72 min read

Man, Imperfect in his understanding of the Mother Born in Her grace, Jealous of Her power, traps, rapes, enslaves Our Sisters, our Mother. We feel the pain, know the blood of childbirth, menstruation, humiliation. Ours is the power of life and death, Ours is the Rage of the Mother, Her will is your own. Let Man cower. - Tribebook: Black Furies (Revised)

Vengeance is a fiery wolf, and the Black Furies unleash their justice in protection of the Wyld. They are the daughters of Luna-as-Artemis, the Huntress of the Moon, and trace their origins back to Greece and Asia Minor. Pegasus is their tribal totem. Though no Black Fury will suffer the hand of a man acting as master or tyrant, the tribe is by no way defined by a hatred of men.

Since the dawn of civilization, the Black Furies have established a loyal bond of sisterhood, united by blood, spirituality and conviction. They are the guardians of the Wyld, the champions of women, the wrath of Gaia. They consistently produce some of the greatest warriors and wisest mystics known to the Garou Nation. Defenders of the unspoiled reaches of the world, the epic stories of this tribe have inspired the legends of mythical warrior women for centuries. That fierceness is tempered by the open arms they extend to those whom have been cast out and turned away from other tribes, or who need a safe harbor in the world. Those sheltering arms have led the Black Furies to boast a diverse array of kinfolk, most of whom are intensely loyal to the den mothers and sisters who have helped them stand on their own two feet again. 

Not all the Furies’ kin are warriors, all do their part to defeat the Wyrm, and to defend Gaia’s wilderness against the constant encroachment of man, and of the Weaver. Naturalists and fighters, athletes and warriors, artists and poets, the Furies boast these and more among their sisterhood. To those who offend them or hurt their charges, however, the Furies are merciless avengers and punishers of whatever they consider crimes against Gaia and women. 

While many outsiders claim them to be the ultimate feminists and men-hating, lesbian Amazons, the Black Furies think of themselves as providing opportunities to females who would have otherwise been oppressed and their talents squandered. They are simply a tribe of strong, empowered women who buck the domineering, authoritarian rule of men seeking to rob them of their individuality and power.

While they have come to expect (though not accept) this from humans, they are keenly aware of the hypocritical opinions of male Garou who claim to serve the female deity Gaia, then proceed to slander and subjugate those who share her sex. Instead of working through intimidation, the Furies are usually content to help women and children through persuasion and compromise. Any men who treat them differently are quickly given a demonstration in the error of their ways.

The personal views of each Fury vary greatly from member to member; however honor, their connection to the Wyld, and opposition to the Weaver tend to be constants for all members. While the Black Furies present the face of a women-only club, they count a surprising number of male Metis among their ranks. In spite of legends that say Black Furies only give birth to females, male cubs are born to Furies just as often as female cubs. In ancient times, Furies ceremonially sacrificed all male cubs in the past. Now, however, most are given to other tribes, while the rest are secretly sacrificed. 

Most often, male homid and lupus cubs are given to the Children of Gaia to raise as their own. Furies can either be born into the tribe or recruited from other tribes, particularly ones that show little respect to women such as the Get of Fenris. In part, the exchange of their newborn male cubs allows them to take away female cubs that are in dangerous circumstances. 

The Black Furies divide their roles and spiritual positions within the Tribe according to their age. Young Furies are considered "Maidens", as long as they have not birthed a child. The Black Furies believe that breeding is a sacred duty and gift, and carefully choose the fathers of their children. After that event, they are regarded as "Mothers". When a mother becomes too old to bear children, they are referred to as "Crones". Metis do not count for any of these roles. 

The Black Furies have added several additional tenets to the Litany: "Suffer no abuse of Woman", "Keep the Wyld Places Pure", "Train the Weak, Protect the Helpless", and "Remember your Parents". The last is a reminder that fatherhood and fathers are just as important as motherhood and mothers, and that Gaia demands equality between the sexes, not a matriarchy. Although all Furies tend to operate with similar methods, there are lines of division in how much men are to be shunned. 

All Furies, no matter their view, will avenge a crime against a female. Older Furies tend to regard men more lowly than others in their tribe, viewing them as little more than oppressors and egotistical troublemakers. Despite this, they are among those Furies that are the first to point out that Man is half of the equation and should not be pushed away or denied. Younger Furies tend to have more liberal views regarding Garou in general and men in particular, and many are willing to work with males for the benefit of everyone; but there are several who have taken up rather misandrist views and begin to lose themselves to their own Rage.

Furies who are of a strong Pure Breed have particularly dark fur in Crinos, Hispo, and Lupus, often with white, gray, or silver highlights. Pure Breed is much rarer among Fury Metis, as their fathers are without exception of other tribes. Black Furies are traditionally of Mediterranean and Greek heritage. However, it is quite common to see Black Furies of any race. Many Black Furies consider their tribe to me more of a lifestyle philosophy than a breed.

The Furies stake vicious claim to many of the last, secluded virgin places of the Wyld. Their spirituality is deeply tied to these sacred groves and islands, but necessity drives them to take territories in more human settled lands as well. 

The Black Furies don’t practice much ethnic preference with their Kin. They’re prone to “adopt” the Kinfolk from other tribes’ bloodlines, specifically women who found themselves poorly treated by their relatives. They value their male Kin, even if a male Kinfolk is unlikely to ever participate in any of the tribe’s inner spiritual traditions.

