87 min read

Born of Darkness

The Final Nights have twisted the nobility of the Keepers clan, turning them into the aristocrats of that diabolical sect. Their legacy of shadows eclipses the light thrown by their packs ritual fires. But are the Lasombra truly the esteemed leaders of the Sword of Caine or do they simply abuse it to serve their own ends? -- Clanbook: Lasombra - Revised Edition


As Masters of Darkness, the Lasombra fully believe it is better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven. Fear, frenzy, the power to determine whether another lives or dies: these are at the root of the power that the Lasombra hold dear. Whereas other vampires try vainly to hold the Beast at bay or give themselves wholly to it, the Lasombra beat the Beast into submission, invoking it when it suits them but leaving it trapped inside when they wish to govern themselves. It is with these predilections that the Lasombra style themselves a “dark nobility,” an aristocracy of the night that chose the supremacy of the Cainites over veneration of the Masquerade.

Their regard for such ideas as redemption and salvation are cynical at best, and much of the pomp that shaped the Clan’s pre-Sabbat outlook remains only with a sense of blackest irony or open mockery. The grandeur and rituals of the Church and aristocracy remain dear to the Lasombra, however, and the Clan was instrumental not only in establishing many of the rituals of the Sabbat, but in the institutions that keep it from descending into chaos each night. 

Whether they see themselves as God’s instruments or as outcasts from His creation, the LaSombra believe they have a duty (whether to Sect, Clan, pack, or even just themselves), and obligation to their responsibilities gives them a wicked sense of purpose. Even a LaSombra "shovelhead" may consider himself a cut above the rest; a surprising number of LaSombra mass Embraces survive, perhaps owing to the intervention of their sires. 

While the night belongs to all Kindred, the LaSombra are truly born to darkness, to the degree that their very Clan name reveals their tie to shadow. Theirs is the Discipline of Obtenebration, and it allows them to wield the stuff of shadow and darkness, and even reach beyond the darkness of the physical world into the abyss that lies beyond.


Quote: "You are wise to be terrified of the night and the shadows within it. For that is where true terror awaits you, and I am its Master."

Nickname: Keepers (as in “my brother’s…”)

Sect: The Sabbat would be very different without the influence of the Lasombra, and they remain its most prominent Clan for converts. In Dominions of Darkness, the Lasombra consider themselves separate and above the creatures the Sabbat have become, while neither denying nor apologizing for those of their clan who have turned Sabbat. Though they may share a sense of understanding of Sabbat vampires, Lasombra feel the Sabbat are far too inflexible in their ways to effectively survive in this modern world where change is a constant.

Appearance: The Lasombra of any gender are frequently very attractive. Whether through the Spanish, Italian, and Moorish stock associated with the Clan, or due to more cosmopolitan modern backgrounds, the Keepers cut a striking figure. Their dress is often conservative or religious, drawing on years of ceremony and faithful ritual. Rare is the Lasombra who cannot at least manipulate shadows to affect a dramatic entrance or enigmatic pose.

Haven: The obligation of their leadership leads many young Lasombra to maintain communal havens with other members of their pack. Wealthier Keepers and those who predate the Sect often maintain their own havens, whether sinister penthouse suites or sprawling Old World villas.

Background: Prospective sires of Clan Lasombra seek both erudition and ambition in their potential childer. As such, many Lasombra come from professional backgrounds, and display outgoing and even aggressive personalities. Merit in their sires’ eyes takes fledgling Lasombra far, and the Keepers do not hesitate to cull their ranks of flawed, lazy, or boorish childer.

Character Creation: Lasombra often have disparate Natures and Demeanors. Mental or Social Attributes are equally likely to be primary. Attributes tend to be narrow and specialized, showing individual expertise. Keepers cultivate Backgrounds of all types similarly in (initially) low quantities, to better diversify themselves.

Clan Disciplines: Dominate, Obtenebration, Potence

Weaknesses: Lasombra vampires cast no reflections. Whether in a mirror, in a body of water, on a polished surface, or in the rear-view of a taxicab, the image of the Keeper does not reflect. Lasombra do not photograph in any film-based camera, or any other camera that relies on internal mirrors. However, they do photograph in digital cameras but always appear out-of-focus or somehow blurred. Mostly this is taken as a quirk of the camera or operator failure.

Organization: For the Lasombra, the nights of high aristocracy never faded, and the titles and offices a modern onlooker might associate with history still carry great weight among the Keepers. A complex system of patronage, mentorship, and lineage characterizes the Clan, similar to the courts and churches of centuries gone by. Childer benefit greatly from esteemed sires and vice versa, while acts that confer Sect or Clan status may also elevate a Lasombra’s peers, so long as s/he/they associates that success with their fellows.


Quote: Wielding the shadows is an extension of controlling the darkness into which we are all Embraced.


Kindred endowed with Potence possess unnatural strength. This Discipline enables vampire to leap massive distances, lift tremendous weights, and strike opponents with brutal force. Even low ranks of this power can give Kindred physical power beyond mortal bounds. More powerful Kindred can leap so far that they appear to be flying, toss cars like soda cans, and punch through walls like cardboard. 

While the more subtle mental Disciplines can be awe-inspiring, the brutal effectiveness of Potence is formidable in its own right. The Brujah, Giovanni, Lasombra, and Nosferatu are naturally gifted with this Discipline, but members of other Clans often make a point to find someone who can teach them the awesome power of Potence.

Each dot that the vampire has in Potence adds +5 in Physical Attack and to all Strength-related rolls. Further, Potence adds modifiers in melee and brawling combat.

