6 min read

We Silver Fangs claim the Death Wolf as our ancestor, for his blood is stronger in our veins than in any other bloodline. The purity of our fur shows this. We also follow his example to lead and act where others shirk their duties. Remember, no other animal would act to save Gaia at the risk of its own life - except for Wolf. If for no other reason, this sacrifice alone would allow the Silver Fangs to rule over all other wolves. - Tribebook: Silver Fangs (Revised)

The Silver Fangs are first among the tribes, as they are quick to point out. Descendants of great heroes and monarchs, every one, the tribe of Falcon claims the role of leadership of the Garou Nation. They trace their bloodline back to the Progenitor Wolf, a genealogy of the noblest human blood and the finest wolf ancestors. Through the ages, they have been at the forefront of the war, the proudest and most magnificent Garou — and to hear the Silver Fangs tell it, that is still true.


Other tribes have their doubts, though. Some charge that the Silver Fang’s obsession with pure blood has brought them to inbreeding, and their once-clear minds have grown feeble and clouded through the generations. Weak kings demand respect for the deeds of their ancestors, not their own. Mad leaders care more for the details of their courtly traditions than for the war against the Wyrm. Far too many fall to Harano for them to be a healthy tribe.

Both viewpoints have some truth to them. The Silver Fangs do indeed descend from great heroes, and they have also suffered from their preference for aristocratic Kinfolk over healthy and intelligent Kin. Many are as bad as their critics claim, but some still shine with the light of old heroism. In some ways, they are exactly the exemplars of the Garou they claim to be — the strengths and the afflictions of the Garou Nation are reflected in the story of the Silver Fangs. 

From their First Change, the Silver Fangs learn that they are meant to rule — not that it is their destiny, or their right, but their purpose. The best of them interpret this mandate as a form of noblesse oblige: that they must lead by example in peace and in war. The worst seize upon it as justification for tyranny. Their aristocratic Kinfolk families raise their children with a sense of being “above the rest.” Their lupus Kin, of course, have no real sense of nobility per se. But the Fangs carefully protect them with the fullness of their resources, so many Silver Fang lupus still enjoy a more privileged youth than do the wolf-born of other tribes. Metis are treated somewhat paradoxically: on the one hand they are signs of impurity that impugn the famous Silver Fang pride, but on the other, metis with two Fang parents have arguably some of the purest blood in the Nation. A metis may never be king, but he may still receive some respect for his forebears (if not for his parents’ shame). 

Silver Fang society borrows a few “regal” traditions that are not seen in other tribes. They organize into Houses first and camps second, and their territories (or “protectorates”) are ruled by kings — traditionally Ahroun. They divide their courts into two lodges: the Lodge of the Sun deals with material and worldly matters, while the Lodge of the Moon focuses on spirituality and issues concerning the wolf lines. Their moots are remarkably convoluted, hinging on baroque rituals of etiquette that would scarcely be tolerated by any other tribe. 

As the Apocalypse unfurls, the role of the Silver Fangs is deeply controversial. Many Garou uphold tradition by acknowledging the Fangs as still worthy of leadership. Others treat them as figureheads to be openly respected and then quietly ignored when necessary. Still others chafe to be rid of them, the Shadow Lords most of all. 

But the Silver Fangs have yet to fall completely. The charisma of their forebears is still strong in the tribe; those that are willing to reach out to the other tribes are surprisingly adept at rallying septs to unite for war. Time will tell if these last vestiges of true nobility will be enough to keep the tribe, and by extension the Garou Nation unified, or if the Silver Fangs have been tarnished and blunted too long.


Silver Fangs are of aristocratic human stock, and tend to have strong family resemblances within their bloodlines. Their wolf forms have clean silver or white coats, long jaws and full tail brushes. They are fond of jewelry and ornately worked equipment as a sign of their status. In human form, they are fair of complexion and tend toward white to blond hair. Blue eyes are prevalent, but green are also not uncommon.


Silver Fangs are very concerned with the genealogy of their Kinfolk, keeping extensive records about the bloodlines of their human relatives. Their human Kin come from noble blood, though not necessarily wealthy. Their wolf Kin obviously have no equivalent, but the Fangs still carefully protect their wolf cousins on tribal preserves. 

Their Apex Kinfolk are known as Princeps. Each is celebrated at birth, protected, sheltered, and guarded. Princeps are natural leaders in the human world, educated in only the most prestigious universities. Their natural charisma and social skills have led them to presidencies, monarchies, and marriages in the most powerful countries on Earth. Often a particularly advantageous birth will be assigned a Garou guardian to watch over them and protect the Apex to ensure their line, and influence at the top levels of society, continues. Many times a metis will volunteer for the task.

The Silver Fangs had their origins in the lands that are now Russia, and today they claim septs in the most desirable territories around the world, often commandeered from other tribes. And they will not hesitate to rescue territories from Black Spiral Dancers or lands where the Wyrm has driven out other tribes. These lands they keep them for themselves, no matter which tribe it previously belonged to before it had fallen to the Wyrm.

◎◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 Silver Fangs - Form Mastery (Physical Skill)

  • Base Roll: 0
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 0
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Passive
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects:
    • +1 Physical Skill

This Gift empowers the Wyld spark that resides in all Garou, granting the character greater control over her shapeshifting abilities. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.

This Passive ability allows the Player to spend 4 Rage Points and transform instantly to any of their forms. This Gift’s effects are permanent, requiring no roll or use of Energy/Gnosis points. As long as the Garou has 4 Rage Points available to spend, he/she/they can instantly shift to any of their forms. This action takes one action.

◎◎◎: RANK 4 Silver Fangs - Submit (Mental Attack)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Primal Urge, Mental Attack
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: None
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +1 Physical Defense

Both the Philodox and Silver Fangs have by nature a commanding presence that compels others who are lower in level to them to submit to their authority. By succeeding in a test of wills, they dominate their opponents. When used on humans, they will fall to their knees. Wolves will roll over on their backs and belly to them. Garou will take a knee with their eyes lowered. The cowed opponent can take no action against the user of this Gift other than submission, unless he is in direct danger. A Lion or Wolf Spirit teaches this gift.

The Player must spend a point of Gnosis and roll successfully against his opponent twice to force him into submission. If either roll fails against the opponent's roll, the opponent will have successfully refused to submit. This Gift cannot be used once combat has started and will have no effect on anyone who is higher in Level than the Garou using this Gift. The only exception to this are humans.