22 min read

This page contains some of the monsters that Players may encounter when visiting Dominions of Darkness Sim Cities, but it is not the extent of supernatural and undead beings that may be used during roleplay. Each being below has full stats, as well as any supernatural abilities, strengths and weaknesses. Storytellers may use these as they appear, or may alter their stats to fit the situation.

More creatures will become available in the future and this list will always be a work in progress.


The Celestines are celestial spirits in the mythology of the Fera. Within the celestial hierarchy, they are just under Gaia and the Triat. Their power is equal to the ancient gods. They rule from the Shard Realms and are often worshiped by both the Garou and humans - although their relation to God and the Elohim, if any, is unknown.

A Celestine’s true form is unimaginable. They are both sentient and highly intelligent. Communication and communion between Celestines and lesser beings are only possible through avatars. These avatars are aspects of themselves in guises lesser beings can understand. To create one, the Celestine merely wills itself to appear in a limited form; each Celestine is capable of maintaining multiple avatars at once, also know as a Brood. Each avatar contains a mere shard of the Celestine’s true power, although it still makes them among the most powerful beings in the spirit world. Helios and Luna are literally the sun and moon and if slain those heavenly bodies would cease to be. Apart from this pair, however, there are other different Celestines; some are avatars of a member of the Triat, while others are ancient spirits that humanity used to worship as gods, giving rise to many ancient beliefs such as Greek mythology.

Celestine Avatar/Brood

  • Health Points: 200
  • Initiative: +20
  • Attack: +10 Physical Attack
    • One action per turn
    • DIF: unmodified 70
  • Physical Defense: +20 
  • Physical Attack: +20
  • Mental Defense: +10
  • Damage: 
    • Normal: 20 HP points of damage
      • Resist: Physical Defense
    • When hurling ball lightning projectiles (1 turn cool down), 30 HP damage. 
      • Resist: Athletics/Reflexes
  • Special Abilities & Limitations:
    • Movement: Fast (Celerity 1-8)
    • Defense: 
      • Strength: Avatars of Celestines are radiant beings that make it difficult to look at them directly. They are also capable of flight. Anyone attempting to attack a Celestine does so at a -10 Physical Attack.
    • Immune to:
      • Mental Attacks
      • All elemental attacks, and are immune to the effects and damage of water, fire, wind or the forces of earth.
    • Weaknesses:
      • Silver: Silver weapons do double damage.  
      • Gold: Celestine Avatars are enamored by any items made of gold. If attackers are wearing any items made of Gold, the Celestine will focus their attacks and attentions on that person in an attempt to take the gold as a prize. If there are gold items in the vicinity, the Celestine will cease attacking or defending to pick up the gold.


While an ancient Elemental is exceptionally rare and deadly (such as the one pictured above), only relatively young Elementals are susceptible to forcibly being summoned or conjured to the mortal realm. Though still extremely dangerous, they are much weaker than their ancient parents in both power and size. Most juvenile Elementals (under a thousand years of age) are approximately 10-20 feet tall, depending on their element. Each type of Elemental has its own specific strengths and weaknesses. Elementals seen by mortals do not break the Masquerade and are perceived as what they truly are, the destructive forces of Nature.


Earth Elementals appear as animated statues of rock with a vaguely human form. They are extremely powerful, yet slow witted creatures that attack by digging their hands into the Earth, scooping up boulders and dirt, and hurling them at their adversaries. Earth Elementals can also cause brief, localized Earthquakes that are strong enough to collapse small to medium-sized buildings, crack foundations and weaken infrastructure.

  • Health Points: 200
  • Initiative: -20
  • Attack: 
    • One attack every other turn
    • DIF: unmodified 70
  • Physical Defense: +30 (but can only defend every other attack.)
  • Physical Attack: +20
  • Mental Defense: -10
  • Damage: 
    • Normal: 20 HP points of damage
    • When hurling car-sized boulders: double damage, but at a non-modified Physical attack.
  • +10 Physical Attack
  • Special Abilities & Limitations:
    • Movement: Slow moving
    • Burrow: Earth Elementals can create 10ft x 10ft tunnels underground, simply by digging into the dirt and walking through it. They can easily dig deep into the Earth and create these tunnels at a slow walking pace (approximately 20ft per turn).
    • Defense: 
      • Weakness: They can only defend every other attack. For example, if they are attacked by four enemies, the Earth Elemental can only roll to defend two of those attacks.
      • Strength: Earth Elementals can disappear into the raw Earth and dirt (not stone or cement). Enemies have a -30 Mod to attack an Earth Elemental that has used this tactic in an attempt
    • Immune to:
      • Poison
      • Fire
    • Weaknesses:
      • Water: attacks using water do double damage. 
      • Mental Attacks: All mental attacks . Also, Earth Elementals are incapable of differentiating between reality, and illusion. If they see it, they believe it.


