42 min read
WAYLANDS - Get of Fenris


Wayland was a blacksmith of exceptional craftiness and skill from old Norse Mythology. He was a maker of weapons and armor. In Garou clans, Waylands are male or female Apex Kinfolk with special talents at the forge who are born to the Get of Fenris Kinfolk. 

Physically, Waylands are always paragon examples of the human physique. Tall, muscular and strong, they’ve worked their bodies to perfection with the same singular pursuit as they perfect metal into tools and weapons. 

Their biggest asset to the Garou is they can handle and forge items of silver (plate or solid) with no ill effects, as well as create metal objects of such exquisite beauty and balance that they are capable of having a spirit bound to them, or Elder Runes inscribed on their surfaces. Though this requires the assistance of a talented Theurge, a skilled Wayland is of great value to his/her/their Sept. This makes their natural gifts sought after by their Garou relatives. 

A Wayland must use caution when making these more powerful items for anyone outside of the Garou Nation. Doing so without permission from the Sept can be cause for punishment if an item of sufficient power falls into the hands of an enemy. If in doubt, consult your Garou Elders for permission first. 

About the Garou Get of Fenris Tribe
Fierce warriors with little room for mercy, the Fenrir view themselves as great heroes, but have been known to shock other Garou with their violent ways. There is no room for cowardice or indecisiveness among the Fenrir, and retreat is not in their vocabulary. 

Even though the Tribe's reputation for cruelty and intolerance is well deserved, a sizable number of modern Get of Fenris have begun to incorporate compassion and and a type of kindness into their culture. Strength, they reason, is a gift from Gaia that they have a responsibility with which to protect the weak; and those who dare to bully the weak are therefore cowards of the lowest order, undeserving of life. 

In regards to their Kinfolk, Get don’t coddle their kin, but they don’t go out of their way to be abusive to them either. If you want to earn the respect of a Get of Fenris, hone your strengths and use them. Pull your own weight and find ways to serve your tribe. If you want to get notice in the non-violent way, make yourself useful. Because if you're not an asset, you're a liability.

Wayland Characteristics 
Personality wise, Waylands are strategists and planners. They do not act without first understanding their options and what the results of their actions might be. They resist spontaneity and are also not great improvisers. Their natural resting expression may give others the impression they are pissed off or irritated, but this is rarely the case as they tend to be stoic and introspective. While they are slow to show emotion, that does not mean they do not keenly feel them. Once a Wayland is moved to emotion (happiness, hate, laughter, anger, love, jealousy, etc.), they can erupt like a volcano in an impressive emotional display. 

Both Male and Female Waylands are typically described as ripped and statuesque. Females are sometimes referred to as Amazons, while Males are called Atlas. Either term is considered a compliment among the Garou. Though Apex Get have the appearance of a sleek body builder, all that muscle isn’t for show and neither gender is necessarily interested in being viewed as a piece of eye candy...nor treated like one. Anyone who behaves toward a Wayland with anything less than respect may get a first-hand demonstration in the error of their ways. 

Waylands are typically not concerned with fashion and are more interested in utilitarian attire that is exemplified by a less-than-casual appearance, lack of a fastidious grooming regime and a disregard for clothing that does not have a specific use. It’s not that they can’t look better, it’s just they don’t really care. They’re working a forge, not a stripper pole. However if an Apex Get of either gender finds someone of particular interest, they quickly clean up exceptionally well to attract that special someone’s attention. It should be noted that subtlety is really not in their wheelhouse, so fair warning. 

Waylands and Social Skills
Waylands have a rather algebraic life approach; a+b=c ... always. This makes navigating the treacherous path of finer social skills challenging for them to grasp; a+b=c, unless "a" is interested in "d", and "b is friends with "a's" brother, and "c" is an undecipherable variable with frustratingly unknown and changing outcomes. Because of this they do not easily form friendships, but when they do there is no more loyal of a friend than a Wayland.

Waylands and Mates
When it comes to finding mates, Waylands are attracted to the same qualities they themselves exemplify; strength, fortitude, courage, honesty, fidelity and power. Once someone has demonstrated these traits and gained the Wayland’s attention, he/she/they will most likely be quite direct, even brutish, in their desires. What’s the point of all the courtship crap when you can get the same result more efficiently and simply cut to the chase? 

