88 min read


Source Book Links: Clanbook - Followers of Set, Revised Edition; Vampire The Masquerade, 20th EditionWhite Wolf Fandom


Not all Followers of Set are subtle, forked-tongued seducers. A number of them prefer to walk a more martial path, becoming holy warriors for their god. The Warrior Setites are masters of the Obfuscate Discipline as well as Serpentis – no slinking in the dark for these serpents. They are proud and brutal soldiers for Set, and are perfectly willing to go into battle to back up their more genteel brethren.

Warrior Setites are a specialized branch of the main Clan. Claiming to play the original role of the clan as enforcers of Set, these Warrior Setites act as bodyguards and assassins for the main clan. They are proud and brutal soldiers for Set, and are perfectly willing to go into battle to back up their subtler brethren.

Their rolls can also include acting as enforcers, holy warriors, and even martyrs for the rest of the line, although thinking of them as mindless brutes is a mistake. A Warrior Setite is still very much a Setite, and quite capable of leading others into all sorts of temptation. They just have the strength to make their points much more forcefully when necessary.

Warriors By Training
The Warrior Setite line is interesting in that it is not passed down by the Embrace. A mortal Embraced by a warrior Setite becomes a "normal" member of the line (that is, learning Obfuscate as a Clan Discipline) unless trained as a warrior. The line is therefore an example of how training and ideology can change the basic makeup of a vampire's clan.

Warrior Setites generally Embrace passionate ideologues. The ideology that they espouse is not important. A fanatical Christian's fervor can be turned to Set as easily as the zeal of a pro-union rabble rouser, given the right amount of Kindred vitae and religious revelations from Set. 

The Warrior Setites' Path of Enlightenment
Some Setites speak of a special Path of Enlightenment for Warrior Setites, but most modern Serpents regard this Path as a mere attitude or approach to the Path of Typhon Set, without the depth and detail to qualify as a Path of its own. Many Warrior Setites actually follow Humanity: they justify their killings through religious devotion. 

A few Warrior Setites follow the Path of Honorable Accord, and seek to spread this Path through their bloodline. Would-be Warrior Setites labor to develop Potence at the expense of Obfuscate. The progeny of such Setites, themselves trained in warrior ways, become Warrior Setites by blood and pass their affinity for Potence to their own childer. On the other hand, a Warrior Setite childe not trained in martial ways may become a normal Setite (this would be the Player's choice for his Embraced character).

Warriors of Set

Nickname: Serpents, Vipers

Sect: Setite clan mythology holds that all Warrior Setites descend from Set’s childe, Wepwawet. This is not literally true, but rather a statement of an ideal.

Appearance: Setite Warriors can be of any gender and traditionally hail from Egypt, the Middle East and the African nations surrounding these areas. However modern Setites can, and are, of any nationality due to the Setites' pension for converting others to their religion.

Embrace: Naturally, Setites look to the human population that values strength, cunning and talent in martial abilities as their pool of prospective childer. Would-be Warrior Setites labor to develop Potence at the expense of Obfuscate. The progeny of such Setites, themselves trained in warrior ways, become Warrior Setites by blood and pass their affinity for Potence to their own childer. On the other hand, a Warrior Setite childe not trained in martial ways may become a normal Setite and gain Obfuscate instead of Potence. When a Player's Character is Embraced by a Warrior Setite, the Player may choose whether to follow the way of the Warrior and take Potence as a skill, or select Obfuscate and become a Priest or follower of Set.

Haven: Setite Warriors can be found in many types of havens, from underground fight clubs and gyms, to establishments of vice and addiction. Most do not go too far from their established temples, whether these places are hidden or in plain sight.

Background: Setite clan mythology holds that all Warrior Setites descend from Set’s childe, Wepwawet. This is not literally true, but rather a statement of an ideal. In fact, Warrior Setites are simply Serpents who choose to emphasize their divine forebear’s martial aspects and fight their clan’s enemies.



Kindred endowed with Potence possess unnatural strength. This Discipline enables vampire to leap massive distances, lift tremendous weights, and strike opponents with brutal force. Even low ranks of this power can give Kindred physical power beyond mortal bounds. More powerful Kindred can leap so far that they appear to be flying, toss cars like soda cans, and punch through walls like cardboard. 

While the more subtle mental Disciplines can be awe-inspiring, the brutal effectiveness of Potence is formidable in its own right. The Brujah, Giovanni, Lasombra, and Nosferatu are naturally gifted with this Discipline, but members of other Clans often make a point to find someone who can teach them the awesome power of Potence.

Each dot that the vampire has in Potence adds +5 in Physical Attack and to all Strength-related rolls. Further, Potence adds modifiers in melee and brawling combat.

: Potence


  • Permanent: Adds +5 Physical Attack

: Potence 2   


  • Permanent: Adds +5 Physical Attack

: Potence 3   


  • Permanent: Adds +5 Physical Attack

: Potence 4   


  • Permanent: Adds +5 Physical Attack

: Potence 5   


  • Permanent: Adds +5 Physical Attack

: Potence 6 - Crush (Attack) 

Base Roll: 85
Mod: Physical Attack, Physical Skill
Energy/Blood Cost: 3 pts.