: Potence


  • Permanent: Adds +5 Physical Attack

: Potence 2   


  • Permanent: Adds +5 Physical Attack

: Potence 3   


  • Permanent: Adds +5 Physical Attack

: Potence 4   


  • Permanent: Adds +5 Physical Attack

: Potence 5   


  • Permanent: Adds +5 Physical Attack

: Potence 6 - Crush (Attack) 

  • Base Roll: 85
  • Mod: Physical Attack, Physical Skill
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 3 pts.
  • Damage: 3
  • Duration: Lasts for the length of a scene
  • Permanent Affects:
    • +5 Physical Attack

A vampire with extensive knowledge of Potence can squeeze very, very hard. As a matter of fact, she can squeeze (or crush, squeeze or push) so hard that she can leave an imprint of her fingers or hand in any hard surface up to and including solid steel. A use of Crush can simply serve as a threat, or it can be used, for example, to dig hand holds into sheer surfaces for purposes of climbing, crush steel bars or twist them like a pretzel.

The Player spends three points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll.  The power remains active for the duration of a scene. The depth of the imprint the vampire creates with Imprint is up to the Storyteller — decisions should take into account how much force the vampire can bring to bear, the toughness of the material, and its thickness. If the object the vampire grasps is thin enough, at the Storyteller’s discretion, the vampire might simply be able to push through it (in the case of a wall) or tear it off (in the case of a spear or pipe).

NOTE: Can only be used against NPCs and inanimate objects.

: Potence 7 - Earth Shock (AOE)

  • Base Roll: 90
  • Mod: Physical Attack 
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 4 pts.
  • Def: 80+, Mod Athletics/Reflexes
  • Damage: 2
  • Area of Effect: 5 Meter Circumference (16.5 feet)
  • Affects: None

According to some, Potence is merely the art of hitting something very hard. But what do you do when your target is too far away to hit directly? The answer is, if you’re sufficiently talented with the Discipline, to employ Earthshock. 

On its simplest level, Earthshock is the ability to hit the ground at point A, and subsequently have the force of the blow emerge from the ground at point B.

The Player spends 4 Energy/Blood points and makes a successful roll. The Player's Character then punches or stamps on the ground. The force of the blow emerges from the ground as a geyser of stone and earth directly underneath the target. 

The attack can be dodged at a +2 difficulty. Earthshock’s range is 10 feet or three meters for everylevel of Potence the vampire has, up to the limits of visibility. 

A failed roll roll (11-79) means that the strike goes errant and is liable to explode anywhere within range. A Botch (1-10) means that the vampire pulverizes the ground beneath him and may well bury himself in the process.

Potence 8-Flick (Attack)

  • Base Roll: 90
  • Mod: Physical Attack, Physical Skill, Athletics/Reflexes
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 10 pts.
  • Def: 80, Mod Athletics/Reflexes
  • Damage: 10
  • Range: 20 Meters (Chat Range)
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +10 Physical Attack

It is a truism that “the great ones always make it look easy.” In the case of Flick, that saying stops being a truism and becomes literal truth. With this power, a master of Potence can make the slightest gesture — a wave, a snap of the fingers, the toss of a ball — and have it unleash the full, devastating impact of a dead-on strike. 

The attack can come without warning, limiting the target’s ability to dodge or anticipate. This makes Flick one of the most feared applications of Potence.

The Player spends 10 pts. of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. If the Target fails to defend, they suffer 10 pts. or damage.

To execute, the vampire must also make some sort of gesture directing the blow. The Target does not have to be aware of or make eye contact with the vampire. What the gesture is remains up to the Player — anything from a snap of the fingers or blowing a kiss, to flicking a toothpick or throwing a spoon.


Dominate is one of the most dreaded of Disciplines. It is a vampire’s ability to influence another person’s thoughts and actions through her own force of will. Dominate requires that the vampire capture her victim’s gaze. As such, it may be used against only one subject at a time. 

Further, commands must be issued verbally, although simple orders may be made with signs. For example, a pointed finger and forceful expression to indicate “Go!” However, the subject won’t comply if he can’t understand the vampire, no matter how powerful the Kindred’s will is.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, vampires to which Dominate comes naturally tend to be from willful, domineering Clans. The Giovanni, Lasombra, Tremere, and Ventrue all consider an iron will to be a boon, and are eager to impose that iron will on any who would move against them.

While considered to be one of the more powerful of the Cainite abilities, there are two factors that must be present before it can be used on a victim:

  1. The user must meet the eyes of the target and must speak in a language that is clearly heard and understood by the target.

  2. Discipline cannot be used upon Cainites of lower generation and cannot force someone to be self-destructive or defy their Nature

Using Dominate is often considered very heavy-handed, hardly appropriate within what passes for polite vampiric society and typically used by those who cannot assert their will by other means. However, it tends to be favored by vampires of age and status as an efficient means of enforcing their authority.

: Dominate 1 - Command (Attack)   

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 3
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Willpower 
  • Resist: Willpower can be rolled each turn to resist
  • Duration: Three Turns
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Mental Skill

The vampire locks eyes with the subject and speaks a one-word command, which the subject must be obey instantly. The order must be clear and straight forward: run, agree, fall, yawn, jump, laugh, surrender, stop, scream, follow. 

If the command is at all confusing or ambiguous, the subject may respond slowly or perform the task poorly. The subject cannot be ordered to do something directly harmful to herself, so a command like “die” is ineffective.

The command may be included in a sentence, thereby concealing the power’s use from others. This effort at subtlety still requires the Kindred to make eye contact at the proper moment and stress the key word slightly. An alert bystander — or even the victim —may notice the emphasis. Still, unless she’s conversant with supernatural powers, the individual is likely to attribute the utterance and the subsequent action to bizarre coincidence.

The Player makes a successful roll. If the target fails their Resist Roll, they will follow the command to the best of their ability. The Command lasts for a total of 3 Turns. Each turn, the Target may again choose to resist. A successful resist negates the Command for the remainder of the turns. However, the Vampire may use another turn to reassert the Command if he/she/they choose.

Remember, too, that being commanded to act against one’s Nature confounds the use of this power. Being told to “sleep!” in a dangerous situation or “attack!” in police custody may not have the desired effect, or indeed, any effect at all.

