5 min read

They are the most fearsome tribe of werewolves on the battlefield, the warrior tribe of a warrior race. They hold no virtue higher than strength, and no tribe can claim to be stronger. They are ferocious, cunning and bold. And they are also, perhaps, Gaia's last hope - because nobody else is courageous enough to make the sacrifices that they may yet have to make. They are the sons and daughters of the Apocalypse-Wolf. They are the Get of Fenris. - Tribebook: Get of Fenris (Revised)

Even among a race of warriors, the Get of Fenris are the most warlike. The Fenrir, as they’re also known, value a glorious death over a peaceful old age. They wear their scars with pride, howl the glory of their victories, and revel in the fear that they spread among the minions of the Wyrm. To the Get, compassion is a luxury, not a virtue — the greatest virtues are valor and strength. 


The Fenrir have their origins in Europe, where they once called Germanic tribes and Nordic raiders Kin. Yet even the most brutal and violent sagas of the regions pale before the lore of the Get. Their Galliards (or skalds) joyously recount grim tales of bloody death against impossible odds, of the eternal glory tobe found on the battlefield. They have told stories of Ragnarok, of the Apocalypse, for millennia — and they are ready for it.

Blood alone doesn’t make a Get of Fenris. A cub could have the finest Pure Breed, but if he can’t make it through the bloody tribal Rite of Passage, he’s of no use to the Fenrir. Some cubs don’t even survive that first test. Harsh as it is, the Rite of Passage reflects the grim and fatalistic nature of life among the Get. The battles against the Wyrm will be no gentler,— and the Fenrir never run from battle. Every child of Great Fenris, no matter his or her auspice, must be ready to die gloriously for the Mother. This creed often seems contradictory to lupus cubs, who are used to survival as the first and most pressing mandate. Luckily, enough wolf-born find their Rage that the Get haven’t fallen too far behind in their ratio of homid-to-lupus members.

To make matters worse, many Get of Fenris embrace very elitist attitudes not just to strength and valor, but even to sex and ethnicity. This has been a source of internal conflict within the tribe for many years. Although modern Get are less prone to outright racism and sexism, the old prejudices against weakness run deep and take many forms. These haven’t done the tribe’s reputation among the rest of the Garou Nation any favors. 

Although it’s not easy for outsiders to see, the Fenrir do possess admirable virtues beyond their courage. There are long-standing traditions of females doing as well as males in many Get septs— they frequently have to work very hard to earn respect, but this struggle is part of what earns them their status. Metis can excel as well, if their deformities don’t impede their actual strength — one who’s ugly as sin and has a terrible speech impediment will still earn much glory if he can fight to the tribe’s exacting standards. 

At every level, tribe society idealizes strength above all. Wisdom and cunning are valued, but as a complement to might, not a substitute. Fenrir leaders, or jarls, must earn their position through grueling physical trials, and be prepared to hold them in the same way. Tribal moots are full-moon affairs, beginning with a vicious gauntlet-running to determine who’s worthy to participate in the rites of the tribe. Rites of Renown entail bloody runes carved into werewolf hide; even mystical rites dealing with spirits involve ritualized combat between rite-master and spirit as often as not. Even their belief in an afterlife reflects the concept of Valhalla, a grand battlefield awaiting its heroes.

And for all their faults, the Get of Fenris produce many heroes. Their creed of strength is simple, but not simplistic — it teaches many Fenrir to master their Rage, to serve as examples of courage to the rest of the Nation, and to win battles that others would lose or abandon. They are remarkably loyal to those who earn their respect, and their harsh standards encourage other Garou to fight harder if they want to keep the Fenrir’s allegiance. With the Apocalypse at hand, no tribe is more ready to tear the Wyrm apart regardless of the cost. 


Strong Fenrir blood manifests itself as huge gray wolf forms with broad shoulders and vicious flesh-rending jaws. There are precious few Get whose hides have not been marked with scars and tattoos. Some even brand their fur or ceremonially carve runes into their flesh. 


The Get of Fenris claim their oldest homelands in Europe, ranging from Scandinavia to Germany. They have followed their original Kin throughout many lands, and adopted new bloodlines wherever the local human population produced strong children. Many Get also care very deeply for their Kinfolk, taking family ties exceptionally seriously. Their Apex Kinfolk are considered the physical standard for the rest of humanity. Strong of body and skilled at the forge, they are capable of forging weapons of silver and inscribing Elder Runes on both metal and flesh. However, this has created a double standard for normal Kin, of course: their werewolf relatives hold them to brutally high standards, but also defend them with great passion.

They favor rural territories, particularly where the weather is harsh, and are involved in more territorial conflicts than any other tribe. Their largest protectorates are in the Black Forest of Germany and the wilderness of Scandinavia.


◎◎◎◎◎: RANK 1 GET OF FENRIS - Resist Pain (Buff)

  • Base Roll: 11
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: None
  • Duration: Scene
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Physical Skill
    • +2 Mental Defense

Through force of will, the Garou is able to ignore the pain of his wounds and continue acting normally. A bear-spirit teaches this Gift.

The Player spends 2 Points of Energy/Gnosis and makes a successful roll. The Character may ignore all wound penalties for the rest of the scene.

NOTE: A botched roll (rolling a natural 1-10) has the Garou incapacitated and prone on the ground writhing in pain for three turns.

◎◎◎: RANK 2 GET OF FENRIS - Heightened Prey Sense (Physical Skill)

  • Base Roll: 0
  • Energy/Gnosis Cost: 0
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Passive
  • Duration: Passive
  • Resist: n/a
  • Permanent Affects: None


If the Garou knows anything about his prey, he can track it down as fast as he is capable of moving. This includes personally knowing what his prey looks like, or smells like, or knows something of the preys habits, territory and name. This goes for both physical beings as well as spirit tracking through the Umbra. A wolf or blood hound spirit teaches this gift.

Passive ability. No roll or Gnosis points required. This ability is always active. The Garou will be able to successfully track his/her/their prey unless the target is actively using a ability to mask his/her/their presence or scent, in which case an Alertness roll is made vs. the Target's roll to hide.