Air Elementals take any one of several different forms, depending on their demeanor. Happy Air Elementals appear as gentle breezes that enjoy pushing around soft white clouds, or playfully keeping a paper airplane or plastic bag afloat on its shoulders for hours on end. They have exceptional dexterity and, when motivated, can lift an object as delicate as an egg and set it gently on the ground a mile away, or throw a car across a parking lot with immense force.

When angered, they appear as dark swirling tornadoes with hauntingly human qualities. Within the whirling clouds of flying debris, eyes may appear or even a swiping arm. Air Elementals can easily be differentiated from normal tornadoes by the appearance of leg-like appendages that make the tornado appear to be walking. This phenomenon is called the Dead Man Walking and is the hallmark of an angered and ancient Air Elemental.

  • Health Points: 200
  • Initiative: +10
  • Attack: 
    • Two attacks per turn
    • DIF: unmodified 70
  • Physical Defense: +10 
  • Physical Attack: +10
  • Mental Defense: -10
  • Damage: 
    • Normal: 20 HP points of damage
    • Hurling Car-sized objects: double damage, but at an unmodified roll of 80 DIF
    • Fly: Pick up a man-sized subject (up to 250 lbs) and drop him for 10HP of damage.
  • Special Abilities & Limitations:
    • Movement: Fast moving. An Air Elemental can travel a mile in about 30 seconds.
    • Fly: Air Elementals can lift a man into the air about 20 feet and either drop him for 10HP of damage, or set him down on the ground or on top of a building with no injury.
    • Defense: 
      • Ranged Attacks: Spears, arrows, and bullets do no damage.
    • Immune to:
      • Poison
      • Fire
      • Illusions - Air Elementals cannot be deceived by illusions and can identify an illusion on sight.
    • Weaknesses:
      • Water: using water cut an Air Elemental's damage by half and reduces it's following attack to one, instead of two attacks that turn. If another attack using water is successful against the Air elemental, it's attacks are cut to one attack every other turn, and diminishes it's damage when attacking to 5HP. It also has lost enough energy that it can no longer pick up objects.


Fire Elementals are extremely intelligent with a fiery temper that befits their physical shape. They are also the only elemental capable of human speech. Appearing as a giant 15-foot pillar of dense flames, these fierce elementals can strike fear into the hearts of mortal and supernatural beings alike. When summoned, Fire Elementals can answer or ask questions and hold conversations.

Unlike other Elementals, a Fire Elemental can pull back on it's heat and flames, taking the form of a muscular god-like man or beautiful goddess with fiery hair. When in this form, they let of very little heat and one can stand in their presence without catching fire or suffering damage. However they can also turn up their heat and flames, catching trees, houses and other flammable items on fire simply by walking by them within 20 feet. Vampires must roll vs. Frenzy or run in blind fear from a Fire Elemental. 

  • Health Points: 200
  • Initiative: +30
  • Attack: 
    • Two attacks per turn
    • DIF: unmodified 70
  • Physical Defense:+20 
    • If a Fire Elemental successfully defends against an attack, the Attacker suffers an automatic 2HP of burn damage.
  • Physical Attack: +20
  • Mental Defense: +5
  • Damage: 
    • Striking with Flame Sword: 15 HP points of damage
    • Heat: Melting objects or causing them to burst into flames on touch. Anything particularly flammable on an attacking enemy fighting a Fire Elemental will automatically burst into flame. This includes items of wood and clothing, cans of gasoline, oils, etc.
    • Radiant Heat: Any living creature suffers 2HP of heat every turn they are within 10 feet of a Fire Elemental during battle.
  • Special Abilities & Limitations:
    • Movement: Normal walking speed, but may move slower if there are many less flammable objects within it's path and it takes longer to consume them.
    • Defense: 
      • Ranged Attacks: Spears, arrows, and bullets do no damage.
      • Wind Attacks: All fire damage done by a Fire Elemental attacked by Wind or air is doubled for their next turn.
    • Immune to:
      • Poison
      • Fire
      • Illusions - Air Elementals cannot be deceived by illusions and can identify an illusion on sight.
    • Weaknesses:
      • Water: Fire Elementals have a natural fear of water. When attacked with water, they suffer double damage. If forced to attack a Water Elemental, or any other Water-type creature or body of water, they lose all bonus modifiers. An example of this would be a Fire Elemental having to destroy a dam or water tower. 


Water Elementals are a fluid amorphous supernatural translucent creature that can instantly take whatever form it desires, at any given time. They are naturally tranquil creatures and slow to anger. While unable to communicate verbally, they can let their emotions known. When summoned, they appear as a raging torrential spiral of crashing waves. Once tamed, they can be the most amiable of servants, slipping into bodies of water to become undetectable. 