: Dominate 2 - Mesmerize (Mental Skill)   

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Willpower, Mental Skill 
  • Resist: Willpower 
  • Duration: For the duration of the scene, or until a request has been fulfilled
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Mental Attack
    • +5 Mental Skill
    • +5 Initiative

With this power, a vampire can verbally implant a false thought or hypnotic suggestion in the subject’s subconscious mind. Both Kindred and target must be free from distraction, since Mesmerize requires intense concentration and precise wording to be effective.

The vampire may activate the imposed thought immediately or establish a stimulus that will trigger it later. The victim must be able to understand the vampire, though the two need to maintain eye contact only as long as it takes to implant the idea.

Mesmerize allows for anything from simple, precise directives (handing over an item) to complex, highly involved ones (taking notes of someone’s habits and relaying that information at an appointed time). It is not useful for planting illusions or false memories (such as seeing a rabbit or believing yourself to be on fire). 

A subject can have only one suggestion implanted at any time. 

The Player makes a successful roll. If the Target fails their roll, the suggestion takes hold in the victim’s subconscious. The subject cannot be forced to do anything that seems strange to her (she might walk outside, but is unlikely to steal a car). To determine how strong of a suggestion the Vampire is able to implant, see the Roll Chart below


1-10: Botch! The target reacts negatively to the Vampire and no further attempts at using Mesmerize can be used on that subject for the duration of the scene. 

1-69: No effect at all. The Target may react normally.

70-79: The Target has a predisposition to listen amicably and  to agree to reasonable requests or accept logical information. The Target cannot be forced to do anything that seems strange to him/her/them. They would probably not jump up and down on the hood of their car, but they would easily let you look at the contents of their wallet or agree to walk into a store and purchase a pack of cigarettes for the Vampire.

80-95: There is a strong imperative in the command and the Target will immediately comply unless following it immediately physically endangers the subject. For example, the Vampire can Command a small man to attack a 350lb professional wrestler, but could not force the target to put a gun to their own head and pull the trigger. 

96+: The Target is enthralled with the Vampire and treats them like a trusted friend who will follow virtually any instruction, even if it potentially puts them in mortal danger. If the Vampire tells the Target to put a gun to their own head and pull the trigger, the Target has three chances to resist the command. However, be mindful of how you use this power. Killing indiscriminately always has repercussions. 

NOTE: If a vampire tries to Mesmerize a subject before the Target fulfills a previously implanted directive, the command that had the highest roll always wins. If the rolls were equal, the newer command supplants the old one.

: Dominate 3 - The Forgetful Mind (Mental Attack)   

Base Roll: 70

Energy/Blood Cost: 6

Damage: 0

Mods: Willpower, Mental Skill 

Resist: Willpower 

Duration: For the duration of the scene, or until a request has been fulfilled

Permanent Affects:

  • +5 Mental Attack

After capturing the subject’s gaze, the vampire delves into the subject’s memories, stealing or re-creating them at his whim. The Forgetful Mind does not allow for telepathic contact; the Kindred operates much like a hypnotist, asking directed questions and drawing out answers from the subject. 

The degree of memory alteration depends on what the vampire desires. He may alter the subject’s mind only slightly (quite effective for eliminating memories of the victim meeting or even being fed upon by the vampire) or utterly undo the victim’s memories of her past.

The degree of detail used has a direct bearing on how strongly the new memories take hold, since the victim’s subconscious mind resists the alteration. A simplistic or incomplete false memory (“You went to the movies last night”) crumbles much more quickly than does one with more attention to detail (“You thought about texting your girlfriend while you were in line at the new movie theater, but you knew you’d have to turn your phone off once you got inside. You liked the movie well enough, but the plot seemed weak. You were tired after it ended, so you went home, watched a little late-night television, and went to bed.”).

Even in its simplest applications, The Forgetful Mind requires tremendous skill and finesse. It’s a relatively simple matter to rifle through a victim’s psyche and rip out the memories of the previous night without knowing what the subject did that evening. Doing so leaves a gap in the victim’s mind, however a hole can give rise to further problems down the road or even leave a breadcrumb trail of evidence that the memory was removed.

The Kindred may describe new memories, but these recollections seldom have the same degree of realism that the subject’s original thoughts held. As such, this power isn’t always completely effective. The victim may remember being bitten, but believe it to be an animal attack. Greater memories may return in pieces as dreams, or through sensory triggers like a familiar odor or spoken phrase. 

Even so, months or years may pass before the subject regains enough of her lost memories to make sense of the fragments. A vampire can also sense when a subject’s memories were altered through use of this power, and even restore them, as a hypnotist draws forth suppressed thoughts.

The Player makes a successful roll. If the Target fails to resist, the target is pacified for the amount of time it takes the vampire to perform the verbal alteration, provided the vampire does not act aggressively toward the Target. How many modifications the Vampire is capable of performing on the Target is determined by the strength of their successful roll.


1-10: Botch! The target reacts with hostilityo toward the Vampire and will make any excuse to leave.

11-69: Nothing happens. This Target's mind is closed to you on this attempt, however you may try a different tactic on your next turn.

70-75: May remove a single memory; lasts one day

76-79: May remove, but not alter, a memory permanently

80-85: May permanently make slight changes to a single memory

86-89: May permanently alter or remove entire scene from subject’s memory

90+: May reconstruct entire periods of subject’s life. OR, may restore removed, tampered and/or false memory implants in a subject. The Vampire Character's level of Dominate must be equal to or higher than that of the Vampire who made the alteration.

NOTE: Vampires with skill levels in Dominate cannot use The Forgetful Mind to restore their own memories if they were stolen in such a way.