Damage: 3
Duration: Lasts for the length of a scene

  • Permanent: Adds +5 Physical Attack

A vampire with extensive knowledge of Potence can squeeze very, very hard. As a matter of fact, she can squeeze (or crush, squeeze or push) so hard that she can leave an imprint of her fingers or hand in any hard surface up to and including solid steel. A use of Crush can simply serve as a threat, or it can be used, for example, to dig hand holds into sheer surfaces for purposes of climbing, crush steel bars or twist them like a pretzel.

The Player spends three points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll.  The power remains active for the duration of a scene. The depth of the imprint the vampire creates with Imprint is up to the Storyteller — decisions should take into account how much force the vampire can bring to bear, the toughness of the material, and its thickness. If the object the vampire grasps is thin enough, at the Storyteller’s discretion, the vampire might simply be able to push through it (in the case of a wall) or tear it off (in the case of a spear or pipe).

NOTE: Can only be used against NPCs and inanimate objects.

: Potence 7 - Earthshock (AOE)

Base Roll: 90
Mod: Physical Attack 
Energy/Blood Cost: 4 pts.

Def: 80+, Mod Athletics/Reflexes
Damage: 2
Area of Effect: 5 Meter Circumference (16.5 feet)
Affects: 0

According to some, Potence is merely the art of hitting something very hard. But what do you do when your target is too far away to hit directly? The answer is, if you’re sufficiently talented with the Discipline, to employ Earthshock. 

On its simplest level, Earthshock is the ability to hit the ground at point A, and subsequently have the force of the blow emerge from the ground at point B.

The Player spends 4 Energy/Blood points and makes a successful roll. The Player's Character then punches or stamps on the ground. The force of the blow emerges from the ground as a geyser of stone and earth directly underneath the target. 

The attack can be dodged at a +2 difficulty. Earthshock’s range is 10 feet or three meters for everylevel of Potence the vampire has, up to the limits of visibility. 

A failed roll roll (11-79) means that the strike goes errant and is liable to explode anywhere within range. A Botch (1-10) means that the vampire pulverizes the ground beneath him and may well bury himself in the process.

Potence 8-Flick (Attack)

Base Roll: 90
Mod: Physical Attack, Physical Skill, Athletics/Reflexes
Energy/Blood Cost: 10 pts.

Def: 80, Mod Athletics/Reflexes
Damage: 10
Range: 20 Meters (Chat Range)
Permanent Affects: 

  • +10 Physical Attack

It is a truism that “the great ones always make it look easy.” In the case of Flick, that saying stops being a truism and becomes literal truth. With this power, a master of Potence can make the slightest gesture — a wave, a snap of the fingers, the toss of a ball — and have it unleash the full, devastating impact of a deadon strike. 

The attack can come without warning, limiting the target’s ability to dodge or anticipate. This makes Flick one of the most feared applications of Potence.

The Player spends 10 pts. of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. If the Target fails to defend, they suffer 10 pts. or damage.

To execute, the vampire must also make some sort of gesture directing the blow. The Target does not have to be aware of or make eye contact with the vampire. What the gesture is remains up to the Player — anything from a snap of the fingers or blowing a kiss, to flicking a toothpick or throwing a spoon.


Presence is the Discipline of emotional manipulation. Vampires with this power can inspire passionate fervor or unreasoning terror in mortals and Kindred alike. In addition, unlike most Disciplines, some of Presence’s powers can be used on entire crowds at onetime. 

Presence can transcend race, religion, gender, class, and (most importantly) supernatural nature. As such, this subtle power is one of the most useful Disciplines a vampire can possess. Anyone can attempt to resist the affects of Presence with a roll modified by their own Willpower, but affected individuals will succumb to the Vampire's charms until they are no longer in the presence of the vampire (or, in the case of Summon, until the effect wears off). 

The major drawback of Presence is that it typically controls only the emotions. It causes others to feel a certain way toward the vampire, but does not give her outright control over them. While people weigh strongly the orders that the vampire declares, their minds are still their own. Though Presence can be resisted through force of will, most do not realize when it is being used upon them. 

Suicidal or ridiculous directives don’t sound any more sensible just because the person giving them is unusually fascinating. Still, inspired eloquence or significant wealth used in combination with this Discipline can enable the vampire to urge others along a desired course.

Followers of Set, Toreador, and the Ventrue clans are all adept in this subtle Discipline. The Ventrue are arguably the most skilled with its application, however this is mostly due to their ability to use a combination of both Presence and Dominate.

: Presence 1 - Awe (Buff)   

Base Roll: 50
Mod: Willpower
Energy/Blood Cost: 1 pts.

Damage: 0


  • Permanent: Adds +5 Mental Attack


Those near the vampire suddenly desire to be closer to her and become receptive to her point of view. Awe is extremely useful for mass communication. It matters little what is said — the hearts of those affected lean toward the vampire’s opinion. The weak want to agree with her; even if the strong-willed resist, they soon find themselves outnumbered. 

Awe can turn a chancy deliberation into a certain resolution in the vampire’s favor almost before her opponents know that the tide has turned. Despite the intensity of this attraction, those so smitten do not lose their sense of self-preservation. Danger breaks the spell of fascination, as does leaving the area. Those subject to Awe will remember how they felt in the vampire’s presence, however. This will influence their reactions should they ever encounter her again.