NOTE: If summoned on land, they can maintain their mass and shapes for 24 hours. If summoned on a body of water, they can remain with their summoner for 48 hours. They are the only Elemental capable and willing to extend their service.

  • Health Points: 200
  • Initiative: +20
  • Attack: 
    • Two attacks every turn
    • DIF: unmodified 70
  • Physical Defense: +20 
  • Physical Attack: +20
  • Mental Defense: -15
  • Damage: 
    • Normal: 20 HP points of damage to a single opponent in a direct powerful water hit.
    • Radial Wave Slap: 10 HP Impact damage, mass attack that knocks all enemies within a 10ft radius off their feet and prone.
    • Deluge: 10 HP of damage, mass attack that knocks all enemies with in a 20ft straight line in any chosen direction off their feet and prone.
    • Drown: 10 HP of Damage per turn until the Target either escapes or becomes unconscious (zero HP). The Water Elemental can engulf one person in a bubble of water. The Target may attempt to escape each turn (roll vs. the Water Elemental's attack, mod Physical Defense.) During this time, the Water Elemental will only be able to attack once per round since Drowning someone is a continual attack. If the Water Elemental has two people it is attempting to drown, it will no longer be able to attack OR defend.
  • Special Abilities & Limitations:
    • Movement: Fast moving. A Water Elemental can outrun the fastest human. Even a Vampire must have at least 3points in Celerity to outrun it. They are even twice this speed if within a lake, pond, sea or ocean.
    • Float: Water Elementals can prevent any living or non living object from sinking by floating it safely on its surface. They can also take any object that has sank to the bottom and make it rise to the surface. Young Water Elementals can lift objects as heavy as a semi truck, while ancient Water Elementals could easily lift the Titanic.
    • Rust: Water Elementals can rust ferrous weapons and other iron-based objects at an accelerated rate. Weapons, such as swords or guns, and other objects (such as buttons, fasteners, etc.) will lose integrity and become unusable or fail after 5 successful water attacks. Stainless Steel will fail after 10 successful attacks. This does not affect metals such as silver, gold, lead, or any other metal that does not include iron as an alloy. 
    • Defense: 
      • Ranged Attacks: Spears, arrows, and bullets do no damage.
      • Shield: Water Elementals can turn into a nearly impenetrable wall of 2-foot thick solid ice. While in this form, all defense mods are doubled, however the Water Elemental cannot attack or move. It takes two full turns for the Water Elemental to again return it it's fluid form. On it's third turn, it goes back to its normal mods and can attack or move if desired.
    • Immune to:
      • Fire: Fire does no damage at all, simply creating vaporous steam which is reabsorbed by the Water Elemental once it cools.
      • Illusions: Water Elementals cannot be deceived by illusions and can identify an illusion on sight.
    • Weaknesses:
      • Air: Water Elementals have a love/hate relationship with the powers of wind and air. In the oceans and any body of water for that matter, Air and Wind make the ripples in water's surfaces and accelerate its movement. However, attacks using air or wind can greatly influence a Water Elemental, preventing it from attacking or moving on its next turn. A Water Elemental lose all modifiers on its next turn following an attack using Air or Wind.
      • Poison: Water Elementals are the only type of Elemental that is susceptible to poisons and poison attacks, which do double damage.
      • Explosions: Explosives such as grenades, dynamite, etc. can weaken a Water Elemental, causing it to lose cohesiveness. A Water Elemental that fails to defend such an attack will not be able to attack on its next turn, and will suffer a 0 modifier on all its rolls for it's following turn after that. 


Tree Spirits are guardians of the forest in the service of Gaia. Their guardianship is in keeping the forest healthy and balanced by providing shade, spreading seeds for new growth, and ensuring the land is fertile. While their responsibilities to Gaia are quite different from those of the Garou who must fight to protect the Mother from the ravages of the Wyrm, their goals are ultimately the same.

In times of need when the Goals of the Tree Spirits are the same as those they encounter, they can break their roots from the forest's floor and stand to fight along their allies. While strong as the hardest wood, they are relatively slow moving though extremely powerful. 

Once their tasks are completed and the Forest is again safe, they return to the ground from which they grew and resume their duties as trees in Gaia's service.