: Dominate 4 - Conditioning (Attack)   

Base Roll: 80

Energy/Blood Cost: 8

Damage: 2

Mods: Willpower, Mental Skill, Mental Attack

Resist: Willpower (see System)

Duration: Permanent (see System)

Special: 2 Day Cooldown (see System)

Permanent Affects: 

  • +5 Mental Attack
  • +5 Mental Skill

Through sustained manipulation slowly over the course of time, the vampire can make a subject entirely pliant to the Kindred’s will. With each failure to resist, the victim becomes increasingly susceptible to the vampire’s influence while simultaneously growing more resistant to the corrupting efforts of other Kindred. 

Because this effect is amplified by the increased gravitational pull of the Full Moon, it is typically advised to begin this process on the first, second or third day of any Full Moon. (For simplicity, In DOD the full moon occurs the first, second and third of every month.)

Gaining complete control over a subject’s mind is no small task, taking weeks or even months to accomplish, depending on how weak the Target's mind is or how receptive they already are to the Vampire. This can take less than a week, to a full month. Kindred often fill their retainers’ heads with subtle whispers and veiled urges, thereby ensuring these mortals’ continued loyalty. 

Yet vampires must pay a high price for the minds they ensnare. Servants Dominated in this way can lose much of their passion and individuality. They follow the vampire’s orders quite literally, seldom taking initiative or showing any imagination. In the end, such retainers become like automatons or the walking dead.

To effectively and fully condition a Target's mind, the Player must:

  • Make FIVE (5) successful rolls within a single calendar month AND,

  • The Target must have failed to resist each of those five successful rolls during roleplay. After the fifth failed roll by the Target, the effects to be relatively permanent*, as long as the Vampire has physical contact with the Target once every 7 days.
  • The Player's successful rolls DO NOT need to be successive. Of all the rolls they attempt, five must be successful AND the Target must fail to resist them.

    • NOTE: However, should the Target only fail several of the rolls but not all five, he/she/they are still under a certain level of permanent influence but are not considered totally lost to the Vampire. SEE ROLL CHART


Each of these rolls by the Vampire Player Character can only be done once in a 24 hour period. This constitutes a 1 day cooldown to:

  1. Allow the Character's Target to mentally adjust to the Vampire's growing authority over them, OR 
  2. Allow the Character's Target to again be receptive to the conditioning.

If the Vampire's Player does not make a successful roll, the Target does not need to attempt to resist since the Vampire failed to exert an adequately influence the Target. The Target will not be aware that such influence was even attempted.

If within a calendar month the Player fails to make all five successful rolls where the Target failed to successfully resist, then the process is at an end and the Target can only be influenced up to their last failed roll (if any of the Target's rolls failed). See Roll Chart.

(mods are non stacking)

  1. First Failed Roll to Resist:
    The Target has a positive outlook in regards to the Vampire and views that Kindred favorably. They don't know why they do, but they just have a good feeling toward them and will respond amiably. However, they are still under their own free will.
  2. Second Failed Roll to Resist:
    The Target is happy to do the Vampire any "favors," though they are still under their own autonomy and do not feel unable to refuse if the favor is dangerous or is something that goes against their character.
    • +5 Willpower when rolling to resist any other Vampire's influence, or other being's attempt at controlling the target 
    • -5 Willpower in regards to any roll made to resist the conditioning Vampire.
  3. Third Failed Roll to Resist:
    The Target finds it very difficult to resist the Vampire's influence and may attempt to find reasons to be in his/her/their company given the opportunity. The Target may look for ways to be of interest or help to the Vampire in the hopes of furthering the friendship. This of course is by their own choice and they may still yet refuse a request.
    • +10 Willpower when rolling to resist any other Vampire's influence, or other being's attempt at controlling the target
    • -10 Willpower in regards to any roll made to resist the conditioning Vampire.
  4. Fourth Failed Roll to Resist:
    The Target actively looks to be in the Vampire's company, even going so far as to ask the Vampire how they can be of help to him/her/them. The Target feels pleased and perhaps even relieved if given a task to perform. If the request is not unreasonable or does not put the Target's life in immediate danger, they will typically be agreeable. While the Target is very willing, they may still choose to resist obeying a request.
    • +15 Willpower when rolling to resist any other Vampire's mental influence, or other being's attempt at controlling the target.
    • -15 Willpower in regards to any roll made to resist the conditioning Vampire.
  5. Fifth Failed Roll to Resist:
    Upon the final failed roll to resist, the Target falls so far under the vampire’s influence that the Kindred need not make eye contact or even be present to retain absolute control. The subject does exactly as he/she/they is told (including taking actions that would result in injury or even death), as long as the Target's master can communicate verbally with them. No command roll is necessary unless the subject is totally isolated from the vampire’s presence (in a different room, over the phone). Even if a command roll fails, the target will still likely carryout part of the orders given, simply because her master wishes it and the Target finds great pleasure in fulfilling those desires.
    1. +20 Willpower when rolling to resist any other Vampire's mental influence, or other being's attempt at controlling the target.
    2. -20 Willpower in regards to any roll made to resist the conditioning Vampire.
    3. -20 Willpower in regards to any roll made to mentally influence the Target in any way that would have the Target harm or betray the Vampire.
    4. The Target will lose much of their independent or creative/problem-solving thought, choosing to stick to the letter of commands than risk failing to comply. 
    5. The Target may lose sleep and their appetite over worrying that they will lose the favor of the Vampire and no longer be of useful service if they do not see the Vampire often. This can give them a drawn, pale and emaciated appearance.

Breaking Conditioning
It is possible, though difficult, to shake Conditioning. The subject must be separated entirely from the Vampire to whom she was in thrall. This period of separation varies depending on the individual, but the Storyteller may set it at six weeks, less a number of weeks equal to the subject’s permanent Willpower rating (so a person with 4 Willpower must stay away from the vampire for two OOC weeks ). 

The subject regains her personality slowly during this time, though she may still lapse into brief spells of listlessness, despair, or even anger. If the vampire encounters the target before that time passes, a single successful roll to reestablish Command (difficulty of the target’s current Willpower Mod) on the part of the Vampire can completely reassert the dominance.

