancestral Incarnation (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Persuasion, Primal Urge
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Skill

The connection of a Stargazer to his ancestors can be deemed more “intense” than that of other Garou. This Gift is proof of that. The few Stargazers with this Gift are not only able to plumb the depths of the ancestral memories for help, but are literally able to become one (or many) of their ancestors for a short time, manifesting their specific physical characteristics. 

The Stargazer glows with a pale nimbus of light and actually exhibits the physical traits (altering her/his/their appearance) of one or several ancestors. For a time, the Stargazer may also tap into the wealth of knowledge and ability of Stargazer forebears and use that to enhance their own actions for a time. This Gift is taught by an Epiphling of Truth.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. How high the roll is determines the how many Ancestors are summoned, and which abilities or Gifts they are given. The Stargazer exhibits a number of ancestral traits equal to the number of dots earned in their level of Occult. 

For Example: The Stargazer has three dots in Occult. She exhibits three traits of her ancestors that physically alters her appearance. Such as, if her ancestor Silverstar comes to her aid, she gains a mane of gray hair. She may also have her ancestor Fu-Kui-Kang join Silverstar, which gives the Stargazer Fu-Kui-Kang's bright yellow eyes. And from her ancestor Gi-on Shows-the-Way, she gains a long scar along the length of her muzzle.

For the remainder of the scene, the Stargazer adds her/his/their Ancestors combined modifier points to any roll she makes. (See Roll Chart)

Roll Chart:

  • 1-10: Botch! The Ancestors feel they have been called upon needlessly. They punish the Stargazer with preventing her/him/them from shifting for the next four turns as a reminder to learn to stand on their own four paws.
  • 11-49: I'm sorry, the Ancestor you are trying to reach is not available. Please try again later. Good-bye.
  • 50-59: One Ancestor answers, giving you a +10 Mod to Physical Defense and you manifest a number of physical attributes equal to the number of your points in Occult.
  • 60-69: Two Ancestors answer, giving you a +10 Mod to both Physical Defense and Mental Defense, and a number of physical attributes equal to the number of your points in Occult.
  • 70-79: Three Ancestors answer with +10 Mods in Physical Defense, Mental Defense and Physical Attack, and you manifest a number of physical attributes equal to the number of your points in Occult.
  • 80-89: Three Ancestors answer with +15 Mods in Physical Defense, Mental Defense, Physical Attack, and Mental Attack, and you manifest a number of physical attributes equal to the number of your points in Occult.
  • 90-99: Three Ancestors answer with +20 Mods in Physical Defense, Mental Defense, Physical Attack, Mental Attack, and Initiative, and you manifest a number of physical attributes equal to the number of your points in Occult.
  • 100+: Your Ancestors have a personal stake in your endeavors, going above and beyond to help. Three Ancestors answer, giving you +15 Mods in Physical Defense, Mental Defense, Physical Attack, Mental Attack, and Initiative. You also manifest a number of their physical attributes equal to the number of your points in Occult. PLUS, they send a War Avatar of Fenris to fight by your side. Because the Ancestors send the War Avatar on behalf of the Stargazer, the Stargazer does not suffer the price of losing one of his/her/their a body parts for its assistance. (For complete War Avatar of Fenris stats, visit the Bestiary under Celestines and Avatars.)

NOTE: For information on specific Stargazers, see "Notable Stargazers," pages 95-100 in the Tribebook: Stargazers, Revised. Or, feel free to write up your own Ancestors with specific physical characteristics and backgrounds. These can also be added to this Website by providing the bios to the Dominions of Darkness Admins.

: RANK 5 STARGAZERS - Atma - Fire Gift 5 (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 0
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 0
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Passive
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +15 Occult
    • + 15 Intuition


NOTE: This is the fifth and final of the "Awakening the Serpent Fire Gifts." The Serpent Fire gifts must be learned in order, from 1-5.

The crown chakra stirs and the third eye opens. The culmination of the Serpent Fire Gifts now complete, the Stargazer gains immense wisdom and occult perception.

This is a Passive Gift, is always active, and does not require the use of Gnosis or a successful roll to activate. The Stargazer can now see spirits interacting with the world, and knows if Gifts or other supernatural powers (Disciplines, Spheres, Cantrips, etc.) are active within his sight. Plus, the Stargazer gains a permanent +15 to all Occult and Intuition rolls.