Waylands are also not easily dissuaded when their heart is set on a particular person. The thought that their heart’s desire does not find them equally attractive is not likely one they will consider should they be refused. A Wayland will look at rejection as just another opportunity to try a different approach. Like their ability to mold metal, they are quite patient...to a point. An angered Wayland is like a forge explosion, one big ball of fire that is all heat and flames, then soon extinguished.

Getting the attention of a Wayland can be a bit of a challenge since their dedication to their work can make them somewhat oblivious to others. Subtle dating techniques such as flirting, innuendo, and blushing cheeks probably won’t work on them. It’s not that they may not be receptive, it’s just that their focus is elsewhere. The saying “Go big or go home” might have been first applied in trying to gain a Wayland’s attentions. 

Among the Garou there are several ancient stories of those who have fallen in love with Waylands. The common theme in these tales is an armed-combat. During such a battle, the hopeful lover finally gains their beloved’s attention, affection and respect in battle. Win or lose, the Wayland will be impressed by a suitor’s skills. 

These romantic stories have a common theme that ends with the Wayland falling in love with the strength, bravery, skill and power of their romantic opponent. Though in reality, it’s just as likely to piss them off as it is to ignite their affections. The most popular of these stories begins with the Wayland Jedidiah. Fighting alongside his Garou family during a clan skirmish, he fell in love with a Black Fury who bested him in battle. In fact, it was a rather brutal defeat, which made him fall even more so in love. Unfortunately the “Ballad of Jedidiah” ends tragically, but you get the idea. 

Get Apex Kinfolk Lifestyle 
Waylands share fully in the beliefs and lifestyle of their Garou relatives. Though they are human and do not have the supernatural abilities of werewolves, they admire and cultivate strength, skill, fearlessness, and courage, and seek to build those qualities in themselves. Out of all the kinfolk, Get Apex Kinfolk physically push themselves the hardest, seeking to mold their bodies to perfection as they do metal. When they are not hammering out weapons and armor in the heat of their forges, they’re at the gym exercising, doing heavy lifting, participating in parkour, taking jobs that require physical strength, or seeking to strengthen their naturally buff physiques. If sweat is not pouring from their bodies, it’s not a good workout. And why not? If it feels good, do it!   

Naturally a Wayland will gravitate toward hand-forging weapons and armor. Though they may employ modern forges and tools, they really are not happy with their work unless they’ve got a hammer and an anvil, pounding the metal and forming it to their will. Because their temperaments may make them seem gruff and easily agitated, the definition of patience is a Wayland working and folding metal hundreds of times with a concentrated focus that goes well beyond any other race. However, this is not the only occupation they may be drawn to. Some are attracted to law enforcement, bouncer in a club, or construction work just to name a few. Anything requiring physical skill and strength are possible side jobs. 

Because of their natural affinity toward physical activities, many Get Apex Kinfolk struggled in school. With the exception of their natural understanding of mathematics and Runes, reading is actually a challenge for them. But don’t look at this drawback as a negative reflection of their intelligence. Nothing could be farther from the truth. It takes great vision and mathematical skill to create the beautifully forged and decorated metal pieces they produce. But even then, only a handful would have the interest to graduate high school, and fewer still with a desire in any form of higher learning requiring university attendance. The best a Get Apex Kinfolk would desire is going to a trade school, military or police academy, or apprenticing with a Master Blacksmith. 

Bigger is Better! 
Bodies, muscles, weapons, armor...if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing in a big way. Not that a Get Apex Kinfolk can’t create delicate pieces requiring finesse when required. Waylands put their pride into the impressive stuff. If you’re looking for a war hammer or ten foot bastard sword, Waylands are the ones you’ll want to go to. But don’t bother them with asking for gun parts. They won’t do it and may even look at you with contempt for using such a cowardly weapon. If you’re going to kill an enemy, why wouldn’t you honor that kill by getting right in their face with a big head-splitting claymore?  