If the subject makes it through the time period without intervention by her master, the target regains her former individuality. Even so, the vampire may reestablish conditioning more easily than the first time, since the subject is now predisposed to falling under the Kindred’s mental control. New attempts require only three successes that coincide with the Target's failed rolls than the last bout of conditioning did (which means the subject reaches the threshold for reduced difficulties sooner, as well).  

*Permanent means how long the Target will be under the Vampire's command unless the conditioning deteriorates or somehow erased by another Vampire, or other supernatural mind-control means.

: Dominate 5 - Possession (Attack)   

  • Base Roll: 100
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 8
  • Damage: 3
  • Mods: Willpower, Mental Attack
  • Resist: Willpower 
  • Duration: Until the Vampire decides to leave or is expelled.
  • Permanent Affects: 
  • +5 Mental Attack
  • +5 Physical Defense
  • +5 Mental Skill

At this level of Dominate, the force of the Kindred’s psyche is such that it can utterly supplant the mind of a mortal subject. Speaking isn’t required, but the vampire must capture the victim’s gaze. During the psychic struggle, the contestants’ eyes are locked on one another.

Once the Kindred overwhelms the subject’s mind, the vampire moves his consciousness into the victim’s body and controls it as easily as he uses his own. The mortal falls into a mental fugue while under possession. She is aware of events only in a distorted, dreamlike fashion. In turn, the vampire’s mind focuses entirely on controlling his mortal subject. His own body lies in a torpid state, defenseless against any actions made toward it.

Vampires cannot possess one another in this fashion, as even the weakest Kindred’s mind is strong enough to resist such straightforward mental dominance. Only through a blood bond can one vampire control another to this degree. 

Supernatural creatures also cannot be possessed in this way, although ghouls that have drunk from the vampire using Possession can.

The Player makes a successful roll. If the Target fails their roll to resist, the Vampire will fall into a torpor state and take possession of the Target's body. While in the body of the Target, the Vampire will no longer be affected by sunlight and will be able to speak with the host's own voice. While the Vampire will retain his/her/their own mental skills and abilities, they will not have access to the host's memories or knowledge and are restricted to the physical abilities and limitations of the host's body.

 If the vampire leaves the mortal shell (by choice, through supernatural expulsion or after sustaining significant injury), his consciousness returns to his physical form in an instant.

Once freed from possession, the mortal Target regains mental control of herself. This can happen in an instant, or the victim may lie comatose for days while her psyche copes with the violation. The vampire experiences everything the mortal body feels during possession, from pleasure to pain. 

While the Vampire does not incur and actual physical damage experience by the host's body, the Vampire DOES experience any damage or repercussions from Mental Attacks. The only exception to this is If the mortal dies before the vampire’s soul can flee from the body, in which case the Vampire succumbs to torpor. Presumably this is in sympathetic response to the massive trauma of death. 

The Kindred can remain in the mortal’s body even if his own torpid form is destroyed, though such a pathetic creature is not likely to exist for long. At each sunrise, the vampire must roll Willpower + Mental Skill (difficulty 80) or be expelled from the body. If forced from the mortal body, the vampire tumbles into the astral plane, his soul permanently lost in the spirit world. A vampire trapped in a mortal body may not be “re-Embraced.” If the Embrace occurs to such a creature, he simply meets Final Death. The mortal, however, regains consciousness and becomes awakens to the horror of becoming a vampire.

: Dominate 6 - Chain the Psyche (Debuff)   

  • Base Roll: 100
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 8
  • Damage: 10 HP
  • Mods: Mental Attack, Mental Skill, Willpower
  • Resist: None
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +10 Mental Attack
    • +5 Mental Skill
    • +10 Initiative

Not content with merely commanding their subjects, some elders apply this power to ensure obedience from recalcitrant victims. Chain the Psyche is a Dominate technique that inflicts incapacitating pain on a target who attempts to resist the Vampire’s commands.

The Player spends 8 Energy/Points identifies the Target, and makes a successful roll. If the Target attempts to resist (aka: rolls to resist, whether successful or not) the vampire’s implanted commands or to recover stolen memories causes intense pain and 10HP of damage. 

When such an attempt is made, the Storyteller rolls the character‘s Manipulation + Intimidation (difficulty equal to the subject’s Stamina +Empathy). Each success equals one turn that the victim is unable to act, as she is wracked with agony. Each application of Chain the Psyche crushes a number of resistance attempts equal to the character’s points in Willpower. 

For Example: The Vampire uses Chain the Psyche on the Mayor of the city, for whom he has already successfully placed a level 3 Command upon. The Mayor attempts to resist the Vampire's command to fire the Chief of Police. Whether or not his roll fails or succeeds, the Mayor suffers 10 HP of damage. Since the Vampire has 4 points purchased in Willpower, the Mayor will suffer this same fate for the following 3 attempts to resist the Vampire's commands of him.

: Dominate 7 - Mass Manipulate (Area of Effect)   

  • Base Roll: 100
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 18
  • Damage: 10 HP
  • Mods: Mental Attack, Willpower
  • Resist: Willpower
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +10 Initiative

A truly skilled elder may command small crowds through the use of this power. By manipulating the strongest minds within a given group, a gathering may be directed to the vampire’s will. The Sheep always follow the leader.

The Player declares he wishes to use this skill when roleplaying within a group (three or more people) he desires to control or influence. The person with the strongest Willpower within the group is identified. If there is a tie, the Storyteller will select the Target Character to make the roll for the group.

The Player then spends 18 Energy/Blood points, makes direct eye contact with the Target Character, then makes a successful roll. The identified Target Character in the group with the highest Willpower rolls to resist. If he makes his roll to resist, the Vampire's attempt to use Mass Manipulate fails and no one in the group can be manipulated.

If the Target Character fails his roll, how many others in his group who are affected depends on how badly he rolled. See Roll Chart below.