When it comes to finding mates (male, female, or other), Black Furies are attracted to those who exhibit the same qualities they hold dear: honor, power, wisdom, and skill. Like other Garou, Apex Kinfolk of any tribe are highly regarded as potential mates. Though Black Furies believe that Black Fury Apex Kinfolk should mate only with Black Furies, this is more of a tribal bias than an actual law. However, this subject has come to blows between Black Furies and other tribes when laying a claim to mates.


◎◎◎: RANK 1 BLACK FURY - Spirit Smuggler (Physical Skill)

  • Base Roll: 50
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Skill

When the character wishes to hide an item from searches, she can use this Gift to push the item into the Gauntlet for a short time; it will return to the character’s possessions in the physical realm at will, or at the end of the scene, whichever comes first. This Gift is taught by a Raccoon-spirit

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Garou Character can push a small item (5 pounds or less, no more than a gallon in volume) through the Gauntlet into the Umbra. 
The item now resides in the Gauntlet, and cannot be sensed or manipulated by anyone (unless a searcher can see into the Umbra). 

The item will return to the character’s physical possessions at the end of the scene, or earlier if the Character wishes to retrieve it before the end of the scene. A botch roll (rolling a natural 1-10) means that the item is lost in the Umbra, or that a spirit pickpocket has made off with it. 

This Gift does not halt the flow of time for the smuggled object – and explosions in the Gauntlet can have strange effects on both the local spirit world and the physical plane, for those who might consider using this Gift to stow a live bomb.

◎◎◎: RANK 1 BLACK FURY - Breath of the Wyld (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult, Mental Skill
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Physical Defense

As the Furies see it, the problem with most humans (and some Garou) is that they have forgotten that the energy of Creation is nourishing, refreshing and ever present. With this Gift, the Black Fury may instill a feeling of vitality and life in a living being. A spirit servant of Pegasus teaches this Gift.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. In an outdoor setting, city park or any natural setting, the Fury touches her Target's skin to activate the benefits of this Gift for the duration of the scene. This Gift may only be used once per individual, per scene.

The Gift grants a rush of energy and clarity of thought to the target, granting:

  • +5 Willpower
  • +5 Mental Skills

NOTE: This cannot be used on the Fury herself.

◎◎◎: RANK 1 BLACK FURY - Man's Skin (Physical Skill)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult 
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +2 Physical Defense

Distasteful though it may be, the Black Furies sometimes find it necessary to pass unnoticed through the world of men. This Gift allows a Fury to effectively change gender in the eyes of onlookers. Her features and build become decidedly more masculine, and her garb seems of a masculine cut. Her hair, eye and skin color remain the same; the result is a man who shows a strong family resemblance to the Fury. 

Despite this Gift’s name, it works equally well when male Metis Furies employ it to disguise themselves as women. The Gift is taught by an ancestor-spirit or a seahorse-spirit.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Black Fury's appearance will change for the duration of the scene, or until the Fury chooses to shift back to her normal appearance. 

The disguise withstands visual and tactile contact, though anyone with an ability or Gift that can see past the surface of this disguise will see the Fury's true form (such as Auspex and other such abilities.) However, anyone seeking to look past the disguise MUST have an in-character roleplayed reason for using such abilities. Something in the roleplay must tip them off or cause them to suspect something is not quite right.

◎◎◎: RANK 1 BLACK FURY - Watchful Eyes (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Alertness
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Physical Defense
    • +1 Athletics/Reflexes

Since time immemorial, the Black Furies have been able to determine the location of those that break the laws of Gaia. Such beings (human, Garou, or spirit) are not always Wyrm- or Weaver-tainted. As in the classic example of the Greek tale of Orestes, he was not under the influence of any supernatural being when he killed his mother Clytemnestra, but he did break Gaia’s laws by doing so. 

This gift has been the Furies’ tool for such a hunt; with a few moments’ concentration, the Black Fury who uses Watchful Eyes can roughly determine the distance and direction to the nearest such criminal. This Gift is taught by an Owl-spirit.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. Success indicates the distance and direction to the nearest violator of Gaia’s laws (as interpreted by the Storyteller). Note that this Gift does not specifically identify the lawbreaker, and it is somewhat vague. It has a margin of error of roughly 10% of the distance between the Garou and her quarry (that is, if the nearest violator is ten blocks away, the Gift will point out a one-block area). A botch causes this Gift to possibly point to a wrongly-identified potential target.

◎◎◎: RANK 1 BLACK FURY - Arion's Burdon (Physical Skill)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Physical Defense

The Black Furies had many tribeswomen among the ancient Scythians, who were renowned for their use of cavalry. During their battles with other Garou Tribes, the Furies often surprised their enemies by showing that they too could employ cavalry, thanks to this Gift. 

Most animals shy away from creatures of high Rage, and even the Glabro form tended to make a werewolf heavier than the horse could handle. But this Gift perfectly calms the mount’s mind and makes the Black Fury as light as a child to it, in any form. It is taught by an avatar of Pegasus.

System: The Black Fury spends one point of Gnosis and makes a successful roll, which lasts for one scene. While this Gift works to calm any animal normally friendly to the Black Fury, it is most commonly employed on horses. Riding in Crinos form, even with this Gift, is a tricky business, requiring a Reflexes + Athletics (difficulty 70) roll.