Warriors of a Special Kind 
Many Waylands do not just enjoy making weapons, they enjoy using them as well. Though a great deal of pride is taken by seeing others wield the weapons they produce, they are no less skilled in wielding them themselves. While their weapon of choice is a hammer (naturally), they may also favor a short sword, mace, or flail. Though fighting hand-to-hand is not out of their purview (See Brawl), there is a sense of pride in fighting with a beautifully crafted and exceptionally dangerous weapon.


Unlike any other Apex Kinfolk, Waylands, have the ability to have greater strength than a normal human. While they will never be stronger than a Garou or a Vampire, they can spend time enhancing their natural abilities to become stronger than most humans. This ability is separate from their Wayland Blacksmith skills and is simply a side effect of their natural Gaian gifts.  

(These additional strength bonuses are listed per level, and automatically added when you earn and purchase the following Wayland levels.)             

  • Level One: +10 Physical Attack
    • Your strength training is beginning to pay off and your non hammer swinging arm is nearly as strong as the one you naturally use to shape metal.             
  • Level Two: +10 Physical Def             
    • As a Wayland, your blows with a hammer always hit their mark with a near supernatural accuracy. Dexterity training begins to bring your entire body in line with that your blacksmith’s hammer has told you all along you were capable of. You find it a little easier to not be where your enemy’s weapon hits.             
  • Level Three: +15 Athletics             
    • Nothing like some light parkour training to keep your mind and body nimble as well as strong.   
  • Level Four: +5 Initiative
    • In Parkour, you’re always looking for the next obstacle to maintain an even flow of movement, developing a plan of attack on the fly, even as you are midair going towards it. This gives you a   slight edge in initiative as you train your mind and body to react as one.      
  •  Level Five: +15 Physical Attack            
    • More pushups, weight training and uncounted hours swinging a hammer build muscles that are as hard as the metal you mold.
  • Level Six: +15 Athletics/Reflexes            
    • Your workouts increase your reflexes, making you strong as well as nimble.             
  • Level Seven: +10 Physical Defense and +15 Physical Attack             
    • You have your routine down and you begin every day with a high protein breakfast followed by several hours of workout before you even fire up your forge or head out for the day. You may not be a Garou, but it’s hard to tell you’re not one in human form. Arnold Schwarzenegger would proudly give you a fist bump and ask which steroids you were on. 

Waylands begin their careers as a Beginner, having graduated to this level after several years of serving as an apprentice. This allows the Wayland to build their own forges and ply their craft as an officially-trained blacksmith.   

At Level 7, Waylands may begin inscribing Runes. Waylands are naturally adept in learning Rune Crafting. Rune Crafting is a rare talent, only available to Waylands, Garou Theurges and Telyavelic Tremere Vampires. 

Unlike a Theurge or Telyavelic, Waylands do not have the magical ability to activate the runes they create. However, only they can perfectly create the Runes with automatic success. Activating the Runes they make requires the help of a Garou Theurge, or a Telyavelic Tremere, but it is unlikely (though not unheard of) for an Apex Kinfolk to associate with such a creature given the risks of falling under a Vampire's control.

While reading and writing is a bit of a challenge for them, they can certainly do so when properly motivated on a task. Hence, they have a natural aptitude for understanding Runes, their meanings, and their effects once activated. A Wayland can create beautiful pieces of jewelry with inscribed Runes or swords with special runic properties once a Theurge has successfully imbued the Runes with Gaia's blessings.

Rune Crafting Levels
Rune Craft levels must be purchased using available Experience Points, much like any other ability such as Willpower and Streetfighter Martial Arts. And like those abilities, a Wayland may purchase Rune Craft at any time given his/her/their natural abilities allowing them to perfectly inscribe the lines with precision. 

Rune Craft levels stack. When Runecraft is maxed out at level 5, the user will have earned +25 mods toward rolls that require Rune Craft skills. In addition, you also receive mods related to mental and physical skills (+20 Physical Skills & +15 Mental Skills).