Those under the influence of the Vampire's Manipulation will be amicable with the Vampire and very open to his opinions and suggestions. While the Vampire can make a good case for starting a bar fight or a flash mob, he cannot directly suggest that the group do direct harm to themselves. The suggestions should have some type of rational basis...even if they are illogical.

How many points below the Vampire's Manipulate roll the Target Character Rolls determines how many others in his group will also feel the full affects of the Manipulation. The Player's Vampire choses the additional person.

  • 1-5 points below: 1 other person 
  • 6-10 points below: 3 other people 
  • 11-20 points below: 5 other people
  • 21-50 points below: 6 other people
  • 51+ points below: 7 other people
  • BOTCH! Rolling a natural 1-10 will have everyone in the group energetically fall under the Vampire's Manipulation. Plus, the Target Character who rolled the botch will vigorously agree with the Vampire no matter how ridiculous or illogical the Vampire's point of view is. He will also heartily encourage all others to rally around the Vampire. What a great guy!

: Dominate 8 - Oberon's Grail (Attack)   

  • Base Roll: 140
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 22
  • Damage: 15 HP
  • Mods: Mental Attack, Mental Skill, Willpower
  • Resist: Willpower, Mental Defense
  • Permanent Affects: None

While challenging, a powerful Vampire can completely dominate an unresisted mind and wipe it clean of the last 24 hours. Like a surgeon with a laser scalpel, the Vampire cuts out the specific time range of memories. Anything that was learned or that occurred in  in the past 24 hours is forgotten and the Target loses an entire day of their life with no clue as to what transpired or where they were (think Alien abduction cases). While the memories are removed, the Target experiences sudden and intense deal of pain as though being stabbed with an icepick in the back of their head. 

The Player's Character makes direct eye contact and spends 22 points of Energy/Blood points. He then makes a successful roll. If the Target fails to resist, the memory of the last 24 hours is wiped from their mind. This removes any skills learned during that specific 24 hours, any mental commands (or resulting mental trauma/damage) since those events will simply not have happened.

NOTE: This only effects memories and acquired information that happens in roleplay. This does not effect a Player having purchased skills using Experience Points. However, it DOES apply to any roleplay where the Target was taught a skill by another player in roleplay. If this is a qualifier for having an RP reason for the skill, that RP session will need to be done again. IF this causes problems for the Target Player, contact an Admin and your XP will be refunded.

Lost Forever???
While it is possible to regain some of those memories with the help of certain other vampiric or supernatural skills (determined by the Storyteller), Oberon's Grail physically tampers with specific brain functions making total recall impossible. Because of this, it is possible to remove the Commands of other Vampires (either on purpose or by accident) IF those commands were issued within those 24 hours which are now lost. (Storyteller's discretion.)


The signature power of the Lasombra, Obtenebration, grants the vampire power over darkness itself. The nature of the darkness invoked by Obtenebration is a matter of intense debate among Kindred. Some believe it to be merely shadows, while others feel that the power gives control over the stuff of the vampire’s soul, coaxing it tangibly outward.

Regardless, the effects of Obtenebration are terrifying, as waves of darkness roil out from the Cainite, enveloping those in their path like an infernal wave. As Obtenebration is mostly known as a Sabbat Discipline, any Camarilla vampire caught using the power had better have a damned good explanation.

Note: Vampires using Obtenebration can see through the darkness they control, though other vampires (even those that also have Obtenebration) cannot. Dreadful tales of rival Lasombra struggling to blind and smother each other with the same wisps of darkness circulate among young members of the Clan, though no elders have come forth to substantiate these claims.

: Obtenebration 1 - Shadow Play (Mental Skill)   

  • Base Roll: 50
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 5
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Mental Attack, Mental Skill
  • Resist: None
  • Area of Affect: 10 meters around the Vampire.
  • Affects: All those within range suffer:
    • Mortals suffer -2HP every turn they are within the strangling darkness
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Physical Defense
  • Temporary Affects:
    • +10 Stealth
    • +10 Persuasion/Intimidation

This power grants the vampire limited control overshadows and other ambient darkness. Though the vampire cannot truly “create” darkness, she can overlap and stretch existing shadows, creating patches of gloom. This power also allows Kindred to separate shadows from their casting bodies and even shape darkness into the shadows of things that are not there.

Once a Kindred takes control of darkness or shadow, it gains a mystical tangibility. By varying accounts cold or hellishly hot and cloying, the darkness may be used to aggravate or even smother victims. Certain callous Lasombra claim to have choked mortals to death with their own shadows.

The Player spends 5 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. Shadow Play lasts for one scene (or until the Vampire decides to dispel it earlier) and requires no active concentration. 

  • Kindred cloaking themselves in shadow gain a +10 to Stealth and a +10 Persuasion/Intimidation.
  • All those who fall within these shadows suffer -5 to attack and defense. All mortals suffer -2HP per turn for as long as they remain in the asphyxiating shadows. (Vampires and Garou are not affected.)

The unnatural appearance of this power proves extremely disconcerting to mortals and animals (and, at the Storyteller’s discretion, Kindred who have never seen it before).

: Obtenebration 2 - Shroud of Night (Area of Effect)   

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 2
  • Damage: 6
  • Mods: Mental Attack, Occult
  • Resist: Physical Defense, Mental Defense
  • Area of Affect: 10 meters around the Vampire. Rolling a 90+ doubles the area of effect.
  • Affects: All those within range suffer:
    • -5 Attack
    • -5 Defense
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Physical Attack
    • +5 Mental Attack
    • -10 Alertness
  • Temporary Affects:
    • +10 Stealth
    • +10 Persuasion/Intimidation

The vampire can create a cloud of inky blackness. The cloud completely obscures light and even sound to some extent. Those who have been trapped within it (and survived) describe the cloud as viscous and unnerving.

This physical manifestation lends credence to those Lasombra who claim that their darkness is something other than mere shadow. The tenebrous cloud may even move, if the creating Kindred wishes, though this requires complete concentration.