◎◎: RANK 1 BLACK FURY - Heightened Prey Sense (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 0
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 0
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Passive
  • Duration: Passive
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None


If the Garou knows anything about his prey, he can track it down as fast as he is capable of moving. This includes personally knowing what his prey looks like, or smells like, or knows something of the preys habits, territory and name. This goes for both physical beings as well as spirit tracking through the Umbra. A wolf or blood hound spirit teaches this gift.

Passive ability. No roll or Gnosis points required. This ability is always active. The Garou will be able to successfully track his/her/their prey unless the target is actively using a ability to mask his/her/their presence or scent, in which case an Alertness roll is made vs. the Target's roll to hide.

◎◎◎: RANK 1 BLACK FURY - Wyld Resurgence (Heal)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: OCC
  • Duration: Passive
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None

Bent to Gaia’s service, the creative, living essence of the Wyld roars through the Fury’s body, shining beneath her skin as a rippling wave of prismatic energy which focuses on and shines out through her wounds. This surge supercharges the werewolf’s regenerative powers, quickly mending even the most grievous of wounds. A servant of Pegasus teaches this Gift.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll.  The werewolf immediately heals 10 HP of Normal Damage. This can only be used on the Black Fury herself and cannot be used to heal others.

NOTE: Damage caused by silver cannot be healed with this Gift.

◎◎◎: RANK 1 BLACK FURY - True Shot (BUFF)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Physical Attack
  • Duration: 2-Turn Cooldown
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +2 Physical Attack

The accuracy of Artemis on the hunt could not be equaled by any other. This Gift allows Black Fury's to replicate the goddess's abilities with the bow and deliver double damage with arrows. This Gift is taught by a Lune.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll when using a bow to attack a foe or Target. However it has a two-turn cooldown, meaning you can only ever use this Gift to do double damage with a bow every other turn. This Gift can be used in conjunction with Flurry of Arrows. 

NOTE: This Gift has a two turn cool down.

◎◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 Black Fury - Heightened Senses (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 0
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 0
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Passive
  • Duration: Passive
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Physical Skill
  • Temporary Bonus:  None

Using the Garou's spiritually heightened senses, the wolf within them opens the Garou up to a plethora of information around them. Hearing is beyond the normal range of a human and his sense of smell is equal to that of the wolf. The Garou's night vision is exceptional and he/she/they suffers no penalties when in the dark. This Gift is taught by a Wolf Spirit.

This Gift is passive and always activate. The downside to this Gift is the chance of sensory overload. For example, a fire alarm goes off in a building you are in and renders you incapacitated when it goes off. Or you enter a place with a strong scent, such as a garbage dump or an enclosed area where food is being prepared, such as a restaurant or kitchen. In each case, you will need to roll vs Willpower or become so focused on the overpowering sense that you will not be able to focus on anything else until the sensory input stops or you are physically removed from it.

◎◎◎: RANK 2 BLACK FURY - Heightened Prey Sense (Physical Skill)

  • Base Roll: 0
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 0
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Passive
  • Duration: Passive
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None

If the Garou knows anything about his prey, he can track it down as fast as he is capable of moving. This includes personally knowing what his prey looks like, or smells like, or knows something of the preys habits, territory and name. This goes for both physical beings as well as spirit tracking through the Umbra. A wolf or blood hound spirit teaches this gift.

Passive ability. No roll or Gnosis points required. This ability is always active. The Garou will be able to successfully track his/her/their prey unless the target is actively using a ability to mask his/her/their presence or scent, in which case an Alertness roll is made vs. the Target's roll to hide.

◎◎◎◎: RANK 2 BLACK FURY - Mother's Touch (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Medical, Occult
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +3 Mental Skill

The Garou is able to heal the wounds of any living creature, aggravated or otherwise, simply by laying hands over the afflicted area. The Garou may not heal herself, spirits or the undead with this Gift. A bear- or unicorn-spirit teaches this Gift.

The player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. As long as you are able to make a successful roll (70+), there is no limit to how many times this Gift may successfully be used on a person, but each use requires the expenditure of 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and another successful roll. How much healing you are able to do is determined by how high of a roll the Player makes. (See Roll Chart)This skill cannot be used during battle, but you can pull or drag a person well away from the combat (one full turn of pulling them from the combat) and use this Gift.

Roll Chart:

  • 1-10: Botch! You actually do 5 HP of additional damage.
  • 11-59: The Mother does not hear you and you cannot heal the person. Further, you can not try again for one OOC day.
  • 60-79: The Mother hears you and gives you the ability to heal 5 HP of Damage.
  • 80-89: Your hands grow very warm and you heal the person for 10 HP of Damage.
  • 90-99: There's a slight white glow about your hands and you heal the person for 15 HP of damage.
  • 100+: It's a miracle! The Mother's blessing is upon you as your hands glow a bright white, become extremely warm and you fully heal the person for all their HP, and no scarring occurs.

◎◎◎◎: RANK 2 BLACK FURY - Rend (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Primal Urge, Occult
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None

Rend allows the Black Fury to rip through substances they could not ordinarily pierce, and do as much damage with their natural claws and fangs as another might with a human’s sword. This Gift is taught – sometimes to great comic effect – by a Wine-spirit.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Fury must be in either Glabros, Crinos or Hispo form to use this Gift and are going to attack with a hand-to-hand type of attack (claws, fangs, brawl, martial arts).