RUNE CRAFT: Mods Earned Per Skill Point Purchased
1. +5 Physical Skill
2. ◉◉+5 Mental Skill
3. ◉◉◉+5 Physical Skill
4. ◉◉◉◉+5 Physical Skill
5. ◉◉◉◉◉
+10 Physical Skill


◎◎◎◎◎: Level 1 BEGINNER —  Make Standard Small Items 

There is a primitive spirit in all metal, and while a Wayland cannot speak to it, they understand its nature. A Beginner Wayland can make small knives, brass knuckles, arrowheads and other hand-sized items such as locks & keys, latches, hooks, etc. 

But even at this stage, a Wayland has the innate potential ability to identify any type of metal by touch, what kind of alloy it is, and how it was made. Items that are magical can also be revealed to the Wayland as such (must roll for success), though the Wayland will not naturally know what that magic is or how magic was used to create it.             

  • Diff: 90+
  • Mod: Craft, Occult
  • Permanent Affect: 
    • +5 Physical Skill

◎◎◎◎: Level 2 NOVICE  —  Make Standard Weapons

Gaining accuracy in their techniques, Waylands of this level can easily make perfectly balanced swords, daggers, and throwing knives/stars. Their understanding of iron, steel, copper, and brass has significantly increased with practice and their growing skill. Standard weapons include, swords, flails, maces, spears, knives, daggers, etc.

  • Diff: 90
  • Mod: Craft, Occult, Physical Skill
  • Permanent Affect
    • +5 Physical Attack

◎◎◎: Level 3 ADVANCED —  Make Armor 

Using their intimate knowledge of metal and heating & cooling techniques, a Wayland combines the added understanding of how physical bodies move to craft armor pieces that are lightweight, exceptionally strong, and articulate naturally with the body. 

While it is unlikely that a Wayland would ever be called upon to make a full suit of armor, (this is the 21st century after all) there are special pieces which can be of great use even in our modern age to assist with defense. At this level, the Wayland can begin to make bracers, greaves, pauldrons, gauntlets, shields and helmets that fit either human or werewolf proportions.               

  • Diff: 90 
  • Mod: Craft + Occult
  • Permanent Affect:
    • +5 Athletics/Reflexes

◎◎◎: Level 4 INITIATE — Make Plated Silver Items 

Advancing to Level 4, a Wayland understands how to combine their knowledge of metal weapons with the natural magical properties of silver. While silver plated items confer the same damaging/defensive properties that solid silver does, plated weapons or armor always have a 10% chance of breaking every time they are used to strike, or are struck. 

This means that every time a plated-silver weapon or piece of armor is used, the wearer of the armor or user of the weapon must roll for breakage, with a 1-10 roll having the blade crack and break, rendering the weapon useless. Silver plated items cannot be repaired and must be replaced. While beautiful as any solid silver item, a silver plated item is not capable of having a spirit bound to it. Any forged item can be silver plated.

  • Diff: = 90 
  • Mod: Craft + Occult
  • Permanent Affect:
    • +5 Physical Skill

◎: Level 5 ADEPT — Make Solid Silver Items 

A Wayland of this level is a competent Silversmith capable of successfully making weapons and the finest piece of jewelry from solid silver or gold and their alloys. The benefit of using solid silver vs. plated silver is that it can be easily repaired. Plated silver cannot.

At this level, the Wayland can make silver Klaives for their Garou tribe. While silver Klaives are the most prized among all of the Garou weapons, simply owning one does not mean that the Garou is capable of using it. While only a Garou is capable of holding and wielding a Klaive, he/she/they must also train in it's use. (See Klaive Training.)

Because silver is naturally soft, weapons made of solid silver have a 10% chance of breaking with every use. (Natural roll of 1-10 has the weapon breaking when used in combat attacks.) If the wielder of the weapon botches while attacking with a silver weapon, it will instantly break and cannot be used again until it is repaired by a Wayland.  