: RANK 5 STARGAZERS - Directing the Soul (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 0
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 0
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Passive
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Skill

Stargazers with this Gift can redirect the effects of their Rage. By attaining this higher control over their inner selves, they influence the world around them in their favor. This Gift is taught by an Enigmatic spirit.

This is a Passive Gift. While it does not require the use or Gnosis or a successful roll to activate, it does require the Player to post in local chat that they are using this Gift before they make a specific roll. It cannot be used after the fact, nor can it be used to absolve a botched roll.

After learning this Gift, the Stargazer can spend one point of her/his/their Temp Rage to receive one automatic success on any roll, once per scene.

: RANK 6 STARGAZERS - Channeling (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 0
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 0
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Passive
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None

A Garou using this Gift can channel her rage into a single action, helping her perform that one action as best as she is able. This Gift is taught by a fire-spirit.

This is a Passive Gift, requiring no use of Energy/Gnosis to activate or a successful roll. However, this must be posted in local chat that this Gift is being used and/or let the Storyteller know. Once per OOC 24 hours, the Player may spend sixty points of the Garou’s Gnosis on a single action to gain a +15 one-time Bonus Modifier in any skill, ability or attribute.

For Example: A Stargazer is in a locked cell and must attempt to pick a lock, even though he has no purchased points in Larceny. Spending 60 Energy/Gnosis points, he gains a +15 additional Bonus Mod to his next Larceny roll. 

This Gift Bonus can be applied to any roll, no matter how many points/mods a Player has in any specific skill/ability or attribute, even if no points have been purchased in the particular skill/ability/attribute. However, a botch is still a botch (rolling a natural 1-10).

: RANK 6 STARGAZERS - Wind's Karmic Favor (Physical Defense)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 10 HP
  • Modifiers: Athletics/Reflexes, Physical Defense
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None

Much like the Level 3 Gift Wind's Returning Favor, this Gift grants the Stargazer a defensive move that not only disarms an attacking foe, but also do damage in return. During a defensive move, this Gift allows a Garou to take an opponent’s weapon when their foe attacks, and in doing so inflict physical damage at the same time. This Gift is taught by a wind-spirit.

During any combat sequence, this Gift is used as a Defensive Move when physically attacked by a Foe using a melee weapon. Before the Player rolls to Defend, he/she/they must declare in local chat that they are using this defensive Gift in response to a successful melee attack.

The Player then spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll as their defensive move. If successfully executed, the Garou not only avoids any damage (if any), he/she/they manage to grab the opponent's melee weapon and inflict 10 HP of physical damage as they yank it out of their hands. 

The Garou may use the stolen weapon on the following turn (if the Garou is skilled in wielding that type of weapon). 

This Gift will disarm the Foe, put the Foe's melee weapon into the hands of the Garou using this Gift, and return attack causing damage in a single, graceful move. There is no resist roll for the Foe attacking a Stargazer using this Gift.

: RANK 6 STARGAZERS - Eyes of Ignorance (Mental Attack)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: n/a
  • Modifiers: Occult, Mental Attack
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: Willpower, Occult
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +2 Mental Attack

The Stargazer using this Gift can look into another’s eyes and, for a period of time, literally strip them of their knowledge, leaving them ignorant and empty of ability and memories. This Gift can be taught by an owl-spirit.

The Player identifies a specific talent/Gift/Skill/Ability/Attribute/Discipline/Memories he/she/they wish to know (this must be posted in open chat and that the Character is using this Gift), spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. 

If the Target fails to resist, the Garou using this Gift strips a Target's specific knowledge or memories and intrinsically “knows” the Target’s specific Knowledge (and the accompanying dots in that Knowledge). This only lasts for the duration of the scene. Unless the memories are written down or somehow recorded, they will be lost at the end of the scene. Dots and mods in a Skill/Ability/Attribute/Discipline/Gift are also lost at the end of the scene. Targets will remember everything and regain their talents at the end of the scene.