  • 1) Animate Beings: receive Double Damage
  • 2) Inanimate Objects: (Walls, doors, etc.) Receive Triple Damage

◎◎◎◎: RANK 2 BLACK FURY - Stoking the Soul's Fire (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Primal Urge, Occult
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Athletics/Reflexes

A Black Fury can use this Gift to replenish her natural strengths by sacrificing her suppressed natures. The Black Fury's greatest strength is her rage; she can sacrifice from her will and spirituality to stoke that rage to scorching intensity, refilling her Rage pool. This gift is taught by a Wolverine-spirit.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Black Fury's Temp Rage Meter instantly refills to 9, and adds 1 Point to the Garou's Permanent Rage Meter. 

◎◎◎◎: RANK 2 BLACK FURY - Trial of Pain (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Alertness
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None

First developed by the Amazons of the Diana camp, this Gift allows the user to sense a person's agony. The Amazons use this Gift to uncover individuals suffering abuse. Other Black Furies use this Gift to track the abusers after wounding them. This Gift is taught by a spirit servant of Pegasus.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. At least one turn is required for the Gift user to attune herself to the mental anguish of the target. Making a successful roll will allow the Black Fury to sense a single sufferer amongst the many. The Fury can sense any living being in tremendous pain, physical or emotional, within 50 yards. The user senses only the general direction and urgency, but that’s typically enough for an angry Black Fury.

◎◎◎◎: RANK 2 BLACK FURY - Kali's Tongue (Debuff)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult, Medical
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: Willpower, Primal Urge
  • Permanent Affects: 
  • +1 Mental Attack

The Gift Kali’s Tongue removes a creature’s ability to heal damage; its effects are relatively short-term, 3 turns, but if a creature is destroyed while this Gift is in effect, that death is permanent. What the Mother gives, the Mother’s vengeance can take away. This Gift is taught by a Cobra-spirit.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. If the Target fails their roll to resist, the Fury touches the victim to apply the effects of this Gift. For three turns, the Target creature cannot use any regenerative abilities, or heal inflicted damage naturally. Even supernatural healing Gifts like Mother’s Touch will fail on the target during this period. This Gift works equally well on humans, Garou, and materialized spirits. Spirits entirely in the Umbra are immune to the Gift’s effects unless the Fury is also in the spirit world.

◎◎◎◎: RANK 2 BLACK FURY - Curse of Aeolus (Physical Skill)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult, Subterfuge
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: none
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Attack

The Fury calls up a thick, eerie windless fog that obscures vision and unnerves her opponents. The Fury can see through the fog, but all others have trouble navigating by sight. A spirit in service to Aeolus, the fog totem, teaches this Gift.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. For the duration of the scene (or until the Fury ends the effects) a 20m x 20m area is covered in a thick, dense windless fog that rises 20m high.

The Black Fury and her allies can see normally, but for as long as the fog remains, all others caught in this fog suffer:

  • Physical Attacks and Physical Defense Mods are halved
  • -5 to Willpower rolls

◎◎◎◎: RANK 2 BLACK FURY - Touch of the Muse (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult 
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: none
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Athletics/Reflexes

With this Gift, the Fury invokes the spirits of art and artifice, allowing her to lower the difficulty of any performance or craft rolls for the duration of the scene. 

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. For the duration of the scene, the Black Fury gains a +10 Mod to all social, performance or crafting rolls.

◎◎◎◎: RANK 2 BLACK FURY - Omen of Power (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Alertness, Mental Skill
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: none
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Skill 

A Black Fury with this Gift can sniff out the locations of dormant caerns (that is, those once opened whose power has since faded). When conditions are right they can sense nearby Fetishes and objects of power, or particularly powerful fetishes or objects from a distance. This Gift is taught by a Hound-spirit.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Character will then be able to find out if there is anything he/she/they can sense, and in which direction it lies (Storyteller's Discretion). This is known only to the Storyteller, and is based on the distance to the source of power. Success means that the rough distance and direction to a mystic power source is revealed to the Black Fury. 

For Example: the Black Fury may learn the source of power can be an active or dormant caern, or a level 5+ fetish, or other source of power.

By default, this Gift is accurate to within about 20 meters if nearby. If a caern or object is within 10 miles, Omen of Power will give it’s distance and direction to within about 2 miles.  The Gift can be re-used as the Garou closes in on the source of power, to further refine their target’s location. Omen of Power does not tell the Garou anything about the source of power other than its direction and distance; she will not even know whether it is a caern or fetish.

◎◎◎: RANK 3 BLACK FURY - Coup de Grace (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Alertness, Physical Attack
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: none
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Skill 
    • +1 Mental Attack
  • Temporary Affects:
    • -10 Initiative for duration of the scene

The Garou studies her foe, looking for the best place to strike. In doing so, she sets herself up to land this devastating attack, but sacrifices Initiative. This can only be used before the Fury makes her first attack on the targeted foe. An owl-spirit teaches this Gift.

The Character identifies the foe she wishes to study more closely. The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Character then attacks. If she successfully hits (using whatever natural or melee weapons she desires), and the target fails his/her/their defensive roll, the Fury delivers double the damage with whatever weapon she has chosen to use.