  • Diff: = 90 
  • Mod: Craft, Occult, Physical Skill (repairing silver is the same difficulty & mods)
  • Permanent Affect: +5 Physical Skill

Silver Glaives
Damage: 10HP

◎: Level 6 ADEPT — Spirit Binding

A Wayland is actually not capable of binding a spirit to a Klaive or any other object on his/her/their own. That requires the expertise and assistance of a Garou Theurge. What they do contribute to the process is the perfection of craftsmanship in the item to be inhabited by a spirit. If the weapon or piece of armor is worthy, a spirit can be compelled to inhabit it. If it is not of expert craftsmanship, the item will not be capable of holding a spirit. 

Creating a Spirit Weapon, Spirit Armor or other Spirit Item: 
The Expert Wayland must craft the item of superior materials, which can include their choice of metals and gemstones. It can be as ornate or as plain as the Wayland wishes. Once successfully created and a spirit is bound to it, the item can only be used by the person who “owns” it. While they are not bound to any particular person, the owner cannot “loan” the spirit bound item to anyone else. However, it can be given or bought and sold. Stealing the item will not allow the bound spirit to recognize the thief as the objects owner. 

If the item is broken or destroyed, the spirit is released. To create a weapon or armor worthy of binding a spirit the Wayland must roll a Diff 90, Mod Craft, Physical Skill and Occult. If the Wayland makes his or her roll, then they may progress to the next step of binding a spirit to the item. If they do not make their roll, then they must start over and reforge the weapon or armor. Because of the difficulty and precision required, a Wayland can only attempt to make a Spirit Weapon or Spirit Armor once every OOC week. So don’t be surprised if you have a backlog of Garou wanting to place orders. 

To Create an Item Worthy of Spirit Binding:

  • Diff: 90 
  • Mod: Craft, Occult, Physical Skill (repairing silver is the same difficulty & mods)
  • Permanent Affect:
    • +5 Athletics/Reflexes

Binding a Spirit:   The Theurge holds the item, and then makes a roll modified by his/her/their Willpower with a difficulty of 80. (Best to seek out the most powerful and advanced Theurge you know.)

If this is not successful, you can try two times each OOC day for three days. After the third unsuccessful try on the third day, the item must be scrapped and the Wayland must start the entire process again.

If the Theurge’s roll is successful, the Wayland then makes an unmodified roll to determine just how good of a masterpiece his forged item is based on the following chart: 

Roll Chart: 

1-10: Botch! The item falls apart in your hands due to flaws in the metal. Best to simply throw the item back into the forge and melt it down for horseshoes. 

11-40: While an impressive example of your skills, the item is for one reason or another not capable of containing a spirit. But you can sell it for a few bucks on eBay. 

41-60: The item pleases the ancestors and now houses a minor protection spirit.

  • Adds +5 Physical Attack and +5 Physical Attack to the item.

61-80: The item pleases the ancestors and now houses a minor combat spirit.

  • Adds +10 Physical Attack to the item and +5 Physical Defense.

81-97: Nice! Your item has attracted an Advanced spirit.

  • Adds +15 Physical Attack and +15 Physical Defense to the item.

9-100+: Holy Shit! Your work has attracted the attention of a legendary spirit. The Theurge will tell you the name of your spirit, which will then become the name of your weapon/armor or other item. You want to be very, very careful about who’s hands this falls into. This was how Excalibur and other famous swords were originally created. 

Added attributes to the item's user:

  • +20 Physical Attack
  • +20 Physical Defense
  • +20 Mental Defense
  • +20 Initiative
  • +10 Persuasion (only when used for intimidation)

◎: Level 7 EXPERT —  Elder Rune Inscriptions 

  • Permanent Affect:
    • +5 Physical Attack
    • +5 Physical Defense
    • +5 Physical Skill

At this level, a Wayland may begin purchasing levels in Runecraft and is now sufficiently skilled enough to inscribe Elder Runes. 

These are the oldest forms of the runic alphabets. Runic inscriptions are found on artifacts that include jewelry, charms, talismans, plate ware, tools, weapons and rune stones from the 2nd to the 8th centuries. While Rune inscription can be learned by Theurges and Telyavelic Vampires as well, only a Wayland has a 100% chance of successfully inscribing them (with the exception of living flesh, which does require a success roll due to the challenges presented – SEE RUNECRAFT). 