For Example: A Garou looking to use this gift must first identify which talent or memory she wishes to drain/acquire from her target. In this example, the Garou wishes to take the Target's ability of Subterfuge. (But it could be anything the Garou wishes, such as Willpower, Computers, Occult, Craft, Firearms, Brawl, etc.) She locks eyes with the Target, then rolls a modified 84, which is high enough to activate this Gift.

The Target rolls a modified 80 and has failed to resist, . The Target's Player is now obligated to inform the Garou's Player that he has five points in Subterfuge, which the Garou drains and acquires as if it were her own. The Target loses all the points (and modifiers) they had in that skill for the duration of the scene, and cannot use them during that scene. All associated buffs and mods are unavailable to the Target. Once the scene is over, the Target regains his stolen talents or memories and the Garou using this Gift loses the memories and reverts back to her own earned skill points.

NOTE: Unless a Garou using this Gift knows (or is willing to take a chance) that a Target has specific Talents or Memories, there is a real possibility he gains nothing by using it. For Example, attempting to steal a Vampire's Discipline of Auspex from a City Gangrel who doesn't possess Auspex will give the Garou nothing in return. Likewise, using this Gift on a murder suspect to gain memories of a murder he did not commit will give the Garou no memories, or show the Garou a memory of who actually killed the victim if he/she/they were present during the murder. This is also the same result the Garou would get if he/she/they failed their roll.

: RANK 6 STARGAZERS - Gift of the Emerald Mother (BUFF)

  • Base Roll: 0
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 0
  • Damage: 0
  • Modifiers: Occult, Mental Attack
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: Willpower, Occult
  • Permanent Affects: None
  • Temporary Affects: Crinos Bonuses in Homid Form
    • +2 Mental Attack
    • +20 Mod to all strength-related rolls
    • +20 Physical Attack
    • +20 Physical Defense
    • +10 Physical Skill
    • +15 Athletics
    • +10 Initiative
    • +20 Persuasion/Intimidation
    • Speed: Instantly move up to 20 meters without using an action or a turn

The wisest of Stargazers understand that all divisions of the flesh are mere illusion. The only true separation is of spirit — Wyrm from Weaver, Weaver from Wyld, Triat from Gaia. But even then, the great forces of the universe are connected. Drawing upon this wisdom, the Garou banishes the boundaries dividing the mind and body of man from the power of the werewolf. An avatar of Gaia herself teaches this Gift.

This is a Passive Gift and is always active. The Stargazer enjoys the physical bonuses of the Crinos form while in Homid. This Gift doesn’t grant the Crinos form’s claws, fangs, or expanded senses, nor does it inflict the Delirium. This is NOT in addition to the bonuses you receive when you change to Crinos, this gift grants those power, but ONLY when in Homid form, not any other form.

: RANK 6 STARGAZERS - Liberation of the Flesh (Physical Skill)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Modifiers: Occult, Primal Urge
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: Primal Urge, Occult
  • Permanent Affects: None

The spoken mantra for this Gift is Aum-waha-guru-dha-yan. Some Stargazers (particularly those among the Tranquil) believe that all flesh is weak, and like an anchor, it drags the spirit. Stargazers using this Gift find themselves “liberated” from their physical forms, becoming insubstantial and bodiless.

The Character must chant the spoken Mantra for one turn. Then, the Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Stargazer’s physical form becomes an insubstantial one. When this Gift is activated, the Stargazer becomes quite literally like a silvery ghost of her/his/their physical body, and can be seen with a successful Intuition + Alertness roll (difficulty 70) for anyone attempting to detect the Stargazer. The Stargazer may take no actions except for simple movement, and even that takes a strong concentration. 

  • To Move: To move from one place to another, the Player must roll Primal Urge + Occult (difficulty 70). No additional Gnosis points are required. Only one success is necessary for movement, but the shimmering ghostly form may travel no faster than the werewolf’s usual walking speed. 
    • Failure to roll 70+ means the character is incapable of moving from their current spot. (See Note on Botch)
  • Detection: Those attempting to detect the Stargazer in this non-corporeal form musthave an in-character reason to do so:
    • DIF: 70
    • MOD: Intuition, Alertness.
      • Using Auspex will also reveal the Stargazer's presence.
      • Anyone with a sensitivity to ghosts and spirits may also feel a "presence"
  • To Regain Corporeal Form: The Stargazer spends 5 Energy/Gnosis points to regain their material form.
  •  Duration: The Stargazer may stay in this bodiless state for as long as she/he/they chooses, and can not be physically harmed by other physical creatures or spirits while in this insubstantial state. However, the Stargazer cannot physically attack a foe, though mental attacks still work. 
  • NOTE: A Botch (rolling a natural 1-10) on the movement roll to move is disastrous. A botch disrupts the Stargazer’s concentration in keeping her/his/their form non-corporeal, making the Stargazer fully visible again. It also immediately reduces the Stargazer's Gnosis pool to zero. 