The Player spends 2 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll to generate darkness roughly 10 feet (three meters) in diameter, though the amorphous cloud constantly shifts and undulates, sometimes even extending shadowy tendrils. Rolling a 90+ doubles this area of effect (though the vampire may voluntarily reduce the area he/she/they wishes to cover). 

The inky dark mass actually extinguishes light sources it engulfs (with the exception of fire), and muffles sounds until they are indistinguishable. Those within the cloud lose all sense of sight and feel as though they’ve been immersed in pitch. 

Sound also warps and distorts within the cloud, making it very difficult to accomplish anything. Even those possessed of Heightened Senses, Eyes of the Beast, Tongue of the Asp, and similar powers suffer the penalties due to the unnatural darkness. 

 Mortals and animals surrounded by the Shroud of Night must make Willpower rolls per Shadow Play, above, or panic and attempt to flee.

: Obtenebration 3 - Arms of the Abyss (Attack)   

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 2
  • Damage: 6
  • Mods: Mental Skill, Physical Attack, Occult
  • Resist: Physical Attack, Mental Skill
  • Permanent Affects: None
  • Temporary Affects: None

Refining his control over darkness, the Kindred can create prehensile tentacles that emerge from patches of dim lighting. These smokey dark tentacles may grasp, restrain, and constrict foes.

The Player spends 6 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. The strength of the roll determines how many tentacles are formed from the shadows, each measuring six feet (two meters) long and possesses the Attack and Defense strengths of the invoking vampire’s. While the Tentacles inherit these traits from the Vampire, the Vampire does not suffer any damage if the Tentacles are injured or destroyed.

Tentacle Stats:

  • HP: 40 per tentacle
  • Attack: Same as the Vampire's for hand-to-hand
  • Mods: Physical Attack, Physical Skill (equal to the Vampire's)
  • Damage: 4HP Per Tentacle 
  • Resist: Per the Vampire's for hand-to-hand
  • Defense: Same as the Vampires
  • Strengths:
    • Grasp/Constrict: When used as an attack, Targets must roll to resist vs. grapple
      • If used to Constrict, mortal targets must successfully roll to resist the grapple or lose 10HP per turn (until they free themselves). Vampires and Garou suffer 5HP per turn. 
    • Source: All tentacles need not emanate from the same source — so long as there are multiple patches of suitable darkness, there are sources for the Arms of the Abyss/
  • Weaknesses: 
    • Fire and Sunlight as if it were a Vampire.
    • Dexterity: Tentacles cannot be used for any kind of manipulation, such as typing or driving. 

NOTE: Controlling the tentacles does not require complete concentration; if the Kindred is not incapacitated or in torpor, she may control tentacles while carrying out other actions.

Roll Chart:

1-10: Botch! The Tentacles seek out the Vampire and wrap themselves about him/her/them, preventing the Vampire from moving for three full turns.

11-79: Failure. Nothing manifests, but the Vampire may attempt this again next turn.

80-85: Two Tentacles manifest from the shadows.

86-90: Three Tentacles manifest from the shadows.

91-99: Four Tentacles manifest from the shadows.

100-105: Five Tentacles manifest from the shadows.

106+: Two massively powerful tentacles manifest from the shadows with triple the normal stats, and doubling the Physical Attack/Physical Defense power and bonus damage inherited from the vampire.

For example: Each super Tentacle is 12 feet long (instead of 6) and has 120 HP each (instead of 40HP). Each does 12HP of damage, plus double any bonus damage, defense and attack abilities inherited from the Vampire.

: Obtenebration 4 - Metamorphosis (Defense)   

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 2
  • Damage: 
    • Per Hand-to-Hand
    • Grapple: 5HP per turn 
  • Mods: Mental Skill, Mental Defense
  • Duration: Scene
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Physical Skill
    • +5 Physical Defense
    • +5 Mental Defense
  • Temporary Affects: 
    • Two Attacks Per Round
    • +10 Physical Attack
    • +10 Physical Defense
    • +10 Persuasion/Intimidation
    • Terrify: Mortals, animals and other creatures not familiar with this ability must roll 80+ or run in fear and cannot return until they make a successful roll.

The Cainite calls upon his inner darkness and infuses himself with it, becoming a terrifying and monstrous hybrid of matter, tentacles and inky shadow. His body becomes mottled with spots of tenebrous shade, and wispy tentacles extrude from his torso and abdomen. Though still humanoid, the vampire takes on an almost demonic appearance, as the darkness within him bubbles to the surface. The Vampire can attack twice per round and is able to defend himself/herself/themselves with greater ease. However, damage to the vampire's tentacles causes damage to the Vampire as well.

The Player spends 4 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. Failure indicates the vampire cannot undergo the Metamorphosis, but may try again next turn.

Botch! (rolling a natural 1-10): inflicts 10HP of damage and has the Vampire writhing in pain while his body erupts malformed tentacles for two full turns and ravages his undead body. 

While under the effects of Metamorphosis, the vampire possesses four tentacles similar to those evoked via Arms of the Abyss (though their ability ratings are equal to the vampire’s own Attributes). This allows the vampire to physically attack twice per round, though this does not equal two actions per round. 

For example, the vampire may attack one enemy twice per round, or two enemies once per round. But he may not physically attack an enemy, and then use a mental skill such as Dominate. Attacks must be physical. Or if a mental skill is used, the vampire can only use that in his turn instead of physically attacking.

The tentacles can grapple and hold a Target on a successful attack. Targets held in such a way by the vampire's Tentacles will suffer 5HP of damage per turn that they fail to resist the grapple.

The vampire’s head and extremities sometimes appear to fade away into nothingness, while at other times they seem swathed in otherworldly darkness. This, combined with the wriggling tentacles writhing from his body, creates an unsettling sight. 

