12 min read

Source Material: Sorcerer Revised Edition, White Wolf

Cyberpathy, also called Cyber-Psi, is the ability to make contact with electronic devices and access the data. The psychic can read the data stored on an electronic device. They cannot operate it with this ability, merely gain information. 
The psychic can learn what kind of data is stored on a device. The psychic can read files stored on a device and can “copy” a single file onto their mind and later recite it from memory or psychically place the file on a USB, but only one file at a time. The file must be "purged" from the Psychic's mindbefore another file can be memorized. The psychic can access additional electronic devices next to the one they are already connected to. The psychic can decrypt encrypted materials.

While a cyberkinetic possesses the ability to control electronic equipment, the Cyberpath can read the data stored on the computer. Researchers believe that the method for reading magnetic patterns in a computer’s memory or on a hard drive resembles the way telepaths read the electrical impulses of the human brain.

All uses of Cyberpathy require the psychic to be within physical contact of a computer. Characters using remote access (Router - Skill 5) do not have to be able to see the remote computers they are linking to, but they must be able to see the machine they’re using as an entry point. Generally speaking, these powers take 10 to15 minutes to use, though the Cyberpath can use higher numbered rolls to reduce the time:

Roll Chart for Reduced Time (must meet the minimum roll for a skill's success):

  • 1-65: Standard time of 15 minutes
  • 66-79: 10 minutes
  • 80-85: 8 minutes
  • 86-89: 6 minutes
  • 90-95: 4 minutes
  • 96-99: 2 minutes
  • 100+: Instant, completed in the same turn.


◎◎◎◎: Cyberpathy 1 - Analyze (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 60
  • Energy Cost: 2
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Alertness, Computers
  • Resist: None
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +2 Mental Defense
    • +5 Initiative
    • +3 Mental Skill

At this level, the cyberpath possesses the ability to examine the directory structure of the computer. He can see what files are stored on the hard drive but cannot access them. This can be useful to cyberpath hackers looking for a specific piece of data.

The Player spends 2 points of Energy and makes a successful roll. The Character can now easily access a computer's directory, peruse the files it contains and make note of any encrypted files, find specific file names or types or any type of security that may be required to access a file or folder.

◎◎◎: Cyberpathy 2 - Read (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 70
  • Energy Cost: 5
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Alertness, Computers
  • Resist: None
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +3 Mental Attack
    • +3 Athletics/Reflexes

The Cyberpath not only can travel the directory structure but can now read the files. Simple text and graphics files are easy to comprehend. Additionally, the Cyberpath can understand the functions of executable programs. Unscrambling encrypted files or hacking passwords remains beyond the Cyberpath at this level. But if the Cyberpath already knows the passwords, he/she/they can then access the files.

The Player spends 5 points of Energy and makes a successful roll. The Character can access any computer's main directory or subdirectories, select and open folders and read the files or view image files. The Cyberpath can remember what they saw and read, as normal. The Cyberpath can download the images to an external flash drive if one is already in the computer, or the Cyberpath can "save" the files to another folder, drive or computer if available, or simply delete the files. 

◎◎: Cyberpathy 3 - Copy (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 80
  • Energy Cost: 8
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Alertness, Computers
  • Resist: None
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +5 Mental Attack

The Psychic can “copy” a file from a computer to his mind, writing the data in unused sections of his brain. The Psychic can also take that file copied to his/her/their brain and copy it onto a USB drive. This can only be done for as many files as the Base Level of your Psychic Character at a time where the Psychic copies a file to their brain, then copies that file to a USB drive. The Psychic must purge the previous file before he/she/they can copy another file to their brain. Any type of single file or single file size can be copied to the Psychic's brain. However, a USB must be used that can hold that amount of data. 

While he can read text files, observe graphics or "listen" to sound files and understand the nature of an executable program, he cannot “run” the program in his brain. 

The Player spends 8 points of Energy and makes a successful roll to begin mentally copying files. The Cyberpath can upload the data back onto another unconnected computer or Flash Drive. The Cyberpath can download/upload/copy one program or file into his mind for every base level of his Character. You can see your Character's earned Base Level when you open your Character Sheet. For example, a level 5 Character can download/copy 5 files at a time using this skill. To download/copy 5 more files, the Player will need to reuse and roll for this ability.

NOTE: For more information on how many Experience Points your Character will need to obtain the next Level, CLICK HERE.

The Storytellers should decide how much data constitutes a single file. Some large files such as operating system kernels, large software packages or large movie files may take up more than one “file” in the cyberpath’s head.

◎: Cyberpathy 4 - Router (Mental Skill)

  • Base Roll: 90
  • Energy Cost: 12
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Alertness, Computers
  • Resist: None
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +3 Mental Attack
    • +3 Mental Skill
    • +10 Initiative

With this power, the Cyberpath can connect to any computer to which his local computer connects. The cyberpath has no additional powers beyond the ability to treat a remote computer as if it were sitting on his own desktop. Plus, the Cyberpath can continue to hop from the computer that his own computer is connected to, to another computer that is connected to that one, and so on and so on. 

The Player spends 12 points of Energy and makes a successful roll every time the character wishes to "hop" to another connected computer. The Character can now treat the computer he just hopped to as if it were his own. While a password is not required to access this new computer, any additional passwords needed to access any folders, files or password-protected software within or accessed by that Computer will not automatically reveal themselves to the Psychic.

The Cyberpath can continue hopping to other selected computers that are connected to the current computer they have accessed. In this way, the Character can use lower-level security computers to access higher-level security computers until they have found a way to much more protected data. Each hop requires a successful roll.


  • BOTCH! (Rolling a natural 1-10) - A Player who Botches any roll while hopping from computer to computer will have lost all connections and be required to start over from his/her/their own computer again. 
  • Player may continue to attempt access as many times as they have Energy points to do so.
  • A Character may turn over accessed progress they have achieved to another Cyberpath to continue using their own Energy Points and hop to the next desired computer. This can be done remotely by allowing full access control of the computer the first Cyberpath started with.

: Cyberpathy 5 - Decrypt (Attack)

  • Base Roll: 100
  • Energy Cost: 18
  • Damage: 0
  • Mods: Alertness, Computers
  • Resist: None
  • Permanent Affects: 
    • +2 Mental Attack
    • +2 Mental Defense
    • +5 Mental Skill
    • +5 Initiative

The Cyberpath’s understanding of computers progresses to the point where the Character can decrypt encrypted data, or simply change/alter the encryptions of encrypted data. The data can be on a computer (either locally or one connected by using Remote Access) or Downloaded into the psychic’s mind.

The Player spends 18 Points of Energy and makes a successful roll to perform any of the operations as described above.

BOTCH!: (Rolling a natural 1-10) This triggers a security autodestruct and destroys the file, turning all information into non-recoverable nonsensical data.