2 min read

They came out of the East in search of wisdom, but found only strife. Now they have discovered that their homeland is no longer the refuge it once was, and that they have lost too much and gained too little. The wisest and most mystical of Garou tribes must now struggle to find its center and reclaim its heritage, before it falls apart. Is it already too late? The Stargazers may have left the Garou Nation, but their lore hasn't been lost yet? - Tribebook: Stargazers (Revised)


Few fully understand the Stargazers. They are the smallest tribe in the Garou Nation, in large part because they follow a creed that seems to fly in the face of what it means to be Garou. They pursue meditation, philosophy, lucid dreaming — all manner of ways to master their inner selves, to master their Rage. Caught between wolf and human, Rage and Gnosis, material and spirit, the Stargazers seek the very key to Garou existence: balance.

Balance, or the Middle Way, is essential to the tribal creed. Many of the Stargazers’ practices have their roots in human philosophy, but the tribe deliberately works to align these with mystic states of mind learned from their wolf souls. Their ultimate goal is an understanding that surpasses Rage — enlightenment that speaks to the heart of the homid, the lupus and the Metis with equal strength.


The Stargazers spread into Asia following the end of the Impergium, and although they have never had the numbers to be truly strong in any given place, the lands surrounding the Himalayas have always been their spiritual heart. They have made less of a name for themselves as warriors over the millennia, largely because their perpetual search for a better way than Rage has kept them from participating in many of the territorial struggles common to the other tribes. Some actively (and incorrectly) disdain them as navel-gazers and pacifists. But the Stargazers still fight against the Wyrm, on the physical plane as well as within.

Internally, the Stargazers look for their leaders to be wise first and foremost. Challenges for Rank often involve complicated riddles, tests of patience, and peculiar vision quests. There is frequently no right answer to be found in these questions: it’s the act of contemplation that’s important, and the realization that one will always be presented with questions that have no proper answer. When commanded by Garou of other tribes, the Stargazers are more prone to obey than to challenge, even if the decisions are poor. But their obedience may take unexpected forms. The sagacious Stargazer is one who flows like water around a broken chain of command and shapes it to fit the greater need.

When the Stargazers go to war, they focus again on the adaptability, serenity, and crushing force of water. Yet these lofty ideals cannot always be met. The Stargazers strive to behave as enlightened beings, but they are still Garou. They emulate water, but the unquenchable fire of Rage smolders in their hearts. More than one Stargazer has snapped under the impossible pressure of life as a werewolf — even a slender reed can be bent so far that it will break.

As the End Times loom heavily, the Stargazers are a diminished tribe. The constant war against the Wyrm has taken its toll in attrition, and they have been slow to build their numbers by breeding. There are fewer wolf packs to breed with, and if fewer metis are born to the tribe that shuns desire, so too are fewer homids. The world constantly shifts into a more dangerous maze of illusion than it has ever been. They must go to war before they have achieved perfection, before they are ready. 

But the Stargazers have always known that one will never be ready. The war is now. So they lift their voices to the four winds, and they move as a river.


Stargazers with strong Pure Breed run toward leaner, lighter builds in their wolf forms. Their coats come in a variety of grays and a few blacks, with a faint striping or brindling in some individuals.


The Stargazers originally hailed from India and the Himalayas, but only a few of their secretive holdings there have avoided discovery and ruin. They are the tribe most distanced from their own Kin, in part due to their avoidance of strong emotional attachment — or even the material pleasures of casual dalliances. The tribe encourages the selection of wolf mates, in order to keep the lupine side of their nature in balance.

Because of this, their Apex Kinfolk, known as Wanderers, are very few and far between. Wanderers tend to have more value to humanity than they do to their Garou cousins. Patient, caring and introspective, they are seekers of harmony and balance in all things. They are often found as teachers, community leaders, mystics, gurus, swamis, prophets, visionaries and masters of enlightenment.