: Obtenebration 5 - Tenebrous Form (Defense)   

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 4
  • Mods: Mental Skill, Physical Skill
  • Duration: Scene (or until the Vampire ends it, whichever comes first).
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Physical Skill
    • +5 Athletics/Reflexes
    • +5 Initiative
  • Temporary Affects: 
    • Immune to Physical Attacks while in this state
    • Unable to physically attack
    • Ooze over others, inflicting terror over mortals and all other creatures not familiar with this ability (80+ or run in terror and cannot return until a successful roll has been made.)
    • The LaSombra using this skill suffers -5 Mod for Rötschreck while in this form.

At this level, the Kindred’s mastery of darkness is so extensive that she may physically become the darkness itself. Upon activation of this power, the vampire becomes an inky, amoeboid patch of shadow. Vampires in this form are practically invulnerable and may slither through cracks and crevices. 

In addition, the shadow-vampire gains the ability to see unobstructed in natural darkness.

The Player spends 4 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. The transformation requires two full turns to complete, allowing the Vampire to act at the beginning of the third turn.

The vampire is immune to physical attacks while in the tenebrous form (though she still takes damage from fire and sunlight), but may not herself physically attack. She may, however, envelop and ooze over others, affecting them in the same manner as a Shroud of Night, in addition to using mental Disciplines. 

Vampires in this form may even slither up walls and across ceilings or “drip” darkness upward — they have no mass and are thus unaffected by gravity. Rötschreck difficulties from fire and sunlight do suffer a -5 for vampires in this form, as the light is even more painful to their shadowy bodies.

Mortals (and others not used to such displays) who witness the vampire transform into unholy shadow require Willpower rolls (difficulty 80+) in order to avoid the debilitating terror described under Black Metamorphosis. Failure results in running away for two turns, and they may not return until they have successfully made their Willpower roll.

: Obtenebration 6 - Shadow Parasite (Attack)   

  • Base Roll: 90
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 10
  • Mods: Mental Skill, Mental Attack, Occult
  • Damage: 20HP
  • Resist: Willpower, Mental Defense
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Physical Skill
    • +5 Mental Skill
    • +5 Initiative

This terrifying ability allows the Vampire to focus and project their darkness into the body of the Target, growing it from within until it bursts forth and kills the victim. Mortals (NPCs) can be killed instantly. And even if they somehow manage to fend off the attack, it still does half damage and finds the mortal writhing in pain as the tentacle leaves their body. Most will eventually die from this wound if not killed immediately.

The Player spends 10 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. While mortal NPC characters can be killed instantly, Player Characters and supernatural creatures will suffer the 20HP of damage as they pull the slithering tentacle from their bodies as it makes its way out.

Botch! (Rolling a natural 1-10) will have the Tentacle manifest in a random enemy or ally Target (Storyteller makes this roll. 50/50 for Ally or Enemy. Then percentage dice based on how many enemies/allies there are).

: Obtenebration 7 - Aegis of Shadow (Defense)   

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 6
  • Mods: Mental Skill, Physical Skill
  • Duration: Scene, unless the Vampire ends it earlier.
  • Resist: Willpower, Mental Defense
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Physical Defense
    • +5 Mental Defense
    • Temporary Affects: 
      • +15 Physical Defense
      • +15 Mental Defense
      • +10 Willpower
      • Temporary immunity to sunlight for 3 turns.

This extremely useful skill allows the Vampire to physically encase himself in shadow, allowing him to solidify the darkness around him into a dense armor of matte black carbon-fiber like material. This special armor protects the Vampire from both physical and mental attacks. Unlike any other Obtenebration skill, Aegis of Shadow gives the Vampire a temporary immunity to sunlight.

The Player spends 6 points of Energy/Blood and makes a successful roll. For the duration of the scene, the Player's Character gains +15 bonuses on both Physical and Mental Defense, as well as a +10 for any Willpower rolls. 

The temporary immunity to sunlight lasts a duration of three turns. On the fourth turn, the Vampire must find refuge in shadows or his armor will dissolve and he will suffer the effects of the sun. However, if the Vampire finds refuge again in shadows, the Shadow Armor rejuvenates in a minimum of one full turn of darkness, allowing him to again spend another three turns in full sun.

: Obtenebration 8 - Oubliette (Attack)   

  • Base Roll: 140
  • Energy/Blood Cost: 20 HP per turn
  • Mods: Mental Skill, Physical Skill, Occult
  • Duration: Scene, unless the Vampire ends it earlier.
  • Resist: Willpower, Mental Defense
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Physical Attack
    • +5 Mental Attack

By creating a “chamber” of pure darkness, the Cainite may entrap or smother her enemies. No air exists in this shadow-trap, and mortals(NPC) suffocate within its chilling void. 

Even vampires have little recourse once trapped in this impenetrable prison of darkness — they may leave only at their captor’s whim. The Oubliette appears as a dense patch of shadow, unaffected by the ambient light around it. However, even in direct sunlight, no light can penetrate it, making it a temporary safe haven for vampires. If created within a dark place, it appears darker than the darkness around it.

The Player spends 15 Energy/Blood points and makes a successful roll. While a successful roll will create the Oubliette, creating the Oubliette around someone requires a contested Willpower + Mental Defense to Resist, or attempt escape if their initial Resist roll failed.

NPC Mortals suffocate within the number of turns equal to their Health Points, divided by 20. For example, a standard NPC human has 100 Health Points. Divided by 20 equals 5 turns before they suffocate and die.

Human Player Characters use the same formula before they fall unconscious. However, the Lasombra may choose to leave their heads exposed or trap a quantity of air inside as well), while vampires are simply suspended impotently in darkness and may not use Disciplines or take other actions. 

The Oubliette can withstand one day's worth of sunlight, but dissolves into the shadows from whence it came when the sun goes down, releasing any being trapped within. A vampire may maintain only one Oubliette at a time (which can only contain one target at a time), which leads some Cainite philosophers to argue that it is a prison created from the vampire’s very soul.