"I may not be a Garou, but never forget that the heart that beats in my chest is all Black Fury."
Surprisingly, Black Fury Rangers can be either male or female and are associated with the wisdom and survivalism of their natural environments, be it forests, plains, deserts, mountains, etc. Females fortunate enough to have been born as Apex Kinfolk readily embrace the role of Ranger. For females, it allows them the only true opportunity to be of practical use in the tribe besides as a breeder to other Garou.
The Challenges of Being a Male Ranger
Where female Rangers have a natural place with their birth families and a typical Black Fury upbringing, male Rangers have a much more difficult path to follow. All males born to Black Fury mothers are traditionally traded to other tribes in exchange for female offspring, or simply given away. Even those males born Apex Kinfolk are given or traded to be raised by another tribe.
However unlike normal offspring, Apex Black Fury males will naturally develop their Ranger skills and have a temperament and beliefs that reflect their Black Fury birthright rather than those of the tribe in which they were raised. Many (though not all) will seek out Black Fury mates or feel drawn to strong females of other tribes, even though they were raised from birth by a foster tribe. An Apex Black Fury male feels no sense of self loss or respect by associating with strong, dominate women. Depending on the tribe in which the Apex Male Black Fury is raised, this can cause some friction with their adopted families who sense the Apex Kinfolk Ranger does not fit in with the rest of their tribe.
It is possible that Apex Black Fury-born males may not know or understand their parentage until their abilities begin to manifest, usually around puberty if not sooner. Then it is difficult for even them to deny who they are. Whether they initially embrace or refuse their Black Fury birthright depends on the individual male and how strongly they have bonded to their adopted family and tribe. However for the Apex male Black Fury, they find themselves hardwired to Black Fury beliefs and customs. At the end of the day it is not a fight they can, or even desire, to win.
Proven Male Rangers are looked upon with a great deal more respect than other kinfolk males by Black Fury Garou due to their special affinity with nature magic and the spirits, making them ideal mates who are extremely valued and sought after by Black Fury Garou. It is not uncommon for female Garou of other tribes to also challenge for Rangers as mates, though some Black Furies may claim male Rangers are only allowed to mate within the Black Fury tribe. This is not really a true statement. It is also believed that a skilled Ranger (male or female) has a better chance of producing a Garou child when mated to a Garou, though this is not a proven fact. Rangers are stereo-typically found to be smart, hardy, cunning, and perceptive, in addition to being skilled woodsmen, hunters, and scouts.
The Path of the Ranger
Rangers have a natural affinity with Gaia and are known for their straightforward common sense. They speak their minds plainly and tend to be robust, wily and perceptive, in addition to being knowledgeable of their natural habitats. Many are skilled in woodcraft, stealth, wilderness survival, tracking, and "nature magic." They also have a tendency to be resistant to the mental magic of others.
Rangers feel most at home in the woods sleeping under the stars. They serve their Tribe and Sept by hunting, fishing, guarding the encampment, and keeping an eye on nature to ensure none violate her territory or bring trouble to the woodlands they view as their responsibility. The preferred weapon of a Ranger tends to be a bow and melee weapons such as knives, staffs, spears and even short swords or machetes. Hand to hand combat is also within the purview of a Ranger. You won’t find a ranger using a gun or similar weapons, as they feel the devices of the Weaver have no place in the Wyld.
At the first level of skill, a Black Fury Ranger discovers an impressive core of natural and magical passive abilities:
A Ranger knows the plants and animals in his or her domain. Specifically, those within the continent in which they were raised. He/she/they knows which plants are edible and can live off the land no matter where they are in their environment. They also know the traits, habits and cycles of the animals, making them exceptional hunters and trackers.
Permanent: +10 Alertness modifier.
Rangers have a passive ability to resist all types of mental magic and preternatural abilities of others that are used on them or around them. While far from being immune to spells or supernatural manipulations, they are much more difficult to influence than normal mortals.
While limited to a maximum of 20 feet, a Ranger has the magical ability to teleport in any direction 360 degrees. This is useful for eluding enemies, such as ducking behind a tree then reappearing behind a completely different tree or rock. Or running into a dead-end alley, then suddenly appearing on the roof of a building or on the other side of a wall.
There are consequences of using this skill though and it takes a great deal of focus to perform successfully.
When the point you wish to teleport to is within line of sight:
If you attempt to teleport where your line of sight is blocked (for example, on the other side of a wall or fence)
Rangers are not fighters, but at this level they are more than capable of defending themselves. This takes a great deal of skill and can only be attempted when a Ranger has achieved Level 5 in Craft and a minimum Level 3 in Occult. At this point, the Ranger needs to travel deep within a forest and find a perfect tree of either Maple or Hickory.