  • Health Points: 150
  • Initiative: -10
  • Attack: 
    • One attack every two turns
    • DIF: unmodified 50
  • Physical Defense: +20 
  • Physical Attack: +10
  • Mental Defense: Immune to all forms of mental attack and illusions.
  • Attacks & Damage: 
    • Limb Swipe: 20 HP of damage to all opponents in a 10x10 meter area. Plus, those who fail to defend are knocked off their feet and land in a prone position, dazed for one full turn. On their second turn they may take one action to stand.
    • *Root Stomp: 40 HP Impact damage, single attack that targets one enemy with a powerful stomp of a giant root, much like a human would step on a cockroach. If the Target fails to defend, the Target suffers the HP damage, plus is rendered unconscious for two turns.
    • Branch Whip: 10 HP of damage, mass attack that hits all enemies within a 20ft radius around the Tree Spirit. This attack is like being hit by a thick whip, leaving bloody gashes. Anyone who Botches their roll to defend (rolling a natural 1-10) will also be knocked off their feet.
  • Special Abilities & Limitations:
    • Movement: Slow moving, equaling 1/2 speed of a human. 
    • Float: Water Elementals can prevent any living or non living object from sinking by floating it safely on its surface. They can also take any object that has sank to the bottom and make it rise to the surface. Young Water Elementals can lift objects as heavy as a semi truck, while ancient Water Elementals could easily lift the Titanic.
    • Defense: 
      • Ranged Attacks: Spears, arrows, and bullets do no damage.
    • Immune to:
      • Air & Wind Attacks: The Tree Spirits simply bend and are not impeded.
      • Illusions: Tree Spirits cannot be deceived by illusions and will ignore them.
    • Weaknesses:
      • Fire: Tree Spirits are very susceptible to fire, taking double damage.
      • *Poison: Tree Spirits are susceptible to poisons delivered through the air or through water. Poison will weaken them, robbing them of the strength required to use their most powerful attack of Root Stomp an antidote is given and they are cured.
      • Explosions: Explosives such as grenades, dynamite, can do double damage.
      • Edged Weapons: Axes do double damage, while swords do normal damage. A Tree Spirit that is cut from its root system will die.


Undead Servants are the tools and playthings of necromancers. Brought back to a putrid shadow of an existence, these denizens of Hell's living death serve their Masters in all ways. 

Where undead are brought back to some semblance of life by a Necromancer, the Player will roll and act for their creations. Fallen Player-Characters cannot be turned into undead servants by Necromancers. These must be NPCs (aka non-player characters.) Any undead escaping the Necromancer's command will be played by an Admin, Storyteller or Mod.


The Zombie is a rotting, smelly flesh puppet created from a corpse that can’t think critically or move faster than a stumbling walk. While a Zombie does not need to have all it's limbs to be resurrected by a Necromancer, it does need to have it's head intact.

Zombies continue to decompose and any human stuck in a room with one will need to roll vs. vomiting from the smell. They are surprisingly strong and unquestioningly loyal. An previously-living creature, in addition to humans, can be resurrected as a Zombie. While this includes supernatural creatures, any supernatural abilities the husk had in life are no longer viable in the Zombie. 

Zombies created from any creature with natural physical attacks such as claws or teeth (lion, bear, wolf, etc.) do the amount of damage they would have done in life, plus 2HP of damage due to the Zombies' incredible strength. Though Zombies cannot use weapons, they can use rudimentary tools to perform mundane tasks, such as brooms, mops, and similar items requiring simplistic motions and less-than-accurate motor skills. Zombies crumble to dust if their health points reach zero, or if they are decapitated.

  • Health Points: 40
  • Attack: 
    • One attack every other turn
    • DIF: unmodified 70
  • Defense: +10
  • Damage: 8 points of damage
  • +10 Physical Attack
  • Special Abilities & Limitations:
    • Movement: Very slow moving
    • Initiative: Zombies always act last.
    • Attack: Can only attack every other turn
    • Defense: They can only defend every other attack. For example, if they are attacked by four enemies, the Zombie can only roll to defend two of those attacks.
    • Weapons: Cannot use weapons beyond picking up a stick or club (no matter who they were when they were living). Zombies can only ever attack with teeth, nails/claws and bludgeon with their own arms, legs or even their head.
    • Immune to:
      • Poison
      • Mental Attacks or Influences
    • Weaknesses:
      • Rotting: Zombies continue to rot and any damage to them cannot be healed. However, they can be "repaired" to some degree with glues, staples or even Bondo. This includes stitching limbs back on.
      • Fire: does double damage. Or killed instantly with Turned to Ash ability used by a Necromancer
      • Decapitation:Attacker's must attack with an edged weapon, Difficulty is +10 their normal number to hit. A successful decapitation immediately kills a Zombie and it cannot be resurrected.
        • NOTE: Any successful hit by an attacker with an edged weapon that is at least 20 points higher than their required roll to hit is considered a Decapitation.


Skeletons are simply the animated bones of what was once a living creature. That is all it has in common with the being it used to be and retains no abilities or memories. While not as strong as Zombies, have several notable advantages. They are quicker and attack/defend normally and can move at a normal human walk or run. While the musty scent of the grave does cling to them if they are fresh, they do not wreak of rotting flesh. 