Ideally, this is done before a battle begins. However, it can be used during a battle, but the Fury must spend one full turn studying a particular foe where she can neither attack nor defend. After which, she may activate this gift again.

NOTE: This Gift has a one turn cooldown, and only allows the Fury to do double damage when attacking every other turn. 

◎◎◎: RANK 3 BLACK FURY - Flames of Hestia (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult, Medical
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: none
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Skill 

The Fury produces white flames around her hands. These flames purify whatever they touch; cleansing tainted food or water or healing radiation, poison or disease. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Hestia.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Fury then lays hands on whatever it is she wishes to remove the corruption. This ability will also remove poisons from a person's blood, halt the progression of diseases, and make food and water safe to consume.

◎◎◎: RANK 3 BLACK FURY - Purification of Hestia (Physical Attack)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 10 HP
  • Mods: Occult, Primal Urge
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: none
  • Permanent Affects: None

Much like Flames of Hestia, the Fury produces white flames around her hands. These flames purify whatever they touch, but when used during combat to attack a fororii, bane, liches or other beings of evil, it causes intense pain and physical injury. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Hestia.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Fury then lays hands on an evil object or being, causing 10 HP of damage during hand-to-hand combat. It can only be used with fists, claws or bites. It does not work with other weapons. 

This effects fomorii, banes, and minor undead creatures such as liches, zombies, skeletons, etc. It does not affect vampires.

NOTE: If the Player rolls a natural 90 or higher, the creature will be stunned for two full turns and unable to attack or defend.

◎◎◎: RANK 3 BLACK FURY - Blaze of Hestia (Physical Attack)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 10 HP
  • Mods: Occult, Physical Attack
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: none
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Attack

The Fury produces red flames around her hands and any melee weapons she may be using. These flames will cause additional damage when used in hand-to-hand combat. They cause double damage when used against creatures of the Wyrm.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and make a successful roll. This Gift adds additional 5HP of damage to their successful attack. If the foe is a Bane, Femorii, Vampire or other creature of the Wyrm, the Gift does double damage.

NOTE: This Gift has a two-turn cooldown before it can be used again.

◎◎◎: RANK 3 BLACK FURY - Wings of Pegasus (Physical Attack)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 10 HP
  • Mods: Occult
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: none
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Athletics/Reflexes

When is Hispo form, the Fury can manifest majestic wings, allowing her to fly at will. An avatar of Pegasus teaches this Gift.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. For the duration of the scene, the Fury will grow wings capable of flight at 50 miles per hour (80 kph). The wings can be dismissed at will before the end of the scene. Fine flying maneuvers require an Athletics/Reflexes roll at a difficulty determined by the Storyteller.

◎◎◎: RANK 3 BLACK FURY - Visceral Agony (Physical Attack)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 10 HP
  • Mods: Occult
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: none
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Attack

The werewolf’s claws change to barbed, wicked talons dripping with black venom. In addition to the normal damage done by the claw attack, the poison inflicts another 5 HP of damage and decreases the target's ability to defend himself due to the crippling pain the poison inflicts. The effects last until the poison is cured or till the end of the scene. A pain-spirit teaches this Gift.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. This can be done before combat breaks out and lasts for the duration of the scene. However, the poison requires time to recoat the Fury's talons and can only inflict additional poison damage every third turn. 

 If the claw attack is successful, the Target suffers both the damage inflicted by the claw attack, and additional 5HP of poison damage, plus the Target's Physical Defense is cut in half due to the crippling pain inflicted by the poison. 

If the Target is in frenzy or otherwise resistant to pain, he still suffers the additional 5 HP of damage, but does not suffer the decrease in Physical Defense. Frenzy burns off the poison. The poison effects and halved Defense last the duration of the scene unless the poison is cleansed or treated with an antidote.

NOTE: This gift has a two-turn cooldown, meaning you can only use it on a target once every third turn.

◎◎◎: RANK 3 BLACK FURY - Barring the Will (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 0
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: n/a
  • Mods: none
  • Duration: scene
  • Resist: none
  • Permanent Affects: None
  • Temporary Affects:
    • +10 Willpower

The Fury can sacrifice her anger and spirit energies to replenish her strength of purpose. This Gift is taught by a Donkey-spirit.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and sacrifices 2 Points of Temp Rage. The Fury then gains +10 Willpower for the duration of the scene. 

◎◎◎: RANK 3 BLACK FURY - Winged Delivery (Physical Skill)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: n/a
  • Mods: Occult
  • Duration: scene
  • Resist: none
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Skill

Using this Gift and some concentration, the character pushes a small item (no larger than a softball or large orange) into the Umbra and gives it to an Owl Jaggling, which will deliver the item to a well identified person or location as rapidly as it can travel.

Garou who abuse this Gift to send dangerous items or active weapons (like grenades) into the Umbra – thereby jeopardizing the owl-spirit’s existence – find that the retribution of the spirit world is swift and harsh. (Storyteller's discretion.) This Gift is obviously taught by owl-spirits.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The item enters the Owl Jaggling’s talons in the Umbra, and the Jaggling will deliver it to a clearly defined recipient. A human, Garou or other recipient must be named and described; a location need only be described, with directions given. 