Waylands are also the only Runecrafters capable of creating items with up to 4 Runes, or two Bind Runes. Other Runecrafters are limited to 2 Runes or one Bind Rune. On Flesh, all Runecrafters can only inscribe one Rune or one Bind Rune. 

Waylands and Runecraft 
Because Waylands are natural artists with a talent for the Occult, they have the innate ability to always successfully inscribe, engrave, paint or draw runes on any surface that will accept them as a lasting mark. There is no need for a Wayland who has acquired this skill to roll for success in creation of Runes OR Bind Runes.             

  • NOTEThe only exception to this rule is when a Wayland is attempting a brand, physically cutting a Rune into living flesh, paint/draw, or using a tattoo method. Under these circumstances, Waylands must make their roll for success based on their level of Craft, Runecraft, and Occult. 
    • Diff: 120
    • Mod: Craft, Runecraft, Occult
    • ENERGY/MANA: 5 per rune inscribed 

While Waylands are perfectly capable of understanding Runes and how to Bind them (see Bind Runes) and inscribing them on nearly any surface, they lack the Gnosis to infuse the runes with the required mana/magic to activate them. 

Activating the Runes will require the assistance of a Theurge, or even possibly a Telyavelic Vampire if one can be convinced to do so. Unlike the Telyavelic and Theurges who can only inscribe 2 Runes or one Bind Rune on standard-surfaced items, Waylands have the ability to place up to 4 Runes (or two Bind Runes) inscriptions on any one item, given enough space.             

  • Engraving/Inscription: 
  • Normal surfaces: 100% success with no roll
  • Living Flesh: 
    • Diff: 120
    • Mod: Craft, Occult, Runecraft

Level 8 MASTER — Thor’s Hammer 

In order for an Expert Wayland to graduate to Master status, he/she/they must accomplish the task of creating their own Thor’s Hammer. To advance in skill, a standard hammer will no longer adequately serve the Wayland’s needs and the Expert Wayland must work with a Theurge to craft a hammer that has been bound to a spirit. This coveted possession of all Waylands is both an indestructible tool and weapon, and the most prized item they will ever own. A Wayland can only ever make/possess one Thor’s Hammer at any given time. 

Creating a Thor’s Hammer is not a simple task. Though Thor’s Hammer can be initially crafted from any metal, its original constitution and strength are of little concern in regards to the end product. Once successfully bound with a spirit of sufficient strength, the hammer is transmuted to Uru, an indestructible substance that is both metal and stone. Depending on the level of spirit that inhabits the hammer, the Uru will appear as either stone or metal, each having its own benefits. In either form, Uru is highly valued for its ability to store all types of energy, especially spirit energy. 

  • Roll to Create the Hammer (still needs inscriptions and spirit binding) 
    • Diff: 90+ 
    • Mod: Craft + Occult to successfully create the Hammer
    • ENERGY/MANA: 25
  • Thor's Hammer used as a Weapon to attack:
    • Diff: 60
    • Mod: Physical Skill, Physical Attack
    • ENERGY/MANA: 25
    • Damage: 15HP


The Wayland inscribes runes on both the metal hammer and its handle. This is done by selecting a rune from each of the four realms: Fire, Water, Earth and Wind. These elemental runes are inscribed on the handle of the hammer. 

On one side of the hammer head itself is inscribed the Rune of Light, and the other side is inscribed with the Rune of Shadow. This combination on Thor’s Hammer, with the assistance of a Theurge, will do the following if successful:

  • Transmute the hammer to the metallic stone Uru, making it unbreakable.
  • Ensure that no other will be able to use the hammer except for the creator (yes, anyone can pick it up, but to anyone other than the creator it’s just a big, very heavy hammer that weighs about 5-6 pounds). 
  • Create an inescapable vessel for a powerful spirit 


Once forged and inscribed, (you will need to notecard your RP where you name the Runes you used for the inscriptions on the handle) the Wayland will need to seek out a Theurge to attract a spirit to the hammer. Together the Wayland and the Theurge will perform the ceremony to call a spirit from the Umbra to inhabit the hammer. 

Both the Wayland and the Theurge will roll unmodified dice. The results of the two rolls will be added together, and the total used on the scale below to determine the level of success.