The Player spends one Energy/Blood point and makes a successful roll, modified by Willpower. The higher the Player rolls, the greater number of people within a 10 meter radius will be affected (see Roll Chart below).

If there are more people present than the character can influence, Awe affects those with lower Willpower ratings first. The power stays in effect for the remainder of the scene or until the character chooses to drop it.

Roll Chart:

1-10: Botch! Awe turns to distaste and avoidance of the Vampire for the duration of the scene.

11-49: No effect.

50-59: One person.

60-69: Two People

70-79: Six people

80-89: 20 people

90-100+: Everyone within a 20 meter radius (chat range)

Affects of Awe

Those affected can roll to beat the Player's roll, modified by their own Willpower to overcome the influence of Awe. A successful roll will free them from the influence, but otherwise will not make them aware of the use of the influence itself. They may, however, be puzzled why others are so enthralled. They remain unaffected by an individual Vampire for the rest of the scene, even if the Vampire uses Awe again (for example, new people enter the scene and the Vampire wishes to subject them to Awe as well.)

Those who fail their roll will be under the influence of Awe for the duration of the scene, or for as long as they remain in the same area as the vampire.

: Presence 2 - Dread Gaze (Buff)   

Base Roll: 55 (does 12 points of damage at 70+)
Mod: Mental Attack
Energy/Blood Cost: 4 pts.

Damage: 15

Resist: Mental Defense


While all Kindred can frighten others by physically revealing their true vampiric natures (baring claws and fangs, glaring with malevolence, hissing loudly with malice) this power focuses these elements to insanely-terrifying levels. 

Dread Gaze engenders unbearable terror in its victim, stupefying him into madness, immobility, or reckless flight. Even the most stalwart individual will fall back from the vampire’s horrific visage.

The Player spends 4 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. If the Target fails his defense roll, he responds according to the intensity of the Vampire's fierceness (determined by the roll chart below):

Roll Chart:

1-10: Botch! You might as well be wearing plastic Halloween fangs. The subject is not impressed and reacts either with amusement or cynical disgust. The Target is also now immune to your further attempts for the duration of the scene.

11-54: No effect, though the Target may be startled by your attempt but certainly not frightened.

55-69: The victim is cowed and intimidated by you. If you are attempting to persuade them to a particular action, they will obey if it is not a complex or difficult task. Though as soon as they are out of your sight, they may choose to ignore your requests.

70-85: The victim suffers 12 points of damage and runs away in abject fear. Targets who have no place to run will claw at the walls in a futile attempt to escape. He is so shaken and terrified that he curls up on the ground and weeps.

96+: The victim will be so terrified they will pass out. Upon awakening, they will have no memory of having seen the Vampire. The mind, in self-preservation, will have wiped the entire scene from recent events.

NOTE: The Player's Character may attempt Dread Gaze once per turn against a single Target, unless any of their attempts at using this skill against an individual is a Botch.

: Presence 3 - Entrancement (Mental Skill)   

Base Roll: 65
Mod: Mental Attack
Energy/Blood Cost: 4 pts.

Damage: 10

Resist: Mental Defense


This power bends the emotions of others, making them the vampire’s willing servants. Due to what these individuals see as true and enduring devotion, they heed the vampire’s every desire. Since this is done willingly, instead of having their wills sapped, these servants retain their creativity and individuality.

While these obedient minions are more personable and spirited than the mind-slaves created by Dominate, they’re also somewhat unpredictable. Further, since Entrancement is of a temporary duration, dealing with a lapsed servant can be troublesome. A wise Kindred either disposes of those she Entrances after they serve their usefulness, or binds them more securely by a blood bond (made much easier by the minion’s willingness to serve).

System: The Player identifies the intended Target, spends 4 Energy/Blood points and makes a successful roll. If the Target fails to defend, he/she/they will suffer 10 pts of damage attempting to resist the Vampire and succumb to the Entrancement. A failed resist also incurs 5 points of damage to the Target. How long the subject is Entranced is determined by the Player's roll, (See Roll Chart Below). 

  •      NOTE: If the Target Botches their defense roll (rolling a natural 1-10), they will automatically be Entranced for one real-time Week.

The vampire may try to keep the subject under her thrall, but can do so only after the initial Entrancement wears off. Attempting this power a second time while Entrancement is already in operation has no further effect. 

Roll Chart:

1-10: Botch! The Target cannot be entranced for the duration of the scene.

11-64: No effect.

65-70: The Target is Entranced for one hour.

71-80: The Target is Entranced for one full scene.

81-90: The  Target is Entranced for one Day

91-99: The Target is Entranced for one Week

100+: The Target is Entranced for one Month

: Presence 4 - Summons (Mental Skill)   

Base Roll: 70
Mod: Mental Attack
Energy/Blood Cost: 6 pts.

Damage: 10 pts.

Resist: Willpower, Mental Defense


This impressive power enables the vampire to forcefully call to herself any person whom she has ever met. This call can go to anyone, mortal or supernatural, across any distance within the physical world. The subject of the Summons comes as fast as he is able, possibly without even knowing why. He knows intuitively how to find his Summoner — even if the vampire moves to a new location, the subject redirects his own course as soon as he can. After all, he’s coming to the vampire herself, not to some predetermined site.