Due to their lack of flesh, they are not as physically strong as Zombies, but they are much sturdier and more resilient. In addition to fighting hand to hand, Skeletons can also use most types of weapons if they are equipped with such by the Necromancer. These weapons include edged melee weapons and guns.

  • Health Points: 60
  • Attack: 
    • Normal attacks
    • DIF: unmodified 60 for unarmed fighting, DIF unmodified 70 for all other weapon types.
  • Defense: +10 (Physical Defense)
  • Damage: 5 points of damage for hand to hand. Normal damage for whatever weapon they are using.
  • Special Abilities & Limitations:
    • Movement: Normal movement speeds for walking and running.
    • Initiative: +5
    • Attack: Normal Attacks
    • Weapons: Skeletons can use most types of normal weapons, in addition to hand to hand. While they can use edged weapons and guns, they do not have the dexterity required to use bows, spears or other types of ranged or thrown weapons.
    • Immune to:
      • Poison
      • Mental Attacks or Influences
    • Weaknesses:
      • Damage: Any damage to a Skeleton cannot be healed. However, limbs can be repaired or replace using wire.
      • Fire: A Skeleton can be killed with fire, and can be destroyed instantly with the Turned to Ash ability used by a Necromancer.
      • Decapitation: 
        • Decapitation instantly kills a Skeleton. Attacker's must attack with an edged weapon. A successful decapitation immediately renders a Skeleton to a pile of unconnected bones. Skeletons destroyed in this way cannot be reanimated. 
        • Any successful hit by an attacker with an edged weapon that is at least 20 points higher than their required roll to hit is considered a Decapitation.


A Corrupt Liche is a diabolical undead humanoid creature. They cannot be the zombified remains of non-sentient creatures or beasts. A Corrupt Liche, while semi-autonomous for the most part, is a begrudging though relatively loyal servant. It knows that the Necromancer can snuff out it's miserable life at will and therefore understands the benefits of remaining in its Master's good graces. 

Corrupt Liches are smart, strong, cunning and adept at fighting with any type of weapon. While they make much better servants than their hulking Zombie brothers and are incapable of outright disobeying a command given to them by their creator (unless they roll a Botch), they tend to be greedy, have their own desires/motives, and may attempt to free themselves of the Necromancer's control if given the opportunity.

These repulsive creatures have the same physical attributes and skills as they did in life. While created from Zombies, their level of decomposition is instantly halted and they no longer rot. Suffice it to say, Necromancers prefer to use recently deceased bodies to turn into Corrupt Liche's.

A Corrupt Liche is capable of the normal reasoning and thought it once had in life. It also regains the memories of its formal life, though this knowledge and memories are full of holes like a brick of Swiss cheese. (For supernatural creatures turned into Corrupt Liches, see an Admin for what special skills or abilities it retains.)

Once animated, a Corrupt Liche does not require any blood or sustenance from it's master. Corrupt Liches' who have escaped their Master's control can live independently on their own skulking about sewers, swamps or graveyard, subsisting on the decaying food and the flesh of the dead.

  • Health Points: 90
  • Attack: 
    • Normal attacks
    • DIF: unmodified 60 for unarmed fighting, DIF unmodified 70 for all other weapon types.
  • Defense: +10 (Physical Defense)
  • Damage: 5 points of damage for hand to hand. Normal damage for whatever weapon they are using.
  • Special Abilities & Limitations:
    • Movement: Normal movement speeds for walking and running.
    • Strength: +10 to any rolls involving strength.
    • Initiative: +5
    • Willpower: +5
    • Attack: Normal Attacks
    • Weapons: A Corrupt Liche can use any type of weapon, in addition to hand to hand, mele weapons or guns. This includes the use of bows, spears or other types of ranged or thrown weapons.
    • Immune to:
      • Poison
      • Mental Attacks or Influences
    • Weaknesses:
      • Gold: They love gold of any kind and often spend time in graveyards sniffing it out to add to their horde. If a Corrupt Liche catches the scent of gold, they will dig up corpses or rob the dead on a battlefield to steal jewelry and pry out gold teeth, which they string together as gory necklaces to wear wear. 
      • Fire: While fire does normal damage, a Corrupt Liche can be killed instantly with the Turned to Ash ability used by a Necromancer, though this must be done by touch.
      • Decapitation: Attacker's must attack with an edged weapon. A successful decapitation immediately kills a Corrupt Liche. This destroys the body, which cannot be reanimated as a zombie or a skeleton.
        • Any successful hit by an attacker with an edged weapon that is at least 20 points higher than the attacker's required roll to hit is considered a Decapitation.
      • Betray Loyalty:  When a Player makes any type of roll for their Corrupt Liche, there is a chance the Corrupt Liche will betray its Necromancer Master. This occurs when the Player rolls a Botch (natural 1-10) for the Corrupt Liche's attack, defense, willpower or any other rolled action.