Roll Chart:

2-20: Suck an Elf! The hammer explodes and both the Wayland and the Theurge (and anyone or thing standing near them in a 5 meter radius) take 5 HP of damage from the shrapnel. You both may wish to make a pact to never discuss this embarrassing incident ever again. Pinky swear, it never happened.

21-90: Nice! 
Your skills have attracted a worthy spirit. Select one of the runes you have inscribed on the handle to use as your hammer’s modifier and element. (For example, you select the element Rune of fire from the four you inscribed on your handle. Your hammer gains whatever modifiers or special abilities are attributed to that Rune.)

91-120: Great! 
Your skills have attracted a major spirit. Select two of the runes you have inscribed on the handle to use as your hammer’s modifiers.

121-160: Excellent! Your skills have attracted a Minor Elemental Spirit. You receive two bonuses to your Thor's Hammer: Rune Bonus, and Elemental Bonus.

  1. Rune Bonus: 
    Select the rune and its element you inscribed on your hammer, multiply that rune’s modifier by 2. (For example, you select Water as your Minor Elemental Spirit and activate the Water Rune you inscribed on your hammer, which for this example is a Water Rune that gives a +5 to Physical Attack. Your Thor’s Hammer now has a +10 to all Physical attacks.)

  2. Minor Elemental Spirit Bonus:
    In addition to the bonus given by your selected inscribed rune, even more importantly are the benefits the captured Minor Elemental bestows when you use your Thor's Hammer:
    1. Water Elemental: 
      • Permanent +10 bonus added to all inscribed runes' abilities on future projects.
      • Permanent +15 Crafting
    2. Fire Elemental:
      • Permanent +10 Crafting 
      • Permanent +15 Initiative
    3. Earth Elemental:
      • Your hammer can crush any stone with a single swing.
      • Permanent +15 Physical Attack
      • Permanent +15 Physical Skill
    4. Wind Elemental: 
      • Your hammer is light as air in your hands, but hits twice as hard with every strike
      • Permanent +15 Physical Attack
      • Permanent +20 Initiative         

161-180: STELLAR! Your skills have attracted a Major Elemental Spirit. you receive two bonuses to your Thor's Hammer: Rune Bonus, and Elemental Bonus.

Rune Bonus:
Select the element you wish to inhabit your hammer, multiply that rune’s modifier by 3. (For example, one of the runes you have chosen is a Water Rune that gives a +5 to Physical Attack. Choosing Water as the elemental spirit, your Thor’s Hammer now has a +15 to all attacks.)

Major Elemental Spirit Bonus: 
In addition to the bonus given by your selected inscribed rune, even more importantly are the benefits the captured Major Elemental bestows when you use your Thor's Hammer: 

  • Water Elemental: 
    • Permanent +20 bonus added to all inscribed runes' abilities on future projects.
    • Permanent +15 Crafting

  • Fire Elemental:
    • Permanent +15 Crafting 
    • Permanent +20 Initiative

  • Earth Elemental:
    • Your hammer can crush any stone with a single swing.
      • Permanent +20 Physical Attack
      • Permanent +20 Physical Skill

  • Wind Elemental:
    • Your hammer is light as air in your hands, but hits twice as hard with every strike
      • Permanent +20 Physical Attack
      • Permanent +25 Initiative

181-200: Holy Shit! Your work has been honored by a legendary or epic Garou spirit that has attached itself to both you and the hammer. The Theurge will tell you the name of your spirit, which will then become the name of your hammer. (Yes, the Theurge gets to select and name the spirit inhabiting your hammer since you are a kinfolk without any abilities to communicate with the spirit world.)

Your hammer keeps all four of its elemental runes, AND the abilities they instill. Plus, your hammer retains its Light and Shadow Runes, giving you the following attributes: 

  • Permanent +20 to Crafting 
  • Permanent +20 to Physical Attack 
  • Permanent +20 Mental Defense
  • Permanent +20 to Physical Defense 
  • Permanent +20 to Initiative 
  • Two attacks/actions per round when using your Thor's Hammer as a weapon.