This power forces the Target to drop what they are doing and come to the Vampire. The Target will incur damage/injury as they continually fight this urge but are unable to do so.

Although this power allows the vampire to call someone across a staggering distance, it is most useful when used locally. Even if the desired person books the next available flight, getting to Kyoto from Milwaukee can still take far longer than the vampire needs. Obviously, the individual’s financial resources are a factor; if he doesn’t have the money to travel quickly, it will take him a far greater time to get there.

The subject thinks mainly of reaching the vampire, but does not neglect his own well-being. This is less of a consideration if he only has to cross a room, unless he must get through a gang of gun-wielding punks to do so. The individual retains his survival instincts, and while he won’t shirk physical violence to reach the vampire’s side, he won’t subject himself to suicidal situations.

The Summoning dissipates at dawn. Still, as long as the Target is physically capable he/she/they will do everything within their power to arrive at the Vampire's side — as long as nothing happens to him along the way, of course.

The Player spends 6 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. If the Target fails their roll, they suffer 10 points of damage to do whatever it takes (within reason) to go to wherever the Vampire is. The higher the vampire's Player's roll, the faster the subject will travel.

Roll Chart:

1-10: Botch! The Target cannot be summed by the Vampire for a full OOC week.

11-69: Failure - the Target for some reason cannot be summoned by the Vampire for the duration of the scene.

70-79: The Target reluctantly is summoned and is easily detained by obstacles.

80-89: The Target immediately makes his way to the Vampire and makes an effort to overcome obstacles.

90-99: The Target is summoned and makes great haste. He will also make every conceivable effort to overcome obstacles.

100+: The subject rushes to be at the vampire's side and will do anything and everything to get there; even risking his own life to do so.

: Presence 5 - Majesty (Area of Effect)   

Base Roll: 70
Mod: Mental Attack
Energy/Blood Cost: 10 pts.

Damage: 0

Resist: Willpower
AOE: 10 Meters
Duration: One Scene


At this stage, the vampire can augment her supernatural mien a thousandfold. The attractive become paralyzingly beautiful; the homely become hideously twisted. Majesty inspires universal respect, devotion, fear — or all those emotions at once — in those around the vampire. The weak scramble to obey her every whim, and even the most dauntless find it almost impossible to deny her.

People affected find the vampire so formidable that they dare not risk her displeasure. Raising their voices to her is difficult; raising a hand against her is unthinkable. Those few who shake off the vampire’s potent mystique enough to oppose her are shouted down by the many under her thrall, before the immortal need even respond.

Under Majesty’s influence, hearts break, power trembles, and the bold shake. Wise Kindred use this power with caution against mortal and immortal alike. While Majesty can cow influential politicians and venerable Primogen, the vampire must be careful that doing so doesn’t come back to haunt her. After all, a dignitary brought low before others loses his usefulness quickly, while a humiliated Kindred has centuries to plan revenge.

The Player spends 10 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. If the targets within a 10 meter radius choose to do so, they may roll to defend. If they make their defense roll, the Target may act normally for the moment, although he may feel a sense of discomfort though he cannot identify its source. 

A Target who fails their defense roll (and those who chose not to defend) goes to absurd lengths to humble himself before the vampire, no matter who else is watching. The effects of Majesty last for one scene.

: Presence 6 - Spark of Rage (Area of Effect)   

Base Roll: 100
Mod: Mental Attack, Mental Skill, Willpower
Energy/Blood Cost: 12 pts.

Damage: 10

Resist: Willpower
AOE: 20 Meters (Chat Range)

  • Affects all those except the Vampire using this skill.

Duration: Those effected will feel the effects for the duration of the scene.
Permanent Affects:

  • +5 Mental attack


A vampire possessing this power can shorten tempers and bring old grudges or arguments s to the surface with a minimum of effort. Spark of Rage causes heated disagreements and fights to erupt, and can even send other Vampires or Garou into frenzy.

Creatively used, this skill can turn dinner parties into bar brawls and have trained soldiers in combat devolve into fist fights among comrades and allies.

The Player spends 12 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. All Players (PC and NPC) must make a roll to resist the effects. Those who successfully roll to resist will be completely unaffected and none the wiser that such influences on them were attempted.

Those who fail their roll to resist will suffer 10 points of damage, plus:

  • Humans will feel the heat of anger rising in their blood. If they are with people they know, any old grudges and arguments will bubble back to the surface. If there are none, they will begin to pick verbal fights with each other over seemingly small things (such as using the wrong fork at dinner, wearing too much perfume, double dipping a tortilla in the salsa, breathing too loudly, etc.)
  • Vampires will act the same as humans, but will need to make a second successful roll vs. their Willpower or succumb to Frenzy. (Dif 70)
  • Garou under this influence must make another successful roll vs. their Willpower (Dif 70) or have an additional three points of Rage added to their Rage Meter. If this puts them at 10 or more points, they will immediately Frenzy.

NOTE: A Botch by the vampire using Spark of Rage sends the invoking character into immediate frenzy.

Any characters who fail their roll and the 10 points of damage completely deplete their Health will fall unconscious and retain 1 HP.