Each of these trees creates a different type of Ranger Spirit Bow. They can be very simple and utilitarian in appearance or quite ornate, reflecting the Ranger's personal tastes and level of woodcraft skill. A Ranger may craft one of each of Maple or Hickory bows. They may only ever have one of each in their possession. All special abilities of the Ranger Spirit Bows can only be used by the Ranger who creates it. However, the exception to this is if the Ranger is defeated in battle and his/her/their bow is taken as a trophy. (This can only be done in actual roleplay and cannot be part of anyone’s created backstory.) When taken as a trophy, the bow's allegiance changes to the person who defeated its previous owner. The new owner receives all the weapon bonuses associated with the Ranger Bow.
Creating a Ranger Spirit Bow:
The Ranger's roll is to determine if the called spirit is attuned to the Ranger. The Theurge's roll is to trap the spirit within the bow. This can be done up to three consecutive times per OOC day, or until both Ranger and Theurge simultaneously achieve their rolls.
For example, if the Ranger makes his/her roll but the Theurge does not, then both must roll again until both Ranger and Theurge rolls 80+ with Occult as a modifier. This represents the Ranger and the Theurge successfully combining their abilities to entice the Spirit into the Bow.
The Osage Orange Tree, also called Bow Wood, is known for its incredible natural and magical properties. The wood never rots, even if buried. The magical properties of Osage Orange wood in the creation of a Spirit Bow has many qualities but is specifically desirable for its effects on the endurance, strength, health and longevity of the Ranger who successfully crafts it.
Rangers carrying (equipping) Osage Orange Spirit Bows have been known to live to extreme old age – up to 140 years, retaining much of their youth and virility throughout their lives. Rangers between the ages of 20-100 will appear as if they are in their 20s to early 30s. Those who reach the ages over 100 years will appear as if in they are in their 40s with none of the usual signs of old age, such as wrinkles, arthritis, infirmity or elderly diseases. It has been said that Rangers fortunate to have lived this long have died healthy and active till their last day.
Making an Osage Orange Spirit Bow is no small task, requiring a great deal of skill in multiple disciplines. But don’t let this deter you. If it were easy, everybody would have one.
The difference between this bow and those made of maple or hickory is the spirit which resides in the bow. The Maple and Hickory bows contain a spirit that once walked among the living in the physical world. The spirit that an Osage Orange Spirit Bow houses is imbued with a Nature Spirit.
Osage Orange Spirit Bow Ritual
The ritual to create an Osage Orange Spirit Bow requires that both the spiritual and corporal aspects of the bow exist simultaneously in the physical realm and the spirit realm. This means that the Osage Orange Tree must be found in both the Preumbra and physical world. When this unique tree is found and the bow is successfully created, it embodies not just a spirit, but an aspect of Nature Herself within it. It is this essence of Gaia which makes the Osage Orange Spirit Bow so very powerful.
A Mark of Greatness
Among Rangers and Black Furies, an Osage Orange Spirit Bow is a distinct mark of nature mastery and great prestige. Just carrying the bow has been known to create a sense of awe and respect in any Kinfolk aware of what it is. In Black Fury Garou, a male Ranger who carries this bow is considered an exceptionally desirable breeding mate.
Rangers have been known to die before allowing their bow to be taken from them. This is not just a weapon, it is an extension of themselves and parting with it would be like cutting off the Ranger’s arm or leg. Not only that, but if the Ranger is parted with it for very long he/she/they will begin to show their true age.
Crafting an Osage Orange Spirit Bow:
Properties of the Osage Orange Spirit Bow
Base Roll: 70
Mods: Physical Attack, Occult
Damage: 10 HP per arrow
Affects: (These bonuses are directly associated with the bow and physically having the bow worn on the Player's Character. This needs to be a prim worn on your Avatar. Should the Ranger lose the bow, he/she/they forfeits all bonuses.)
These benefits apply only to the creator of the Spirit Bow and cannot be given to anyone else: Bestows longevity of up to 140 years of age on the Apex Kinfolk who crafted it and carries it with him/her/them every day.
If the bow is stolen, lost or destroyed, the Ranger will begin to look and age normally within about a week's time. For example, if a 75 year old Ranger (who appears in their early 30s) loses their bow, within a seven days they will begin to look like their natural age and live out a natural length of life. If the bow is returned to them before a week's time (or they manage to craft another), the Ranger will resume the benefits of the Osage Orange Spirit Bow.
As long as Rangers carry their bows with them, they will receive all the bonuses and benefits received from the Osage Orange Spirit Bow. The bow cannot be farther than a few feet away from them at any time, approximately arm's length. However it is not a problem if the Ranger is away from his/her/their bow for a day or two, but it will make them feel uncomfortable and incomplete without it.
NOTE: If the Ranger is defeated in combat and his bow is taken as a trophy, it will bestow the following bonuses on the person who defeated the Ranger:
If the bow is returned to the Ranger, the Ranger will fully regain all previous bonuses and benefits.