The Owl Jaggling travels at roughly 100 miles per hour through the spirit world, and will deposit the item in the immediate vicinity of the Target unless the target is somehow protected against the spirit world. If this condition prevents delivery, the spirit returns to the Garou at full speed and returns the item without comment.

◎◎: RANK 4 BLACK FURY - Heart Claw (Debuff)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 5HP
  • Mods: Primal Urge
  • Duration: Up to 5 turns unless removed.
  • Resist: Medical, Occult
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Attack

The Fury who has successfully attacked a foe with claws may intentionally break off one of her claws in a wound, imbuing it with all of her killing intent. The claw continues to burrow into her opponent’s flesh, and will not stop until it finds his heart. A wasp-spirit teaches this Gift.

This is a 2-Part attack:

  1. Part 1 - Claw Attack: The Fury must first make a successful Claw Attack on the Target in which the Target has failed to resist and takes normal damage. 

  2. Part 2 - Claw Break: Immediately after the successful Claw Attack occurs, (and while it is still the Player's turn), the Player announces in local Chat they are using Heart Claw, then immediately spends two points of Gnosis, makes a successful roll and declares one of her claws has been deliberately broken off into the foe's wound. 

    The Foe suffers an additional 5 HP of damage, and suffers another automatic +5 HP of damage as the claw burrows its way to the Target's heart each subsequent turn until it either kills the target or is dug out of the wound. 

The Target may roll once each turn to remove the Claw:

    • DIF: 70
    • MOD: Medical + Occult

◎◎: RANK 4 BLACK FURY - Bacchantes' Rage (Physical Attack)

  • Base Roll: 0
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 10HP
  • Mods: Primal Urge
  • Duration: Up to 5 turns unless removed.
  • Resist: None
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Attack

When deep in the wilds, the Black Furies can use this Gift to inflict extra damage. Even the toughest Get have walked away with a battle scar due to the effects of this potent Gift — and some couldn’t walk away at all. This Gift is taught by a Wyld-spirit.

No roll is required. However, a successful hit must first be delivered, and the Target must have failed to have successfully defended the Fury's attack.

Immediately after the successful attack (while it is still the Player's turn), the Player declares they are invoking Bacchantes' Rage, and spends two points each of Energy/Gnosis and Temporary Rage. The Target automatically receives an additional 10 HP of damage. There is no resist roll to this damage.

NOTE: This gift has a three-turn cooldown, meaning you can only use it on a target once every fourth turn.

◎◎: RANK 4 BLACK FURY - Blizzard of Arrows (Physical Attack)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 10HP
  • Mods: Occult
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: None
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Attack

Once Blizzard of Arrows is activated, the Garou deals out nightmarish pain to the hordes that oppose her. Heroes with this Gift might single-handedly have turned cavalry charges. For today, however, the Fury with this Gift is the perfect ally when faced by hordes of Wyrm-creatures. This Gift is taught by a Porcupine-spirit.

As long as the Garou has at least one unbroken and functioning arrow, it can be used for this Gift. The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and announces he/she/they are attempting to use this Gift to the Storyteller, or simply announce in local chat before your roll. On the Player's turn, he/she/they makes a successful roll. The single arrow, when shot, becomes 20 arrows.

  • This Gift allows the Fury to take a single arrow shot (at no multi-action penalty) at every foe within 100 yards, to a maximum of 20 enemies. Simply take aim at one enemy on the field and roll once to hit. 
  • That attack roll now applies to every enemy (up to 20) on the field, for which they must all roll to defend, dodge, etc., as the Storyteller sees fit.
  • The bow and arrows may be of modern manufacture, but cannot use any exceptional Weaver-based equipment (such as laser sights or explosive tips) to gain any accuracy or damage boost. However, a fetish or Spirit bow shooting arrows is certainly acceptable.

NOTE: A botch on this roll results in the Black Fury's bow breaking, rendering it permanently useless. This Gift has a two turn cooldown.

◎◎: RANK 4 BLACK FURY - Calm Before the Storm (Debuff)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Primal Urge, Subterfuge
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: Alertness
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Physical Defense

The Black Furies are, at heart, a tribe of contradiction They both represent the harmony and beauty of the Wyld, but also the spectacular savagery and brutality of it as well. Sometimes, they even bring the two forces together, such as with this Gift. 

This Gift lays a sense of peace and quiet over an area, not an uncomfortable silence but a serene sense of security. It is, naturally, used to prepare an ambush. The moment this peace breaks, these spirits of calm depart quickly and are replace with spirits of anger, storm and pain. Few subjected to this Gift survive the assault that follows. This Gift is taught by a cat-spirit.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. A simple success projects a sense of utter safety on a group of no more than ten people. 

  • If any Target makes his/her/their roll to resist, they may sense the sudden change of emotion within their own group. 
  • If any Target beats the Fury's roll by more than 10 points, they sense the calm is the eye of a storm, anticipate the impending assault and may choose to run. 
  • For all who fail to resist, the Gift works and the resulting chaos causes the Targets to suffer -10 to all Initiative Rolls for the duration of the scene. 

◎◎: RANK 4 BLACK FURY - Bolster the True Name (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 1
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Primal Urge, Mental Skill
  • Duration: n/a
  • Resist: Alertness
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Athletics/Reflexes

The Black Fury can sacrifice her hatred and will to reinvigorate her spiritual connections. This Gift is taught by a Lune.