: Presence 7 - Bloodlust (Buff)   

Base Roll: 90
Mod: Mental Skill, Physical Attack
Energy/Blood Cost: 12 pts.

Damage: 10

Resist: Willpower
AOE: 10 Meters (only affects the vampire and the Vampire's group/allies)
Duration: Scene.
Permanent Affects:

  • +5 Physical Defense


When used before or during combat, this skill allows your very presence to whip your allies into a raging horde of Berserkers that jump into battle and are oblivious to their own wounds. 

For the duration of the scene, everyone in the Vampire's group (except the Vampire using this skill) gains the following temporary Buffs for the duration of the scene:

  • +10 Initiative
  • +10 Physical Attack
  • +5 Physical Defense

: Presence 8 - Starmaker (Mental Skill)   

Base Roll: 100
Mod: Mental Skill, Mental Attack, Willpower
Energy/Blood Cost: 16 pts.

Damage: 0

Resist: n/a
AOE: one selected person
Duration: Scene.
Permanent Affects:

  • +5 Physical Attack
  • +5 Physical Defense


This skill takes the form of either a Gift, or a Curse; the intent of which is determined by the Vampire using it, as well as how the Target is attempting to portray himself.

Whether gift or curse, the powerful vampire using this skill has the ability to make or break another simply by wishing it so. The vampire can cast an aura about another person that radiates out from him and effects everyone within a 20 meter radius, and those who see or hear him over electronic media. Affected individuals around the target will treat him as though he is a celebrity and be in awe of him. Or, find everything the Target says or does so hilarious they can barely stop laughing long enough to breathe.

The Player identifies the Target, and the intent of the skill (Awe or Comedy) in Group Chat, then spends 16 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. 

While there is no Resist for the Target to avoid exuding the effects of Starmaker, on his next turn everyone (except the Vampire using this skill) within a 20 meter visual radius must make a roll modified by their Mental Defense (Dif 70) or be under the following influences for the duration of the scene:

  • Awe:
    The target becomes an exceptionally attractive heartthrob, exuding talent and sex appeal. If the Target is giving a performance or speech, those around him are enthralled and cannot take their eyes off of him. Every word has intense meaning and personally speaks to those in the room. If the Target entreats them to a particular action, suggestion or opinion, the audience is eager to believe and/or support him. Even the Target's harshest critics find it impossible to deny or disagree with him.

    For the duration of the scene, the effects are very similar to a mild version of a Vampire's blood bond with the entire room. Anyone not under the Target's influence who raises a hand or word against the target is immediately shouted down and defended by his new admirers. Even after the scene has ended, those who failed their Resist roll will have pleasant memories of the evening and a residual positive impression in reference to the Target. However, any physical damage or harm done during the scene will be remembered during the following day.

  • Comedy:
    The Target is the funniest man alive. Everything he says and does is like watching a one-man comedy show that's so funny it brings tears to the eyes of those in the room. Most of those under the influence of this skill in the room will treat the scene as if they are watching a brilliant improv performance.

    If the Target is speaking on a serious or normally unfunny topic, those in the room will treat it like Satire or comedic sarcasm. If the Target is insulting or critical, they will treat it like a Roast.

    Any important points the Target tries to make will be drowned out in laughter. Those about the Target will only remember how funny the Target was. While nothing the Target says or does will be taken seriously, any physical damage or harm done during the scene will be remembered the following day.

NOTE:  The effects of Starmaker translate across visual electronic media during live performances only. As long as the viewer can hear or see the Target, they will need to roll to resist or also feel the effects.


Serpentis is believed to be the legacy of Set himself, a gift to his children. The Followers of Set are very careful to guard this Discipline’s secrets, only teaching the art to those whom they deem worthy. 

Serpentis has a near religious significance to the Clan, although it is believed to be a variation of the skill Protean. The Setites consider it a gift from their dark god and almost never share it with other vampires, although special followers among the Herd who have demonstrated loyalty or sacrifice on behalf of Set have on occasion earned a blood boon and can be blessed with this dark gift. 

Mastery of Serpentis brings a Setite closer to Set and some advanced users come to disregard their human form, preferring the forms Serpentis can bestow and reacting aggressive to suggestions that they abandon it.

Most vampires fear the Setites because of the powers of Serpentis and its connection to snakes and reptiles; this Discipline can evoke a primordial fear in others, particularly those who recall the tale of Eden.

Serpentis is believed to be the legacy of Set himself, a gift to his children. The Followers of Set are very careful to guard this Discipline’s secrets, only teaching the art to those whom they deem worthy. 

Serpentis has a near religious significance to the Clan, although it is believed to be a variation of the skill Protean. The Setites consider it a gift from their dark god and almost never share it with other vampires, although special followers among the Herd who have demonstrated loyalty or sacrifice on behalf of Set have on occasion earned a blood boon and can be blessed with this dark gift. 

Mastery of Serpentis brings a Setite closer to Set and some advanced users come to disregard their human form, preferring the forms Serpentis can bestow and reacting aggressive to suggestions that they abandon it.

Most vampires fear the Setites because of the powers of Serpentis and its connection to snakes and reptiles; this Discipline can evoke a primordial fear in others, particularly those who recall the tale of Eden.