With the exception of the Legendary/Epic Spirit Thor's Hammer, if you were successful in binding a spirit to Thor’s Hammer, the light/shadow symbols will disappear and the symbol of your elemental rune will appear in its place on either side. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Successful on any level, and your Thor’s Hammer has been transmuted to the stone metal Uru, making it indestructible. However, if the runes engraved are somehow disfigured or can no longer be seen on its surface, the spirit will no longer be held, the hammer’s special abilities will be lost, and the Wayland will permanently lose 5 health points and one level of Occult. 

Level 9 GRAND MASTER - Damascus Silver 

A Grand Master Wayland can successfully create a powerful and strong metal called Damascus Silver, using his /her/their Thor’s Hammer. This is the only hammer that is capable of pounding the hundreds or even thousands of layers hard enough and thin enough to physically bind pure or sterling silver into the titanium. 

Attempts to make Damascus Silver without a Thor’s Hammer will fail to anneal the metal and the object will fall or crack apart. Though the original technique for creating Damascus metals was lost hundreds of years ago, a Master Wayland, using his/her/their Thor’s Hammer, can make a stronger connection to the spirit in the metal and forge this legendary alloy. 

Requiring the metal to be pounded into hundreds or thousands of layers, the Wayland can craft any object using Damascus Silver, giving any weapon double damage, and any armor double defense. This includes Garou Klaives.

When used for other wearable items, such as talismans and jewelry, Damascus Silver endows its wearer with a natural +15 Mental Def

Rune inscription OR spirit binding may also be used to empower an item made of Damascus Silver without inhibiting its natural abilities, but not both. 

NOTE: Damascus Silver weapons adds a +10 HP of damage, or a +15 HP of damage if used against Garou.

Making Damascus Silver:

  • Requires a 1:3 ratio of silver and titanium.
  • Having a Thor’s Hammer that is elemental Fire or Water increases success by +5
  • Damascus Silver items, whether weapons, armor, jewelry, etc., can only be made when started during the full moon (the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of every month). 
  • Requires one OOC week of preparation, heating, cooling, folding, pounding to make Damascus Silver. This should be roleplayed. (If your Thor’s Hammer is Wind Element, cut this time down from a week to two OOC days.) 
  • Requires an additional OOC week to create the finished product, whether it’s a weapon, armor, jewelry or other item. (If your Thor’s Hammer is Wind Element, cut this time down from a week to two days.) 

Roll for success:

  • DIF: 91+
  • ModCraft, Occult

1-10: Face Palm! (Botch, natural 1-10) Something went very, very wrong. Either in the heating of the metal or the way it was cooled, the silver and the titanium didn’t bond properly and it starts to flake apart. Instead of that beautiful Damascus pattern, you’ve got...crap. Throw it out, start again. You can’t do anything with this.

11-60: Meh. 
While a very nice example of Damascus patterning, the item for some reason came out brittle and unusable for anything other than decoration. But boy is it pretty. Maybe you should just hang it on your wall or sell it on eBay.

61-90: Nice! 
Now this is what you were looking for. A beautiful example of Damascus Silver, it will make a great looking weapon, armor or piece of jewelry. While it has all the abilities and hallmarks of Damascus Silver, for one reason or another it is not capable of containing a spirit or being inscribed with runes. But it’s still quite useable.

91-110: Perfection! 
You have created a masterful object of an exquisitely patterned Damascus Silver. The silver and the titanium flow together like two rivers into a sea of aesthetic beauty. This item can be inscribed with Runes or be used to bind a spirit (but not both). There is a +20 Mod for both the Wayland and the Theurge on their rolls for Runes and Spirit binding. It’s almost too easy! (Use chart in Level 6 Spirit Binding to roll to bind a spirit.)

111+: Blessing of Gaia! 
Your work can contain both a spirit binding and runes. If spirit binding is successful, the Theurge who instills a spirit into your item will choose a name for your masterful creation. It is destined to become a priceless heirloom and cherished possession by whomever receives it for hundreds of generations to come. There is a +30 Mod for both the Wayland and the Theurge on their rolls for activating Runes and Spirit binding.