The Player spends his/her/their last Point of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Black Fury using this Gift then meditates for two turns. (Must announce to the storyteller or in local chat.) If successful, the Black Fury's Gnosis Points refill to their max amount.

◎◎: RANK 4 BLACK FURY - Wasp Talons (Physical Attack)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 1
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Athletics/Reflexes, Physical Attack
  • Duration: n/a
  • Damage: +10 HP
  • Resist: Alertness
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Physical Attack

The Fury with this talent can fire her claws from her fingers like deadly darts, turning them into a ranged weapon as opposed to a melee or brawl strike. She is incapable of using claw attacks with that hand until her claws regenerate, (two turns). A wasp-spirit teaches this Gift.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll to aim and attack from a distance of no more than 20 yards/18 meters. 

If the Target fails to defend, Wasp Talons does +10HP of Damage as all five claws strike in a neat 3-inch/8cm grouping. 

NOTE: This Gift  has a two-turn cooldown per hand to allow the claws to regenerate.

: RANK 5 BLACK FURY - Song of the Siren (Mental Attack)

  • Base Roll: 90
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Primal Urge, Occult
  • Duration: n/a
  • Damage: 0
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Attack

The sound of the Garou’s hypnotic voice can entrance anyone who hears it. Typically, the Garou sings or howls while using this Gift, although some modern Furies have taken to poetry recital. This Gift can make an opponent pause before a fight but can rarely stop a heated combat already in progress. A songbird-spirit teaches this Gift.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. If the Targets within a 20mx20m area fail to resist, they cannot perform any actions for three full turns. However, if the Target is attacked, the spell is broken and they can defend, and attack on their next turn. The Targets will not respond or pay any attention to anything going on around them, but simply stand in place in an unblinking trance.

: RANK 5 BLACK FURY - Storm of Mother's Wrath (Physical Attack)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Mental Skill, Occult
  • Duration: n/a
  • Damage: 0
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Physical Defense

When the Black Furies take up arms to destroy an enemy of Gaia, they are like unto a force of nature. The Fury wielding this Gift causes a fearful dark hailstorm to erupt, even out of a clear sky; however the Black Furies are not inconvenienced by the storm and can move around and fight in it without difficulty.

Signs of such a hailstorm in the area tend to be a red flag to Wyrm-creatures, who know that a pack of Furies must be involved in a desperate fight; they may move to join in, or they may wait in ambush outside of the storm. A Mammatus, a Wyld-spirit of the air, teaches this Gift.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The storm has a 100-meter diameter and a duration of one turn per every level of the Black Fury's level of Occult. (For example, a Fury with level 3 Occult will create a storm that lasts for 3 turns.) 

Any physical being caught within the storm – humans, Garou, Formori, and materialized spirits – suffer:

  • -10 Physical Attack
  • -10 Physical Defense
  • -15 Initiative
  •  Exceptions:
    • All Garou Allies of the Fury using this Gift do not suffer any penalties. 
    • Any non-Garou allies are subject to all penalties.
    • Any being who can "see" without using their physical eyes only suffers half the penalties.

Humans react to the storm as though faced with delirium; most will attempt to flee its fury and seek shelter. The storm cannot be generated indoors or underground, and its effects will not penetrate solid walls (though the pelting hail can and does break glass windows).

NOTE: This Gift can only be used once per scene within the vicinity. 

: RANK 5 BLACK FURY - Wyld Warp (Mental Attack)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult
  • Duration: n/a
  • Damage: 0
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Athletics/Reflexes

A desperate tactic at best, this Gift summons a number of Wyld-spirits. What they do when they arrive is wholly unpredictable. They may run or fly about in a destructive frenzy, tearing the Fury’s foes apart. They may grant the Fury and her packmates temporary increase in Physical Attack, Delivered Damage or Rage, or they might decide to destroy all Weaver-tools in the area. They may even heal the Fury and her allies of any wounds they have suffered. The Fury has no way of knowing, but the effect is usually beneficial. A Wyldling teaches this Gift.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Fury will summon a variable number of Wyldlings, (see Roll Chart) which will benefit the Fury and her allies in unpredictable ways, and alter the situation as the Storyteller sees fit.

Roll Chart:

1-10: BOTCH! You've successfully summoned a few Wyld spirits, but they have not come to help out you or your allies in any way. (Storyteller's discretion.)

11-69: No Wyld Spirits answer your call, or they simply are not in your area at the moment.

70-80: 3 helpful Wyld Spirits answer your call.

81-85: 4 helpful Wyld Spirits answer your call.

86-90: 5 helpful Wyld Spirits answer your call.

91-95: 6 helpful Wyld Spirits answer your call.

96-99: 7 helpful Wyld Spirits answer your call.

100+: 5 Elder Wyld Spirits answer your call. They not only bestow two beneficial endowments on you and your team, they also fight your enemies and defend you.

NOTE: For more information on Wyld and Elder Wyld Spirits (aka Wyldlings), CLICK HERE.

: RANK 6 BLACK FURY - Medusa's Blood (Mental Attack)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult
  • Duration: n/a
  • Damage: 0
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Athletics/Reflexes

From Medusa's Blood sprang the Fury's Totem Spirit, the beautiful winged horse Pegasus. But it also spawned its brother Chyrysaor, a giant raging winged boar with large golden tusks. Using this Gift, when a Fury is injured in battle by an enemy and her blood hits the ground, Chyrysaor rises from the pool of blood to join her in battle.