        When a Botch is rolled, the Corrupt Liche will take the very next opportunity to run away and escape to the sewers, graveyards, abandoned dwellings, swamps or forests. Often this creature will cause problems that can threaten the Masquerade if left without a Master. (If a Corrupt Liche betrays its Master's loyalty, it becomes an NPC controlled by an Admin, Mod or Storyteller.)

        The Necromancer can attempt to recapture the creature, but must successfully use Dominate 3 - The Forgetful Mind to wipe the betrayal from the Corrupt Liche's mind to bring it back under his control. However, if during it's escape it comes across another Necromancer or more powerful Vampire, it will seek protection with this Vampire and become that Kindred's underling. It will show its new Master fealty by telling him/her/them absolutely everything they know or learned about its old master, including intimate secrets, weakness and abilities.


An Abomino is a three-headed conglomerate of random body parts and flesh that merge together into a single terrifying undead creature. Horrific to behold, they are the result of a failed attempt to turn a Zombie into a Corrupt Liche. 

When a Player rolls a Botch (natural 1-10) during this process, an Abomino is created. Instead of rising as a Corrupt Liche, the Zombie assimilates any random body and fleshy parts available and attaches them to it's own body, including those currently attached to nearby corpses, skeletons or other Zombies. If none are currently available, it will continue it's search until it reaches a mass of about 400-500lbs.

Abomino are large three-headed monsters around 8-10 feet in size and often have multiple limbs with serrated suckers and three upper torsos fused into one. Surprisingly fast, they move with twice the speed of a human, are strong and difficult to kill. While they cannot use weapons, they spew forth a putrid and sticky stream of bloody mucus that both poisons victims upon contact with the skin and damages them with acid.

Tragically, these creatures are highly intelligent, self aware and incurably insane. As much as they abhor themselves and their undead lives, they cling to it as much as any creature who fears death. They hate and despise their Necromancer master for creating them, as much as they hate and despise themselves and their vile existence. However, their loyalty is absolute and they are are compelled to obey without question. They require no substance from their Masters, but survive on the blood of dead animals and the fluids that seep from fresh corpses.

  • Health Points: 130
  • Initiative: +10
  • Permanent Buffs:
    • +10 Mental Defense
    • +15 Physical Defense
  • Attacks: 
    • Dred Gaze (Same as Presence 2)  
      • Base Roll: Unmodified 50
      • Damage: 15
      • Resist: Mental Defense 
    • Spew Acidic Poisonous Fluid
      • DIF: unmodified 50
      • Damage: 15 HP
      • Range: 3 meters/10 feet
        • Poison also decreases the Physical Attack of those infected by -10 for the duration of the scene or until cured, whichever comes first.
        • Every time a Target is hit with a stream of poisonous fluid, they receive an additional 15 HP of damage and their physical attack decreases another -5.
    • Roll & Crush
      • DIF: unmodified 70
      • Damage: 25 HP
      • DEF: Athletics/Reflexes, Physical Def
      • Range: All targets within 10 feet of the Abomino
  • Special Abilities & Limitations:
    • Movement: Twice the normal speed of humans. 
    • Attack: 
      • Poisonous Stream: They shoot a poisonous sticky fluid that also slowly burns through flesh and clothing. It also corrodes common metals weakening them, with the exception of silver, gold, platinum and titanium.
      • Roll: An Abomino will attempt to roll over and crush an opponent who is fighting it and standing within 10 feet of of it.
    • Weapons: Abomino creatures cannot use weapons of any kind.
    • Immune to:
      • Poison
      • Fire - Their bodies are covered with a thick mucus that acts as a fire retardant. 
    • Weaknesses:
      • They can be killed instantly with the Turned to Ash ability used by a Necromancer, though this must be done by touch.
      • Decapitation:Attacker's must attack with an edged weapon, and they must decapitate each of the three heads. A successful decapitation of the final head immediately kills them. 
        • Any successful hit by an attacker with an edged weapon that is at least 20 points higher than their required roll to hit is considered a Decapitation.


These frightening beasts resemble powerful horned war horses, but it doesn't take a great deal of observation to realize this creature is not an actual horse. Night Liches are terrifying undead beasts that feed on the flesh of the living, whether wild game, domesticated animals that have crossed their paths, or the unfortunate human or Garou. While they have no issue with attacking vampires, they refuse the eat the flesh of the dead ... or the undead.

While the origin of the Night Liche has never truly been established, it is said they are a creature of dual ancestry. Twisted into the visage of a horned horse with spikes of bone running down it's neck and back by a student of Tzimisce, Night Liches are believed to be the origins of Nightmares and bred by an isolated pack of Tzimisce New Bloods deep within the Carpathian Mountains.