: Serpentis 1 - Eyes of the Serpent (Attack)   

Base Roll: 40
Mod: none
Energy/Blood Cost: 3 pts.

Resist: Willpower
Damage: 4


  • Permanent: Adds +5 Mental Attack


This power grants the vampire the legendary hypnotic gaze of the serpent. The Kindred’s eyes become gold with large black irises. Any creature who meets the vampire’s beguiling gaze is immobilized and suffers minor damage. Until the Player's Character takes his eyes off his victim, the Target is frozen in place.

The Player spends 3 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. If the Target fail his roll to resist, he suffers 4 points of damage and is immobilized. This power can effect as many people as are making direct eye contact with the Setite. However, it can be avoided if the Target takes care not to look into the vampire’s eyes. 

If the target is attacked or otherwise harmed, the Target(s) can make another Willpower roll to break their gaze.

NOTE: The target must be able to see the Vampire’s eyes for Eyes of the Serpent to work.

: Serpentis 2 - Tongue of the Asp (Physical Skill)   

Base Roll: 50
Mod: none
Energy/Blood Cost: 4 pts.

Resist: Willpower
Damage: 5


  • Permanent: Adds +5 Physical Attack
  • Halves penalties when navigating in total darkness.


The vampire may lengthen her tongue at will, splitting it into a fork like that of a serpent. The tongue may reach 18 inches or half a meter, and makes a terrifyingly effective weapon in close combat. It also is sensitive to vibrations and can help the Vampire navigate in total darkness.

The lash of the tongue’s razor fork causes wounds(difficulty 6, Strength damage). If the Kindred wounds her enemy, she may drink blood from the target on the next turn as though she had sunk her fangs into the victim’s neck. 

Horrifying though it is, the tongue’s caress is very like the Kiss, and strikes mortal victims helpless with fear and ecstasy. Additionally, the tongue is highly sensitive to vibrations, enabling the vampire to function effectively in the darkness. By flicking his tongue in and out of his mouth, the Vampire can halve any penalties relating to darkness.

: Serpentis 3 - Skin of the Adder (Defense)   

Base Roll: 65
Mod: Physical Skill
Energy/Blood Cost: 6 pts.

Resist: n/a
Damage: 0

Duration: Scene
Permanent Affects:

  • Adds +10 Physical Defense

Temp Affects:

  • +15 Physical Defense


By calling upon her Blood, the vampire may transform her skin into a tough, mottled, scaly hide. A Vampire in this form becomes more supple and flexible. The tough scales act like a natural armor, making it more difficult (though not impossible) to physically wound her.

The Player spends 6 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. The vampire gains a temporary boost to his/her/their physical attacks for the duration of the scene. This does not include damage from fire, sunlight or other supernatural energies.

A benefit of the added flexibility is that the Vampire may slip through any opening wide enough to fit her head through. The downside is that the Vampire obviously looks inhuman if observed with any degree of care, though casual passersby might not notice if the vampire is wearing concealing clothing, is seen in dim light, such as a poorly lit basement or illuminated by the occasional street light.

: Serpentis 4 - Cobra Form (Physical Skill)   

Base Roll: 80
Mod: Physical Skill, Willpower
Energy/Blood Cost: 8 pts.

Resist: n/a
Damage: 10 pts 

Duration: Till Dawn
Permanent Affects:

  • +5 Physical Attack
  • +5 Athletics/Reflexes
  • +5 Initiative


The Vampire may change his form into that of a huge black cobra with six-inch fangs. The serpent weighs as much as the vampire’s normal physical form, stretches over 10 feet/three meters in length, and is about 20 inches (50 cm) around. 

The Form of the Cobra grants several advantages, including a venomous bite, the ability to slither through relatively small spaces (see physical dimensions above), and a greatly enhanced sense of smell.

The Vampire may use any of his other Disciplines while in this form, with the exception of those that require hands (such as Feral Claws).

The Player spends 6 pts of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. It will take one full turn for the Vampire to complete the transformation. Clothing and small personal possessions transform with the vampire.

The vampire remains in serpent form until the next dawn, unless he desires to change back sooner. The Storyteller may allow the Setite additional bonuses on all Perception rolls related to smell, but may add roll penalties for any skills related to hearing. 

  • The Cobra's bite:
    • The cobra’s brutal bite inflicts 10 points of Physical Damage, and does not require the Vampire to grapple his victim like he would if he were in human form.
    • Supernatural beings, Vampires or Garou still suffer the damage, but are not effected by the effects of venom.
    • The poison delivered can be fatal to humans
    • For humans bitten by the cobra, the victim must make an unmodified roll to determine how much of the venom made it into their system. 
      • 50+: You're ok. It's painful and the wound is swollen, but the venom is not fatal.
      • 11-49: Enough of the venom has made it into their blood stream to require an antivenom be administered within 12 RP hours.
      • 1-10: Botch! You immediately fall unconscious and will die if you do not get an antivenom administered within 4 RP hours.

: Serpentis 5 - Heart of Darkness (Defense)   

  • Base Roll: 90
    Mod: Physical Skill 
    Energy/Blood Cost: 10 pts.