Before a battle has begun, the Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. It must be initiated before any combat begins and will last until the Fury's blood is spilled, or until the end of the scene. 

The Player who's Character summoned Chyrysaor by her battle wound dripping on the ground, directs the boar's attack and actions, rolling for it's successes. Once the boar is defeated, its remains become dust and returns to the Earth. 

Chyrysaor's Stats:

    • Health Points: 125
    • Initiative: +15 Mod
    • Physical Defense: +15 Mod
    • Attacks: 2 Attacks per turn (Unmodified Rolls)
      • Trample:
        • DIF: 60
        • Damage: 5 HP
      • Tusk Gore: 
        • DIF: 60
        • Damage: 5 HP
      • Trample & Gore: 
        • DIF: 70
        • Damage: 15 HP (This takes two turns and can only be used on a single foe.)
    • Movement: The winged boar may attack any foe on the field, no movement penalties.

: RANK 6 BLACK FURY - Walk With Hades (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 110
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult, Primal Urge, Mental Skill
  • Duration: n/a
  • Damage: 0
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Mental Skill

Persephone taught a number of favored Black Furies the secret roads into the land of the dead; these secrets have been passed down by Persephone’s servitor spirits and elder Garou to the present day. Technically, use of this Gift violates one of Gaia’s laws – “The living live, and the dead remain dead.” But since it is only used by the most ancient and respected Black Furies, and even then only in the most extreme circumstances, few punishments have come down onto those forced to use it.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Fury then steps sideways into the lands of the dead, entering the Dark Umbra rather than the Penumbra. She can remain there for only a single day (24 real-life hours), after which she must cross back to the mortal realm (rolling to step sideways as usual) or risk eternal capture in the ghost-world. 

If the character takes more than 24 hours to return, the Gauntlet difficulty increases by -10 Mod for every 2 hours the Fury remains past the deadline. After 10 hours in the Dark Umbra past her deadline, the Fury is trapped. Her body dies (see Death and Murder in Dominions of Darkness in the Player's Rules) and she will remain as a ghost. She will not become an ancestor-spirit.

In the Dark Umbra, the dead lurk near places, people, and things that were important to them in life, and they are creatures of almost pure emotion in death. They are still coherent, thinking beings, but are occasionally possessed of a terrible hate and fury toward the living, and may attack without provocation.

When not so enraged, they do have most of their memories of life, and are likely to be willing to answer the Fury’s questions if the two were friendly in life. This scene must be roleplayed out with a Storyteller. 

Note: Normal Stepping Sideways, DIF: 70; Mod: Mental Skill

: RANK 6 BLACK FURY - Spirit Loan (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 65
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult
  • Duration: n/a
  • Damage: 0
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Athletics/Reflexes

This Gift allows the Black Fury to temporarily "loan" one of her other Gifts to another Garou for a term of one OOC day. While the Gift is loaned out, the Black Fury will no longer have access to it's use. During this time, the Black Fury may feel a less strong connection with Gaia, but will suffer no other ill effects. This Gift is taught by a Hen Spirit.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Fury must designate the Target of the Gift and call the Gift by name aloud. The recipient must willingly accept the loan of the Gift or it will not work. 

If all criteria are met, the Gift is successfully loaned to another Garou for one full real-life day. When that time is up (or if either the lender or receiver dies) the Gift returns to the lender. While the Gift has been lent out, the lender has no access to it and for all intents and purposes does not know it. The recipient uses the Gift as though she had learned it herself from the appropriate spirit.

A Black Fury can only lend one Gift out at a time, although there is no limit to the number of “loaned” Gifts a person may receive at any one time. The Fury may loan out Gifts that ordinarily cannot be taught (for instance, she might loan a non-Black Fury Garou the Amazons of Diana’s True Shot Gift, though if her tribemates discover her “indiscretion,” the social consequences might be dire. 

NOTE: A Fury cannot use Spirit Loan to lend out Spirit Loan. 

: RANK 6 BLACK FURY - Gorgon's Gaze (Physical Attack)

  • Base Roll: 90
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Occult, Primal Urge
  • Duration: n/a
  • Damage: 0
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Athletics/Reflexes

This hideous power of legend can turn living flesh into stone with but a gaze. Victims who make eye contact with the user of this Gift find themselves changed into statues where they stand. This Gift is a closely guarded secret, not to be shared with the other tribes. Rumors persist that elder Black Furies can make the effect permanent. Difficult to find and even more dangerous to approach, the legendary Basilisk-spirit can teach this Gift.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Black Fury makes eye contact with the target. If the Target fails to resist, he/she/they remains turned to stone for the number of turns equal to the Fury's level of Occult. (For example, 3 points in Occult equals 3 turns the target remains as a stone statue.)


  • If the Black Fury's Player botches the roll (natural 1-10), then the ally closest to her turns to stone for 5 turns, no resist. If more than one ally is equal distance to the Black Fury who botches this Gift, all will turn to stone for 5 turns.
  • If a Player-Character Target botches the roll, he/she/they will remain a stone statue for the duration of the scene.
  • If an NPC Target botches his roll, the NPC will permanently become a stone statue.