: RANK 6 STARGAZERS - Thought-Form (BUFF)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Modifiers: Occult, Intuition
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None
  • Temporary Affects: These are not stackable with any other temp bonuses (See System)
    • +20 Perception
    • +30 Occult
    • +30 Alertness
    • +20 Physical Skill
    • See System

The spoken mantra for this Gift is Aum-ka-la-rim-sa-ka-la-rim-ha-ka-la-rim. This Gift allows a Stargazer to attain true spiritual balance for a single moment. In that moment, all extreme desires and impure emotions are purified by an unmitigated blast of the Self. 

A startling crackle of energy travels like lightning to each of the Stargazer’s chakra points. It only lasts for a second, and then it is gone. But in its wake, the Stargazer is left empowered and burning with a halo of pale green light. There is only a handful of Stargazers who have ever been worthy enough to learn this Gift, and it can only be taught by an avatar of Chimera.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. For the remainder of the scene, the Garou gains a series of Trait bonuses: +20 to Perception, +30 to Occult, +3 to Alertness, and +20 to Brawl. 

This Gift is a profound cleansing of the Self, removing all other temporary bonuses for the duration of the scene while it is in effect. This includes any Bonuses from other Gifts, but does not include bonuses received from shifting forms. 

In addition to the Temp bonuses, there are other benefits as well:

  1. The Stargazer's Gnosis pool is immediately refreshed to 100%
  2. The Gift burns out any corruption that was contained in the Stargazer using this Gift. Hence, any:
    • Wyrm-taint that the character had thus disappears. 
    • Any wyrm, demon- or supernatural poison is burned away. 
    • Any spirit possession or other supernatural influence/insanity/taint is also burned away.

: RANK 6 STARGAZERS - Wisdom of the Seer (MS)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Modifiers: Occult, Intuition
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None

By gazing into the night sky for two turns, the Stargazer can find the answer to almost any question among the stars. A Chimerling teaches this Gift.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Stargazer may then pose any single question to the stars (aka the Storyteller) and receive an honest answer. However, unless the Player rolled a natural 90+, it would be rare to gain a complete and straightforward answer.

: RANK 6 SILVER FANGS - Circular Attack (Physical Defense)

  • Base Roll: See System
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Primal Urge, Athletics/Reflexes
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None

The greatest of the Garou have no fear of fighting even a horde of opponents. They are able to not only avoid their foes’ attacks, but they can actually channel those attacks into other enemies. Stargazers and Silver Fangs with this Gift can even redirect a single foe’s attacks back upon themselves. A wind-spirit teaches this Gift.

This is a Defensive Move only. The Player declares he/she/they are using this Gift as a defense move, spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll to defend. The werewolf must be currently engaged in close combat with one or more foes simultaneously

Instead of simply rolling to defend when the Garou Character is attacked, the Garou moves to redirect that attack back on the attacker or at another attacker who is also in combat with the Garou. This Gift is used instead of rolling to defend, so does not count as a separate action or as an attack. 

NOTE: This Gift has a 2-turn cooldown, meaning it can only be used every third turn. 

For Example: A Silver Fang finds himself set upon by two combatants, one using a sword and the other using claws. Combatant One takes a swing at the Silver Fang with his sword, making a successful Attack roll. Instead of rolling to defend, the Silver Fang spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and redirects the sword swing to Combatant Two. Combatant Two rolls to defend Combatant One's Attack roll, but at a penalty of doing so with no modifiers. 

If Combatant Two fails to defend, he takes the full damage of Combatant Two's sword attack. It is up to the Storyteller to determine where that attack physically landed on Combatant Two (head, neck, gut, let, arm, etc.)