    Resist: n/a
    Damage: 0 

    Duration: Requires 3 turns to complete
    Permanent Affects:
    • +10 Physical Attack

Temp Affects:

  • Adds +15 Physical Defense for duration of the scene


A Kindred with mastery of Serpentis may pull her heart from her body. She can even use this ability on other Cainites, although this requires several hours of gruesome surgery. This power can only be invoked during a new moon (In DOD, the full moon takes place the 1st, 2nd & 3rd of Every Month ). If performed under any other moon, the rite automatically fails. 

Upon removing her heart, the vampire places it in a small clay urn, and then carefully hides or buries the urn. While her heart is hidden, she cannot be staked by any wood that pierces her breast. Moreover, because the heart is the seat of emotion, the difficulties of all her rolls to resist frenzy are two lower while this power is in effect.

Cainites are careful to keep their hearts safe from danger. If someone seizes her heart, the vampire is completely at that person’s mercy. The heart can be destroyed only by casting it into a fire or exposing it to sunlight. If this happens, the Kindred dies where she stands, boiling away into a blistering heap of ash and blackened bone. 

Plunging a wooden stake into an exposed heart drives the vampire into instant torpor. A vampire may carry her heart with her, or have several false hearts buried in different places. A smart Kindred often avoids her heart’s hiding place, to deter discovery. Those wise in Setite lore whisper that the corrupt elders of the Clan often hold their underlings’ hearts as yet another method of control.

The Player spends 4 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll during the full moon (the 1st, 2nd or 3rd of any month). 

  • If successful, the Vampire takes 3 full turns to execute and then is able to pull his heart from his chest, or cut it from another Vampire. He may then complete the task by placing it within a clay urn (or Canopic Jar).
  • If not successful, he may spend 4 more Energy/Blood points and try again during the next night if the Moon is still full.
  • If the Player rolls a Botch (a natural 1-10), then he will suffer damage equal to 50% of his current Health Points and be unable to try again until the next month's full moon. 
    • If the Player rolls a Botch while performing this procedure on another Vampire, that Vampire will immediately suffer damage of 50% of his current Health Points.

: Serpentis 6 - Mother of Monsters (Defense)   

Base Roll: 75
Mod: Physical Skill, Crafting
Energy/Blood Cost: 12 pts.

Resist: n/a
Damage: 0

Duration: Until the monster is dispelled by its creator or destroyed.
Permanent Affects:

  • Adds +10 Physical Skill


This powerful skill allows the Setite to create monsters of limited autonomy from her own blood, called Spawn, to do her bidding. Spawn may take whatever form the Vampire desires, from hulking beasts of fantasy to fluffy bunnies, or even inanimate objects —  though Spawned chairs and hanging chandeliers tend to have limited uses as servants.

Vampires with a flare for creativity take great pride in crafting Spawn that display artistic detail or remarkable resemblance to the creatures or objects they were intended to emulate. Creating Spawn that appear human is more complex, but do-able; though facial features can be a challenge. Many of these attempts at humanoid forms fall into the "Uncanny Valley." While a Vampire with superior crafting talents can make Spawn that are able to pass for human if not closely inspected, it is impossible to use this skill to create a doppelganger that looks just like a particular human.

Spawned creatures can follow relatively simple commands such as "Kill that enemy," "Put these books on the bookshelf," "Guard this door and kill all who try to get past you," "Alert me if Vampire Bill enters this room." As such, they can be created to act as menial servants, guards, warriors or spies. 

Because they are technically "born" from the Vampire's own Vitae, they do have a primitive rudimentary semblance of life, although an undead one. An animate Spawn that lives past a month's time must be fed a few drops of its creator's blood to maintain it's semblance of life every 7 days or it will crumble into dust.

Spawn are not puppets that must be physically manipulated, and are capable of very basic (albeit shallow) emotional responses/expression. While only the most advanced Spawn is capable of speech, they do have their own spark of undead life that tethers the Spawn to its maker, making them incapable of disobeying him/her/them. However, because the spawn's blood is also that of the Vampire who created it, the Vampire can see and hear through the Spawn, as well as hold telepathic communication with it should the Vampire desire to do so.


During a non-combat scene or roleplay, the Player spends 10 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. The Player's Character cuts his flesh and spills a pint of his blood on the ground, which congeals into a malleable clay-like substance of the required amount. 

The character then physically "crafts' the Spawn's body by describing its physical appearance in Local Chat, causing it to grow and take that form. Spawn that reach their 7th day (and every week after) must be fed a few drops of its maker's blood or it will die and crumble to dust.

NOTE: A Player's Vampire can only have as many Spawn in his service as the Player's acquired purchased points in Willpower. 

Spawn can range in physical size from that of a Clydesdale horse, to that of a mouse. All Spawn, no matter their size or appearance, have the following attributes:

  • 40 HP
  • One attack per round
  • +10 Physical Defense (animated Spawn only)
  • -10 Initiative
  • Immune to Mental Attacks
  • Immune to Physical Pain
  • When HP reaches 0, they crumble to dust

Based on how high of a number the Player rolls, the Vampire is limited by the kind of Spawn he can create as described by the Roll Chart below. Spawn created as inanimate objects are incapable of attack or defense, though they do retain a Spawn's normal level of health points.