During the dark ages, great herds of these steads ran through the shadowed forests of Eastern Europe. As living creatures, they were tamed only by the Tzimisce that created them, riding them into battle in territory wars with the Giovanni. The entire pack of the Tzimisce were destroyed, their names forgotten in the dirt where they where their bones were left to turn to dust in the Sun. But their steads were too enticing for the Giovanni to ignore. These intimidating beasts that were transformed in life by the Tzimisce, were again transformed in death by the the Giovanni. 

Whether or not this tale is legitimate, no one has been brave enough to pursue the subject and there are still unanswered questions about their true natures. While most appear as undead with dead white eyes and their flesh and bones showing beneath ragged hides, there is a rumor they have the blood of demons within them. This might explain why they appear to be capable of breeding and their desire to eat living flesh.

A Night Liche can be a fierce foe, able to strike in nearly any direction with deadly precision with crippling blows. Forward or rear strikes with their front and back legs or horns deliver powerful blows of their sharp hooves. Victims of these attacks risk bone-shattering injuries and ruptured internal organs.  But equally dangerous are their fierce teeth and powerful jaws that can rend flesh from bones and limbs from bodies.

  • Health Points: 120
  • Attacks: 
    • One attack per round 
      • Front and Back Kicks
      • Bite
      • Horns (head butt)
      • Trample (running)
    • DIF: unmodified 60 for unarmed fighting, DIF unmodified 70 for all other weapon types.
  • Defense: +10 (Physical Defense)
  • Damage: 5 points of damage for hand to hand. Normal damage for whatever weapon they are using.
  • Special Abilities & Limitations:
    • Movement: Fast, running to speeds of up to 60 mph.
    • Strength: +20 to any rolls involving strength.
    • Initiative: +5
    • Attack: Normal Attacks
    • Weapons: A Corrupt Liche can use any type of weapon, in addition to hand to hand, mele weapons or guns. This includes the use of bows, spears or other types of ranged or thrown weapons.
    • Immune to:
      • Poison
      • Mental Attacks or Influences
    • Weaknesses:
      • Scent of Living Flesh: These undead steads can scent living flesh up to a mile away. They will always attempt to seek out this scent and go to great lengths to reach it. This they will do to the distraction of all else.
      • Fire: While fire does normal damage, a Night Liche can be killed instantly with the Turned to Ash ability used by a Necromancer, though this must be done by touch.
      • Decapitation: Attacker's must attack with an edged weapon. A successful decapitation immediately kills a Night Liche. This destroys the body, which cannot be reanimated as a zombie or a skeleton.
        • Any successful hit by an attacker with an edged weapon that is at least 20 points higher than the attacker's required roll to hit is considered a Decapitation.
      • Betray Loyalty: If a Night Liche has been created by or mastered by a Necromancer, there is a chance it will betray its master's loyalty if the roll is a Botch (rolling a natural 1-10). If this happens, the Night Liche will instantly attack its master and attempt to consume his/her/their flesh.



Spirits are ethereal entities of varying natures that reside in the Umbra. While most originate in the Umbra, others are the deceased spirits of ancestral Garou or other beings who were once of the Physical World. Spirits are not Ghosts or Wraiths, but beings of light, dark, or somewhere in between. They can be of the Wyld, the Weaver, of Gaian origins, or be of truly ancient and powerful origins.

Some spirits are capable of materializing in the Physical World and can cross into the material world for a time. Other spirits can cross over permanently by binding themselves to a mortal (or rarely an animal, object, or place) via the Possession. The resulting mortal-spirit hybrid becomes one of four known types of Possessed: Formori, which serve the destructive and corrupt Wyrm; drones, which serve the stifling, static Weaver; gorgons, which serve the chaotic and generative Wyld; and the rare kami, which serve Gaia, the spirit of the Earth itself.

WYLD SPIRITS (aka Wyldlings)

These beneficial spirits have a playful nature and can manifest in any number of different mist-like forms of their choosing. Little is actually known of them aside from what they typically display in the physical world. For the most part, they are friends and protectors of the Garou and seek to aid them in their quests and to protect them. When called upon, they can easily cross over into the Physical World

Wyld Spirits are not capable of any kind of traditional physical attack and cannot use weapons. However, they can deliver some minor damage using a natural attack called Mind Blast. Even though this is a Mental Attack and can be defended against with Mental Defense, it does inflict 2 HP of actual physical damage.

NOTE: While death is extremely rare from these attacks, a fatal brain aneurysm can occur if a defending target Botches their Mental Defense roll. When this happens, the Target must roll again. A second Botched roll (rolling a natural 1-10) results in immediate death. (See Death and Murder in Dominions of Darkness.)