Roll Chart:

1-10: Botch! You created an animated blob of congealed blood that follows you around like a puppy, leaving a slimy trail of red ooze in it's path.

11-74: Nothing, Nada. The blood puddles on the floor and leaves a nasty stain.

75-79: You can create a small inanimate object, no larger than a toaster.

80-84: OR, you can create a small animate creature, no larger than a toaster.

85-89: OR, you can create a large inanimate object.

90-94: Or, you can create a large animated creature.

95-99: Or, you can create a human or human-like creature.

100+:  God Mode! Your Spawn looks just like whatever it is you are looking to create and is visually indistinguishable from the real thing. If you are looking to create a human or human-like creature, your specimen is beautifully formed in even the smallest of details. In addition, your Spawn is capable of human speech and thought, making it capable of slightly more complicated tasks than a typical Spawn. But even then, it is still bound to your will and cannot disobey a command.

Typical Spawn cannot follow anything but simple commands, and nothing more complex than those with a "This and That" two-step structure. For example "Take this dagger and stab That man." Like their Master, they also embody the same weaknesses; an aversion to strong light and are instantly destroyed by direct sunlight or fire.

NOTE: Beware! If a Spawn's parent Vampire is torpored or killed, the Spawn is freed from its servitude and gains its own free will. Freed Spawn gain the ability to speak and act on their own volition (if they are of the Animated variety). They can also learn and evolve. While they still must feed on the blood of the living or other Vampires to survive, they become wildly unpredictable and are threats to the Masquerade.

: Serpentis 7 - Cobra Fangs (Buff)   

Base Roll: 60
Mod: Physical Skill
Energy/Blood Cost: 7 pts.

Resist: N/A
Damage: 0

Permanent Affects:

  • +5 Physical Attack
  • +5 Physical Skill
  • +5 Athletics/Reflexes
  • +10 Initiative


This Serpentis power enables a vampire to gain the deadly bite of a cobra without the full-body transformation, making it more useful for taking victims by surprise. Cobra Fangs make the Vampire's bite instantly deadly to some humans, and inflict much more damage than the Vampire's normal bite alone. The police do ask questions when someone dies from a cobra bite under unlikely circumstances, so Cobra Fangs still requires some discretion in its use.

The Player spends 10 pts. of Blood Energy, uses one of his Character's movements, and makes a successful roll. The Character's fangs become hollow, more slender and venomous, allowing the Vampire to inject venom when he bites.

The Vampire must still use a movement to grapple/grab the victim to deliver a bite attack (as normal), and the bite does the usual amount of damage. 

  • NPC Humans will be killed within one turn.
  • Player-Character Humans who fail their defense roll will fall unconscious. P-C Humans will die if not given Cobra antivenom within 4 RP hours.
  • Vampires, Garou or other Supernatural Creatures who fail their defense roll will immediately suffer damage, but will not require antivenom.

: Serpentis 8 - Set's Curse (Mental Attack)   

Base Roll: 125
Mod: Willpower, Mental Skill, Mental Attack
Energy/Blood Cost: 16 pts.

Resist: Willpower, Mental Defense
Damage: 24 pts.

Duration: One Scene
Permanent Affects:

  • +5 Mental Attack


Simply by touch, the Follower of Set can force his own ability to transform into a snake onto the body of another sentient being; Human, Vampire, Garou or Supernatural. The transformation into a giant black cobra is extremely painful, but is relatively instantaneous. 

While transformed the Target retains his/her/their intellect, consciousness and mental skills, but is forced to do anything the Vampire commands (within their range of abilities). The Vampire commands his slithering servant verbally, ordering it to attack or use any abilities/skills the Target knows and can perform while in snake form. Unless the Target or the Vampire has telepathic skills, the Target cannot communicate with the Vampire and is forced to helplessly obey. 

The Player spends 5 pts. of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. If the Target fails to defend they instantly transform into a giant black cobra for the duration of the scene and suffer 24 points of damage. The Target will remain in this form for the duration of the scene, OR until he is rendered unconscious by losing all of his Health Points (HP). When all of his HP have been taken to 0, the Target will transform back and he will remain unconscious until healing or medical attention can bring him back to at least 1 HP.

While in snake form, the Target must obey any orders received from the Vampire who forced him into the body of a giant poisonous viper, even if he must attack his former allies, friends, lovers or family. This includes any commands that would result in self harm.

The newly transformed character retains all of his previous mental and physical bonuses and abilities, plus gains the following temporary buffs while in snake form:

  • +10 Physical Defense
  • +10 Physical Attack
  • +5 Initiative
  • The Cobra's Bite:
    • The cobra’s brutal bite inflicts 10 points of Physical Damage, and does not require the Vampire to grapple his victim like he would if he were in human form.
    • Supernatural beings, Vampires or Garou still suffer the damage, but are not effected by the effects of venom.
    • The poison delivered can be fatal to humans
    • For humans bitten by the cobra, the victim must make an unmodified roll to determine how much of the venom made it into their system. 
      • 50+: You're ok. It's painful and the wound is swollen, but the venom is not fatal.
      • 11-49: Enough of the venom has made it into their blood stream to require an antivenom be administered within 12 RP hours.
      • 1-10: Botch! You immediately fall unconscious and will die if you do not get an antivenom administered within 4 RP hours.