  • Health Points: 25
  • Attacks: 
    • One attack per round 
      • Mind Blast - Mental Attack
        • 2 HP Damage Per Attack
    • DIF: unmodified 60
    • Resist: Willpower
  • Defense: 
    • +10 (Physical Defense)
    • -10 Mental Defense
  • Damage: 2 HP of Damage for Mind Blast. 
  • Special Abilities & Strengths:
    • Abilities: Wyldlings have the power to bestow special bonuses on those they favor:
      • Increase Physical Attacks to 2 per round
      • Increase Damage inflicted on foes from Physical Attacks
      • Add Rage Points
      • Destroy all Weaver-tools in the area
      • Heal those they favor, and their allies.
    • Movement: Fast, reaching speeds of up to 160 mph.
    • Strengths: 
      • +20 to any rolls involving Physical Defense, Mental Defense, and speed or Athletics/Reflexes.
      • Immune to most physical attacks (except Solid Silver Weapons.)
    • Initiative: +20
    • Attack: Mind Blast
    • Immune to:
      • Standard Physical Attacks
      • Damage from the elements or Elementals
    • Weaknesses:
      • Silver: Weapons made of solid silver are the only physical weapons that can harm a Wyldling, delivering half the normal damage they would do to a physical being.
      • The Physical World: Wyldlings have very limited abilities in the Physical World. They cannot pick up items in the Physical World, nor can they use standard weapons.
      • Mental Attacks: Wyldlings are susceptible to Mental Attacks.

ELDER WYLD SPIRITS (aka Elder Wyldlings)

Much like standard Wyldlings, Elders are much more ancient spirits. Some of these have been around since the beginning of time. These beneficial spirits are dual gendered, shifting from male to female and back again depending on their whims and how they wish to appear, sometimes displaying aspects of both sexes if they cannot make up their minds.

Their playful nature allows them to manifest in human form, their skin radiating a rather luminescent glow. Much like standard Wyldlings, they appear as beautiful maidens, muscular god-like men, or lithe androgenous deities. 

Less is know of the Elder Wyldlings than of the standard kind. However, they share a fondness for the Garou and seek to aid them in their quests and to protect them. When called upon, they can easily cross over into the Physical Realm, and many are eager to experience the material world.

Elder Wyld Spirits are capable of delivering both Physical and Mental Attacks. They can use weapons, but these must be provided to them or can be picked up from foes or allies who have fallen on the field of battle. Elder Wyldlings cannot bring any weapons with them to the Physical World.

In addition to doing standard damage with physical weapons provided to them, they can also deliver some moderate damage using a natural attack called Mind Blast. Even though this is a Mental Attack and can be defended against with Mental Defense, it does inflict 5 HP of actual physical damage. 

NOTE: While death is extremely rare from these attacks, a fatal brain aneurysm can occur if a defending Target Botches their Mental Defense roll. When this happens, the Target must roll again. A second Botched roll (rolling a natural 1-10) results in immediate death. (See Death and Murder in Dominions of Darkness.)

  • Health Points: 50
  • Attacks: 
    • Two attacks per round: 1 Mental Attack, and 1 Physical Attack 
      • Mind Blast - Mental Attack
        • 5 HP Damage Per Attack
    • DIF: unmodified 60
    • Resist: Willpower
  • Defense: 
    • +5 (Physical Defense)
    • -5 Mental Defense
  • Damage: Normal Physical Damage for whatever weapon they are using.
  • Special Abilities & Strengths:
    • Abilities: Elder Wyldlings have the power to bestow special bonuses on those they favor:
      • Increase Physical Attacks to 2 per round
      • Increase Damage inflicted on foes from Physical Attacks
      • Add Rage Points
      • Add Energy/Gnosis Points
      • Destroy all Weaver-tools in the area.
      • Heal those they favor, and their allies.
      • Elder Wyldlings are both physical and spiritual while on the Physical Plain. They can only cross over to the physical world by invitation of those who summon them.
    • Movement: Fast, reaching speeds of up to 160 mph.
    • Strengths: 
      • +5 Mod to any rolls involving Physical Defense, and speed or Athletics/Reflexes.
      • +10 Mod to Mental Defense
      • Wyldlings can pick up items in the Physical World, use standard melee weapons they are given or find, and can deliver physical damage.
    • Initiative: +20
    • Attack: Mind Blast
    • Immune to:
      • Standard Physical Attacks
      • Damage from the elements or Elementals
    • Weaknesses:
      • Silver: Weapons made of solid silver do double damage to Elder Wyldlings
      • Mental Attacks: Elder Wyldlings are susceptible to Mental Attacks.
      • The Physical World: Elder Wyldlings rarely cross over to the physical world and are easily led astray by the multitude of physical sensations that present themselves. Eating sweets, drinking alcohol, breathing in sweet scents, touching soft textures, and unbridled lustful sex are eagerly enjoyed if given the chance before returning to the Umbra. Though Elder Wyldlings cannot become pregnant, their mortal partners do run that risk.